CheapyD at E3 2007 - Day 4: Bloomberg TV Interview from Day 3

[quote name='integralsmatic']why would it amaze you though? The series has pumped out game after game with good story lines that keep gamers interested and wanting a thirst for more. overrated is in an opinion and thats cool...but to be amazed by it sounds like MGS is a crappy series but yet it still does Dynasty Warriors or some other just saying it shouldnt amaze you for the fan base of this game....3 was an instant classic to many fans and 4 will make it better for fans of the series.[/quote]

I dunno. I guess playing Sons of Liberty burned me on the series. I also had the third one, but I didn't even play it because the second one pissed me off so much.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']I dunno. I guess playing Sons of Liberty burned me on the series. I also had the third one, but I didn't even play it because the second one pissed me off so much.[/QUOTE]

I agree, the second one did have a crappy convoluted story.
You're missing out on the third one because you are even comparing it to the second one. Play it and love it. Part of the MGS fantasy is that the story is so rediculous at times that you shouldn't understand it. It's fun.
[quote name='cdietschrun']You're missing out on the third one because you are even comparing it to the second one. Play it and love it. Part of the MGS fantasy is that the story is so rediculous at times that you shouldn't understand it. It's fun.[/quote]
Basically! Imean really... when you take it all in its like Kojima and crew were writing this all out high as a kite.

BTW favorite line of the trailer:

Snake: I'm not a hero... never was... I'm just an old killer.

XD Awsome!!! :drool:
Has Microsoft announced when they're going to announce what their major upgrade is going to be? I'd assume they're going to eventually try to add something to compete with Sony's "Home"... some sort of virtual room others can visit and you can customize with your achievements or such. But I would guess that they'd wait to see how the reaction is to Sony's before they implimented their own.
[quote name='PyroGamer']You got me excited about Stranglehold.[/QUOTE]

I was skeptical about Stranglehold too, but after seeing some footage, it looks really good. I'm probably going to get the Collector's Edition for the PS3 to get the Blu-Ray version of Hardboiled. I wish the 360 version had Hardboiled in HD-DVD.
I just wonder why Cheapy hasn't mentioned anything from Nintendo yet. But, if what I heard is correct, Cheapy needs his 360 repaired...or a new 360.

Also, according to 1up, the Halo 3 campaign level was running off of the Hard Drive.
[quote name='meager']Has Microsoft announced when they're going to announce what their major upgrade is going to be? I'd assume they're going to eventually try to add something to compete with Sony's "Home"... some sort of virtual room others can visit and you can customize with your achievements or such. But I would guess that they'd wait to see how the reaction is to Sony's before they implimented their own.[/QUOTE]
The Fall Dashboard update is coming in, you know, Fall.

I don't see Microsoft making a virtual landscape. Maybe a third-party dev will make a game of much the same type.
There's only one thing I can think of that's on the same level as the Video Marketplace...

The Music Marketplace
What's up with these parties with the "Destructoid guys?" Where's the hos? It sounds pretty gay when he says he hung out with all these dudes. Tell us some stories about the marketing babes there and how they were all over you as opposed to the gay lovefest I've been hearing for three days.
[quote name='KingBroly']I just wonder why Cheapy hasn't mentioned anything from Nintendo yet. But, if what I heard is correct, Cheapy needs his 360 repaired...or a new 360.

Also, according to 1up, the Halo 3 campaign level was running off of the Hard Drive.[/QUOTE]

Cheapy said in another thread that he got the RROD before he left for E3.

And about the Halo 3 demo - I would figure they'd run these things from the HD as it is probably ever-changing code (plus it will always run better that way ;)). So maybe my Elite is quieter than a normal 360 (when not running a disc that is). If so, that's a pleasant surprise. Like I said before, I'm assuming the Halo 360 has the same internals as the Elite.
sup cheapy! thx for the E3 coverage, it is the next best thing to being there, for those of us that aren't in the industry. Keep up the great job, and please, please, don't ever stop. ; )
That big microsoft update has already been shown at gdc. I am willing to bet all my marbles its that tv show download thing.

Halo themed 360 will be mine. Just gotta unload my current one
[quote name='Temporaryscars']I dunno. I guess playing Sons of Liberty burned me on the series. I also had the third one, but I didn't even play it because the second one pissed me off so much.[/QUOTE]

i don't think I'll ever finish the second one, the big shell is a boring setting and I dislike Raiden's story, but the 3rd one is quality all the way through. still retarded dialog wise at points, but the gameplay was pretty fun.
I was thinking the same thing when Cheapy mentioned that. I hope it's something ELSE though. IPTV is cool and all, but to stream high-def content you're going to need a super beefy connection, which I don't feel like paying for :p I think I'm on the right site to be making a statement like that :)
Dont worrie Cheapy your not a retarted 4th grader...your more like a 5th grader...thats retarted, Just Kidding.

Can't wait for Halo 3(pre-ordered it 2 years before it comes out)
Assassin's Creed(pre-ordered it yesterday)
Mass Effect, Bioshock, stranglehold sounds fun, and painful, Area 51 the demo was fun.
And Fable 2. I have been wait for the sence fable The scar thing sould sweet.

The big xbox-live update is most likely the TV feature that work with you IPTV servise.
Very nice job Cheapy. At the beginning of the interview, when she announced you, it sorta sounded like she said Steven. I also liked how you corrected her on the price drop information.
Your best interview yet cheapy. Very proffesional and definitely did a wonderfull job of correcting the host on price drop withought stepping on her toes.
I'll echo what some said earlier - you handled the correction of the price cut news very deftly. Well done! Did she know what CAG stood for?
[quote name='SmellsLikeRandyMossGuy']The suit is a little much and I can't get audio on the Bloomberg thing[/QUOTE]
I'm guessing you're on a mac. Try opening it ( mms:// ) in Windows Media 9.

Looks like Flip4Mac needs an update :(

:lol: I like how just after you say "I'm guessing they'll announce a price drop in the next few months" they put up the subtitle "Microsoft plans to cut price to compete with Wii"... yeah... err... not exactly what Cheapy said... but sure.
[quote name='CheapyD']I've got a good "behind the scenes" story about the interview.
I'll tell it on the next CAGcast.[/quote]

It must have something to do with those graphics--they were timed really inappropriately for the discussion. And as usual, the interviewer knew nothing about the subject she was interviewing for. Price drop from MS? Breaking news! Oops, oh, no, she's wrong.

It's pretty strange that they didn't ask questions which needed any more market insight. Because the interviewer knows nothing about the subject, she didn't elicit answers which most enthusiasts (like the people reading this message) didn't know. Cheapy's talents were wasted on her.

Perhaps you should recommend questions beforehand which will tell investors what they need to know? How is that kind of thing handled?

I was pretty surprised that she didn't even touch on the $1.05-$1.15 Billion warranty charge MS just took. I guess that's old news that we're supposed to forget about. I guess we know that talking heads on TV are supposed to be pretty or handsome, not incisive or nuanced.
Cheapy that was a HORRIBLE suit lol. Did they rush to find you sometihng respectable minutes before you went on? you look about as bad in suits as I do lol.

You also missed an opportunity to slam the Wii Fit and Nintendo's direction in general lol. The look on your face screamed like you were about to and hell even the interviewer gave you a chance, but way to bow out with the diplomatic answer Cheapy :D

Now all diggings aside, hopefully you get to do more interviews like this. The more they solicit guys like you the better, instead of more Jack Tretton types
I agree the suit was pretty bad. Fit you like a piece of cardboard, and dear god: it was like made out of chrome-sprayed tin foil or something.

You need to get yourself professionally fitted, brother, and tone down the colours: that bright shit just don't do it; something has to downplay your shiny chrome dome. :D
[quote name='CheapyD']I've got a good "behind the scenes" story about the interview.
I'll tell it on the next CAGcast.[/quote]

You boned the interview chick from behind?!? :applause: Bravo Cheapy, Bravo!.... Just kidding Mrs Cheapy.
You looked great, Cheapy and represented us well. I've always loved the site, but you're personally winning me over as a big fan, too. CHEAPYD! CHEAPYD! CHEAPYD!
Nice suit Cheapy. As for the interview, you need to tone it down on saying "uh/ah" so much; it would make things flow much more smoother. Other than that, it was a great interview. Keep up the good work.
Cheapy cleans up nice!

Wait a second . . .


bread's done