Coca-Cola Twist Text Win AMOE is live through 9/6

[quote name='Ninersfan4926']Nice, I won a $20 edo card today. That's $70 in worth, thanks so much OP![/QUOTE]

See? You made out even better than I did, and I did pretty stinking well! I won every other day, including today, the last day, when I picked up a $20 Southwest credit. That's a total value of $60 to me ($40 in cash with the Edo cards, and $20 in SW credit), so you "bested" me by $10!

Seriously: it warms my heart to know that a bunch of CAGs have scored from this quickie, and I kind of feel bad for the CAGs that haven't been able to cash in. But keep trying throughout the day! It's the last day of the sweepstakes, and you shouldn't let it go to waste!

Keep on posting your winnings, folks!
[quote name='Progamer665']Has anybody received their prizes yet?[/QUOTE] the Edo cards by mail and Southwest airlines code by email.
[quote name='Progamer665']So no word on the Best Buy gift cards?[/QUOTE]

Haven't received mine's been approximately 10 weeks already.
[quote name='Progamer665']I emailed them and got an email back saying that they got the email.[/QUOTE]

Yeah if i don't receive anything within the next week i'm gonna give them a call.
[quote name='Progamer665']Still nothing. They haven't even emailed me back.[/QUOTE]

Haven't emailed me back either. I emailed the vendor and they said they forwarded it to Coke. About to call bullshit on this giveaway lol..
Just call MCR, gents. At this point, it's past 3 months. That warrants a call in my book. Have your winning notifications ready when you call.
[quote name='Progamer665']Where can I get the number?[/QUOTE]

From the MCR website: "How can I contact My Coke Rewards?
We’d love to hear from you. We’ve done our best to give you as much information as possible in these FAQs. If you do not see the answer to your question here please contact us and we'll get back to you as quickly as we can. One great place to get what you need is on our Facebook page. We’re always answering questions and comments there. You can also contact us using this form and we’ll get back to you as quickly as we can. You can also call us toll free, between 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM ET, Monday through Friday, at 866-674-2653. Thanks for stopping by!"

There you go.
So i just called them and provided all my info. They said a representative will thoroughly research this issue for me and will email me within 5-7 business days. I will let you know when i receive something. There's still hope!
[quote name='Progamer665']Just got another email from them telling me that they will contact me in 5-7 days.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure that it's still going to happen. No doubt your patience is being tested, but I'm sure you'll get the promised prize.
[quote name='Progamer665']Nothing.[/QUOTE]

At this point, I'd call back, and if nothing happens within a week or so, write a letter to corporate, and let them know that you've got the urge to share with media outlets. Show them that you can back up your claim, and see what happens.

Definitely call them first, though. In fact, when you call, the first thing I'd do is ask for a supervisor, and *insist* on that.
I received my $25 Best Buy gift card yesterday as well. It comes in an envelope from Skybridge Marketing Group - just a heads up so no one mistakes it for junk mail
bread's done