CoD: Modern Warfare 2 - Gen. Discussion & Info-New Map Pack out June 3 (1200MSP)

So no "special treats" for prestiging the 5th and 10th time? I thought IW or someone said there would be months ago? I would go through 10 if they promised me a 4th killstreak perk.

Does it really get easier the second time around you prestige? Cause I'm about 24+ hours into this game and I'm only level 61.

I also gota chime in Specs OPs is damn fun. It's almost like It's forgotten once you go online to battle others, but don't pass it up! Plus acheesements! yay!
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Has anyone confirmed what reward you get on the 10th Prestige yet? Officially I mean.[/QUOTE]

not that i know of. you can message one of the boosters on the leaderboards that are 10th prestige. i know 1-4 or 5 have been confirmed on mw2 wiki.
[quote name='Soodmeg']I just dropped my first title, emblem, xp boost, pat on the back?

Weak sauce.[/QUOTE]

Drop more than one.

Two and ten, I believe.
[quote name='zewone']Drop more than one.

Two and ten, I believe.[/QUOTE]

Global Thermonuclear War title for two.
End of Line title for five.
Revolving Nuke emblem for ten.
[quote name='zewone']Drop more than one.

Two and ten, I believe.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='life.exe']Global Thermonuclear War title for two.
End of Line title for five.
Revolving Nuke emblem for ten.[/QUOTE]

God damn but it took so much camping to get the first one! 25 straight kills just isnt my play style. Granted I dont run around getting killed constantly but you are bound to die a couple times when going for objectives.

Ah well, after I drop the second one I will go back to actually playing.
Harrier -> Chopper Gunner -> Nuke?

I've been running predator missile instead of the nuke, but it's insane. If I sat and camped all day getting the 5 kills for the missile isn't a problem. Free kills basically after that.
I agree with Zew, that was rather bland. I am sure any one of us could edit together 20 or 30 kills with the Tact Knife class. Especially since he seem to just be jumping down from behind people and stabbing them, we all do that at least 2 or 3 times each match.

Now his throws where pretty damn sweet.....also his video was edited rather nicely.
[quote name='DV8']Harrier -> Chopper Gunner -> Nuke?[/QUOTE]Yeah, if it's FFA then do a CG, but if its Ground Wars, do the AC130 since it has 2 flares. Also depends on the map. Like when I did a Ground Wars Favela, I had an AC130 up & I swear I took out their whole team (9) with 2 shots, because I got both of them right on their spawn point.
Holy fuck, fuck this game... it is so annoying. I cannot find one damn game that is normal.

Every FFA game I joined had a group of people working together, they just kept killing each (with tactical spawn). Ugh, why do people like this shitty crap?

I think I'm done.
I'm thinking of just selling it. EVERY game I been playing now has been people, boosting, exploiting, working together (in an FFA match) or trying to do challenges. It is NOT fun. Why do people do this crap? What is the point of the game? Do they get something for getting max level prestige? Ugh
Geez! I play nearly every night on several dif game types and I have not seen any of this. Had the game since day 1 too. Lucky me? Or bad luck for you?
[quote name='DarkNessBear']I'm thinking of just selling it. EVERY game I been playing now has been people, boosting, exploiting, working together (in an FFA match) or trying to do challenges. It is NOT fun. Why do people do this crap? What is the point of the game? Do they get something for getting max level prestige? Ugh[/QUOTE]

This game is terrible, I have already switched back to CoD4 for the most part. Too many campers and glitching have already ruined this game for me. I switched to domination to get away from the TDM campfest and got killed by the Javelin glitch multiple times, the guy had a riot shield on his back and just made suicide runs into the flags every time we were close to capturing, I am done at least until there is a patch for that.
Haven't encountered any boosting or anything... Not even a nuke after 24+ hours... Probably because I've been doing all TDM / Mercenary TDM. It's probably not possible to boost in Mercenary because there aren't any parties allowed.
[quote name='BREVITY']Geez! I play nearly every night on several dif game types and I have not seen any of this. Had the game since day 1 too. Lucky me? Or bad luck for you?[/QUOTE]
Yea, it hasn't been too bad at the beginning just getting insane lately.

I've switched over to only play Mercenary modes and wont go back to the other modes. So, problem solved for now.
Anybody want to play right now? I've only had the game for a bit so I'm only up to level 20 or 21, but I don't suck. At least not compared to the people they've been matching me with in team deathmatch.
[quote name='LordKefka06']^^^ Get the PS3 version. I've had no such problem with it.[/QUOTE]I've prestiged once on the PS3 and about to prestige again but in my first game,everyone was using the stupid javelin glitch.
[quote name='BackInBlack']Wow, EVERY ffa has 2 players boosting a nuke. It's pretty satisfying ruining their party halfway through though :)[/QUOTE]

Haha, you too huh? I love FFA, but it is now unplayable. Obnoxious.
[quote name='snakelda']I've prestiged once on the PS3 and about to prestige again but in my first game,everyone was using the stupid javelin glitch.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that is why I won't play this game again at least until there is a patch for it. The last 2 rounds I played (hours apart I might add) had someone doing it. Couple of hours later I watched my brother play and two people from his team were doing it, it is out of control and the game is garbage now.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Wow, this game just got that much worse.....there is now a javelin glitch out there. If you see someone sprinting around with a javelin then they most likely are doing the glitch.

What happens is upon death of the person doing the javelin glitch he immediately explodes with a javelin rocket. Those are you know have huge splash damage and basically kills anyone within 20 ft of the person.

Even if you shoot them from a decent ways away its super dangerous because any of your team mates around him are dead.

Only good thing is that they cant get any kill streaks since they have to die in order to do the glitch.[/QUOTE]

Saw this tonight for the first time. Was trying to figure out why the idiot with the riot shield kept blowing up, killing everyone near him.

For the record I've been playing a lot of team deathmatch/mercenary TDM since the game came out and I haven't experienced any of the issues some here have had (other than this ridiculous new glitch) fact the more I've played the better I've gotten with the various maps. Not all of which I am in love with, but some I like (highrise!). Haven't seen one nuke to date either.
[quote name='phantomfriar2002']Saw this tonight for the first time. Was trying to figure out why the idiot with the riot shield kept blowing up, killing everyone near him.

For the record I've been playing a lot of team deathmatch/mercenary TDM since the game came out and I haven't experienced any of the issues some here have had (other than this ridiculous new glitch) fact the more I've played the better I've gotten with the various maps. Not all of which I am in love with, but some I like (highrise!). Haven't seen one nuke to date either.[/QUOTE]

It is going to be rare to see a nuke in TDM or Merc TDM because of the fairly low score limit. Especially Merc TDM where everyone is out for themselves still, I have only seen friends get the nuke twice in a normal TDM setting (75 kills instead of the ground war 100). I played a little more tonight and after one round where 4 people on the other team did the javelin glitch and we still beat them, we didn't run into it anymore tonight (stuck with domination).
After trying a few other modes, TDM seems to be the most random and chaotically balanced because of the restrictions...still uncertain as to how IW decides on team balance but I guess it's with the players stats and a flip of the coin.

I still grin when someone throws a semtex grenade on my riot shield, then I make a B line towards them. boom.
I've been telling people since the release date that the online part is getting to be garbage. There's a rock glitch in afghan also where someone can hide inside a rock behind the cave area near A. It's just like the rock glitch in cod waw for makin.
[quote name='intoxicated662']I've been telling people since the release date that the online part is getting to be garbage. There's a rock glitch in afghan also where someone can hide inside a rock behind the cave area near A. It's just like the rock glitch in cod waw for makin.[/QUOTE]

I forget what map but some guy on ground war went 80-1-1 the death was him dropping the nuke. I joined near the end but I never saw the guy the whole time.. Never sen that before and the deaths on the opposite team didn't Have any one standing out. He was busy talking smack and the other team was silent... Seemed impossible.

I will be that guy.... It's fun as hell using my knife class: 2 speeds and commando and then preloading the javelin as back up for my knife. Lol I already loved playing kamikaze with the knife but damn that was nuts. :) hate me.. I hope it gets fixed cuz I was in some rooms with 5-6 javelines going. Legit players didn't gave a prayer.

Fun while it lasts though. Lol
[quote name='menikmati']The Javelin glitch also works with the Stinger.[/QUOTE]

I think it works with any Launcher, but the Javelin is the most damaging.

Between this, Nuke boosting, and the Care Package speed glitch, IW is going to need to put out a patch asap.
[quote name='Puffa469']I think it works with any Launcher, but the Javelin is the most damaging.

Between this, Nuke boosting, and the Care Package speed glitch, IW is going to need to put out a patch asap.[/QUOTE]

Don't forget about the infinite care package glitch. Some guy did it to me yesterday, only with the emergency air drop.
[quote name='BREVITY']Geez! I play nearly every night on several dif game types and I have not seen any of this. Had the game since day 1 too. Lucky me? Or bad luck for you?[/QUOTE]

I have seen any of this at all.

[quote name='SlimJim0725']This game is terrible, I have already switched back to CoD4 for the most part. Too many campers and glitching have already ruined this game for me. [/QUOTE]

I understand not liking glitching, but I really don't get the whole hate for campers in FPSes. What are people supposed to do? Run out so they make themselves a target for the opposite team? At least in COD the kill cam alleviates almost all of the "where the hell did I get shot from" moments.

I play a very aggressive style myself and I have the piss poor K/D ration to prove it.
[quote name='Trakan']Don't forget about the infinite care package glitch. Some guy did it to me yesterday, only with the emergency air drop.[/QUOTE]

Just finding out about that one now. I havent played since Sunday, so I havent seen any of these sploits in action. I probably won't play again until Friday night, and by then it will probably have gotten worse.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I have seen any of this at all.
I understand not liking glitching, but I really don't get the whole hate for campers in FPSes. What are people supposed to do? Run out so they make themselves a target for the opposite team? At least in COD the kill cam alleviates almost all of the "where the hell did I get shot from" moments.

I play a very aggressive style myself and I have the piss poor K/D ration to prove it.[/QUOTE]

Agreed on all counts. I haven't seen much of the glitch exploiting, except one person trying to do the Javelin last night.

As for the camping debate, play how you want, sticks and stones, you know? The ones complaining the loudest about camping always either play like shit to begin with and need an excuse, or they camp themselves, and hate it when they play someone that uses a similar strategy. And then there are idiots that mistake stealth for camping.

My K/D blows too, and I try to play a solid mix of tactics. I'm just not as fast as I used to be back in the Quake 2 keyboard and mouse days...
[quote name='100xp']I still grin when someone throws a semtex grenade on my riot shield, then I make a B line towards them. boom.[/QUOTE]

I learned that little trick the hard way.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']
I understand not liking glitching, but I really don't get the whole hate for campers in FPSes. What are people supposed to do? Run out so they make themselves a target for the opposite team? At least in COD the kill cam alleviates almost all of the "where the hell did I get shot from" moments.

I play a very aggressive style myself and I have the piss poor K/D ration to prove it.[/QUOTE]

I don't mind campers one bit. I also have a different definition of camping than most. Some ppl seem to think if your not running around like a chicken with it's head cut off then your camping.

To me, camping is sitting with your back to a corner, with your crosshairs pointed at a doorway, window, or narrow alley, waiting for someone to walk in front of your crosshairs.

Setting up shop in a small building or area, and remaining there covering all the entrances and exits, maybe setting up a claymore at your back, this is not camping.

And campers are soo easy to defeat why would they make you mad? If I get shot by someone hiding in the corner, guess where I'm going right back to, but from the other way, with flashbangs and semtex?

I always laugh when I kill someone who hasn't moved an inch from when they killed me. Even better is when you kill a camper, then hang around for bit, and they come back to the same exact spot so you can kill them again. I've killed the same person 4-5 times in a row like this and I'm thinking wtf is wrong with them? Don't they learn?

Also, if I'm covering a hallway or doorway, and the entire enemy team decides to continuosly funnel thru that opening like lemmings, why wouldn't I stay there and kill them? I'm not walking away from easy kills to better fit someones idea of the right way to play.
I never minded campers in any other FPS than this one. I think its the mix of letting campers have their cake and eat it too.

In most games if you are a sniper for example and camping in the back your secondary weapon is something small like a pistol to counter the fact that you can 1 hit kill from across the map. In this game, a sniper can have a machine gun (those machine pistols are as powerful as any assault rifle) shotgun, super knife, motion heart beat sensor....the whole nine yards.

Just in general this is a really camp friendly game, more so than any other FPS I have played.

But even with that, the only real reason why I hate campers in this game is the fucking Nuke. Its already a given that your team mates will be stupid no matter what game you play. But now, the idiot who never learns that there is a guy in that hallway will give 8 kills towards a nuke for one guy.

If the nuke wasnt in the objective type games I wouldnt care about campers at all because they wouldnt be winning the match for their team.
I gotta say, the lack of true skill matching makes this game absolute rubbish as far as I'm concerned. I can go into a match and end up getting stuck with a bunch of people who have all the high power weapons and all I have is my SCAR with a dot scope. Yeah, that's fun.
[quote name='Soodmeg']I never minded campers in any other FPS than this one. I think its the mix of letting campers have their cake and eat it too.

In most games if you are a sniper for example and camping in the back your secondary weapon is something small like a pistol to counter the fact that you can 1 hit kill from across the map. In this game, a sniper can have a machine gun (those machine pistols are as powerful as any assault rifle) shotgun, super knife, motion heart beat sensor....the whole nine yards.

Just in general this is a really camp friendly game, more so than any other FPS I have played.

But even with that, the only real reason why I hate campers in this game is the fucking Nuke. Its already a given that your team mates will be stupid no matter what game you play. But now, the idiot who never learns that there is a guy in that hallway will give 8 kills towards a nuke for one guy.

If the nuke wasnt in the objective type games I wouldnt care about campers at all because they wouldnt be winning the match for their team.[/QUOTE]

That's why there's a killcam. If you keep getting killed by a person in the same spot, you deserve it.
So is there any reason to prestige past a couple level in this one? Havent seen a confirm or deny of anything extra other than the slots for more classes?

Also, when you prestige more than once does your prestige kill stats stay? For example, I need 300 or so more kills for Tar-21 Vet Prestige....if I prestige again do I start at 0 or stay the same?
[quote name='Trakan']That's why there's a killcam. If you keep getting killed by a person in the same spot, you deserve it.[/QUOTE]
I am with Trakan. The Killcam is there for a reason, use it. Also if you have a strategy that works for you, then good for you. Outside of glitchers I have no issue with any strategy if it works. If someone is dumb to walk by a camper multiple times and not check their kill came it's that person that needs to get a new strategy not the camper.
[quote name='Trakan']That's why there's a killcam. If you keep getting killed by a person in the same spot, you deserve it.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Soodmeg']I never minded campers in any other FPS than this one. I think its the mix of letting campers have their cake and eat it too.

In most games if you are a sniper for example and camping in the back your secondary weapon is something small like a pistol to counter the fact that you can 1 hit kill from across the map. In this game, a sniper can have a machine gun (those machine pistols are as powerful as any assault rifle) shotgun, super knife, motion heart beat sensor....the whole nine yards.

Just in general this is a really camp friendly game, more so than any other FPS I have played.

But even with that, the only real reason why I hate campers in this game is the fucking Nuke. Its already a given that your team mates will be stupid no matter what game you play. But now, the idiot who never learns that there is a guy in that hallway will give 8 kills towards a nuke for one guy.

If the nuke wasnt in the objective type games I wouldnt care about campers at all because they wouldnt be winning the match for their team.

[quote name='M1C13']I am with Trakan. The Killcam is there for a reason, use it. Also if you have a strategy that works for you, then good for you. Outside of glitchers I have no issue with any strategy if it works. If someone is dumb to walk by a camper multiple times and not check their kill came it's that person that needs to get a new strategy not the camper.[/QUOTE]

Again, that statement doesnt mean much in this situation. Clearly any advanced user wouldnt get killed by the same camper many times thats not the problem.

The problem is......well there are some really really bad players out there who for whatever reason will never learn. People will always continue to get killed by campers in any match but only in CODM2 can someone end the game from camping.

Its annoying to have a objective based game lost due to 4 players on your team going 6-15. Your winning a domation 143 to 15 or something and wind up losing because 2 people on your team cant figure out where that sniper is and he gets a nuke.

Thats why I think people hate campers in this game more than any other. Me personally, I think there are more campers here than other games but still dont really mind it.......what I mind is losing a game due to sheer amount of deaths 2 team mates have.

If I start to win big in any objective I then spend most of my team making sure everyone on the other team is dying ever once and a while.
bread's done