Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

Invincible this week was...yeah, that book still has plenty of gas in the engine still. Though I'm sad to here they're going to do less issues a year starting next year.
What is the schedule looking like? I didn't see that anywhere online, but I don't follow the comic news that much.

I'm more interested in following Invincible than the Walking Dead. I dropped Thief of Thieves a while back when I started getting bored of it.

Does anyone still read Morning Glories - or pick it back up? I dropped it like 2 years ago when it was slogging and I know a few others here did to.

So they're going to introduce a Robin on Gotham. I Don't know how this show can jump the shark (or use the Bat shark repellent) if they're doing it all within the first season.
Where's that coming from? All I heard was that the Flying Graysons (well, just his parents I suppose) were going to appear, and the wife may or may not be pregnant with Robin in the episode. Seems reasonable to me.

Where's that coming from? All I heard was that the Flying Graysons (well, just his parents I suppose) were going to appear, and the wife may or may not be pregnant with Robin in the episode. Seems reasonable to me.
Basically meant Flying Grayson's, but even than the show continues to ask questions no one ever asked for to me and just ringing true about what Patton Oswalt said about the prequel's (then again I'm far from the demographic for this).

What is the schedule looking like? I didn't see that anywhere online, but I don't follow the comic news that much.

I'm more interested in following Invincible than the Walking Dead. I dropped Thief of Thieves a while back when I started getting bored of it.

Does anyone still read Morning Glories - or pick it back up? I dropped it like 2 years ago when it was slogging and I know a few others here did to.
Kirkman is going to be doing a Saga type schedule where starting next year they're going to do an arc then take a 2-3 month break then return and so on for the forseeable future (this is also partially due to Ottley I guess having back problems, but I wouldn't be surprised if Kirkman's workload of comics and TV are finally starting to take their toll). Also Invincible is totally worth checking out. 115 Issues in and I don't have a single complaint and even when there aren't massive gory battles happening (which there are plenty) the character moments are fantastic and nothing feels like it drags like The Walking Dead. Though the comic still has the unpredictible factor of Walking Dead in which you do fear the characters are in constant danger of being brutally mamed or killed. It's awesome and without a doubt it's what I'll remember Kirkman for.

I'm sure you guys get this all the time, so ignore if wanted.

I am getting into comics, and am starting to visit my local stores just to get a feel for things (and getting some stuff I know about/have already enjoyed), but was wondering about good places to order online (single issues especially, not trade paperbacks). I have found TFAW, but was curious as to other alternatives that may be obscure.

Suggestions also welcomed. Top 2 right now are probably Saga/Sex Criminals [for currently running comics]. Heard good things about Invincible as well, just to connect it to the current topic, just a little bit. 

I'm sure you guys get this all the time, so ignore if wanted.

I am getting into comics, and am starting to visit my local stores just to get a feel for things (and getting some stuff I know about/have already enjoyed), but was wondering about good places to order online (single issues especially, not trade paperbacks). I have found TFAW, but was curious as to other alternatives that may be obscure.

Suggestions also welcomed. Top 2 right now are probably Saga/Sex Criminals [for currently running comics]. Heard good things about Invincible as well, just to connect it to the current topic, just a little bit.
I get my online subscriptions and whatever other single issues that catch my eye from Atomic Empire.Never had any major problems with them, and their customer service is great if you happen to have any questions.

If you'd be into mainstream superheroes, Injustice is a great series. You only need to know the basics of who DC's most popular are, and I assume damn-near everyone in the world knows Batman's and Superman's origins by now, so you should be good to go. On the lighter side, Marvel's Cable & Deadpool (sometimes known as Cable/Deadpool or Deadpool/Cable) is hilarious and one of my favorite series, though it ended years ago.

Most people will recommend The Dark Knight Returns and The Killing Joke as must-read graphic novels, but I lean more toward Kingdom Come and Batman: The Man Who Laughs.

DC's various animated movies are also good intros to certain storylines and characters. Under The Red Hood and Flashpoint Paradox are two of the best, in my opinion.

I'm sure you guys get this all the time, so ignore if wanted.

I am getting into comics, and am starting to visit my local stores just to get a feel for things (and getting some stuff I know about/have already enjoyed), but was wondering about good places to order online (single issues especially, not trade paperbacks). I have found TFAW, but was curious as to other alternatives that may be obscure.

Suggestions also welcomed. Top 2 right now are probably Saga/Sex Criminals [for currently running comics]. Heard good things about Invincible as well, just to connect it to the current topic, just a little bit.
I've used midtown comics and my experiences were pleasant. Aside from that I've heard of dcbservice and marvel has an online subscription service, but I don't know them well. Marvel has a few new series that have come out recently, Superior Iron Man, All New Captain America, and Thor. Also new creative teams have started on Wonder Woman and Green Arrow.

I wouldn't pay more than $2 a comic, and it's not helping that they have to now be printed on much higher quality paper than the 90s to maintain the immature customer base. How I wish for a digest format. I would consider digital if the price is very reasonable, and the service was practically like Netflix.

Arrow last night was a breath of fresh air, considering Oliver & Co. didn't have to juggle that many things, just get the crazy redhead. I'd def support an Oliver/Roy.

Ray Palmer wanted the mine just to get that meteorite for his suit? It's hilarious it has to have an acronym, since nobody wants to be dorky like Barry. I guess "dwarf star" means he wants to shrink to remain stalkerish. Where's the Ms. Marvel of this universe?

Heh, Felicity got to be princess for a night, but it's all because of 50 Shades. She is indeed a playa, considering at least three men are already under her spell.

Pretty cool that Captain Boomerang is here, but we won't see him until the team up two weeks from now. I guess there's no Green Arrow next week, considering people will be traveling for Thanksgiving.

Did anybody catch Sherwood Florist, as in Dinah Lance's storefront in Grell's 1988 Green Arrow Series? And although I was incensed that a villain was using it, the actress playing her actually auditioned for the role!

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I'm sure you guys get this all the time, so ignore if wanted.

I am getting into comics, and am starting to visit my local stores just to get a feel for things (and getting some stuff I know about/have already enjoyed), but was wondering about good places to order online (single issues especially, not trade paperbacks). I have found TFAW, but was curious as to other alternatives that may be obscure.

Suggestions also welcomed. Top 2 right now are probably Saga/Sex Criminals [for currently running comics]. Heard good things about Invincible as well, just to connect it to the current topic, just a little bit.
Newbie here. I've heard many people use DCBS. They actually own and (the latter being my go to site for my TPB/HC needs). DCBS I believe is a direct market distributor and should have great deals on new singles as they come out. Check out the site and see what they offer. I've heard they do bundles and new release discounts and offer to bag each issue for a small fee and even split your orders into more than once a month deliveries. This is all second hand knowledge so you must confirm on your own. Goodluck.

DCBS - link

So I'm looking for some new stuff to read....what's everyone's favorite book that they're reading right now? Mine is Hawkeye, when they actually have an issue come out during the month....
I second(third?) Injustice. It's a great book. I also recommend Magneto.
If you ever had some freaky fan fiction where you wanted Iron Man and Spider-Man to hook up...


Okay, I watched Constantine again. Fun episode, I like how stylish Papa Midnite is. I laughed at how Midnite called Constantine a con man who took the best parts of many religions and used it for himself, even if Voodoo is a descendant of aspects of many cultures. I was not impressed that they had to use two spells to salt the bones and burn the bodies, when all the Winchesters have to do is use a little gasoline. I'm satisfied that the real solution was to let it go, because earthbound spirits get pretty worse day by day, according to tv.

Cool that they had Jim Corrigan as a character, but it means he's going to die a horrible death really shortly.

It wasn't nearly as good as the "Feast of Friends" episode, but yeah, the latest one was still pretty good. Lots of great dialogue between papa Midnight and JC. Apparently spirits in the DC universe are much harder to get rid of via body burning than in the Supernatural one. Even Chas had a good moment this week, his last exchange with the model's ghost cracked me up.

The show is building toward something. Every interview I've read indicates that they're really banking on NBC ordering the second half of the season to show the potential of the series. We're only going to meet one more member of the Newcastle crew in this first batch, which means we sure as hell won't see a flashback to the actual incident just yet. Episode 10 is Chas-centric and shows how he became immortal.

Supposedly episode twelve has some sort of easter egg referencing the Flash pilot episode, which I look forward to seeing.  There's also  a Zatara poster/ad in JC's mill house, too, but I haven't noticed it yet.  

The show is building toward something. Every interview I've read indicates that they're really banking on NBC ordering the second half of the season to show the potential of the series.
I think this show will get reordered if they NBC thinks Man of Steel is a high caliber movie (I hated it), and people worship the altar of David S. Goyer. If NBC does desire to order more, I hope they get rid of whoever's running the show and replace him with Dan Harmon.

I'll say it again, the cast is great, but the stories are quite lacking if they end up trodding down the same path as Supernatural. Even Grimm has beastman political conspiracy to separate it. If it's all hell breaking loose, see 2006.

As a Friday Night 10:00 show, this is a good show to tide us over until Hannibal returns. As a comic book show it is doing nothing to make me want to read the comic book, and for a time in my teenaged years I read the series with Sandman.

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Nope. But hey, I didn't have faith in its sustainability the moment I heard it was on Fridays at 10. There's a rumor it could be passed off to Syfy, but all the other times I've heard about NBC potentially passing a show to a different channel, they outright canceled it instead. So I'm not getting my hopes up. It's just a shame that it would be considered a hit on The CW (it got better ratings than Supernatural and Arrow recently) but NBC will likely be killing it.

Shame. This show is probably our only shot at seeing decent versions of Dr. Fate, Zatanna (although Smallville's was okay), Spectre and even Swamp Thing in live-action. No way in hell is Del Toro's JLD movie gonna happen.

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Maybe they shouldn't have let David Goyer and that Da Vinci's Demon's producer anywhere near Constantine. Some genius should've gotten Constantine made with international investors like Hannibal, and gotten Del Toro producing the series either in 13 episodes or in telemovie format like Sherlock today.

Gotham last night demonstrated a lot more love between Bruce and Selina than the comics pre-52. I was impressed by Alfred's badassery, though he should be more versed in Venusian Aikido.

Maybe they shouldn't have let David Goyer and that Da Vinci's Demon's producer anywhere near Constantine. Some genius should've gotten Constantine made with international investors like Hannibal, and gotten Del Toro producing the series either in 13 episodes or in telemovie format like Sherlock today.

Gotham last night demonstrated a lot more love between Bruce and Selina than the comics pre-52. I was impressed by Alfred's badassery, though he should be more versed in Venusian Aikido.
I despise Goyer, but Constantine in particular seems to be treated as if it's his baby... and I can actually read his interviews about the show without trying to punch my monitor.

What they shouldn't have done is waste the pilot on showing John in a down period in his life, until he chases around a walking reaction shot and suddenly gets back in the game. They mentioned Astra a lot, which was the best decision they made for that first episode. Writing Liv out immediately was also good. That haunted record episode should have never happened, "Feast of Friends" should have aired sooner, and the Newcastle incident should have been a big factor in every episode thereafter. I know they don't want the mythology to get too dense too quickly, but damn, they needed something.

Also, Zatanna. ZATANNA. Zed is fine, she makes sense. Her storyline was early in Hellblazer and can be easily adapted for tv. But you're telling me having Zatanna, fishnets and all, in the commercials wouldn't bring in the viewers? Hell, every promo I've seen aired on TV consists only of JC lighting his hands on fire behind the logo. There's another mistake.

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I'd like to thank some of the previous replies to my post a couple of pages back.

I actually came across a store that kinda sucked (was located in essentially a train/bus station and was cramped) but now is the closest thing and quite good since their move a few months ago. Free reservations, no minimums, and a student discount. So I'll probably going there often, but I certainly got some interesting info from you guys and appreciate it kindly. 

Can't have Zatanna without Paul Dini. Bring him into the fold!
I like to pretend he's too busy working on the Shadow of the Bat tv show he and Kevin Smith cooked up, which should have totally happened instead of Gotham, or at least run concurrently with it.


Also, HAH! Just saw this. Apparently Marvel blew up (most of) the cast of the upcoming FF movie in the latest issue of Punisher? Hilarious.

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I've perused a few issues, looks pretty interesting, since it is a more horror based title since it's "after midnight."

That was hilarious, though the targets should've been the director, the scriptwriter, and the producer, the Terrible Three.

Ah man. They almost figured out that the Flash depends on the Speed Force. I guess nobody sees the aura that Barry emits when using his powers or something.

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Huh. Do you think Harrison Wells is a New God? They're floating around Metron:


I personally think he's another version of Barry Allen from the mult-verse or something, but still not sure.

I'm not even gonna try with anymore theories on Harrison Wells. I just know that, on a show I freakin' love, that character manages to be the most interesting and engaging part of it. I just hope that, whatever his agenda turns out to be, it doesn't somehow steer him or the show into a crappy direction.

The terrible three of that movie you haven't seen and thus can't have an opinion on?
One doesn't need to see the movie to know that no one involved has respect for the characters. Tweets, interviews and leaks get that across just fine. Now, I don't give a crap about the Fantastic Four. But if you're going to keep a powerhouse villain like Doctor Doom away from Marvel studios, you damn well better do him justice. Yet they are clearly still squandering that potential. That's all I'll say about it.

One doesn't need to see the movie to know that no one involved has respect for the characters. Tweets, interviews and leaks get that across just fine. Now, I don't give a crap about the Fantastic Four. But if you're going to keep a powerhouse villain like Doctor Doom away from Marvel studios, you damn well better do him justice. Yet they are clearly still squandering that potential. That's all I'll say about it.
I'm not saying there isn't stuff to worry about it, but nobody knows how good the movie actually is. If people hate it when it finally comes out, that's fine.

I'm not even gonna try with anymore theories on Harrison Wells. I just know that, on a show I freakin' love, that character manages to be the most interesting and engaging part of it. I just hope that, whatever his agenda turns out to be, it doesn't somehow steer him or the show into a crappy direction.
I definitely thought that Wells was clearly Professor Zoom, but who knows. I think the only thing safe to say is that he's definitely not a hero, so it's unlikely that he's any of the prominent time traveling superheroes of the DC universe, like Rip Hunter or Booster Gold.

I know I haven't been around much (been busy), but I just wanted to say that I LOVE Scarlet Spiders and Spiderverse. I recommend them to everyone.

The Supergirl series might take place in the same world as Arrow/Flash.

Constantine was good yesterday, but still having to tread through the demon possession story. It's funny how the doctor mother was more willing to accept the exorcism, but then again she's married to a macho  man. I don't see how they deserve the full 22 order season at all. I feel they could do a lot about this "rising darkness" but the writers seem too pussyfooted to address it head on until the finale.

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A friend and I were both talking about the Titans and Supergirl shows yesterday, and he brought up a good point I hadn't thought about - at least in regard to Titans.

How the hell are they gonna do Nightwing without referencing Batman or Gotham in any way? When Supergirl was first announced, the initial synopsis mentioned her "famous cousin." Well, ever since then there has been absolutely no mention of Superman, and the reworked plot that came out through the casting calls made it seem like he won't exist after all.

I'm assuming something similar will happen with Nightwing, so what are the theories on how they would rework his origin? Jumps straight from the circus to solo vigilantism? Vague references to a "great detective" mentor? "I was trained by a guy who was trained by ninjas and totally did not wear a bat costume"? 

It's weird that shows on the CW can't reference Metropolis or Gotham, yet there is going to be both a tv and movie Flash at the same time, unless the show dies before then. And they're BOTH Barry Allen! The movie would have been the perfect time to use Wally.

I'm sure Gotham makes things even more complicated, too.

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I wouldn't worry about Gotham. If anything, the Flash would need to mess with its timestream to straighten A LOT of things out. Too many anachronisms on that show for us to give a crap. Just enjoy the ride.

I wish Brandon Routh played Nightwing, since both are Superman. That way I can have my pie. Though that would mean no Fifty Shades of Ray. Hmph.

That episode was entertaining from start to finish. It was great being able to enjoy an hour of television involving the Arrow cast again. I'm definitely hoping tonight's episode gets Ollie's show back on track... although some recent photos from upcoming episodes has shown that their version of Ra's, at least in regards to his physical appearance, is indeed pretty underwhelming. That's disappointing.

So, Reverse-Flash or Zoom... could his identity be simpler than we're making it out to be? Spoilers for the mid-season finale: 
Recent photos have shown that Reverse-Flash is seen in the same room with both Wells and Eddie, along with other characters. Now, that doesn't necessarily rule out either of them - it could still be one of them from an alternate timeline, after all. But what if he's really just future Barry after getting "whammied" again by Prism? It'd explain the red eyes AND the newspaper headline... although not necessarily anything else. I dunno. Just can't help but wonder if Prism plays a part in it at all. Eddie certainly is anti-Flash all of a sudden. Maybe he sees red and ends up with powers in the future?
Sadly everything will remain speculation for quite some time, as I believe it has been said that we won't learn who he is in that episode. He merely shows up.

Also, I read an interesting theory in an IGN comment earlier. Figured I'd share. Someone said that they think the League of Assassins forces Oliver to form a league of his own - one oriented towards justice, shall we say - and that's where the tv JLA comes from. I figure it'd consist of the current members of Team Arrow, plus Laurel's Black Canary, Flash, Katana, Firestorm, and Atom. Something like that would definitely make this first underwhelming half of the season worth it. Although the producers of Flash and Arrow claim there are no concrete plans for more crossovers, so I don't know how likely it is. Sure is fun to imagine, though. 

Don't forget Wildcat!

I don't think it's Eddie... yet. And if it's Wells, that's kinda odd for a cold calculating guy like him, but wouldn't be surprised at his tri-plicity.

Heh. Barry got to.. second base with Felicity?

Wildcat! Right. I knew I was forgetting someone, just kept thinking it was from the Flash side of things.

I'm really hoping they don't waste Katana. She finally did something fairly noteworthy in her last appearance, but I'm hoping they bring her into the present timeline sooner rather than later. Beware the Batman really got me to like Tatsu. Similarly, Firestorm isn't a character I've ever cared about, but I'm dying to see what role he'll have once he's properly reintroduced.

Funny how Felicity's clothing caught fire, yet Barry's hasn't since the pilot episode. Needless display of T&A, but whatever. 

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In addition to possibly having to battle the League of Assassins, I am sure there are also tossing around the idea of Grodd forming an Injustice League/Secret Society of Supervillians/Legion of Doom.

Heh, Ronnie on fire reminded me of the last scene in the Constantine pilot. And he did it better and with actual reason.
You mean the last scene that makes absolutely no sense? The one where Constantine was surrounded by a bunch of guys with assault rifles before fading to black, and neither that encounter or the guys in question were ever mentioned again? Yeah... if the two have to be compared, Firestorm's bit is definitely better.

So, it was great to have a somewhat more light-hearted episode of Arrow. All of that grimdark disturbed hero stuff is kind of wearing thin to me. Funny, since before this season started, Amell said it would be a whole lot lighter than the first two. Was he only referring to the last few minutes of this episode? Also, the bit with the "new" costume was a damn tease. Same suit, as far as I can tell.

Does anyone know if Edge of Spider-verse #2 will get a 4th reprint? I decided to start collecting the Spider-verse series and found this particular issue to be hard to find at a decent price.

So Amell said this season would be more lighthearted, and the writers said it would be more grounded. So far, the series has done neither, and I'm supposed to believe that Oliver will go to the mountains of Afghanistan for Nyssa's mission? Yipes. And the plot for next episode is they have to find the killer or the League kills a ton of people? WTF. Cisco was wrong, the Meta-Humans aren't as crazy as the villains of Starling.

Anyway, it was a great episode last night. They managed to place a story about Oliver's turn into a psychopath serial killerand make it fit so well in the midst of the Captain Boomerang action. Harkness was a charming bastard of a villain. Too bad Merlyn wasn't in the episode so we can get Jack vs Digger.

These team up episodes have been the best stories of the series.

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I do like how everyone suddenly remembered that Ollie used to murder people, starting with Joe and Wells in Tuesday's Flash. Ollie's been on a pedestal for a while now, and he seemed to be the only one criticizing himself up until Barry got on him about the torture. Hopefully this starts him on a new arc, but with him going against Ra's so soon in the mid-season finale, I think it'll be forgotten about.  

Constantine was good since it took on a faith healer episode that aired almost a decade ago on Supernatural.

Zed's really hot.

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bread's done