Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

what'd you pick up?
Lady Mechanika #0&1 (at the suggestion of my comic shop owner friend and the fact the art looks great)

Edge of Spider-Verse #3 (so I can get some idea of Spider-Gwen)

Star Wars #2

Django Zorro #3

Nameless #1

Wytches #4

Velvet #9

Swamp Thing #39

Saga #25

Injustice: Year Three #8

East of West #17

Avengers #41

I Dropped about $40 on comics today. This is the most in awhile.

Also surprised we're not talking the Daredevil trailer and the trailer is a good reminder that I am basically one of the few people who read the Frank Miller and John Romita Jr. "Man With No Fear" mini back in the 90's whenever people bring up the outfit.

Also surprised we're not talking the Daredevil trailer and the trailer is a good reminder that I am basically one of the few people who read the Frank Miller and John Romita Jr. "Man With No Fear" mini back in the 90's whenever people bring up the outfit.
Here is the trailer in case anyone else didnt see it:

and it can be assumed that if it happened before 2000, I've read it...especially if it is Frank Miller ;)

(In before the Frank Miller hate)

Was that my girl in it too? Rosario, one day we will be togther.

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I Enjoyed Miller before 2000 (with the few exceptions here and there like 300), but I can't hate on the guy because...well, Daredevil and Batman would be no where as good without him, let's be honest here.

More then anything, I'm surprised Stick is in the show. I Always figured he'd be more of a season 2 figure or something, but I'm eager to see what they do or what the red outfit will look once he gets that.

It will be interesting to see if they introduce the ninja clans. I have a feeling it will be more of a "stick teaches him to be strong and use his senses" type of thing though. I doubt they will get into anything else other than thugs and Kingpin (except maybe elektra).

I Don't think there's Elektra or Bullseye if the casting is any indication so far, which works since I'm sure there will be a season two and that would make for an amazing season long arc if they put The Hand in there as well.

Picked up 5 Marvel books today:

• All-New Captain America: Fear Him #1
• Ant-Man #2
• Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men: Black Vortex Alpha #1
• Star Wars #2
• The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #2
To be fair I think the thing I remember the most about that mini besides the black sweats outfit is Matt Murdock accidentally killing a hooker.
Yeah, I hate it when that happens.

Assuming my memory is accurate (and without going back and looking at it), I remember that as some of JR JR's best work.

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Yeah, I hate it when that happens.

Assuming my memory is accurate (and without going back and looking at it), I remember that as some of JR JR's best work.
That's because he was copying Frank Miller's art style at the time. But that is how nearly every comic book artist gets started. Except TMcF. He truly had his own style.

I heard Milo Ventimiglia is going to play Ogre on Gotham. I read up on the character and it says he's a genetically modified human that was modeled on an ape or something. The project he was involved in was called "Project Mirakle" according to Batman 635, which was done at a US Government base at Atsugi Japan. Wow, DC does love to reuse terms doesn't it? Since Miraclo is the drink Hourman uses as his source of powers. Shade the Changing Man uses a Miraclo vest. List can go on? And Arrow's major plot point hinged on the Miracle serum.
Well, Gotham's Ogre supposedly isn't based on a comic character - that's the nickname he'll be given, but he's actually an original creation for the show. Something they should do more often, I might add. He's a pretty twisted serial killer, sounds like. As for the other stuff, you're not wrong. Tons of stuff gets reused.

So. Anybody planning on picking up some of the Convergence titles? I'm slightly confused by the things they're treating as separate universes. You know, like seemingly the entirety of DC in the 90's.

Anybody see Ray Palmer's suit on Arrow. I guess they really did want to go the Iron Man route especially when they can't get the Blue Beetle. The only thing Atom about it is that the suit is probably nuclear, instead of being something that primarily shrinks and augments (cause of Ant-Man).

Anybody see Ray Palmer's suit on Arrow. I guess they really did want to go the Iron Man route especially when they can't get the Blue Beetle. The only thing Atom about it is that the suit is probably nuclear, instead of being something that primarily shrinks and augments (cause of Ant-Man).
Don't forget the tiny Atom logo on his forehead.

I like the suit overall, but it'll be much better if it has a kind of holographic tint function in the visor. Or if he even wore a domino mask (which is incredibly fashionable in Star City right now) under it. Unless they plan on going full-blown Iron Man and he immediately announces his identity to the world.

But seriously, if it don't shrink, there's no point at all in them using that freakin' character.

But then again, I'm just hating Arrow in general right now. Last night's Dark Knight Rises homage cemented that.

Picked up 5 Marvel books today:

• All-New Captain America: Fear Him #1
• Ant-Man #2
• Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men: Black Vortex Alpha #1
• Star Wars #2
• The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #2
Didn't get a chance to pick up Squirrel Girl this week. maybe soon. Liked the first issue.

Lady Mechanika #0&1 (at the suggestion of my comic shop owner friend and the fact the art looks great)

Edge of Spider-Verse #3 (so I can get some idea of Spider-Gwen)

Star Wars #2

Django Zorro #3

Nameless #1

Wytches #4

Velvet #9

Swamp Thing #39

Saga #25

Injustice: Year Three #8

East of West #17

Avengers #41
Good stuff. Haven't heard of Lady Mechanika. Might check it out.

Didn't get a chance to pick up Squirrel Girl this week. maybe soon. Liked the first issue.

Good stuff. Haven't heard of Lady Mechanika. Might check it out.
Do that. The reprint of issues 2 & 3 will be out next week and the new issue 4 will be out 2/18.

This change up could be interesting.  Definitely interested in Black Canary, Red Hood/Arsenal and from reading up on Prez it looks like it could be a fun title.  Plus a new creative group for Green Arrow is a good thing.

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I just hope the new creative team for Green Arrow makes it less like the show. Felicity Smoak is a great character... in small doses. I can barely tolerate her on Arrow these days, and now she's invading the comic. That's just too much.

Is there seriously no Batman & Robin after this relaunch? please tell me I just keep skipping over it.

Hopefully Constantine: The Hellblazer can exist on its own without forced crossovers like the current series has been plagued with.

Would it be safe to assume Starfire will be light and jokey based on the creative team? I haven't been reading Harley Quinn

And do we know anything yet about pricing? If they're all going up to $3.99, I'll be out for good. Comics just aren't an entertaining enough medium to warrant those prices.

Ah. I'm off to bed.    

My friend from high school has a girlfriend who paints. She just finished this on a 12 x 12 canvas and is selling it for $35. I live in another state now, but if shipping isn't unreasonable, I hope to have this on my wall in the near future:

My friend from high school has a girlfriend who paints. She just finished this on a 12 x 12 canvas and is selling it for $35. I live in another state now, but if shipping isn't unreasonable, I hope to have this on my wall in the near future:

Pretty cool (and better than I can paint). But I don't know why she'd use the Animated Series design for Joker within the piece and not use the same for Batman.

My friend from high school has a girlfriend who paints. She just finished this on a 12 x 12 canvas and is selling it for $35. I live in another state now, but if shipping isn't unreasonable, I hope to have this on my wall in the near future:

Would seriously commission her for a custom job or some sort. Possible?

It looks like that title is transitioning into Robin, Son of Batman with Patrick Gleason still drawing and also writing it.
Okay, good. I thought that was an odd one to get canceled, good to see it'll still be around in some form.

I'm really surprised Justice League Dark is sticking around as Dark Universe. I don't keep up with the sales data, but I've expected that to get canceled for several months now. It must have a decent audience.

Would seriously commission her for a custom job or some sort. Possible?
She does custom work, but not sure on rates. She's been selling her work locally (central Illinois) only as far as I know. My friend is going to check on shipping costs for me anyway, so I can inquire about your request then. He also just made a Facebook page for her work if you would like me to PM that to you.
I Got to admit...I Still don't know what the fuck Convergence is. I Know it's a two month "event" involving the pre-"New 52" timeline, but I don't know how the current timeline ties in with it or what started it or if it's its own comic book event mini-series or what. I Kinda feel I should care, but being as they hyped Future's End and Batman Eternal and no one is even talking about this, I wonder if I should even care.

Also Multiversity felt like it had a nod to me personally, as it's only comic that EVER referenced the events in the weekly comic, Countdown AKA the biggest waste of money I ever spent on comics ever, EVER. Grant Morrison is a man after my own heart.

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First time posting in here. I'm not really a comic collector but I do buy a bit of alt comics/zines/graphic novel things. Mostly Jim Woodring plus a variety of Canadian artist/comic folks, just odds and ends really. I have a bunch of old GI Joe, Transformers and some old TMNT stuff from when I was a kid. But I saw this thread pop up as I was kicking myself (really hard) for missing this estate sale. I figured you guys would enjoy the eye candy and wonder what else was there that isn't pictured!

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First time posting in here. I'm not really a comic collector but I do buy a bit of alt comics/zines/graphic novel things. Mostly Jim Woodring plus a variety of Canadian artist/comic folks, just odds and ends really. I have a bunch of old GI Joe, Transformers and some old TMNT stuff from when I was a kid. But I saw this thread pop up as I was kicking myself (really hard) for missing this estate sale. I figured you guys would enjoy the eye candy and wonder what else was there that isn't pictured!
Don't feel too bad. I can tell from some of the pics that the prices are double digits on the silver age stuff. They probably wanted too much for it.

He's definitely being recast. It will probably be a soft reboot like The Incredible Hulk. The new guy will be there, they'll assume we all know who Spidey is, and they won't go over his origin.
I hope they say fuck it and just go miles morales already
I hope they say fuck it and just go miles morales already
Seems like the simplest thing, doesn't it? I'd be surprised if it hasn't been considered.

Although personally I only wanted that if Sony wouldn't share Peter Parker. Would've been a great consolation prize. Definitely wouldn't mind Miles getting brought in eventually, though. Better than recasting Peter down the road.

Joker may be on the next episode of gotham. They are teasing it, but it could just be a tease.

I would think they would go with the ultimate spiderman, whomever that is.

I'm happy about the news. But Marvel only has two good choices, Andrew Garfield returns as Peter Parker, or Miles Morales. I don't want Donald Glover to play Morales, I'm sure there are plenty of kid actors out there who can play the role.

Just got in my Star Wars comic from Gamestop. They shipped in something like a ziplock bag!

I'm happy about the news. But Marvel only has two good choices, Andrew Garfield returns as Peter Parker, or Miles Morales. I don't want Donald Glover to play Morales, I'm sure there are plenty of kid actors out there who can play the role.

Just got in my Star Wars comic from Gamestop. They shipped in something like a ziplock bag!
Or they can, just you know, hire a new Peter Parker. Garfield was a good, smart-ass Spider-man, but as Peter Parker? They can do better.

Oh and since news dropped on yesterday and he's out of a job, I guess suffice to say Garfield hates Monday's.

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I didn't mind toby mcguire. Marvel heroes are supposed to be flawed. Peter parker is supposed to be a nerd, not some pretty boy with twlight hair.

I Didn't think the first Amazing Spider-man was bad, it just had a tall ass order to follow with Sam Raimi's original and them trying to justify redoing Spidey's origin after such a short period of time. To which in all honesty it failed to do, but if you look at it without thinking about it, it isn't a bad film (eventhough Amazing had seriously topped the original in groan inducing New Yorkers helping Spider-man moment).

Amazing Spider-man 2 though...yeah. The only positive out of that is any Spider-man film after that can only be an improvement.

So what I wrote like 2 months ago turned out to be true. Marvel is getting Spider-Man for free, Sony only benefits from him being in Marvel movies. It's a total no-brainer.
Spiderman 3 would've been fine if it was just the Sandman, but they had to shoehorn Venom in. What a waste of both characters. I prefer Tobey as well.

This is unironically one of my favorite scenes in the movie:

Birth of the Sandman is my absolute favorite though.
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Yeah, they both have so many problems that it's like choosing between being kicked in the nuts or just punched in the nuts.
Eh, they're still good enough to own on 3D Blu-ray. Honestly, in the pantheon of superhero movies in my lifetime, both ASM films would certainly be in the upper 50% in terms of quality.
bread's done