Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

I watched the pilot for the new "teen titans" show. I think it's called Young Justice or something. Anyways, I thought it was fairly decent for a kid's cartoon and I'll watch a couple more episodes.
Whats going on with The Thundercats revamp TV show? I heard is was coming to Cartoon Network and a studio that did Animatrix would be animating, but I can't find any info on it.
[quote name='ppself']Is that avengers cartoon on Saturday morning or something?[/QUOTE]
Sundays actually. Haven't heard anyhting about a new Thundercats show, will probably suck like that He-Man remake they tried.
[quote name='Rodimus']Anyone seen Superman/Batman Apocalypse? I got it on my Netflix Instant Watch but haven't fired it up yet.[/QUOTE]

Eh, its alright. Not as good as the other Superman/Batman and certainly not DC Animated's best.
[quote name='Calinks']So any word on the walking dead being available digitally?[/QUOTE]

Don't they sell it on that comixology app? I think they sell them by story arcs too. I prefer my stuff in print though so I've never actually used the service before.
TWD is sold through the comixology. Problem is they're at least 1.99 an issue. Lame. I dl'ed individual scans to accompany my issues.

Either way - I'm on a business trip in NC, so I took a spin by Ultimate Comics and picked up a few variants and several extra copies of Michonne's 1st appearance. Overall a great layout and fair pricing. I'd say if you're in the Durham, NC area. Stop in and check them out.
[quote name='DestroVega']does anyone know if they are planning one big Scott Pilgrim book with everything in it?[/QUOTE]

I haven't heard anything but I don't think they could fit all 6 volumes together. Well they could but it would be an oddly shaped book. They could get away with maybe 2 or 3 volumes together.

I have such a huge backlog of comics sitting on my dinning table I haven't even touched. I'm thinking about dropping several titles. I currently have 30 comics on my pull list. Probably gonna drop Dark Knight, Thor, Captain America, X-Force, Wolverine & Daken. Don't ask me why Daken is on there, I find the character mildly interesting but that spark has worn off.
I would keep Thor and Captain America. Both books have been exceedingly good and both lead into Fear Itself. I'm going to drop Dark Knight as well. I love the art but everything else seems out of shape to me.
Didn't want to create a new thread for this (too lazy :D)...Andrew Garfield in Spider-Man costume:


I dig the costume and I really like the portrayal of Peter Parker/Spider-Man by Andrew Garfield in this pic.
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That actually reminds me a lot of many scenes in Ultimate Spider-Man. This has me a little bit more hyped about the movie.
^ Yeah, he is an Avenger.

I think the costume looks better than the previous one, but don't know who the actor is.
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Hey guys/girls I just recently got back into comics ( about two weeks ago :( , loved em till I graduated collage 2 years ago and ruined my personal life/time in corporate America) and was wondering if you had any suggestions. Last thing I read was issue 1 & 2 of chew and the same with the walking dead. Big fan of their art styles. I love marvel but I'm afraid I've been out of the game to long to get into anything thats not a bazzilion issues in. Any recommendations on some series that aren't to far along and that have a more grown up feel to em'. Thanks
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Age of X better be good...[/QUOTE]

I haven't heard anything on what its suppose to be about.

I just see the art for it and i see characters i am familiar with. But it isn't what they normally look like. And i guess Magneto is the leader of the Xmen again. :roll:

Why can't they explore Professor X being more of the kind of guy where he would use his mind powers to force people to do his will. Just be more of a rebel himself, with more flexible morals.

[quote name='wtfmate']Hey guys/girls I just recently got back into comics ( about two weeks ago :( , loved em till I graduated collage 2 years ago and ruined my personal life/time in corporate America) and was wondering if you had any suggestions. Last thing I read was issue 1 & 2 of chew and the same with the walking dead. Big fan of their art styles. I love marvel but I'm afraid I've been out of the game to long to get into anything thats not a bazzilion issues in. Any recommendations on some series that aren't to far along and that have a more grown up feel to em'. Thanks[/QUOTE]

Avengers has started a new run now, i think they are just 5 issues in.

I think New Avengers has started new too and their about 5 issues in. Everything pretty much restarted after Siege. Or went back to #1 on the issue count.
[quote name='ppself']I haven't heard anything on what its suppose to be about.

I just see the art for it and i see characters i am familiar with. But it isn't what they normally look like. And i guess Magneto is the leader of the Xmen again. :roll:

Why can't they explore Professor X being more of the kind of guy where he would use his mind powers to force people to do his will. Just be more of a rebel himself, with more flexible morals.[/QUOTE]
It's another Age of Apocalypse type event. Takes place in an alternate world where the X-Men never got the chance to form. Also if you've seen the art, there's no way you can think that's what they normally look like. Scott has a basilisk mask and Gambit looks like Solid Snake in armor...
Yeah and Rogue is named 'Reaper" and Storm is married to Namor. So, yeah, just an alternate universe thing and it's really what X-Men Legacy and New Mutants need because they are both getting pretty stale.
[quote name='GhostShark']Yeah and Rogue is named 'Reaper" and Storm is married to Namor. So, yeah, just an alternate universe thing and it's really what X-Men Legacy and New Mutants need because they are both getting pretty stale.[/QUOTE]
I would argue against that with New Mutants, since I've loved that book since the first issue. Zeb Wells has been doing a fantastic job on that run, and it's a damn shame he's leaving the book.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']It's another Age of Apocalypse type event. Takes place in an alternate world where the X-Men never got the chance to form. Also if you've seen the art, there's no way you can think that's what they normally look like. Scott has a basilisk mask and Gambit looks like Solid Snake in armor...[/QUOTE]

I said there are characters i am familiar with but isn't what they normally look like. Normally, Cyclops doesn't wear a skull face plate.

Was there some reason to start this? Like a disruption in the universe from Age of Apocalypse creating this one? Or just some random story arc from a completely new universe?
[quote name='Rodimus']
I think the costume looks better than the previous one, but don't know who the actor is.[/QUOTE]
Yup I like all the texture. That's the guy who played the best friend who got screwed in The Social Network. Also asked above, I believe the villain is the Lizard.

Here is a cool link to speculation that web shooters are in!

I always hated the organic web thing. Running out of web at a bad time and having to pop in a new cartridge was always a fun story element. Hopefully this also means this Peter Parker is the genius he's supposed to be.
did they end up cancelling that ultimate x comic where wolverines kid was in it? i havent seen it anywhere or heard anymore about it.
I hope not, but I think Ultimate X is just extremely delayed. Adams is an amazing artist, it's a shame he's so untapped. I'd love to see more stuf from him.
The next issue of Ultimate X is allegedly supposed to ship in February. Between Jeph Loeb and Art Adams, who are both chronically late with their work, every issue has been late from day one. The book was originally solicited bimonthly to account for their lateness and it's still far behind. Assuming it ships in February it will have been 8 months between issues. Why Loeb still gets work is beyond me. He's completely unprofessional.
Is Loeb or Adams who's falling behind?

Probably gonna pick up the TPB of Thor: The Mighty Avenger. I hear great things from it. Anyone read the series?
I read something that said in the Spidey reboot his identity may be known. Sounds ridiculous to me, just like it was in the comics, hopefully it isn't true.
Someone recommend me a comic that doesn't have any of the mainstream heroes in it. I want something new and good to read that I'm probably overlooking.
The Cape. it just started a week or so ago and its not based off the tv show. the way the first issue ended it looks to be pretty good.
[quote name='Rodimus']Heroes for Hire just started, only on issue #2. I haven't read the first issue yet but I've heard positive things.[/QUOTE]

I picked up both issues the other day - really fun read. After issue 1 I thought that they would drag out the main plot for a while but it appears they are getting right into it. A bonus that it features characters I like but wouldn't read a solo book (Elektra,Paladin,Ghost Rider).
Anybody get spawn 200?

I only got it because it was 200 milestone and I have no idea what happened. Nothing happened, no closure to anything. Just more stupid questions.

I wish simmons would come back, and cappillo too.
[quote name='whoknows']Someone recommend me a comic that doesn't have any of the mainstream heroes in it. I want something new and good to read that I'm probably overlooking.[/QUOTE]

Is X-23 mainstream? I found the X-23 and X-23: Target X mini-series' to be very good. Dynamo 5 is pretty good too, it's worth checking out.
[quote name='wtfmate']Hey guys/girls I just recently got back into comics ( about two weeks ago :( , loved em till I graduated collage 2 years ago and ruined my personal life/time in corporate America) and was wondering if you had any suggestions. Last thing I read was issue 1 & 2 of chew and the same with the walking dead. Big fan of their art styles. I love marvel but I'm afraid I've been out of the game to long to get into anything thats not a bazzilion issues in. Any recommendations on some series that aren't to far along and that have a more grown up feel to em'. Thanks[/QUOTE]

I was in the same boat as you when I first got into comics back in June--I didn't want to jump into a superhero comic that was a few hundred issues in. Anyways, I really like Chew. I'd recommend picking up the trades to catch up. Issue 16 just came out a few weeks ago and that's the start of a new arc.

Otherwise, I really like American Vampire. It's pretty much like all of the current vampire movie/ tv franchises grew some balls and let the vampires be vampires. I think there should be two trades out now that cover 1-9 and #10 just came out a few weeks ago.

A new volume of Proof just began (called Proof:Endangered). It does a pretty good job rehashing the first volume at the end of issue 1. Most of what's on my pull list is from Image (see also Skullkickers, Morning Glories, 27 as well as Chew and the two below).

As far as mini series go, Who is Jake Ellis just came out. It's about a spy that has an invisible guy that helps him. Also interesting is Echoes. It's about a dude who's dad confesses to him on his death bed that he killed a bunch of girls. It's being described as a psychological thriller.

[quote name='Kotomine']Is X-23 mainstream? I found the X-23 and X-23: Target X mini-series' to be very good. Dynamo 5 is pretty good too, it's worth checking out.[/QUOTE]
I'm about to take X-23 off my pull list. The first arc was related to the new Wolverine (goes to hell one, not the best there is) and it just wasn't doing it for me. Plus, it's supposed to have multiple tie-ins later with Daken and other story lines. I'd rather just have it as a stand-alone without having to read multiple other books to be able to follow what's going on.
[quote name='slowdive21']

Anne Hathaway Cast As Catwoman in New Batman

I couldn't be happier, I have a mega hard on for anything Anne Hathaway, I fucking love her. While I don't think she'll do a better job than Michelle Pfeiffer, I'm drooling at the thought of seeing her in skin tight leather. Bane is a cool choice too, I know they'll do him justice this time. He was a joke in Batman & Robin.
I wonder how they'll do Bane. I know they won't have tubes and stuff come out of him, maybe just a really big guy on some powerful steroids?
bread's done