Commander Amarao's eyebrow raising Anime thread.

Who's going to play as a race that can't go Super Saiyan, though? There's no incentive.
Speaking of DBZ and anime-inspired games, has anyone tried the Quake III mod Bid For Power? It's pretty cool. At first it was packed with DBZ characters, but I think they got a letter to stop that. There still are skins out there though. I still have it if anyone ever wants to get a game going sometime.

[quote name='Inf^Shini']Just read Bleach Ch.267

Ouch....Rukia o_O.
[/QUOTE]'Tis but a scratch.
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Just read Bleach Ch.267

Ouch....Rukia o_O.
[/QUOTE] Few bandages and she'll be good as new.

After she
whips out a bankai
, of course. :lol:
I watch most of my anime dubbed. There are a few that I could not take the voice acting in - Dirty Pair Flash comes to mind - but its been a loooong time since a dub has been so bad that Ive had to switch to subs because of it. Some dubs I particularly liked? Kiddy Grade, Kinos Journey, Fruits Basket, Utena (although alot of people disagree with that one, for me, most of the voices were perfect). Slayers is campy but the VAs do a great job with it.

I am also in the boat with those that hate Naruto, DBZ, Bleach, other shonen anime especially that feature characters in silly bright orange jumpsuits.
[quote name='kittycatgirl2k']I watch most of my anime dubbed. There are a few that I could not take the voice acting in - Dirty Pair Flash comes to mind - but its been a loooong time since a dub has been so bad that Ive had to switch to subs because of it. Some dubs I particularly liked? Kiddy Grade, Kinos Journey, Fruits Basket, Utena (although alot of people disagree with that one, for me, most of the voices were perfect). Slayers is campy but the VAs do a great job with it.

I am also in the boat with those that hate Naruto, DBZ, Bleach, other shonen anime especially that feature characters in silly bright orange jumpsuits.[/quote]

Is Kiddy Grade good? I saw an episode from a NewType DVD (IIRC) and I thought it was pretty interesting, but it is hard to judge something from one episode.
I'll typically watch the first 2-3 episodes dubbed, then switch to the sub if it still doesn't seem right to me. In most cases, the dub is perfectly fine. If I start watching the sub first, then try to switch to the dub, I have a hard time getting out of the "subs are better" mindset, as all the voices change in pitch and tone.

Anyone know if Gundam Seed is supposed to get a complete collection? It's been almost two years since the last volume has released, and the movies already have a collection.
[quote name='kittycatgirl2k']I watch most of my anime dubbed. There are a few that I could not take the voice acting in - Dirty Pair Flash comes to mind - but its been a loooong time since a dub has been so bad that Ive had to switch to subs because of it. Some dubs I particularly liked? Kiddy Grade, Kinos Journey, Fruits Basket, Utena (although alot of people disagree with that one, for me, most of the voices were perfect). Slayers is campy but the VAs do a great job with it.

I am also in the boat with those that hate Naruto, DBZ, Bleach, other shonen anime especially that feature characters in silly bright orange jumpsuits.[/quote]

Watch the dub of Blue Seed, your ears will fall off. a former president of the Anime Club at my undergrad school made the club purchase the whole thing. No one had ever made it all the through it until my roommate and I decided to. It was great because we could yell things like "Kushinada!!!!!!" at the anime club meetings and no one would know what we were talking about. Its actually decent, the dub is just really really bad.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']There's a surprising lack of clothing in this week's chapter of Naruto.[/QUOTE]:rofl:

Konohamaru's part was hilarious :lol:.
[quote name='jlseal']Watch the dub of Blue Seed, your ears will fall off. a former president of the Anime Club at my undergrad school made the club purchase the whole thing. No one had ever made it all the through it until my roommate and I decided to. It was great because we could yell things like "Kushinada!!!!!!" at the anime club meetings and no one would know what we were talking about. Its actually decent, the dub is just really really bad.[/quote]
Ug. My friend loaned me Blue Seed. I couldn't believe he couldn't sit through the dub of Slayers that I loaned him but could sit through Blue Seed. He claimed Lina's voice was horrible... nothing could compare to that girl's voice on Blue Seed. I think I still have nightmares.
Naruto has been surprisingly unpredictable lately.

And also it's ok if you don't like Naruto. Just don't rip apart our tastes in anime and then ask "Why doesn't anyone want to talk about shows I like?"
[quote name='Inf^Shini']hahaha, I've honestly never watched a filipino comedy, only the game shows once in a while just for the heck of it.

The only thing that's stuck out in my mind is Karaoke o_O. They LOVE singing.

I'll pass on live-action anywayz, I have shows like House and Frasier to watch :)[/quote]
lol...ya the game shows are a riot....un-coordinated dances and lip syncing gf always makes fun of it too

[quote name='naes']Am I the only one who likes my anime dubbed? But, when it comes to movies (not anime movies), it MUST be subbed.[/quote]

gomen...ranma 1/2 was the only series i watched dubbed....and sub for that matter....
[quote name='DQT']Naruto has been surprisingly unpredictable lately.

And also it's ok if you don't like Naruto. Just don't rip apart our tastes in anime and then ask "Why doesn't anyone want to talk about shows I like?"[/QUOTE]

Agreed, just when I think I know how the story will play out something unexpected happens, not to mention the little touches
Like seeing the Great Naruto Bridge again or finding out Kakashi and company made a grave for Zubaza
really seem to make the difference.
I just saw on AonE's site that they're going to be done with Naruto after they finish the original series (215 of 220 done), though they may do the movies. So that makes DB the best remaining fansubbers for Shippuuden?

Also, they seem to have resumed Ah My Goddess SoT after a strange 5 month break. :)
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I just saw on AonE's site that they're going to be done with Naruto after they finish the original series (215 of 220 done), though they may do the movies. So that makes DB the best remaining fansubbers for Shippuuden?

Also, they seem to have resumed Ah My Goddess SoT after a strange 5 month break. :)[/QUOTE]

If they were that behind then no great loss. Makes me wonder if collectors of the show on dvd will suck it up and buy all those filler episodes as well. I know i'm stopping at 135 or 136 myself. Then pretend the dvds don't exist for a few years.

My Gunbuster DVDs finally got here! I feel bad because I kind of forgot to order them when they came out >.< I had been excited about the show getting a DVD release, then forgot it was coming up. Now my VHS tapes can be put to rest.

Anyway, for those that don't know. Top o Narae! Gunbuster was the directorial debut of Evangelion creator Hideaki Anno, and I believe the second Gainax production (Wings of Honnemaise being the first). It's about a girl named Noriko Takaya who's father is an admiral in the space forces. Her father's ship is attacked, and he's killed when they run into a race of space monsters. Noriko decides she's going to follow in her father's footsteps, and joins an academy that trains mecha pilots. Unfortunately she's clumsy, and the worst student in the school. One day a mysterious coach arrives at the school who claims Noriko has great potential, and makes her one of the pilots of the Gunbuster.

It starts off like a school based comedy, but quickly changes into a serious war drama. Though the focus is clearly on the characters. There's a lot of great scenes that just stuck with me over the years. Like Noriko's first battle. It's done in a way that's almost completely silent except for radio chatter really giving it that feel of a battle going on in the vaccum of space. It's only 6 episodes so it's short and sweet.

You can also see a lot of things that ended up being carried over into Eva. Like how the show starts out lighthearted, but ends up serious. And Jung Freud is clearly an Asuka ancestor. If you haven't seen it yet, and you like shows like Macross, Gundam or Eva. You might want to check it out.

And remember, all it takes to succeed is hard work and guts!
[quote name='DQT']I loved Evangelion, but all the retellings and rereleases they keep putting out really confuse me.[/QUOTE]

Nothing really to it, at it's core the series is 26 eps and then two movies. A few variations from director's cuts or remastered with 5.1 sound but after all and said and done just ignore the fancy new packaging , its the same thing over and over.
[quote name='coolsteel']If they were that behind then no great loss. Makes me wonder if collectors of the show on dvd will suck it up and buy all those filler episodes as well. I know i'm stopping at 135 or 136 myself. Then pretend the dvds don't exist for a few years.[/quote]
The point is that the best fansubbers of Naruto aren't moving on to Shippuuden, which is a shame.

Ah well, I just reached the point in One Piece where the episodes change from avi to mp4, which sucks because MPC can't handle that filetype.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']

My Gunbuster DVDs finally got here! I feel bad because I kind of forgot to order them when they came out >.< I had been excited about the show getting a DVD release, then forgot it was coming up. Now my VHS tapes can be put to rest.

Anyway, for those that don't know. Top o Narae! Gunbuster was the directorial debut of Evangelion creator Hideaki Anno, and I believe the second Gainax production (Wings of Honnemaise being the first). It's about a girl named Noriko Takaya who's father is an admiral in the space forces. Her father's ship is attacked, and he's killed when they run into a race of space monsters. Noriko decides she's going to follow in her father's footsteps, and joins an academy that trains mecha pilots. Unfortunately she's clumsy, and the worst student in the school. One day a mysterious coach arrives at the school who claims Noriko has great potential, and makes her one of the pilots of the Gunbuster.

It starts off like a school based comedy, but quickly changes into a serious war drama. Though the focus is clearly on the characters. There's a lot of great scenes that just stuck with me over the years. Like Noriko's first battle. It's done in a way that's almost completely silent except for radio chatter really giving it that feel of a battle going on in the vaccum of space. It's only 6 episodes so it's short and sweet.

You can also see a lot of things that ended up being carried over into Eva. Like how the show starts out lighthearted, but ends up serious. And Jung Freud is clearly an Asuka ancestor. If you haven't seen it yet, and you like shows like Macross, Gundam or Eva. You might want to check it out.

And remember, all it takes to succeed is hard work and guts![/quote]

Man, I used to have the Gunbuster VHS a long time ago, but I lost it! I might have to pick this up on DVD.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']The point is that the best fansubbers of Naruto aren't moving on to Shippuuden, which is a shame.

Ah well, I just reached the point in One Piece where the episodes change from avi to mp4, which sucks because MPC can't handle that filetype.[/QUOTE]Huh. I don't recall having trouble with mp4s before.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']The point is that the best fansubbers of Naruto aren't moving on to Shippuuden, which is a shame. [/QUOTE] "The best" has to account for both quality and timeliness. They were not "the best".
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']"The best" has to account for both quality and timeliness. They were not "the best".[/quote]
Did you really care that they were late with the filler? They were pretty much on time for most of the good stuff.

[quote name='jmcc']Huh. I don't recall having trouble with mp4s before.[/quote]
Maybe mine's a little out of date, but it always asks for codecs to play mp4s correctly. I'll have to see if anything's changed in newer versions.

Edit: I updated to the latest version and it's still giving me the same problem. It'll only play the audio.
Heres a little tidbit i posted in the HD-dvd thread:

It looks like Katsuhiro Otomo (Akira, Steamboy)'s "Freedom" will be the first series to be released on HD-DVD in America. Volume 1 comes out June 26th. Below is a synopsis:

In the year 2041, mankind created their first space colony on the moon. But after a freak cataclysm devastated human civilisation on Earth, the republic of the moon built a domed megalopolis known as Eden. Now in the year 2267, a boy called Takeru spends his time engaging in hover-craft races against rival street gangs, unaware that he is about to embark in the journey of unearthing Eden's origin.

Sounds kinda iffy, but usually whatever Otomo touches turns out to be gold. His visuals look stunning on normal dvds, cant wait to see how they look in HD.
Looks like there will be a Naruto marathon on Toonami on April 7, with I believe the last four episodes and two new episodes, which should show the end of the Sand/Sound Invasion and/or Chuunin Exam arc and the beginning of the 5th Hokage Arc.

Spirited Away will be on Toonami this saturday, March 31, at 7 PM EST. Check the schedule for timezone differences.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Did you really care that they were late with the filler? They were pretty much on time for most of the good stuff.[/QUOTE] Not once I stopped watching it. :lol:

They weren't horrible before that, but I would always watch DB's release while I waited the extra week or two for AonE's.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Looks like there will be a Naruto marathon on Toonami on April 7, with I believe the last four episodes and two new episodes, which should show the end of the Sand/Sound Invasion and/or Chuunin Exam arc and the beginning of the 5th Hokage Arc.

Spirited Away will be on Toonami this saturday, March 31, at 7 PM EST. Check the schedule for timezone differences.[/QUOTE]Oh good. Now we'll find out how long Kakashi has been there since.
My impression of Echizen in PoT ch 339:
Can't wait for the next chapter.

Bleach is looking good too.
Ichigo v. Ulquiorra should (hopefully) be very good.
[quote name='LiquidNight']My impression of Echizen in PoT ch 339:
Can't wait for the next chapter.

Hehe, yes, it is interesting.
I'd just like to thank Adult Swim for wasting two hours of my DVR's hard drive sapce with a stupid ass, unscheduled Perfect Hair Forever marathon. I need to get the Anime network or something as relying on those retards in charge of programming the block as a source for decent anime has become a total pain in the ass.
....Did you look at what the date was for the anime block that was supposed to be on? I think it's obvious why Perfect Hair Forever was on.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']I'd just like to thank Adult Swim for wasting two hours of my DVR's hard drive sapce with a stupid ass, unscheduled Perfect Hair Forever marathon. I need to get the Anime network or something as relying on those retards in charge of programming the block as a source for decent anime has become a total pain in the ass.[/quote]

I really hate April Fool's Day. They always do some stupid crap.
[quote name='karsh']....Did you look at what the date was for the anime block that was supposed to be on? I think it's obvious why Perfect Hair Forever was on.[/QUOTE]

Their date of scheduling was March 31, so actually I figured the stupid ass april fool's day crap they typically pull was going to involve tonight's presentation of the ATHF movie somehow. Still, joke or no, I'm sure they'll fuck it all up and probably skip over the episodes they replaced next week or the like. It's Adult Swim we're talking about here, they're a bunch of idiots and we all know they are trying to downsize the anime portions as much as they can recently.
No way. This April Fools prank was brilliant. It felt like the early 90s fansub scene again.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']It's Adult Swim we're talking about here, they're a bunch of idiots and we all know they are trying to downsize the anime portions as much as they can recently.[/quote]

I agree with that for the most part (I won't bother going into the Big O stuff from a few years ago, I've done that enough already). I just try to buy as much anime as I can now, whether second hand or via online sales. It's not always feasible since anime is expensive, but it eliminates the bullshit.

I'm glad I fell asleep early last night so I wouldn't get pissed by this.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I agree with that for the most part (I won't bother going into the Big O stuff from a few years ago, I've done that enough already). I just try to buy as much anime as I can now, whether second hand or via online sales. It's not always feasible since anime is expensive, but it eliminates the bullshit.

I'm glad I fell asleep early last night so I wouldn't get pissed by this.[/quote]

Curious, what happened with Big O and Adult Swim? I really liked that show back when it was on Toonami.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I love how people get so pissed off at Adult Swim because they forgot what day it was.[/QUOTE]

Ha ha. :p
[quote name='DQT']Curious, what happened with Big O and Adult Swim? I really liked that show back when it was on Toonami.[/quote]

Starting in August of 2003, the new episodes of the show had been premiering every sunday at 11:00. (The first time an action show had kicked off a block of Adult Swim, I believe) Well, after 3 episodes of direct cliffhangers, act 26 was scheduled to air on October 26th, the night of their special Halloween themed night / webcam party where they claimed that "We will kill you" or somthing to that extent. But unfortunately that night they aired act 20, immediately the message boards were flooded with threads asking what happened to the episode, what the hell is going on, etc. Some speculated it was a "Cartman's Mom" like prank they pulled for the Halloween special and to make matters worse some at the webcam party began to insult the people on the message boards.

"At the webcam party on Halloween, staff members (there was nobody there from Action except Dennis, who was acting as the door guard) were making fun of Big O when it was on until one asked "Is anyone WATCHING this shit?" before turning it off. They flipped back when Brak premiered." -livingfruitvirus

They later apoligized and explained that the whole thing was a big mix up, and to rectify the whole situation they had to push back a much hyped never before aired episode of family guy to premiere act 26 of The Big O. Then when they finally showed it, they aired 30 second of act 20 and then cut to a card which said somthing like "We had to do it"

Moral of The Story: Big O had (and still has) a much larger following that most people give it credit for.
God I love the Berserk manga... only on Vol. 7, but it'll be nice to see where the story goes after the events of the TV series.

I really, really like Berserk.
Was act 26 ever aired? The real moral of the story is: The people that work at adult swim aren't as funny as they think they are.
bread's done