"Wombat is gonna slap your ass three times with a paddle" CAGcast 103 (on my;Cagbag question) and an honorable mention to 115s "the pork dish is like a slice of heaven"
if I'm choosing a Cagcast comment I'd have to go with:
Wombat "I showed you the position and you were impressed."
Cheapy "Really? I don't remember that, I must have erased it from my memory."
- From The Gay Job Episode
And even though its been used I would have to say this is one hilarious title, check out the box art!
Went through 17 pages and hopefully I'll make some original ones...
The Adventure of Cookie & Cream
Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure
Peter Jackson's King Kong
Pocket Fighter
The Thing
Toy Commander
Zone of the Enders