CONTEST: Win an Ikaruga prize pack from [Winners announced]


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Winners announced here

This is for all you hardcore Ikaruga fans out there.
First prize is an Ikaruga prize pack which includes:
  • New Ikaruga game
    Ikaruga sake set
    Ikaruga poster
    Large Ikaruga promotional box
Second prize is a new Ikaruga game

To enter, post your entry here (pictures are encouraged) and tell us why you are the biggest Ikaruga fan or most deserving of this prize package.
The most deserving/entertaining entry (as judged by CheapyD) will win.

One entry per person. Rules subject to change.
Contest ends Wednesday, April 7th at 11:59PM.


Picture from
Ikkkkaaaarrrruuuggggaaaa, Ikkkkaaaarruuuuggaaaggaaaggaaa, Ikaruga, Ikaruga, Ikaruga, Ikaruga, Ikaruga, Ikaruga. The Ikaruga prize package would certainly be a nice addition to the collection of any serious shooter fan, and as such, should certainly be awarded to me. Thanks.

Enter the world of shooting. Projectile-based gaming. A very entertaining genre. Yes. I must admit, I had always liked shooting things.

So I was playing Ms. Pac-Man one day and I turned and saw a gentleman playing Time Crisis 2 and I thought "An interesting pedal/shoot concept, but it costs a dollar to play". As the naive superfly I was, I decided to give it a go. It was a wonderful experience, though quite unfortunate. As a top agent for the VSSE, your family does not receive life insurance if you are killed in action by a barrel. Discouraged, I set off to find another shooting game.

Suddenly, I heard screams of pain and anguish -- I spun around (no less than 1080 degrees, coincidentally the temperature of the heat I tend to pack), and a sight to behold was before me -- a boy no older than 5 was standing naked from the waist down, with a frantic mother screaming at her 13 year old son who had a fascination with 'water pumping'. It did not take me long to notice the game behind the scene; House of the Dead 2. Having received an allowance bonus for unclogging my neighbor's toilet with my face, I figured it was worth a shot. So I played. It was difficult to focus on the game while simultaneously admiring the literary genius of the dialogue that the developers clearly spent copious amounts of time on. I began to cry when I had put a human victim out of his misery, and had to explain to his wife that "There was nothing we could do". From the sexual innuendo of the frightened "Don't come!" girl, to the societal statement made through the fact that "G" was actually a white male, the game was too much for my feeble mind to process. Thus, my search continued.

Before my next trip to the arcade, I had visited a friend of mine, whom I only use for his videogames. I saw him playing a game once, that you might be familiar with. I believe it was called "Duck Hunt", from what the cartridge said, but from his active vocals and body motions, it seemed a more fitting name would be "Dance Dance Sweat and Clicking-BAMF!" The gameplay seemed very intuitive. Whereas in most games you actually aim from afar and try to shoot your target (similar to range shooting), this game offered the premise that your 'gun' was actually a 'lightning trigger', as was indicated by the screen flashing with every click. It would seem that the objective was to strike ducks with lightning bolts. The motivation of humiliation was astounding, as your dog companion would soundly jest with 8-bit blurbs at your sexual inadequacy. I had then made the conclusion that sexual adequacy is then inversely proportional to the distance your 'lightning gun' is from the television screen. This game hurt my feelings.

"Perhaps I should consider different methods of shooting," I thought. And I did. I began to shoot splotches of urine on my bed as a weekend hobby, but quickly decided the entertainment simply did not outweigh the olfactory aromas. I tried my hand at shooting pool, but soon lost interest and developed a hobby of fondling balls. I lost $205 trying to "shoot the moon" in the card game Hearts, my academic standing at Virginia Tech for shooting the bull with professors, a fatal addiction for shooting up, and a few years in prison for shooting Old Yeller.

Upon my heterosexual release with my virginity still intact don't tell anyone or I'll slit your throat, I made my way to the local video game store. I casually entered, and there it was, a sight beyond the gods. You see, having spent time in the cell, I had achieved the highest level of boredom possible, in between anal recuperations. My mouth only knew one taste, and it wasn't that of the splendid piece of half-chewed gum that lay before me. I began to pick. It wouldn't come off. I ran to the nearest shelf and grabbed the nearest game, hoping the CD would serve as an appropriate scraper. Apparently, they do not keep the CDs in the boxes on the shelves. My attempt to retrieve a CD from behind the counter was soon halted by a severely athletic and divine-smelling young prodigy with an affinity for looking handsome, eating his own modesty, and breeding large amounts of poo poo head. [/madlib]

My instincts drew me to my piercing wit, but I knew that I must restrain from causing serious psychological harm so soon after being released and reformed.

The 'Gamecube' I had liberated did not turn out to be a miniature oven, as I had predicted. According to television, it is in fact a 'Game Console'. However, I do not place much faith in this claim, as this is the same television that suggested the young man at the store had died of brain damage, when, in fact, I am positive that he had died from a mangling of his jugular vein.

Thus, I am entering this contest to verify my proposal that this 'Gamecube' is not a toy to be tinkered with, but a tool for personal air conditioning. The built-in fan, while miniature, has no relation with playing games. It astounds me that people would actually attempt to make games for the strangest products these days -- for calculators, cellular phones, and now this, the epitome of portable coolant/window demolition/concussion box, or the 'Gamecube', as they call it. To prove my theory (and to disprove the power-hungry game developers), I intend to conduct scientific experiments comparing the uses of the 'Gamecube' as an entertainment console, versus its uses against my head (for which I will require the sake set). Should I be chosen as the recipient of your offerings, you can expect a full report on my findings. Thank you for your time.


(Seriously though, I have a Gamecube with no games, but Ikaruga rocked the Dreamcast. :D Hope you (all) enjoyed this, and g'luck with the contest!)
Why am I the biggest fan of Ikaruga?

Because I don't own it! Seriously. My friend imported the game so long ago for the Dreamcast, and as soon as I played it, I knew that I loved it. I had never really been a fan of shmups before I tried Ikaruga. Sure, I like Gunstar Heroes, Silhouette Mirage and an assortment of other ground based action/shmups, but i never really took to the 'flying' ones.

After playing Ikaruga, however, I couldn't put it does! It was perfect! Hard, so very hard, beautiful, and, of course, breath-takingly fun!

Sadly, I could not afford it (I'm a University [Canadian] student) so I was left with nothing when leaving my friends house :D

Finally, it came out for the Gamecube, I waited and waited, but none of the stores around my area ever carried it...and they still don't to this die. I only hope to have a chance to play it, and own it!
i love ikaruga; this game is oldschol gaming bliss, and I really enjoyed playing this game both single player and with co-op partner that wasnt half bad. I bought it the first day it came out for the gc in the US (almost had to import it i wanted it to much);but, my gamecube disk got stollen out of my backpack a couple of weeks ago(Luckily my memory card was not in there with it at the time). Winning this contest would make up for me losing my original copy of the game.
i would pay $20 just for the sake set, sake is awesome and it doesnt give you a hangover due to the rice-base lacking the impurities of beer or say bicardi 151 (at least most brands won't, some sketchy labels I would watch out for) plus unlike almost all other alcoholic beverages, sake can be enjoyed either hot and cold, and combines decently with beer for sake bombing
Well, I'm so hardcore my mind has gone numb with the thought of the sake set and oversized box. I have a serious 2D shooter problem, in the area of about 50 of them so far. I have this game for the import dreamcast, and would really like to have the GC version too, but am currently too broke from buying games to pick it up. I have also started picking up store displays and other such stuff, so this would fit in very well with the rest of the stuff that is crowding my house.

Anyway, blah blah blah, send me the set please.
Hm...I'd love to lie and say I can cure cancer or develop an AIDS Vaccine but I cant....

The truth is: I am a cheapassgamer. I love free things and this game looks AWESOME. I love this contest and I just would love this collection.
Being 24 I grew up playing games like Gradius and R-Type. I have not played Ikaruga but I am a fan of shooters. I would like to see younger gamers play games that take skill. Do not get me wrong I love new games and I like to see how they have changed over generations and fads. Remember Sega CD FMV games? That is one genre that I am glad died.
I am getting way off subject; my point is that I am not a fan of Ikaruga (just because I have not played it) but a fan of shooters.
I'm borrowing this game from my friend and let me tell you, it made me want to run out and get it at Fry's for $40. But being the cheapass I am (I rarely buy new games full price), I held out for awhile. Then I saw this...

Anyways, a couple reasons I want this set. First off, I've been playing shooters since I started gaming, mostly with Gradius and R-Type. Gradius on the SNES kept me hooked and taught me the Konami code quickly (although in Gradius III it was L and R buttons instead of left and right). Also, I'm half japanese and this set would be a good thing to have for my parents or myself in college. My mom told me about the significance of the title Ikaruga, meaning both mottled dove and a classical age in Japanese history and thus being a fitting title for such a game.

Also, this game kicks tremendous ass and brings back memories of shooters from back in the day (although I still have a shooter game on my calculator).
I shall write a poem for Cheapy D and Ikaruga: BEHOLD MY CHEAPASS RHYMING SKILLZ!

I'd rather play Ikaruga, than hawk a looga.
I'd rather play Ikaruga, that fling a booga.
What do people play in Chatanooga?
I'll bet they all play Ikaruga.

Yee-ah, and ya don't stop. Word to your mother. I'm OUT!

I need this game because life sucks.
I have always wanted to play it. And I figured it would be worth playing at least once before shooting myself in the head.
Sadly, I'm not a good drawer and I don't have Photoshop or copy and paste my attempt to win this wonderful prize has come down to words...and these are from the heart. Hear my plea, Cheapy D! My Ikaruga Haiku:

When Cheapy D askes Who's Hardcore
Ikaruga deserves me!
I have an update to my post. My now estranged wife came over today to pick up some things for my house. She's moving into an apartment that I bought for ourselves in New York City. While she was over she must have snuck into the entertainment room. After she left I went to play some Ikaruga and I found the disc cut into tiny pieces and "Enjoy your game now you ASSHOLE!!!!" written on the box with a big black sharpie marker. I don't know what to do now. I have no wife, no game. I have nothing. Look at me. I'm begging you to give me this prize pack. I disgusting and disgraceful. I hate myself and what I've become. Please take pity on me. I need this pack more than ever. I've hurt my wife and I've feel terrible. But now I don't even have Ikaruga. Please I beg you give me the prize pack. I'm the biggest fan and now I have nothing. Not even Ikaruga.
Righto, well, I'm a new user. This is my first post. Wanna know why?


All crazyness aside, I'll be completely honest with you and say I've never tried the game. But I love shooters and I've heard this is one hell of a hard game. I love a good challenge, Shinobi and Shattered Soldier took a good chunk of my life thanks to its unforgiving difficulty. So cheapy, I'm a good guy. I love animals, I clean behind my ears, brush my teeth at least twice a day, and I own that little purple box we all know and love. So, ummm...can I please have the prize?
My Names Ryan, im 16 and dont own Ikaruga..... but i've played it and it impales serious amounts of nails into Hitlers forehead... I like overhead shooters, and i actually used to own the Strikers 1945 Arcade game, until my family moved.... anyways ive been lookin for a new good shooter and i still cannot beat Life Force for my NES, and that game rocks.... anyways i drew a little cartoon for the contest


DO IT FOR SPANKY.... god knows what that horrible stick figure can do.
Actually if you deam my entry "worthy" i'd prefer that i dont attempt for 1st place because i have no need for a sake set or ikaruga promotional products, some other lucky Cheap Ass gamer would get much more use out of it than i would. Thanks.
I should win because I am in need of those cups to drink. Plus I want to get mad because to how hard it is.
I should win the Ikaruga sake set because of my combined love of Ikaruga and sake, which can be seen by the following story.

How I got Ikaruga.

On September 6th, 2002, I sprung up bright and early in the morning and called the nearest import/export shop to see whether Ikaruga for the DC had arrived. He told me yes, and I was off. I raced at top speed in my high performance automobile.

I arrived in 0.05 seconds (I sped as much as possible on the way there), but found what appeared to be the only copy in another kids hands. I walked up to him and said "Give me the game, now" but he laughed and said to make him. So I uppercut him so hard that his head exploded. Then a group of ninjas jumped out from a secret exit with weapons in hand. With amazing precision, I disarmed all of the ninjas who, by now, were crapping themselves with fear. I bitch slapped the boss ninja. He fell over and crawled out of the store and his sissy henchmen followed. I left the money for the game on the counter (the cashier ran away) and went down the street to drink to my job well done. I drank upwards of 10 gallons of sake, and bought drinks to appease the locals as well.

I then proceded home and beat Ikaruga 15 times in under 5 minutes (I am just that good)

*please note some or all of the above story may be exaggerated or fabricated
I can say with confidence that I am the most deserving of this prize package. Each item in the pack was meant for me:

New Ikaruga game : Ok, I admit, I get the feeling sometimes that this game and I were not destined to be together. First some background information: I first received this in a used gamecube lot off of ebay. But alas, the game was so scratched up I couldn't even play it. Disheartened, but not beaten, I set off on my quest to find a cheap ass deal for Ikaruga. While I missed every single Ikaruga deal to date that has graced this site, I know that this is the deal that will change my luck (What's better than free, eh?).

Ikaruga sake set : I'll definitely need this to help me drink away my sorrows after I fail my physics midterm tomorrow -- the day this very contest ends. Coincidence?? I think not.

Large Ikaruga promotional box: How large is this box exactly? Because I need a place to stay over the summer....

Ikaruga poster : Riight, the poster...Umm...I need the poster new large box would look ridiculously drab without it? Oh, come on, just gimme it....I'll tell you my deepest, darkest secret! *pinkie swears*

Well, that about wraps it up. I have to say I think that went pretty smoothly. Especially that last part...nothing like finishing up an argument strong.
What the hell. I've been looking for Ikaruga for GC for a while now. It would be even better if I could win it.

I played Ikaruga for the DC, and really enjoyed it. Can't say why I deserve to win more than anyone else, but really, does anyone deserve to win more than me? (Try to figure that one out!)
Ikaruga, the shooter style is done.
It's a shame since you shine brighter than the sun.
Your difficulty is legendary, incredibly high.
But I keep throwing my controllers now I have more to buy.
People wish that you were just a bit longer.
I couldn't take any more, you hit harder than Chris Pronger.
When all is said and done the modern gamer is lazy.
The fact that you didn't sell well?
That's damn crazy.
Now that we're here lamenting the end.
Give me a sake set we have some elbows to bend.

EDIT: Should I win I will give all contents of this contest away with the exception of the sake set.
I'd like to have it because I have the Japanese, but would like the American version because I can't stand its 'story'.
I am a complete shooter freak. I've been playing them ever since I started gaming. Giga Wing, Strikers 19XX, Shikigami, etc. I can't stand not to have Ikaruga and it's sake set.
I just want the free shit. I'll quickly turn around and sell/trade in the game so that I may make a future cheap ass deal. The other stuff will probably go in my unnecessary collection of videogame memorabilia. I'll also have to go find a bottle of cheap ass sake. This will make a great graduation gift for me from cheap ass gamers everywhere.

I have already been teaching the CheapAssGamer philosophy to the next generation. Notice the pile of change. If he collects a enough of it that my wife leaves around the house, we go and get him a Gameboy game. So far, all he wants is the last few generations of Pokemon (Sapphire/Ruby/Yellow/Red/Blue)
i might of posted but i forgot, well here it goes

i don;t get any presents for my birthday or christmass, thats pretty much it, and im 18 years old with out a car or license cause my older bro hit to many cars. and tthats y i deserve it!!

I've been told to ask you for the game or they'll roast me like a pig.
I live next door to the women this is based on.

Oh the horror please pick me, bring some pleasure into my life.
I've heard that this games was so great, but I couldn't find it at any of the local stores near I had to resort to EBAY. I've had my GC for a couple of months now, but this is only the second game that I've ever played for GC. I really do like this game and I kept playing it over and over, but I didn't have a memory card to save my game.

And another thing. Yesterday was my birthday. "Celebrated" it with my family, but no presents of course. I even dropped a couple of not so subtle hints on CAG, but nobody seemed to notice :cry:

I didn't even win VGD's drawing yesterday. And here I thought it was supposed to be my "year" if you know what I mean.
I want to play this game with one hand, blindfolded, and with 1 life---Contra Style. AFter that, I will pour in sake and bust out my katana blade and chop up my dinner.
I love Ikaruga more than any game I have. I try to make time at least every other day to play through the game. Yeah, I'm so hardcore I actually turn my TV on it's side. Sorry no pics, because I'm pretty much too stupid to know how to get them hosted somewhere. I must say, playing Ikaruga on your sideways wide screen TV is a sight to behold.

If that's not enough I even have the sound track and actually listen to it while driving. I can play through the whole game in my head just by hearing the songs.
My story begins 6 years ago, on my 25th birthday, when some of my so-called friends took me out for sushi and sake. That night, I drank more sake than any caucasian should ever be allowed. Plus sake-bombs. Plus "oh it's your birthday here's some plum wine." By the time we left, everyone including the sushi chef was plastered. Then we went to a bar, for even more beer. I still don't know how I managed not to hit anyone with a dart that night. So my friends take me home, and about 4 AM the bed is spinning at 5000 rpm. I get up, take about 6 steps towards the bathroom, and it's all over. I'll spare you the details, but this story ends with me renting a steam cleaner.

I have not been able to drink sake since then. This awesome prize pack may be the only thing in the galaxy that can help me re-acquire a taste for the stuff. That, and I lent my copy of Ikaruga to someone a year ago and I know damn well I'll never see it again.

PS - Cheapy Rules!
I've been trying to get this game for a whlie and ended up getting it on the Dreamcast. It's actually the Gamecube version I can't find (small towns suck), so I would love to have the prize pack, or second prize. All I want is a great game and I think that this is it.
Every single one of my friends who has a GameCube also has Ikaruga. I also enjoy going over to these friends' houses just to hang out. Sometimes we end up going somewhere, and sometimes we just end up staying and playing videogames. Of course just about every single one of my friends simply loves Ikaruga, and so do I. Unfortunately I don't have a copy, so whenever I play I completely suck, and I have to take their lame jokes. If I got a copy of Ikaruga, I would be able to practice and show those mother****ers who's boss. Then I'd be the one laughing.
I should get it because my dollies are too damn hardcore for a friggin' tea party. Mr. Buttons demands a saki bender.
The planets have aligned and foretold of my destiny to win this Ikaruga prize pack. Since most people cannot see the planets, I will tell you of another means by which I was able to predict just how much I deserve to win. So begins my story (try to stay with me).

The first time I saw this thread, I didn't have my glasses on so I thought it said Inindo. As in Way of the Ninja.


I said to myself, "Hey it would be fun to play Inindo because I like ninjas and their ways." So I start a new game. What happns next is beyond explanation. Coincidence does not exist; this is fate:


Yes, it's true. My name fit perfectly into the field. It was as if I were meant to be a ninja. In game, I started hanging with a gang of ninjas. I wish I could be Top Ninja. They tell me it takes a good 40 hours to rise through the ranks that high.


As you all should know by now, the purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people. So I suggest you all back out quietly now. Because I'm a ninja and ninjas cut off heads ALL the time and don't even think twice about it. (
Alright, I suppose that isn't a real reason. My real reason is that I'm poor and I've never heard of Ikaruga before. The last game I bought was Inindo.
I have been playing Ikaruga cense it was on Dreamcast, I have this old bootleg I downloaded a while ago and it flakes out on me a lot. I have never beaten it because it will reset on me, but it so AWSOME I keep playing. I even hook up my home made Arcade stick just for that more Feel.
Plus I know that Sake is not a liquor or Wine like some people say, it is Brewed from a Grain, so technically it is a BEER, and that's why Sake Bombs are ok, cause your just mixing beer w/ beer.
I don't have any story about how my wife was killed, dog left me, and why everyone should worship me but does not because I use terms like Noob, Leet, and the ever so popular "Your Mom".

But this is why I'd like to win the prize.

I've been a huge fan of shooters (twitch kind, FPS are a lot of fun though) for years. I remember when I was a kid and my parents first allowed me to purchase a Sega Genesis system with my paper route money- I picked up Thunder Force III, Gaiares, Sagaia (part of the Darius series, but for some reason renamed to Sagaia, Target Earth, and others.

I went so far as to buy a used converted white import Saturn from a person going to Army Ranger school back about 6 or 7 years ago and purchased Thunder Force IV the special pack, The Super Dimension Fortress Macross, the sequel to Target Earth known in Japan as Assault Suit Leynos 2 and I even got my hands on Radiant Silvergun (all of the above are imports because SOA did not release them in the US- :cry: )

I'd very much like a chance to play Ikaruga and if I'm deemed worthy, I'd like to win.


Recently I have been watching a lot of Japanese cinema, and it's impossible not to think about how much sake the characters drink. Sake is on my mind all the time now even though I've only had it once, and I remember drinking it and at the bottom of the little glass was a picture of a naked girl to reward me for having finished my drink. Needless to say, I was pretty impressed by this experience, and I'd love to have the ability to serve my own sake to friends and family, watch my cinema in style, and then go deep with some Gamecube gaming.

I hope this set comes with naked girl pictures...
Well I believe I'm the biggest and most deserving of this prize. First off I weigh in at 522 lbs ( pretty big huh! ) and I'm an Ikaruga fan. When I'm not fishing with my son Iggy( He's a dwarf ) I spend countless hours playing video games with him. We especially like a good shooter. Due to the fact that I'm slightly overweight and Iggy's slightly short ( he gets this from his mother, she's also a dwarf ) we tend to get picked on a lot. you know like "He's got so many rolls he could start his own bakery kinda thing" Also, Iggy's in High School and tends to fit perfectly into gym lockers. Well a lot of the time when I'm picked on I get the insatiable urge to sit on my abuser and squash the breath right out of him..... but I refrain. Iggy also in recent months has exercised great self control.... he has on numerous occasions been suspended from school for upper cutting his abusers in the crotch. Instead of acting on these hostile feelings and physically hurting someone, we go home and shoot and frag our video enemies till the urge subsides. Recently we have not had a game that challenges us which means we spend more time in public which leads to more abuse and the possibility of us hurting someone. So I guess you can see why I am the most deserving person to win this prize. It just may stop me from killing someone

bread's done