CONTEST: Win CheapyD's Games! [Last Day!]

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Holy shit, I'm moving to Tokyo in three weeks!
There's no way I can bring all my stuff with me, so one lucky CAG is going to win 30+ games and a bunch of shwag (E3, TGS, etc.).

Simply post in this thread for a chance to win.
You must post something about Japan, winning my games, or what you would like to see me do (for your amusement) once I am living in Tokyo.

You may post as often as you wish, but that WILL NOT increase your chance of winning. One account/entry per person. You must be over 18 (or have your parents permission upon winning to receive M rated games) and in the continental US to be eligible to win. Winner will be chosen at random. Contest ends on or about 10/24/05.

Why am I moving to Japan?
Mrs. CheapyD got a great job and it requires us to move to Tokyo. Its basically an offer we can't refuse. I will still be able to run CAG from Japan and now I will be able to work on CAG full time. You can also likely expect new additions/features and possibly a new CAG sister website as I become Your Man In Japan.
Fear not! The focus of CAG will always be cheap video games.

Partial list of stuff (thanks thorbahn3)

GTA: San Andreas (hot coffee version)
Hulk: Ultimate Destruction
NBA Street 3
Area 51
Burnout 3
Brute Force
Deus Ex: Invisible War (sealed)
Rocky Legends
Ninja Gaiden
Splinter Cell:pT
OXM demo disc (battlefield)
Conker demo disc
Fable (bonus disc)

Timespitters 2
Socom 2
Spider-Man 2
Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven
State of Emergency
Onimusha 3
Rachet & Clank 2
Beyond Good and Evil
Madden 04
Tiger Woods 04
Winning Eleven 7
Champions: Return to Arms
Karaoke Revolution
NHL Hitz Pro
Simpsons Hit & Run
Twisted Metal: Black
MGS: 2 document
Shadow of the Colussus demo
Genji demo
Microcon controller

Waverace (disc only)
Mario Party 5 (disc only)

Castlevania: SOTN (sealed)

Shwag, etc...
CAG t-shirt
CheapyD's Winning Eleven jersey worn on Cold Pizza
CAG business card sized flyers
Metal Gear Solid booklet (TGS 2005)
Xbox 360 brouchure (TGS 2005)
Atari demo disc (TGS 2005)
God of War poster (E3 2005)
Assorted Nintendo buttons (E3 2005)
Oh dang, I want to go to Japan! Hope you have a great time over there and drink some saki (don't go overboard though lol)
Don't know if it's been posted, but seeing him in one of those crazy Japanese game shows that have physical challenges would be pretty interesting...
Tokyo, eh? So you can collect insane Japanese game-related trinkets and toys and all that stuff that never comes here!

I suggest going to the arcade and trying to play some fighters. See how long you can keep from getting owned.
You should start a blog series like Azrael's "I am a Japanese schoolteacher" series.

If you haven't read it, google it. Seriously funny stuff.
Hey, when you're in Japan, can you see how many people are buying Fire Prowrestling Returns for me? If it's an abnormally low number, get more people to buy it! :D
Someday I too hope to go to Japan...

Cheapy : get some of those sweet videogame-related toys that are in dispensers all over the place while you're there - the Nintendo history ones look really cool.
i have been to japan only once in my life time but i dont remember it because i was just a baby when i went. the reason i know i went to japan is becasue i have the stamp on my passport. why cant i remeber ?
Great contest Cheapyd! I'd like to see some cos-play action from the head cheapass and/or any other demoralizing acts for our enjoyment! You should become a game translator - "all your games are belong to us."
Good on ya, Cheapy! Travel, as in the serious moving for extended periods of time sort, is good for the soul. You'll be richer for it.

Now gimme those games. ;)

while your there, eat some magic mushrooms that they sell in the stores. And send me some while your at it.
Woohoo cheapy so sad to hear your leaving but now you can have live dance offs at thoses arcades in japan just like in king of the hill, so many great games you are giving away i hope i win good luck in japan , i cant wait to get some stuff straight from you , and think about all the vending machines they have.
I would like to see you join a basketball league. You'll probably be the tallest guy there so scoring shouldn't be a problem. Who knows from there you might go on to be the best in Japan then ultimatly leading you right into the NBA.

Also if you can take a picture with you jumping over and then dunking on some japanese dude in a pickup game that would be sweet.

Good luck CheapyD and have fun.
I would love to see CheapyD's takes on Japanese food and pop-culture.

I would also like to use the shirts to replenish my downright anemic supply of clothes (a lot got stolen in an extremely awkward breakup)
congrats to you and your wife cheapyD

I think it would be fun to dress up as a Samurai, get drunk, and storm around Tokyo waving your sword and then pick up some geisha's....yeah that would be fun...least to me heh
CheapyD is moving to Japan, and I would like to see him give me his games.
I want to see you go to an arcade in Japan and try to play Pop N Music (a music game that is very popular in Japan) that has 9 buttons/panels so it's really difficult.
now you can learn the language and play all those cool japanese import games and actually understand whats going on. I always wondered if the dialog in some of those was changed or if it was translated verbatum.
Echoing a previous poster, I'd like to see what a Japanese game store looks like as well.

Failing that, why don't you catch a Spinaltap show? I hear they're really big over there.
I would looooooovvvveeeeee to win some games from you!

Great contest and best of luck in Japan. Watch out for Godzilla!
I am in.

My uncle is dating a Japanese co-worker. I play golf every month with the president of the company whom is Japanese and a few others along with my uncle. It is funny to a have a country boy from KY playing golf and socializing with Japanese don't you think.

Anyways they are good people and can whip up some killer food.
well since it is japan, we all know your going to be redicuously tall there compared to everyone else, now all you have to do is dress up like godzilla and the rest of is history
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