CONTEST: Win CheapyD's Games! [Last Day!]

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Holy shit, I'm moving to Tokyo in three weeks!
There's no way I can bring all my stuff with me, so one lucky CAG is going to win 30+ games and a bunch of shwag (E3, TGS, etc.).

Simply post in this thread for a chance to win.
You must post something about Japan, winning my games, or what you would like to see me do (for your amusement) once I am living in Tokyo.

You may post as often as you wish, but that WILL NOT increase your chance of winning. One account/entry per person. You must be over 18 (or have your parents permission upon winning to receive M rated games) and in the continental US to be eligible to win. Winner will be chosen at random. Contest ends on or about 10/24/05.

Why am I moving to Japan?
Mrs. CheapyD got a great job and it requires us to move to Tokyo. Its basically an offer we can't refuse. I will still be able to run CAG from Japan and now I will be able to work on CAG full time. You can also likely expect new additions/features and possibly a new CAG sister website as I become Your Man In Japan.
Fear not! The focus of CAG will always be cheap video games.

Partial list of stuff (thanks thorbahn3)

GTA: San Andreas (hot coffee version)
Hulk: Ultimate Destruction
NBA Street 3
Area 51
Burnout 3
Brute Force
Deus Ex: Invisible War (sealed)
Rocky Legends
Ninja Gaiden
Splinter Cell:pT
OXM demo disc (battlefield)
Conker demo disc
Fable (bonus disc)

Timespitters 2
Socom 2
Spider-Man 2
Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven
State of Emergency
Onimusha 3
Rachet & Clank 2
Beyond Good and Evil
Madden 04
Tiger Woods 04
Winning Eleven 7
Champions: Return to Arms
Karaoke Revolution
NHL Hitz Pro
Simpsons Hit & Run
Twisted Metal: Black
MGS: 2 document
Shadow of the Colussus demo
Genji demo
Microcon controller

Waverace (disc only)
Mario Party 5 (disc only)

Castlevania: SOTN (sealed)

Shwag, etc...
CAG t-shirt
CheapyD's Winning Eleven jersey worn on Cold Pizza
CAG business card sized flyers
Metal Gear Solid booklet (TGS 2005)
Xbox 360 brouchure (TGS 2005)
Atari demo disc (TGS 2005)
God of War poster (E3 2005)
Assorted Nintendo buttons (E3 2005)
Do you know how to chopsticks? Chopsticks are very important in Japan. I have two boys 7 & 12 who would love to have all of your goodies.
I would like for cheapy to find one of the couch sized chocobo stuffed animals and send it to me. I would pay of course but what is the trade off from Yen to American? I would also like to see video of cheapy eating live squid or octopus.
HEy. Cheapy... Have fun in Japan, while your out there, take pictures with Tetsuya Nomura, director of both the FFVII video game and Final Fantasy VII:Advent Children, set us up for a couple of games early (Kingdom Hearts 2) or a couple of movies, and we'll have the ultimate link of games..... think about it..... have fun.....
My fiance' and I have just put a down payment on a house and are currently working through the mortgage information and we are both still in college. We are spending absolutely NO money! This would be the best and coolest start to our lives together if we won this! :D
When you go to Japan go around and take picture and make a web site about it, post the pics u taken there. Post story about the Japanese there and your story encounter them, etc.

I really want to live in Japan myself but that's like almost impossible. So do me a favor and show me how it's like to live in Japan. It must be very fun with all the cool stuff and people in Japan.
"The most traditional Japanese meal is a serving of plain, white rice, along with a main dish (fish or meat), some kind of side dish (often cooked vegetables), soup, and picked vegetables."

YAY I want Cheapy D's Games!!!!
I want to see pictures of you and the wife on a night on the town, then see how you had a seizure because of all the blinky lights.

Wow, that sounded bad, I didn't really mean it. Its just that they have so many flashy pretty lights....
You need to find out exactly what the hell kinda drugs they're doing in Japan, that can explain all the weirdass games that they make. Katamari, mister mosquito, that kinda stuff. And whats up with the panty vending machines? And why do they put eggs on everything?

Anyway, have fun in weirdo land :)
If anyone has pictures or links to pictures of Joypolis please send them to me, i really need pics of Joypolis. You can email or PM me with the pics or whatever. Also pics of any other strange simulators or arcade games you feel are strange or different is also good, there could be something i am missing from my pics collection or maybe something i dont even know about yet. (I think im the only other person that cares about joypolis, if you care about joypolis you can email or pm me to tell me that as well).
I think Cheapy should train to be a ninja, then combat every store that will not coply with his price dropping demands. Swoop in there in the dead of night, all ninja style, and poop on every register "bee-oop" thingy. That's what i call biological warfare.
I would like to see CheapyD being step on by Godzilla or something like that. Japan is a country full of huge monsters afterall.
I want you to post lots of pictures of cute Japanese girsl ^_^
Or you could just set up a cheap ass import store so we can get cheaper import games.
I refuse to pay $50 for Naruto 1 for GameCube.
I like to see CAG imports. I cheap way to import games. I bought Ossu! Tatakae! Ouendan! for DS and it is just a kick arse game. To save some money on importing would be a great!
Try it out when you get to Japan Cheapy if you have a DS.
Congratulations! :applause:

When you get there are you going to have to play Japanese versions of games or are you going to import US versions?
Good luck in Japan CheapyD. Maybe while you're there you'll have the surreal experience of seeing a cosplayer dressed up to look like you? That's when you'll know you've made it. Or do they only dress up as characters that appear in games? You'll just have to convince the devs to make you an unlockable in the next Soul Calibur.
I'd like to know what Cheapy thinks about some o' the awesome arcades over there, too. and, of course, about any cheap games while he's over there...
Good luck over there! like a few others, I'd love to see you dedicate some time to find us cheap-ass import games. ^_^
I would like to see you branch out with CAG into the Japanese market, where the cheap ass way of living can effect their consumer minds like it has us. CAG Japanese edition can incorporate a translator program. This is the future of cheapness, you will be heralded as the great samurai cheapy hailing from the west like a cowboy slashing prices with your sword of clearance.
I doubt I'd play any of CheapyD's games. I'd probably make a little shrine and let all of the CAGs visit to pay homage to our CAL (Cheap Ass Leader).
I think its mandatory that you post tons of pics and keep us updated here at CAG on the whole process of getting adapted there.

Also you should try out some eccentric Japanese games and post a review occationally.

Have fun in over there!
That is an awesome list of games. I especially want Castlevania: SOTN. Japan is incredibly lucky to have the one and only cheapyD. I wonder if people in Japan are into cheap ass gaming, since the majority seems like they're willing to pay anything for the latest stuff. Anyways, good luck in Japan.
I had a grade school friend that moved to Japan. Knowing him and his family, i was able to experience part of their culture. I have been interested in visiting for some time.

Jealousy is huge.
Simply post in this thread for a chance to win.
You must post something about Japan, winning my games, or what you would like to see me do (for your amusement) once I am living in Tokyo

dress up like godzilla and Run into a school screaming knocking over the little chidlren and teachers... maybe you will make it on the world news :)
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