Contest: Wish List Wednesday! Week 8 Winners Announced - Temporarily on Hold

[quote name='kakashidude1']Wow, awesome.

Do I just need to post to enter? If so, consider this my entry. :p[/QUOTE]

Kakashi read the original post from Cheapy, you need to add games to your wish list to be entered into the drawing each week.
If you dont mind me asking, how do you guys get the money for the raffles games? (Or is it just your own wonderful generosity :p) And secondly, the reason why I ask in the first place...can we as members donate to help fun the raffles?
[quote name='Romis']do we have to add something to wish list new each week?[/QUOTE]No, as long as you have something on your Wish List, you can win. However, you can only win what is on your Wish List.

[quote name='Dragonslave66']If you dont mind me asking, how do you guys get the money for the raffles games? (Or is it just your own wonderful generosity :p) And secondly, the reason why I ask in the first place...can we as members donate to help fun the raffles?[/QUOTE]
Prize monies come out of the CAG treasury. Thanks for the offer, but donations are not necessary. Donate to charity instead!

[quote name='4thHorseman']So is everyone gonna try to stay away from picking something someone else has picked for this contest?[/QUOTE]
One of this week's winners, benajmouth, picked :360: Mass Effect 2, our first overlapping title.
Awesome, I've been trying to avoid games that would require pre orders but everything that would go on my wish list either isn't out or is way old lol. Have to say that contest or no contest I'm loving the wishlist, Normally I see a game I'm interested in and forget about it in a few weeks this has helped keep me in the loop as far as pricing and keeping me checking up on street dates :)

Now with 40% more avatar .... because people always seem to think that symphonia zelos when they see Zelos ....
The contest page is a bit confusing... it says "there are 2 ways to get a ticket", but then it doesn't clearly say what those ways are. I think they are 1. having a wish list, 2. following on twitter, but it says I have 0 tickets despite my wish list. I just checked again though, and it now says I have 1 ticket, out of the blue. I guess that's the wish list. Anyways, just some feedback. More feedback... this site might be the greatest site on the internet at this point.
I like this idea and congrats to those who have already won this contest! I'll have to check out my own wish list and make some changes definitely.
BIG thanks to Cheapy and all at Cheap Ass HQ, this is the best thing I've won by a long way.

This maybe the one and only time I can say.....A winner is me :bouncy:\\:D/:bouncy:

PROTIP - Keep that Wish List updated, I only had 4 games on mine, give yourself plenty of choices.
Hey CheapyD - do you need to post in this thread each week or do you simply choose members completely at random out of the site database?

Thanks :)
Probably not the correct forum to post in but let's hope someone see's it. I'm a LAG so someone might have mentioned this already? One thing I would die for in the browse games or wish list sections is a release date sortable list instead of when someone added it to the CAG database. That way the newest stuff always populates at the top instead of those old games that are $20 everywhere now. I would even go as far as adding the cheapest price column on both sections without having to individually click on each game. Let's say you have $35 to spend bcz of a $35 GC/credit, now you can sort you wishlist to find that $35 or less game that you want or that's on sale this day or week. Win - win for everyone?
anyone else have a prob getting the retweet to work off CAG? It keeps telling me to follow first, which I am. I went to twitter and manually did it...
Thanks Cheapy for finding ways to improve your website and making browsing experience much easier. I don't understand why your nominated for villain of the year.
Hm, I was wondering, do I have to retweet every week to stay in the contest with 2 tickets? and if we win something(crossing fingers >_
Ahhh I want this to keep going. So if you win you choose one game under 60 right? what if you want like to 2 games that are hella cheap or is that being too greedy? LOL
I have been listening for a while but never signed up. Once CheapyD started giving out games to users then I was on board. I love the format and started to listen to Boatcrash (I know its Shipwreck) podcast as well, CAG Foreplay.

I'm really thinking about going to see Wombat at PAX East so he wouldn't be the only one in the room. I'll just have my friends text me what is happening at the penny arcade and keynote forums and then I can ask Wombat what his thoughts are lol.
bread's done