COWABUNGA DUDES! TMNT out now on XBLA - 400pts!

Oooh, i love how everyone is talking about my 3 favorite arcade games EVER! This, The Simpsons and X-Men!! (The 6-player game!!!)

If we REALLY DO get this..and the VC can get Turtles in Time.. I'll be SO HAPPY!! :)

But'd be stupid for XBLA not to get a game like this.
1) People WOULD buy it. We can't say that about alot of games on there.
2) Going by what I just said, many people tend to get mad at when games like "Pac Man" "Root Beer Tapper" "Paperboy" get on XBLA. Well, they are ARCADE games. So if we get retro ARCADE games, then arcade games like this need to come on board to.
3) People WOULD buy it!!
Interesting to me that everything that's not from the original game is a mashup of the new movie (chracter select screen, background, etc). It's kinda like merging two universes together--a bridge from my youth to the 25 year old man that wants to go see the new Turtle movie when it hits. ;)
[quote name='DeskLaser']Remember, this is XBLA we're talking about, so we would really be looking at November 2010, maybe...[/QUOTE]

Optimist :)

Couldn't resist.
[quote name='PhreQuencYViii']It's definetly true, question now is when.[/quote]It's gotta be next month sometime, or else they'd totally miss the movie-tie-ins.
[quote name='daroga']Not sure if its been posted, but here's a video:[/QUOTE]omg!!! I guess this can be officially upgraded from a "rumor" then????

I gotta say I'm a bit annoyed at that select screen... definitely takes a little bit of the nostalgia away at the beginning of the game. I'll miss that music... it pretty much guarantees I'll be keeping my MAME version handy, even after I buy the XBLA one.

Was the Level 1 music and the Boss music all there in the Battle Nexus version? Because it seemed intact in that video.
[quote name='BustaUppa']it pretty much guarantees I'll be keeping my MAME version handy, even after I buy the XBLA one.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, goes without saying...for pretty much any XBLA game. It would just be nice to be able to rack up some nerd points while playing a game I really like.

As annoyed as I would be, I would laugh if this were some prank set up by "anti-360" people to rub in the fact that we get next to nothing in terms of worthwhile content.
Remember, this is XBLA we're talking about, so we would really be looking at November 2010, maybe...

See, and this is exactly why people leaking 'revelations' from their PartnetNet out of, as Wombat put it, "obligation", are really doing a disservice to everyone involved. The 'kids', the fanfu--err, 'enthusiasts', and the faithful see this and presumptuously expect the game stat, they don't get it stat, they get pissed, and then they hate Live Arcade a little more. Microsoft doesn't need these PR brush fires to put out. And eventually, something will be done to--ahem--"Crackdown" on the people using PartnerNet. Why, guys, why??

Some of you invariably will reply by saying that if said game is 'out there', then this sort of thing puts the fire to Microsoft's ass, and there's something to be said for that. But it's clear to me by now that either Microsoft has a plan that they are sticking to that doesn't usually conform to what you and I want and when we want it, or the whole system is FUBARed enough to where no amount of heat application makes any difference. In short, all this sort of thing does is generate ill will and copious preemptive bitching.




[quote name='integralsmatic']i will be skeptic on this. that character select screen throws me off completely..why not just keep the original cartoon ver. of them?[/quote]Because it needs to tie into the movie.
[quote name='integralsmatic']ah ok..boy i feel dumb right now. :([/quote]Nah, don't feel dumb. It does look pretty weird. :)
This is great news. Now if some of you would just be patient XBLA is looking to be great this year. Can't wait to pick this up and may other announced titles.

Thanks and the video link of gameplay really made my day.
Hot damn, I'm definitely buying this game. I'll even get my nephew to bring his 360 over so that I get can him a copy, as he doesn't have his 360 hooked up to the internet at his house.
My concern is if it doesn't arrive in time for the Movie and subsequent movie tie-in, then it probably won't arrive atleast the DVD release.

And if it misses both of those windows, I'm sure we'll see it on the 2008 release list.
Even though it's not the Arcade version (apparently), this is one of my 3 wishlist games for XBLA. Turtles Arcade, Simpsons Arcade & Streets of Rage 2.
Is a video a real "confirmation?" I'm pretty much in the "I believe it" boat, but I'd like to see Konami/Ubi/Microsoft/SOMEBODY confirm it.

[quote name='jollydwarf']Remember, this is XBLA we're talking about, so we would really be looking at November 2010, maybe...

See, and this is exactly why people leaking 'revelations' from their PartnetNet out of, as Wombat put it, "obligation", are really doing a disservice to everyone involved. The 'kids', the fanfu--err, 'enthusiasts', and the faithful see this and presumptuously expect the game stat, they don't get it stat, they get pissed, and then they hate Live Arcade a little more.[/QUOTE]


Most of the games people are bitching about are ones that have been officially announced to the public, not leaked by a loudmouth with a Partnernet account. SOTN, Castle Crashers, Worms, Sonic, et al....all shown, all confirmed for release, and more often than not hinted at being out within a few months. TMNT is the exception, not the rule. I do agree with you that it's not a good idea to leak stuff like that since it makes people act stupid and won't change a thing as far as Microsoft's schedule.

Having said that, dislike for the Arcade service would not nearly be as prevalent as it is if they had those above titles "leaked" rather than told people they were coming. The less rational would still scream at them, but I don't think as many of us would hold it against them if the pseudo-announcement was not Microsoft endorsed.

Same thing goes here - assuming this is legit, if it doesn't show up in time for 3/23 (movie release if I remember correctly - also my birthday, so make a note), I won't hold it against them since it was never officially announced.

I guess you can't win either way right now - either they stop announcing stuff altogether so no one expects anything but is really pissed, (but then everything is a surprise), or they announce stuff ahead of time but only have the loosest of ideas when it'll actually be out. What's unfortunate is they've had this service for nearly two and a half years now and still haven't gotten down a happy medium between the two.
Wow, I loved TMNT in the arcades....hopefully it holds up well.

As for people bitching about XBLA announcements, I find it amusing. They are not going to release everything at once. They spread out the marquee titles. Also, they have to go through certification, which can suck apparently.

JUST because they are announced, doesn't mean they are done. Now I know XBM reviews some of these, so it's only a matter of time before we see some of these.

JUST WAIT PEOPLE. I mean Halo 3 is announced but it's not out yet ;)
Also, The Simpsons arcade game sucks and Streets of Rage 3 is better than 2. What they do need to throw on there, as far as beat 'em ups goes is:

Guardian Heroes
Streets of Rage 3
X-Men Arcade (6 player)
Dungeons & Dragons (any of the Capcom arcade versions)
Alien vs. Predator (Capcom arcade title; this one is really a forgotten gem)
[quote name='LinkinPrime']OMG...yes!
Next up...Simpsons Arcade Game with 4 player XBL co-op![/QUOTE]
This is amazing news and that would be crazy.
[quote name='zewone']Also, The Simpsons arcade game sucks and Streets of Rage 3 is better than 2. What they do need to throw on there, as far as beat 'em ups goes is:

Guardian Heroes
Streets of Rage 3
X-Men Arcade (6 player)
Dungeons & Dragons (any of the Capcom arcade versions)
Alien vs. Predator (Capcom arcade title; this one is really a forgotten gem)[/QUOTE]

Zew with the truth. I played it over this summer and was super dissappointed. It wasn't NEARLY as good as I remember it.

Now Guardian Heroes.... there's a fucking game. Wish I didn't trade my copy in when I switched from Saturn to Playstation :(

But yea, Guardian Heroes, AVP and the D&D Brawlers (Shadows over Mystara preferably) are THE elite beat em ups from back in the day.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Is a video a real "confirmation?" I'm pretty much in the "I believe it" boat, but I'd like to see Konami/Ubi/Microsoft/SOMEBODY confirm it.[/QUOTE]

Well, I think that it has been confirmed that it is up on PartnerNET, so that much is true. Once Konami, Ubisoft or Microsoft confirms it then I'll change the topic title to OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED.
[quote name='CAG 79']Well, I think that it has been confirmed that it is up on PartnerNET, so that much is true. Once Konami, Ubisoft or Microsoft confirms it then I'll change the topic title to OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED.[/QUOTE]
The video could have easily been faked. I do think it's legit, the very simple looking gray loading bars make me think that it's really a video of an beta build of the game.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']WE still need a Final Fight, but at least TMNT plays better and is one of the better brawlers out there...

any confirm on online co-op? please god please![/quote]
If it didn't, it'd be the biggest mistake of the XBLA. Even bigger than Root Beer Tapper.
[quote name='zewone']Also, The Simpsons arcade game sucks and Streets of Rage 3 is better than 2. What they do need to throw on there, as far as beat 'em ups goes is:

Guardian Heroes
Streets of Rage 3
X-Men Arcade (6 player)
Dungeons & Dragons (any of the Capcom arcade versions)
Alien vs. Predator (Capcom arcade title; this one is really a forgotten gem)[/QUOTE]

Hands down the best arcade brawler of all time.
Another co-op arcade classic I'd love to see would be Aliens (not the same game as AvP, although that certainly needs to come out as well). That one actually played more like a hybrid of TMNT and Contra, since your primary weapons were guns. I'm not sure if it was a particularly popular game, but I have very fond memories of it. One of the sweetest parts was the obligitory "elevator stage." You're fighting off all these aliens jumping onto the elevator from both sides, and meanwhile you've got aliens jumping on the roof and eating away at the elevator cable. If the cable snaps, the elevator plummets to the bottom and you die! So you gotta be very aware of what's going on. Anyway I think Konami did that game, whereas Capcom handled AvP much later on.
Man "Shadow Over Mysteria" would be great but TSR seem to be pricks and wouldn't let it happen.
"Guardian Heroes" would be awesome, who knows why Treasure hasn't re-released it.
Guardian Heroes will show up somewhere, someday... Treasure has expressed a great interest getting its "rare" titles out there for everyone to experience and not just a lucky few. I also remember them saying they had a few titles lined up for XBLA (this may be wrong on my part, though) and I'll wait to see what they bring out after Ikaruga.

Guardian Heroes is too big for VC, and the Wii dosen't support Saturn anyways, so throwing it on XBLA would be perfect.

And yea, Simpsons Arcade game sucks, nostalgia is making everyone remember it to be a lot better than it actually was.
[quote name='Pancake Rabbit']Hmm I like it. Also Simpsons would be very sweet, probably my favorite beat em up ever.[/QUOTE]
Download MAME and play it and try and tell me with a straight face, that you didn't remember it being better. And I think it's impossible for Guardian Heroes not be someone's favorite beat 'em up, once they've played it.
this game alone is a huge move in the right direction for arcade!!!

i hope this game does well... cant wait...ill miss the menu screen too with the music.. they should of kept the menu and altered the pics if anything
[quote name='BustaUppa']Another co-op arcade classic I'd love to see would be Aliens (not the same game as AvP, although that certainly needs to come out as well). That one actually played more like a hybrid of TMNT and Contra, since your primary weapons were guns. I'm not sure if it was a particularly popular game, but I have very fond memories of it. One of the sweetest parts was the obligitory "elevator stage." You're fighting off all these aliens jumping onto the elevator from both sides, and meanwhile you've got aliens jumping on the roof and eating away at the elevator cable. If the cable snaps, the elevator plummets to the bottom and you die! So you gotta be very aware of what's going on. Anyway I think Konami did that game, whereas Capcom handled AvP much later on.[/QUOTE]

Also one of my favorites. Though after a while I wondered why they even had a standing shoot button. I'd end up going through the whole game using the duck/shoot button.
[quote name='zewone']The video could have easily been faked. I do think it's legit, the very simple looking gray loading bars make me think that it's really a video of an beta build of the game.
What grey loading bars? You mean the ones that say show up when the video is buffering?
[quote name='Ugamer_X']What grey loading bars? You mean the ones that say show up when the video is buffering?[/QUOTE]
Is that what that was? Oh, then the video looks even less legit to me.
well im betting we could get a demo of the "movie" game coming out next month real soon since the pc demo was just released...

im prob the only one looking forward to that game just cause im a big turtles fan
Balls on a duck, I just played this game at Chuck E. Cheese's this weekend with my buddy. This game was so much fun, espcecially when you got to the skake-board stage. I'm definately looking forward to playing as Raph, the biggest asshole of the four turtles.
if this is legit, awesome, I enjoy playing the MAME version on my modded XB

now if they can get the Xmen and Simpsons games in as well, Id be ecstatic
[quote name='RudyPants'] I'm definately looking forward to playing as Raph, the biggest asshole of the four turtles.[/QUOTE]omg, this seriously cracked me up.
bread's done