COWABUNGA DUDES! TMNT out now on XBLA - 400pts!

Awesome news. Finally a reason for me to start buying MS points again.

Now only if they could throw Turtles in Time in there as well....
[quote name='polly']They should also add Sunset Riders and the Ninja Gaiden arcade game.[/QUOTE]

Sunset Riders would be great! The 16 bit versions of Sunset Riders didn't give it justice. That and SFII got most of my quarters when I was teen.
[quote name='asianxcore']Now only if they could throw Turtles in Time in there as well....[/QUOTE]Hopefully they pull a "Ms. Pac-Man" and put that one out later. I'd buy both in a heartbeat.
[quote name='CitizenB']Sweet confirmation! I bet it'll be 800 points though.[/QUOTE]
At 800 points, it's a bargain if it has 4 player online co-op.
[quote name='CitizenB']Sweet confirmation! I bet it'll be 800 points though.[/QUOTE]

it's already better than alien homminid if it is either 800 pts or online co-op.
[quote name='zewone']Also, The Simpsons arcade game sucks[/quote]
Correct! At least compared to TMNT or other similar games. Still would be a worthy release.
Streets of Rage 3 is better than 2.
Incorrect! The series peaked with the first sequel.
Guardian Heroes
X-Men Arcade (6 player)
Dungeons & Dragons (any of the Capcom arcade versions)
Alien vs. Predator
Huh? This game is even worse than the Simpsons.

...although honestly, I'll take anything you listed before any game pre-1990.

[quote name='zewone']There was a Sonic game announced for XBLA?[/QUOTE]
Yeah. The first Genesis game. I think they changed the name to "Sonic - High Speed" or something so it wasn't confused with the newer 360 game.

Although honestly, since it's STILL not out after being announced at E3 '06 and the new Sonic game has been out for a while, they may have shitcanned it.
[quote name='zewone']Also, The Simpsons arcade game sucks[/quote]
Correct! At least compared to TMNT or other similar games. Still would be a worthy release.
Streets of Rage 3 is better than 2.
Incorrect! The series peaked with the first sequel.
Guardian Heroes
X-Men Arcade (6 player)
Dungeons & Dragons (any of the Capcom arcade versions)
Alien vs. Predator
Huh? This game is even worse than the Simpsons.

...although honestly, I'll take anything you listed before any game pre-1990.

[quote name='zewone']There was a Sonic game announced for XBLA?[/QUOTE]
Yeah. The first Genesis game. I think they changed the name to "Sonic: High Speed" or something so it wasn't confused with the newer 360 game.

Although honestly, since it's STILL not out after being announced at E3 '06 and the new Sonic game has been out for a while, they may have shitcanned it.
I don't own a Xbox, but this makes me want one in moment.

These arcade games, do they require a subscription to Live or can I buy them without Live?
[quote name='b3b0p']I don't own a Xbox, but this makes me want one in moment.

These arcade games, do they require a subscription to Live or can I buy them without Live?[/QUOTE]

yes you do need live..but you could just have a silver membership which will allow access to the marketplace..but being gold allows more access and exclusive gold membership downloads. you also have to purchase the market place points to download the games. i bought my 360 2 weeks ago and it did two things for me, killed my urges for a wii and gave me loads of fun on live. its worth a purchase imo.
[quote name='b3b0p']I don't own a Xbox, but this makes me want one in moment.

These arcade games, do they require a subscription to Live or can I buy them without Live?[/QUOTE]

You also need the gold version of Live if you want to play co-op online.
Don't set your hopes TOO high guys. There's no way Simpsons or X-Men will ever see the light of day, Konami doesn't own either license anymore. Even if they did, Six Player X-Men could never work, the original arcade itself required 2 monitors, the six player version can't even be emulated as far as I'm aware...
I just peed a little bit...

The video just made my night. I'm so pumped for this, I know it's going to be a while before it comes out, but actually being able to play the arcade release with some co-op would be Splatterhouse levels of fantastic.

If they put AvP up, I'd probably wet myself. Kurosawa for the win.
[quote name='polly']They should also add Sunset Riders and the Ninja Gaiden arcade game.[/QUOTE]
Sunset rider is good, but you can get ninja gaiden arcade game in ninja gaiden black (as well as the console version)
[quote name='spmahn']Don't set your hopes TOO high guys. There's no way Simpsons or X-Men will ever see the light of day, Konami doesn't own either license anymore. Even if they did, Six Player X-Men could never work, the original arcade itself required 2 monitors, the six player version can't even be emulated as far as I'm aware...[/quote]

konami doesnt own the lisence to tmnt either but they still managed to work out a deal to put this out, why not xmen. i think if sales for this are very strong that theyd look inot releasing more of their old school co-op arcade brawlers, like xmen and the simpsons.

an hdtv would take care of the two monitor thing. also, there were two versions of the game, a 6 player and a 4 player on one monitor. and i dont see why they couldnt make a 6 player live co-op work. even 4 player would be fantastic.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']konami doesnt own the lisence to tmnt either but they still managed to work out a deal to put this out, why not xmen. i think if sales for this are very strong that theyd look inot releasing more of their old school co-op arcade brawlers, like xmen and the simpsons.

an hdtv would take care of the two monitor thing. also, there were two versions of the game, a 6 player and a 4 player on one monitor. and i dont see why they couldnt make a 6 player live co-op work. even 4 player would be fantastic.[/quote]
[quote name='62t']Sunset rider is good, but you can get ninja gaiden arcade game in ninja gaiden black (as well as the console version)[/quote] Gotta pick up black now.
[quote name='Roufuss']Sadly, TMNT The Arcade Game was superior on the NES too... extra levels and all that jazz. I'd probably still get this version though.[/QUOTE]

I somehow missed this earlier. TMNT II/Arcade on the NES was ok, but a pale, PALE imitation of the arcade game. Yes it had the two bonus levels/bosses - that didn't make up for the enormous step down in graphics and music, missing moves, loss of 4-player co-op, and flicker galore. And in-game Pizza Hut ads.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']konami doesnt own the lisence to tmnt either but they still managed to work out a deal to put this out, why not xmen. i think if sales for this are very strong that theyd look inot releasing more of their old school co-op arcade brawlers, like xmen and the simpsons.

an hdtv would take care of the two monitor thing. also, there were two versions of the game, a 6 player and a 4 player on one monitor. and i dont see why they couldnt make a 6 player live co-op work. even 4 player would be fantastic.[/quote]

This was discussed in a previous thread. Konami owns the rights to TMNT in regards to the television show. Ubi Soft only owns the rights to TMNT in regards to the movie next month.

and an HDTV would not take care of the two monitor thing. The size of the monitor makes no difference, the thing is still set up for two seperate monitors, it would require a decent amount of reprogramming to change this.
I always found it baffling that the Simpsons and X-men beat 'em ups never got home ports. Actually there was a PC version of the Simpsons, but that shouldn't even count. Seriously, what was up with that?!?!? What about AvP, did that one ever get a home version?
[quote name='spmahn']This was discussed in a previous thread. Konami owns the rights to TMNT in regards to the television show. Ubi Soft only owns the rights to TMNT in regards to the movie next month.

and an HDTV would not take care of the two monitor thing. The size of the monitor makes no difference, the thing is still set up for two seperate monitors, it would require a decent amount of reprogramming to change this.[/quote]
considering the games already made and how much $ they could make off it. its not that unrealisitc that they do a little adaptation. it wouldnt be as hard as youre trying to make it out to be. they already have to do most of what it would take, just by porting it to XBLA in the 1st place.
[quote name='spmahn']This was discussed in a previous thread. Konami owns the rights to TMNT in regards to the television show. Ubi Soft only owns the rights to TMNT in regards to the movie next month.

and an HDTV would not take care of the two monitor thing. The size of the monitor makes no difference, the thing is still set up for two seperate monitors, it would require a decent amount of reprogramming to change this.[/quote]

if ubisoft only owns the rights to the movie next month then why are they involved in the xbox live release of this game.

and like i said, there is a 1 monitor 4 player version of the xmen arcade game.
[quote name='KaneRobot']I somehow missed this earlier. TMNT II/Arcade on the NES was ok, but a pale, PALE imitation of the arcade game. Yes it had the two bonus levels/bosses - that didn't make up for the enormous step down in graphics and music, missing moves, loss of 4-player co-op, and flicker galore. And in-game Pizza Hut ads.[/quote]I dunno. With access to both, I'd still rather play the NES version. Probablly if nothing else than for nostalgia cause I only got to play the arcade game like 6 times but beat the snot out of the NES one. But, ugh, remember the one added boss in the NES game? With the floating head. That guy was rough.

Whenever I had a chance I always played the arcade game, though. It was like actually playing the cartoon.

For those of you down on The Simpsons arcade game need to get your heads examined. I just played through it CoOp with a buddy of mine and had a blast. It's a great game, easily on equal par with Turtles. ;)

I wonder if the flood gates of old Turtles Games are going to be opened with the movie. The two arcade games on the XBLA, and the 3 NES, 1 SNES, and 1 Genesis beat-em-ups on the Wii's VC? I'd probably be out a lot of money very fast. Did the SNES Turtles in Time have anything in it that the Arcade didn't? I never owned that one, but I do remember it being a cakewalk compared to the NES Arcade port.
I think the main reason I could never love the NES version the same way was that they eliminted the BOSS over-the-shoulder throw. That was the coolest fucking thing ever to me back then. TMNT III on NES did have it, but by then I wasn't interested.

[quote name='BustaUppa']Actually there was a PC version of the Simpsons, but that shouldn't even count. Seriously, what was up with that?!?!?[/QUOTE]

I HAD that. The floppies are around here somewhere.

...when I got it, I was running it on a 286 (up until about 1998, I was always "one generation back" when it came to PCs. Obviously it ran like shit. I used it with that cheapo Disney-made Soundblaster ripoff that came with The Rocketeer (which a few people may unfortunately remember as an SNES launch-window game). I think it was called "The Sound Source." It improved the music from the no-exteral audio beeps and boops, but not by much.

Later that year I got a 386, but by then I didn't give a shit about it anymore. Oh, and I had probably lost the instruction booklet, which told you the answer to their primitive copy protection question (ie, "what character is pictured in square H-4 on page 63") or whatever. Around that era I was playing the D&D games in the Pool of Radiance series (PoR/Curse of the Azure Bonds/Secret of the Silver Blades). They came with that goddamn decoder wheel that would tell you what letter to enter when you started the game. Naturally it was insanely easy to lose. Eventually I would just guess the letter until I got it right so I could play the damn thing.

Where was I? Oh yeah, stay outta my booze!
I think the main reason I could never love the NES version the same way was that they eliminted the BOSS over-the-shoulder throw. That was the coolest fucking thing ever to me back then. TMNT III on NES did have it, but by then I wasn't interested.

I do hope they release the NES version of TMNT (the original) on the Virtual Console though, so a whole new generation of players can feel the maddening frustration of the last three or four rooms in that game. They don't make 'em like that anymore.

[quote name='BustaUppa']Actually there was a PC version of the Simpsons, but that shouldn't even count. Seriously, what was up with that?!?!?[/QUOTE]

I HAD that. The floppies are around here somewhere.

...when I got it, I was running it on a 286 (up until about 1998, I was always "one generation back" when it came to PCs. Obviously it ran like shit. I used it with that cheapo Disney-made Soundblaster ripoff that came with The Rocketeer (which a few people may unfortunately remember as an SNES launch-window game). I think it was called "The Sound Source." It improved the music from the no-exteral audio beeps and boops, but not by much.

Later that year I got a 386, but by then I didn't give a shit about it anymore. Oh, and I had probably lost the instruction booklet, which told you the answer to their primitive copy protection question (ie, "what character is pictured in square H-4 on page 63") or whatever. Around that era I was playing the D&D games in the Pool of Radiance series (PoR/Curse of the Azure Bonds/Secret of the Silver Blades). They came with that goddamn decoder wheel that would tell you what letter to enter when you started the game. Naturally it was insanely easy to lose. Eventually I would just guess the letter until I got it right so I could play the damn thing.

Where was I? Oh yeah, stay outta my booze!
I'm pretty excited about this one. I agree that the NES version was limited enough to ding my enjoyment of it. And sorry to OT, but this announcement did raise my hopes for a Wii VC version of Turtles in Time (hopefully closer to the arcade version than the SNES) as well.
[quote name='gunm']And sorry to OT, but this announcement did raise my hopes for a Wii VC version of Turtles in Time (hopefully closer to the arcade version than the SNES) as well.[/QUOTE]
If it did come out, it would definitely be a port of the SNES version. VC just does straight console ports with no additional content. I'd rather have Turtles in Time on Live Arcade for online co op.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']if ubisoft only owns the rights to the movie next month then why are they involved in the xbox live release of this game.

and like i said, there is a 1 monitor 4 player version of the xmen arcade game.[/quote]

Because, if you'll notice, the art on the border sorrounding the gameplay is art from the upcoming turtles movie, so Ubisoft gets a cut, that's the only reason their name gets attached.

As for X-Men and Simpsons, at the time, Konami only owned the Arcade rights to those two properties, Acclaim owned the console rights. Now Simpsons is developed in house by the FOX Studios developer, and I'm not even sure who owns the Marvel license these days.
[quote name='zewone']If it did come out, it would definitely be a port of the SNES version. VC just does straight console ports with no additional content. I'd rather have Turtles in Time on Live Arcade for online co op.[/quote]
thats not true. just look at SF II Hyper Fighting.

that was an arcade game. not a console game.

it even has the
Quarter Match: In an entirely new mode specifically created for Xbox Live Arcade, "Quarters" are used to virtually represent players and pays homage to the arcade tradition of claiming the right to play the next game.
About a month ago I was an arcade, and my friends and I played through about 8 levels of the Simpsons Arcade Game. We were pretty close to the end, but were so bored we stopped playing. It was truly awful and aged poorly.
[quote name='spmahn']Because, if you'll notice, the art on the border sorrounding the gameplay is art from the upcoming turtles movie, so Ubisoft gets a cut, that's the only reason their name gets attached.

As for X-Men and Simpsons, at the time, Konami only owned the Arcade rights to those two properties, Acclaim owned the console rights. Now Simpsons is developed in house by the FOX Studios developer, and I'm not even sure who owns the Marvel license these days.[/quote]
Acclaim was just the publisher. just like Activision was the publisher of Marvel Ultimate Alliance. that doesnt mean they have IP rights to it. Marvel has all Marvel IP rights. Mirage Comics owns the IP rights of TMNT. whoever they want to devlop/publish it, can develop/publish it. im guessing ubisoft is involved because as you can see from the player selection artwork in the video they changed some of the artwork to mimic the new movie. cross promotion. not because ubisoft has any rights to the game. but because its better marketing. as for simpsons, Fox has all IP rights to it. they can dole it out to any dev/publisher they want as well. theyve even had the same game developed/published by 2 different studios just for different platforms before (case in point Simpsons Road Rage (THQ on DS, EA on xbox). as for the old arcade game; konami will always hold IP rights to the game itself. whether or not they can sell it depends on fox. i see no reason why they wouldnt, the movie's coming out soon.
[quote name='daroga']What? He was saying the Wii's VC doesn't get added content and only gets console ports, not the XBLA.[/quote]
[quote name='guyver2077']looking at the video again.. wow did it look that good at the arcades.. i totally forgot.. maybe its cuz i got used to the nes version[/quote]yes it did look that good.
[quote name='daroga']Did the SNES Turtles in Time have anything in it that the Arcade didn't?[/QUOTE]There were several differences in the SNES version... off the top of my head:

- Sludge monster boss replaced with Slash (on the "Prehistoric Turtlesaurus" stage)

- New technodrome stage

- Tokka and Rhazar as SNES-exclusive bosses

- another exclusive boss fight in which you have to throw foot soldiers "through" the screen to damage Shredder

- "Alien Rush" at the end of the sewers replaced by a more traditional boss fight, in the form of Rat King riding on a Foot-Ski

- Mode 7-enhanced hoverboard stage

- vs. Mode

- can select between two different color schemes for the turtles

- can select dash type (double-tap or hold forward)

Lots of good content added to the SNES version actually... althought the arcade version is still relevant due to some unique content, nostalgia, and of course 4-player.
[quote name='BustaUppa']
- another exclusive boss fight in which you have to throw foot soldiers "through" the screen to damage Shredder


that's the only change I hated... that boss fight really messed with the flow of the game and was a bitch to do.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']that's the only change I hated... that boss fight really messed with the flow of the game and was a bitch to do.[/QUOTE]ha ha yeah that fight felt like it could take forever sometimes.

I'm sure there was a reliable way to do that screen throw, I just always forgot what it was, and I had to re-educate myself each time that fight came up.

As far as the NES Arcade port goes... the biggest change I can remember was replacing the simultaneous Bebop/Rocksteady fight with Baxter Stockman (in Fly form). That and the two extra stages... I was always amused by the foot soldiers that would throw snowballs at you.
[quote name='BustaUppa']There were several differences in the SNES version... off the top of my head:

- Sludge monster boss replaced with Slash (on the "Prehistoric Turtlesaurus" stage)

- New technodrome stage

- Tokka and Rhazar as SNES-exclusive bosses

- another exclusive boss fight in which you have to throw foot soldiers "through" the screen to damage Shredder

- "Alien Rush" at the end of the sewers replaced by a more traditional boss fight, in the form of Rat King riding on a Foot-Ski

- Mode 7-enhanced hoverboard stage

- vs. Mode

- can select between two different color schemes for the turtles

- can select dash type (double-tap or hold forward)

Lots of good content added to the SNES version actually... althought the arcade version is still relevant due to some unique content, nostalgia, and of course 4-player.[/QUOTE]
But most importantly, the arcade game had the actual audio of the intro song done by that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Band, while the SNES did not. Pizza Pow-ahhhh!

And big thanks to RAMSTORIA for putting my birthday under his name. Thanks dude! I knew you wouldn't forget.
bread's done