Crysis 2 out! Sans DX11

[quote name='SEH']According to this link Crysis 2 will ship with only DX9 and DX11 will be patched in "some time after" the game releases.

If this is true, Crytek can seriously piss off.[/QUOTE]

Well that's a bummer. I plan on ordering a 6870 in the next few weeks here and it would have been nice to see what it could do with Crysis2.

Oh well, just another reason to wait and pick it up during the Steam holiday sale.
Just tried playing again and noticed some more garbage.

So, glad to see they used the shit friend system from BC2. Invites either never get sent or take ages to reach your friend. I also enjoy that theres no refresh button for the server menu. Why would I want to refresh, backing out to the main menu then loading the server browser again is so much more convenient. Games now for whatever reason don't even start, they just sit in the lobby with a looping countdown clock.

fuck this game.
Un-preordered (Well I hadn't thrown the actual money down yet, but I'd mentally checked out the dollars going towards it)

They had my support after the leak, and they had my support when I was playing the 360 demo (Oh boy, if the PC version is gonna be better than this, it's gonna be awesome! Right?) but between this demo and the DX11 business, I imagine the game will halve in price by the holiday season.
Well, the online multiplayer takes the usual FPS chaotic multiplayer and makes it even more chaotic by adding in invisibility. Just when you thought you were only vulnerable to enemies everyplace but right in front of you, now you're totally vulnerable in front of you, too.

I actually enjoyed running around and jumping on various things.

It ran nicely for me when maxed out as far as it would go.

I'm more looking forward to the single player.
[quote name='SEH']According to this link Crysis 2 will ship with only DX9 and DX11 will be patched in "some time after" the game releases.

If this is true, Crytek can seriously piss off.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='SEH']Just tried playing again and noticed some more garbage.

So, glad to see they used the shit friend system from BC2. Invites either never get sent or take ages to reach your friend. I also enjoy that theres no refresh button for the server menu. Why would I want to refresh, backing out to the main menu then loading the server browser again is so much more convenient. Games now for whatever reason don't even start, they just sit in the lobby with a looping countdown clock.

fuck this game.[/QUOTE]
Wow, this is reaching Funcom levels of quality. Anything Crytek used to be a no-brainer buy for me, but I might cancel my pre-order simply for the disrespect of the PC community.
[quote name='SEH']Just tried playing again and noticed some more garbage.

So, glad to see they used the shit friend system from BC2. Invites either never get sent or take ages to reach your friend. I also enjoy that theres no refresh button for the server menu. Why would I want to refresh, backing out to the main menu then loading the server browser again is so much more convenient. Games now for whatever reason don't even start, they just sit in the lobby with a looping countdown clock.

fuck this game.[/QUOTE]

Ive played with a few friends at differnt times and differnt have invite issues or looping clock. However I did have a time where I couldnt even log in, so maybe it was a sever issue or something.

It's quite annyoing that all servers are there's and if you have a group you have to be fast to get in.

The gameplay to me is fun to an extent. From level 1 I was fighting people level 10 who had holograms and heat vision. Then a laser gets called down on me. As if everyone stealth camping the capture points wasn't stupid as fuck enough. Oh ya. People stayed AWAY from capture points so they could camp and kill whoever went it. This mentality is why I don't FPS much.
[quote name='Jodou']Wow, this is reaching Funcom levels of quality. Anything Crytek used to be a no-brainer buy for me, but I might cancel my pre-order simply for the disrespect of the PC community.[/QUOTE]

Had I pre-ordered, I'd definitely cancel. It's pretty disgusting the way Crytek flat-out lied about this being a PC game first and a console game second just to gain support of the PC community, as evidenced by them not even bothering to localize the menus. Adjust the brightness on my "TV"...really?

[quote name='basilofbkrst']Ive played with a few friends at differnt times and differnt have invite issues or looping clock. However I did have a time where I couldnt even log in, so maybe it was a sever issue or something.

It's quite annyoing that all servers are there's and if you have a group you have to be fast to get in.

The gameplay to me is fun to an extent. From level 1 I was fighting people level 10 who had holograms and heat vision. Then a laser gets called down on me. As if everyone stealth camping the capture points wasn't stupid as fuck enough. Oh ya. People stayed AWAY from capture points so they could camp and kill whoever went it. This mentality is why I don't FPS much.[/QUOTE]

Yup, TONS of camping points while in stealth mode which just leads to the points being giant nade fests. I also love the people that just camp in stealth mode on the roof of the Skyline map. Invis in an FPS is such a terrible idea (aside from TF2). I would've much preferred they just take the suit powers away, but then you're really just left with a mediocre shooter.

Another issue is the map size. Everything is really cluttered as it is with it being 6v6. When the full game releases with 9v9 it's going to be even worse. I don't think gigantic maps ala BF2 would work, but they definitely need maps larger than the smallest COD maps.

On another map related note, I'm really not a fan of the overall design. You have this suit that lets you jump really high, meanwhile most of the fighting takes place in-doors with buildings that have low ceilings or overhangs that prevent you from doing some cool jumps/fist pound kills.

I'm really confused by what they were thinking with this game. So much stuff just doesn't make sense/feels like it wasn't play-tested at all.
[quote name='SEH']Yup, TONS of camping points while in stealth mode which just leads to the points being giant nade fests. I also love the people that just camp in stealth mode on the roof of the Skyline map. Invis in an FPS is such a terrible idea (aside from TF2). I would've much preferred they just take the suit powers away, but then you're really just left with a mediocre shooter.

Another issue is the map size. Everything is really cluttered as it is with it being 6v6. When the full game releases with 9v9 it's going to be even worse. I don't think gigantic maps ala BF2 would work, but they definitely need maps larger than the smallest COD maps though.

On another map related note, I'm really not a fan of the overall design. You have this suit that lets you jump really high, meanwhile most of the fighting takes place in-doors with buildings that have low ceilings or overhangs that prevent you from doing some cool jumps/fist pound kills.

I'm really confused by what they were thinking with this game. So much stuff just doesn't make sense/feels like it wasn't play-tested at all.[/QUOTE]

I've never understood peoples idea that more players = better. People complained that 9v9 was too few but like you said, 6v6 even feels crowded sometimes. Having seen some of the leaked MP footage, there are some pretty sizable maps.

Honestly, I'm kind of stuck. Call me a generic shooter lover but I really like the gameplay of C2. It's just the PC support I'm worried about. People who talked about the leaked beta said it was just fine though, as far as PC support.

I might have to ask a "friend" to play the leaked beta for me and let me know.
Yeah, I don't get the people that bitch about small player counts either. I'd much rather play a balanced 6v6 then a chaotic game with 12v12. People always bitch about that with COD. They don't understand that the maps are not made for 24+ people.
I suck ass at FPS. I think thats part of why it makes no mother fucking sense to me why you would give the guy on a kill streak a gunner ship or alien laser beam. He doesn't fucking need it.
As far as recoil goes, you guys do know that there is a "perk" that reduces the recoil? The game seems pretty good to me, to bad the servers are getting hit so hard that it's hard to get into a game.
[quote name='insano']As far as recoil goes, you guys do know that there is a "perk" that reduces the recoil? The game seems pretty good to me, to bad the servers are getting hit so hard that it's hard to get into a game.[/QUOTE]

Yes, however the perk doesn't just "reduce" recoil, it completely eliminates it.
New update to the demo. Nothing too interesting.

"The patch for the recently released Crysis 2 Demo. This fixes some issues in the initial release.

Changes include

* "Press Start to Begin" has been changed to "Press Enter to Begin" on the main menu
* Ping changes in server browser - no ping for anyone now (all 0) - "Crytek is working very hard to fix this for the shipping game"
* Fixed crash if getting force disconnected from a dedicated server (although the force disconnect issue has been resolved anyway)
* Account creation now works properly
* G35 headset fix now implemented
* People not able to sign in with certain characters such as "-" or "numbers" in their username, now can"
Tried playing a game 4 times today. Every single time, I got disconnected after being in the game for 10-15 seconds. So frustrating -_-.
I dunno if anyone here is still playing, but I thought I'd share.

You can configure the game through launch commands. Just add them after the path in the target line. Here's an example of mine.

"C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Crytek\Crysis 2 Demo\bin32\Crysis2Demo.exe" +cl_fov=80 +r_DrawNearFoV = 80 +pl_movement.power_sprint_targetFov = 80 +g_skipIntro=1

Motion blur and the glowy lighting effects can also be turned off, if that's your thing. I don't have all the commands on hand but it really makes the game so much more playable to have a good FoV. Also, that's vertical FoV, not horizontal.
lol, great, right as I'm finishing it.

Well, guess it's incentive to play it again. fucking awesome game, so it deserves another go-round.
I tried it this weekend and it's a far cry from the sandbox gameplay I'm used to from them. Far too COD-ish for my taste, with the scripted action scenes and shooter on rails linear corridors. I'll try to muster the energy to play it again tonight, but Crytek is dead to me as far as I'm concerned.

And what's with the glitchy UI and firing mode not working properly? Trying to use the quick suit menu for modes is like flipping a coin: sometimes it works right, most of the time it doesn't. When I reload a save, I'm unable to change firing modes until I empty a clip it seems, too. Just inexcusable bugs that doesn't take but a few minutes of playing your own damn game to find.

WTF is wrong with QA these days?
It just makes me laugh that while they were making the game, they swore up and down that it was a PC game at heart with cutting edge DX11 visuals. Then, they came out and said that DX11 wouldn't be included at launch, but rather in a patch (AKA shoe-horned in because the game is clearly not a PC game). Now, they're backing away from the DX11 patch all together.

Oh Crytek, you never fail to impress.
I'm just totally floored this is the same company that made Crysis. Do developers just go full retard when making console games? Is Yerli so butthurt about piracy that he took it out on the PC version? I honestly don't know what to make of it.
Wow, I was considering picking it up now that DX11 was gonna come out but I'm not buying until then. fuck that German site that misreported, I bet they were just fishing for traffic.
[quote name='Jodou']I'm just totally floored this is the same company that made Crysis. Do developers just go full retard when making console games? Is Yerli so butthurt about piracy that he took it out on the PC version? I honestly don't know what to make of it.[/QUOTE]

I don't know about the full retard part, but it has been very clear since the first Crysis that Crytek is full of themselves. Complaining about sales for a game that sold over a million units was just plain stupid. I find it rather strange that a pc developer doesn't know their own market. PC gamers, on average, don't buy as many games as console gamers in the first place. And it's not just because of piracy. Just look at how many people still play Counterstrike or Battlefield 2. And when Crysis was first released, not many rigs could play it at the standards people were used to. No, they've not gone retarded. They just don't care about pc gamers, because they feel that pc gamers don't care about them.

I really do feel Crytek/EA lied about this being a pc game. It's pretty apparent that this is a console game ported to the pc. Crytek might eventually get around to pasting in DX11. But by that time they'll be on their next game and Crysis 2 will be forgotten.

This will be another game I buy for the Xbox 360 used during a Gamestop B2G1 sale. I do this when I want a game, but am pissed at the publisher about the pc version. Sadly, my list gets longer and longer every year (a special shout out to Ubisoft, you fuck-heads). :cry:

Although, I have been playing a lot more indy releases thanks to stuff like this!
Yeah, it's pretty clear to me they only care about sales at this point and that's Infinity Ward territory. Sad really, when you let success go to your head.
Has anyone found a concrete fix for the flickering on crossfire setups? I've tried renaming the .exe to bioshock and the results were glitchy.
[quote name='Ragnorok64']Has anyone found a concrete fix for the flickering on crossfire setups? I've tried renaming the .exe to bioshock and the results were glitchy.[/QUOTE]
Uninstalling seems to work for a lot of people.
[quote name='Ragnorok64']Has anyone found a concrete fix for the flickering on crossfire setups? I've tried renaming the .exe to bioshock and the results were glitchy.[/QUOTE]

So I seem to have managed it by installing the Catalyst 11.4 hotfix drivers and the 11.4 caps. Then after starting the game I adjusted the brightness setting now only objects in nano-vision flicker.
bread's done