DC Universe Online Thread *Lightning Strikes DLC 12/6/11* Free to play

[quote name='XxSmityxX']started playing the PS3 version today. Got about 3 hours in and almost to LVL 7 before it crashed and hung up the PS3.

Just tried to get playing it again and had to update to 1.04 140mb download which of course takes forever.

Anyways after the update it always hangs at the loading screen and gives the generic "disconnected, please sign in with PSN account".


They had a scheduled update today. It was supposed to be back up around 4pm est but they posted they were doing more testing and bug fixes before bringing it back up. Still not up 3 hours later.

Still, it is in beta. I like the game so far. It's not a deep mmo by any means. I loved Hulk Ultimate Destruction and that is what it reminds me of. Still on the fence as to whether I want to pay 15.00 a month for it. Dont know if it has enough content to keep me interested for long.

Like the look and feel of playing it though. And the character customization.
[quote name='Luriden']What it does have going for it, however, is the fact that it's a true MMO on a console (I don't count Everquest and FFXI since those were basically sloppy "ports" of the PC versions.) This factor alone makes me want to buy it. Then I think back on how I haven't played this game in a couple weeks because nobody will join my party to help me with a quest I'm stuck on, and things like that will probably prevent me from getting the game. Actually, that same factor is what made me quit WoW, so I guess that's more of an MMO problem. MMO's suck when you're trying to tackle everything solo, and sometimes you don't choice.[/QUOTE]

It's a very dumbed down MMO when compared to pretty much everything else out there. As much as I despise WOW, if you're going to pay to play an MMO, that's pretty much the only worthwhile option as far as content goes, as sad as that is.

Like others have said, I really, really don't see this doing well, whether it's on the PC or PS3.
[quote name='SEH']It's a very dumbed down MMO when compared to pretty much everything else out there. As much as I despise WOW, if you're going to pay to play an MMO, that's pretty much the only worthwhile option as far as content goes, as sad as that is.

Like others have said, I really, really don't see this doing well, whether it's on the PC or PS3.[/QUOTE]

I don't agree at all with either comment. Anarchy Online is far better than WoW when it comes to content and customization and requiring a lot of planning and gruesome math to max your character out.

I think DCU will do well at its target audience as long as they come up with good end game content, move the level cap occasionally and evolve the story.

The game play is fun but with comic book fans I think you are going to have to move the story along. Maybe the braniac thing lasts 6 months or a year at most then you have to resolve things and come up with a new main bad guy/scenario and so on.

Again, I would look at Funcom and AO as examples of how to have players involved in world events and good game changing content.

I was playing one time in West Athens and all of a sudden we got this warning that Leetzilla was approaching the city. This 10 story leet (usually a throwaway creature) comes in to town and people starting porting in from all over the server to fight the thing. It took like an hour to bring it down with everyone attacking it. My favorite moment I think in any game I've ever played. Really made it immersive and fun.

Anyways, I got wounded in the whole SWG thing but I am cautiously optimistic SOE will do me right this time.
The main dev says they plan to have monthly content updates. Along with full expansions and events (mentioned holiday based for example).

WoW might be full of content now, but it d idnt start of at the point it is now. Mmos evolve and improve over time.
I've only froze twice since I started playing the Beta yesterday. Actually my brother froze once on his character yesterday and i froze once today on my character. Combined playing time is probably 6-7 hours. I wasn't aware it was the Beta causing it because this is my first game on the Playstation 3 I really play. Anyway I've pre-ordered this game and am looking for people to play with, especially in the beta want to see how the party system even works IF there is a party system so ADD me please and we'll play. I'm on the PVP server.

PSN - LiL_30_Legend

Just tell me in the friend request that you are adding me from the DC Universe post or something :D.
And yes I do have a mic just haven't had to use it yet :)
Been playing the beta here and there for an hour or so. It just seems so repetitive that I can't find myself enjoying any part of it. Especially the dialogue, hearing people say the same things over and over gets pretty annoying. Oh well, at least I got in on the beta and didn't purchase it yet!
[quote name='lydon']Been playing the beta here and there for an hour or so. It just seems so repetitive that I can't find myself enjoying any part of it. Especially the dialogue, hearing people say the same things over and over gets pretty annoying. Oh well, at least I got in on the beta and didn't purchase it yet![/QUOTE]

Welcome to early levels of a mmo...
despite all of its flaws, I really like this game a lot. I am frankly shocked that this game,even its its beta form, is the only game I want to play lately.
I'm still stuck at level 7 and unable to go any further on my main, which is upsetting because I have a name I like (Quorra) and I was really into it. I reported the bug multiple times but it's been a couple weeks, so I'm losing hope.

Yet I still keep habitually booting the game up and playing it anyway...I think I'm addicted. If the Brainiac ship exit part wasn't so boring I would have remade my character by now.
I mean for everyone that's played WoW for a long time like me, WoW has pretty much spoiled any other MMO because to date WoW is the game to beat in the MMO field. The only game I can compare OTHER games to is WoW. I've played Anarchy Online, City of Heroes, LOTR Online, Global Agenda, EQ on the PS2(Really enjoyed that btw), Guild Wars, SWG, the list goes on.

I know this isn't a topic about WoW but the game really gets pretty much everything right where as the games in that list above only got a handful of stuff right, the rest of it wrong, but still charged the same price tag for the most part.

Don't get me wrong I was really looking forward to this game on the PS3, coming from playing WoW hardcore for 4 years I'm so completely over the try hard elitist mentality that comprises that game. But I'm refusing to pay another monthly fee. If they dropped the monthly fee I would more than likely pick this up, but it's not worth it IMO especially when I have quite a few games still needing to be played.
The thing about WoW and the MMO space in general is that almost everything is a semi-turn-based hotbar driven clickfest and after playing a whole hell of a lot of that style of MMO I can tell that it's going to have to be something which strays from that to be successful. (or free and good like LotRO and/or DDO)

What DCUO has going for it is the gamepad centric playstyle of the PS3 version. Where it's going to falter is not being deep and content-rich enough to warrant the monthly fee. (and who knows how console-only players will even take to a fee outside of Final Fantasy and to a lesser extent PSO/U)

I, personally, feel that the console space needs a standard $60 disc-based release with no monthly fee but with a micro-transaction shop. I'm also thinking of something more along the lines of PSO or Guild Wars or hell even Borderlands where it's more of an instanced and smaller experience and perhaps even done in a peer-to-peer way so as to negate the need for tons of fast servers.

There is a console friendly model out there somewhere but I just don't see the standard full-price release + monthly fee catching on in the console space right now and against a juggernaut like WoW.
[quote name='Fell Open Ian']The thing about WoW and the MMO space in general is that almost everything is a semi-turn-based hotbar driven clickfest and after playing a whole hell of a lot of that style of MMO I can tell that it's going to have to be something which strays from that to be successful. (or free and good like LotRO and/or DDO)

What DCUO has going for it is the gamepad centric playstyle of the PS3 version. Where it's going to falter is not being deep and content-rich enough to warrant the monthly fee. (and who knows how console-only players will even take to a fee outside of Final Fantasy and to a lesser extent PSO/U)

I, personally, feel that the console space needs a standard $60 disc-based release with no monthly fee but with a micro-transaction shop. I'm also thinking of something more along the lines of PSO or Guild Wars or hell even Borderlands where it's more of an instanced and smaller experience and perhaps even done in a peer-to-peer way so as to negate the need for tons of fast servers.

There is a console friendly model out there somewhere but I just don't see the standard full-price release + monthly fee catching on in the console space right now and against a juggernaut like WoW.[/QUOTE]

Those titles you mentioned were developed on a lot smaller budget then DCUO. I'm getting what you are saying, but to the devs this is a premium title with a major exclusive franchise. Here they are starting large (not compaired to WoW mind you) were as those titles, they start small and build up over time with the revenue earned via those mircotransactions (something which DCUO maybe have also btw). DCUO would take a huge investment, and it'll be what 5 years since they started soon?

They business plan was drawn up a long time ago. Maybe in the age of dinosaurs now. Once you get to a certain point, you can't turn back and need to focus on your content and ways to pay for it PLUS pay for future content. Safest bet for them is to charge a monthly fee and then figure out how things go from there.

PS3 servers are low? Push them onto the PC servers (PS3 and PC's were playing together in the internal betas btw).

Monthly fees not making enough? Throw in some mirco transtations and so forth.

I personally think it will work.

He does not.
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you can get $15 off the digital download from direct2drive.com if you use the promotion coded "wootdc" and get it pre-ordered. Also get the mister freeze weapon from them.

Just be warned you most likely won't be able to cancel, and they do charge you the full amount right away even before the title is release.
I've always just owned an XBOX but pondered getting a PS3 just for this game...and the Blu-ray player too.

Came up on a good deal for one for $150 so I jumped on it.

Now I am trying to research about this game. Would hate to buy it only to hate it or it be glitchy as heck.

Will probably rent it the 1st week just to play it safe.

Anybody out there hapenn to have a beta key for the PS3?
SEH's right. Try to snag one on Goozex or another game trading site when it releases.
The beta is highly addictive (however, the text is extremely hard to read, but it's probably my tv).

Drop this to $10 a month and I'll bite (I usually make 2 bad gaming choices in a year anyway, so this will balance that out and I won't have to make those decisions).
The end of the beta is near, and the next step to legendary is coming…1-11-11!

Tomorrow, Wednesday January 5, 2011 will be the last day of the DC Universe™ Beta in the U.S. and Thursday will be the last day to fight to save or rule the universe in Europe (in beta that is!).

To celebrate – we plan to stage The Battle of the Legends in-game in the spirit of the DCUO cinematic, “Who do you trust?” Beta players can align and fight alongside or against some of DC Comics most notorious superheroes and villains including; Batman, Superman, Lex Luthor and The Joker. Together will we take on DC’s greatest icons as we embark on our own path to legendary! Show up to the battle when it erupts on your server! Check the schedule below and don’t miss your chance to become part of the “Battle of the Legends!”

If for some hideous reason you cannot attend have no fear – we will update you as to the status of each battle on our Facebook site at Facebook.com/DCUniverseOnline and on Twitter @DCUO. We plan to have streaming video, screens and updates and hope that our beta players will contribute as well. One thing is for sure, this event will be legendary!
And, to add just a little more fun factor we have some special “legendary” guests joining us in a few of the events! Check the schedule below to find out who and when.

One important thing to be aware of, when it’s over…so is the DCUO Beta! (Each server will shut down at the end of the event.)

Server Name / Date / Time / Location

US Beta Servers – Wednesday January 5

PC BETA 2 / Wednesday January 5 / 4PM PT / Botanical Gardens (Batman vs. The Joker)
BETA 1 (PC) / Wednesday January 5 / 5PM PT / Botanical Gardens (Batman vs. The Joker) or Centennial Park (Superman vs. Lex Luthor)
PS3 BETA 2 / Wednesday January 5 / 5PM PT / Botanical Gardens (Batman vs. The Joker) or Centennial Park (Superman vs. Lex Luthor)
*PC BETA 3 / Wednesday January 5 / 6PM PT / Botanical Gardens (Batman vs. The Joker) or Centennial Park (Superman vs. Lex Luthor) *Come join the battle and fight alongside or against Jim Lee aka Future Batman in this event as he takes on Nick Kolan PC Editor at IGN and his league of wanna be villains!
PS3 BETA 3 / Wednesday January 5 / 6PM PT / Botanical Gardens (Batman vs. The Joker) or Centennial Park (Superman vs. Lex Luthor)
PC BETA 4 / Wednesday January 5 / 7PM PT / Botanical Gardens (Batman vs. The Joker) or Centennial Park (Superman vs. Lex Luthor)
*PS3 BETA 1 / Wednesday January 5 / 7PM PT / Botanical Gardens (Batman vs. The Joker) or Centennial Park (Superman vs. Lex Luthor) *Once again, fight against Jim Lee aka Future Batman, as he attempts to protect the Universe from the chaos and destruction that Greg Miller, Executive Editor – IGN, and his villainous band are trying to spawn!

EUROPEAN Beta Servers – Thursday January 6

EU PS3 BETA 1 / Thursday January 6 / 11AM CT or 5PM GMT / Botanical Gardens (Batman vs. The Joker)
EU PS3 BETA 2 / Thursday January 6 / 12 NOON CT or 6PM GMT / Centennial Park (Superman vs. Lex Luthor)

This looks pretty good. A few of my friends were in the beta and said it was fun, but I might wait to see some reviews before I decide.
I'm slowly going to make my name as a hero but I didn't get to join in on End event due to work. I'll definitely be picking this up next week.
Same problems here. I tried for an hour on Beta1. The first 30 minutes it hadn't even started yet, so they restarted the world. Then when it went back up I was kicked several times and froze on me. I gave up after an hour.
Yeah I read about the PVP server 2 mess. I just wanted to see LVL 60 Braniac take me out with one attack. Oh well...here's looking to Tuesday.
This may be a dumb question, but it is my first beta. All the patches that were downloaded for this beta...would it be best to keep those on my system if I plan on buying the game? I don't want to delete them off if I'm only going to have to redownload them again. I wasn't sure if those were beta specific or something that could carry over to the game itself.
[quote name='4thHorseman']This may be a dumb question, but it is my first beta. All the patches that were downloaded for this beta...would it be best to keep those on my system if I plan on buying the game? I don't want to delete them off if I'm only going to have to redownload them again. I wasn't sure if those were beta specific or something that could carry over to the game itself.[/QUOTE]

They will not carry to the retail game,since they're patches for the beta client. Also, a lot of the data that was downloaded are the regular game assets (basically what will now be included on the disc). So delete away!
[quote name='erequena']They will not carry to the retail game,since they're patches for the beta client. Also, a lot of the data that was downloaded are the regular game assets (basically what will now be included on the disc). So delete away![/QUOTE]

Thanks! I'll be sure to delete everything off my PS3. Man that took up a lot of room.

So now that the Beta is over, how many are actually considering about purchasing the game? As many bugs, freezing issues, blank screens, shadow people, end event messes that there were; I think my DC fandom is going to win out and cause me to put down the money for this game. I still had fun with it overall.

And if so, there should be some CAG meetups sometime on there.
I'm getting this day 1 for my bday. I thought the beta was amazing and I can see myself playing this game for a while.
I'll be playing this, hopefully day 1 since I get it for free. I can safely tell you all that the retail client (at least for the PS3 version, seeing how I was testing that) rarely, if ever, crashes or locks up. It had quite a few crashing problems in the beginning as many of you on the public beta have experienced, but the retail game is much more fine-tuned. I'd assume, and hope, that the same can be said for the PC version.
I wasn't to impressed with the beta but i'd give this a chance after its been out for a few months and they have had the chance to polish it and fix the initial waves of bugs that always happen in the beginning.
I'm definitely interested in the game (missed the beta) but am likely to hold off for the first 4-6 months as all MMOs have major bugs to iron out in the beginning.
[quote name='Rod92905']I'm surprised that nobody seems to have any sales on this game on release week.[/QUOTE]

There are/were some for pc, but didn't see any for ps3.
Anyone interested in forming a CAG league? I would love to help put it together on the PC end and maintain a dedicated thread for it if could get help on the PS3 side.

If you're interested, reply here or send me a PM. Regardless, see you guys in-game soon :D
[quote name='Temidien']Anyone interested in forming a CAG league? I would love to help put it together on the PC end and maintain a dedicated thread for it if could get help on the PS3 side.

If you're interested, reply here or send me a PM. Regardless, see you guys in-game soon :D[/QUOTE]

I can try it for the PS3 side. This would be my first time doing it or being in a league in general. What all would need to be done exactly?
The servers don't go live until 7am PST tomorrow, BUT I hear there is a patch or two already.

So if you do get the game early, I would install it and see if you can patch up before the servers are live.

And I'm not sure how to set up the team in game. Like if you have to have a certain level to do so or what, but I will look into it.

The main things would be to decide if your group will be hero or villains. That will split folks up some as you can only be on one side or the other.

Then everyone would need to be on the same server, which I think is more important. Not sure how many there will be but at least 2, for pvp and pve... Though they might have more then that.
on the ps3 theres no way to change anything until you are able to log into your account using your activation code. unfortunately, if you try to use the activation code it appears as if you've never entered a code in the first place.

completely pointless for me to pick this up at midnight last night. now ill have to wait until i get off work at 5 to try it out
I'm getting this today so if anyone wants to add me, by all means lol.

PSN: Hnd2Glnd

Has anyone been able to login yet? It's 9am my time in AZ and I think we're an hour behind Cali...so the West Coast should be beyond 7am at this point.
Not that I know of. My brother keeps trying (PS3) but it keeps giving him a message that the servers are down.

Im hoping its good by the time i get off work
[quote name='kurrptsenate']servers went up at 8:00 PST (11 EST)[/QUOTE]

Thanks for keeping us in the loop! :)

Once I get off work, I'll be downloading the updates/patches and all of that. The beta patches were unbelievable! I can't wait to get my hands on the finished product and get to saving a city! Woot!
apparently my brother said, now get this

update on PS3 is 14 gigs!!!

I'm hoping that, after I get off at work at 5, get home at 5:45, start download at 5:48, that it will be done sometime this month....


np about keeping you in the loop. I just felt sheepish that I went to walmart at midnight just to play this game early (missed beta by 1 day), only to be laughed at by SOE for not having their servers up.

At least there was no line to wait in to get the game :shrugs:
[quote name='kurrptsenate']apparently my brother said, now get this

update on PS3 is 14 gigs!!!

I'm hoping that, after I get off at work at 5, get home at 5:45, start download at 5:48, that it will be done sometime this month....[/QUOTE]

So by updates...does that mean the patches alone? So on top of the install size there is also an extra 14 gigs on top of that?
i couldn't tell you first hand. I suppose it could be a little of both, but I have no way of telling before I physically have to go through it myself.
[quote name='kurrptsenate']apparently my brother said, now get this

update on PS3 is 14 gigs!!!

I'm hoping that, after I get off at work at 5, get home at 5:45, start download at 5:48, that it will be done sometime this month....


np about keeping you in the loop. I just felt sheepish that I went to walmart at midnight just to play this game early (missed beta by 1 day), only to be laughed at by SOE for not having their servers up.

At least there was no line to wait in to get the game :shrugs:[/QUOTE]

Holy goddamn Batman! :lol:

That's a huge update. I remember it took me like 4-6 hours to download and install all the updates for the beta...and I was using a GB wired connection with no other internet activity at my house. So, it sounds like I'll be working out and watching some TV before I can actually play this thing. Oh well!

Hey, does anyone know what kind of character they will be making...like hero or villain wise? I actually liked playing as the hero in beta because it felt like there was more to do.
bread's done