[DEAD] Official Toys R US Buy 2 Get 1 Free - Free shipping added to more games

[quote name='"randomrandom"']
Or give them the first two, check your wallet for cash and say "I definitely want those two, I'm not sure I have enough for this one." Then hand the third one. . .
I'd like to see someone attempt that excuse as they are trying to take part in a buy 2 get 1 free sale :roll:
Hey, anybody have any 19.99 game suggestions?

I'm set out on getting Katamari Damacy, Puyo Pop (!!!), and... not really sure about the other. Any good reccomendations? PS2 or GCN only please.
[quote name='darkwingduck13']Ribbit King! If you don't already have it, that is. :)[/quote]

Gah... no Ribbit King... any GOOD game suggestions for 20 bucks? :p

Aside from Katamari Damacy and Puyo Pop of course.
Id love to help you out Nephets but dont really know what you have or are looking for. I loved Rachet and Clank 2, Jak II as well. Great games but not really in the same genre as your other two selections (may be a good thing)
[quote name='am000777']Sundays ad shows Gta:SA instore by 10/28 and AC:5 instore by 10/27[/quote]

I ask the clerks and they expect both games to arrive on Tuesday or Weds. this week.
[quote name='robbart914']Recommended for Baldur's Gate/D&D Heroes fans and of course X-men fans. Hard too![/quote]

Hmm. That scares me off a bit. I must be getting weak in my old age, but I'm much faster to become frustrated with overly hard games these days. Back in the 8 and 16 bit eras I just took it, I guess.

Anyone who's played it - how hard are we talking? F-Zero hard?
[quote name='megashock5'][quote name='robbart914']Recommended for Baldur's Gate/D&D Heroes fans and of course X-men fans. Hard too![/quote]

Hmm. That scares me off a bit. I must be getting weak in my old age, but I'm much faster to become frustrated with overly hard games these days. Back in the 8 and 16 bit eras I just took it, I guess.

Anyone who's played it - how hard are we talking? F-Zero hard?[/quote]

I think what he means is its not a cakewalk like some games. You know what I mean by those games that you get very far in or beat but you never really ever got a grasp of all the controls? This is NOT one of those games. Youve got to be smart, learn the controls well, stuff like that. I wouldnt call it hard but it does challenge you at times. Its not one of those games where you can get a payoff just by spending a lot of time with it (like an RPG and such) It requires a little work, but its not so much you ll give up or move onto something else.
[quote name='tubtub']Just a quick tip(didn't see this posted). This wasn't fixed earlier but there is a green tag problem with the system. If you buy 2 green tag games and 1 regular game, you could make out good. For example, if you buy 2 green tag games that are $20 each and then a regular $20 game, the register should mark the green tag games down to $10, $0, and then charge $20 for the $20 game, so you get a total of $30 for 3 games. But what the register does is this, it sees 3 $20 games then takes off the regular $20 game and then marks the 2 green tag games down to $10 and $10 so you pay only $20 for 3 games. Just make sure the green tag games are rung up first then the regular game is rung up last(if the regular game is rung up first it will give you the green tag game for free).
[/quote]I can't confirm that the order matters, but this does seem to be correct. From what I've seen on my receipts, the green tag games do count as their original price. My area doesn't have too many decent green tag games left, but this is a good way to make this deal even better.
[quote name='am000777']Sundays ad shows Gta:SA instore by 10/28 and AC:5 instore by 10/27[/quote]

weird(i weork at toys r us RZONE), and were told by higher ups, that GTA:SA will be coming in VIA UPS around 2 pm-6 pm
[quote name='tubtub']Just a quick tip(didn't see this posted). This wasn't fixed earlier but there is a green tag problem with the system. If you buy 2 green tag games and 1 regular game, you could make out good. For example, if you buy 2 green tag games that are $20 each and then a regular $20 game, the register should mark the green tag games down to $10, $0, and then charge $20 for the $20 game, so you get a total of $30 for 3 games. But what the register does is this, it sees 3 $20 games then takes off the regular $20 game and then marks the 2 green tag games down to $10 and $10 so you pay only $20 for 3 games. Just make sure the green tag games are rung up first then the regular game is rung up last(if the regular game is rung up first it will give you the green tag game for free).

Scenario one
ring up in this order
PS2 regular price Jak 2 $20
PS2 green tag Spy Hunter $20
PS2 green tag Baldurs Gate $20

scenario one will ring up as this after total
PS2 regular price Jak 2 $20
PS2 green tag Spy Hunter $10
PS2 green tag Baldurs Gate $0
Total $30

Scenario number 2(same games different order)
PS2 green tag Spy Hunter $20
PS2 green tag Baldurs Gate $20
PS2 regular price Jak 2 $20

Scenario 2 will ring up like this after total
PS2 green tag Spy Hunter $10
PS2 green tag Baldurs Gate $10
PS2 regular price Jak 2 $0
Total $20

This is going to get corrected and may already have been, but for those interested check it out. This would also work on $50 games or $40 games too(basically any priced games). And for those who think the 3rd game always rings up free, it doesn't, only if the third game is supposed to be free, so don't think you can buy 2 $20 games and get a $50 game free if its rung up third. This should help clear some green tag out of the stores.[/quote]

tubtub, let me ask this: a few nights ago I bought a regular $29.99 game and a Green Tag $29.99 game (marked down to $14.99). None are opened. Can I bring them and the receipt back and a pick a third $29.99 game for free? Should I pick a Green Tag game or a normally priced one?
[quote name='supadupacheap'][quote name='tubtub']Just a quick tip(didn't see this posted). This wasn't fixed earlier but there is a green tag problem with the system. If you buy 2 green tag games and 1 regular game, you could make out good. For example, if you buy 2 green tag games that are $20 each and then a regular $20 game, the register should mark the green tag games down to $10, $0, and then charge $20 for the $20 game, so you get a total of $30 for 3 games. But what the register does is this, it sees 3 $20 games then takes off the regular $20 game and then marks the 2 green tag games down to $10 and $10 so you pay only $20 for 3 games. Just make sure the green tag games are rung up first then the regular game is rung up last(if the regular game is rung up first it will give you the green tag game for free).

Scenario one
ring up in this order
PS2 regular price Jak 2 $20
PS2 green tag Spy Hunter $20
PS2 green tag Baldurs Gate $20

scenario one will ring up as this after total
PS2 regular price Jak 2 $20
PS2 green tag Spy Hunter $10
PS2 green tag Baldurs Gate $0
Total $30

Scenario number 2(same games different order)
PS2 green tag Spy Hunter $20
PS2 green tag Baldurs Gate $20
PS2 regular price Jak 2 $20

Scenario 2 will ring up like this after total
PS2 green tag Spy Hunter $10
PS2 green tag Baldurs Gate $10
PS2 regular price Jak 2 $0
Total $20

This is going to get corrected and may already have been, but for those interested check it out. This would also work on $50 games or $40 games too(basically any priced games). And for those who think the 3rd game always rings up free, it doesn't, only if the third game is supposed to be free, so don't think you can buy 2 $20 games and get a $50 game free if its rung up third. This should help clear some green tag out of the stores.[/quote]

I dont want to get into the moral ickyness of this but what I do want to know is, how do you propose to get your purchase rung up in the order you want? I know TRU employees arent the brightest crayons in the box but surely youd seem awful fishy trying to get things rung up a certain way.[/quote]

Guess no one saw my post buried down there on page 17...

This happened to me by chance, and it was by chance that the two green tagged games were rung first. The cashier was completely oblivious to the error... he even made the remark "Wow, 6 games for $60, can't beat that!"

Must have just been my lucky day, since my Dolphins finally won a game right after that :)
I'm curious to see if anyone else had this happen to them. I got to TRU about ten minutes before they opened, so I was definitely one of the first people in the store. As I walked back to the R Zone, there was already a guy checking out with $30,000 in games in his cart being rung out. Obviously, this left pretty much nothing by $hitty games for everyone else. When me and another guy tried to complain, the guy buying the games explained that he had an arrangement with the store to do this every year. I tried to complain to the Asst. Mgr. and got absolutely no results. The guy behind the counter said he'd hold anything for me that I want, since I was doing this and was going back later this week to get DOA. Needless to say, I'll be getting ahold of the manager when I go back. I don't have a problem with them having an arrangement with someone, but at least have something for everyone else to get. It looked like I got there at 4pm, not 11am.
[quote name='mink-e']I'm curious to see if anyone else had this happen to them. I got to TRU about ten minutes before they opened, so I was definitely one of the first people in the store. As I walked back to the R Zone, there was already a guy checking out with $30,000 in games in his cart being rung out. Obviously, this left pretty much nothing by $hitty games for everyone else. When me and another guy tried to complain, the guy buying the games explained that he had an arrangement with the store to do this every year. I tried to complain to the Asst. Mgr. and got absolutely no results. The guy behind the counter said he'd hold anything for me that I want, since I was doing this and was going back later this week to get DOA. Needless to say, I'll be getting ahold of the manager when I go back. I don't have a problem with them having an arrangement with someone, but at least have something for everyone else to get. It looked like I got there at 4pm, not 11am.[/quote]

That's messed up.
That's pretty much how I felt. I think that when I go exchange one game for DOA, I'm going to ask the manager to let me hold on to one game and trade it for Tron. I figure that it's at least worth asking.
I went in yesterday and asked for shin mega tensei... and the dick of an employee just grinned and said he bought the last one.

what the crap man.
[quote name='mink-e']I'm curious to see if anyone else had this happen to them. I got to TRU about ten minutes before they opened, so I was definitely one of the first people in the store. As I walked back to the R Zone, there was already a guy checking out with $30,000 in games in his cart being rung out. Obviously, this left pretty much nothing by $hitty games for everyone else. When me and another guy tried to complain, the guy buying the games explained that he had an arrangement with the store to do this every year. I tried to complain to the Asst. Mgr. and got absolutely no results. The guy behind the counter said he'd hold anything for me that I want, since I was doing this and was going back later this week to get DOA. Needless to say, I'll be getting ahold of the manager when I go back. I don't have a problem with them having an arrangement with someone, but at least have something for everyone else to get. It looked like I got there at 4pm, not 11am.[/quote]

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

WTF manager would actually let someone buy that much product at once? One who's concerned with their sales for the day, methinks.

And isn't TRU notorious for limiting quantities of games sold to a single person? Guess not, in this case.

:censored: :censored: :censored:

I hope this guy is stuck with all these games and never can return them. They should also ban his ass from all the TRU's in the area, branding him a dealer.
[quote name='nikkai']I went in yesterday and asked for shin mega tensei... and the dick of an employee just grinned and said he bought the last one.

what the crap man.[/quote]

I ran into that at CC with the current promotion and bitched their manager up one side and down another. The manager called other stores and found me copies of what the jackasses in the store I was had bought before the sale went live.

That's complete and assinine behavior. Grinning like that to me would have me complain to the manager and ask for that copy to be returned from the smartass and sold to me.
[quote name='mink-e']I'm curious to see if anyone else had this happen to them. I got to TRU about ten minutes before they opened, so I was definitely one of the first people in the store. As I walked back to the R Zone, there was already a guy checking out with $30,000 in games in his cart being rung out. Obviously, this left pretty much nothing by $hitty games for everyone else. When me and another guy tried to complain, the guy buying the games explained that he had an arrangement with the store to do this every year. I tried to complain to the Asst. Mgr. and got absolutely no results. The guy behind the counter said he'd hold anything for me that I want, since I was doing this and was going back later this week to get DOA. Needless to say, I'll be getting ahold of the manager when I go back. I don't have a problem with them having an arrangement with someone, but at least have something for everyone else to get. It looked like I got there at 4pm, not 11am.[/quote]

You REALLY need to write to Toy R Us Corporate offices about this. Forget the manager... If corporate knew that this manager was making deals with other resellers he'd be in some trouble. Find a stock investment site.. find the name of Toys R Us CEO and mail a letter to his name to corporate. Don't send it to some customer service address. I did this with Best Buy... mailed a letter to both the founder of the company AND the CEO. Let's just say I had the local manager calling me begging just as soon as they got the letter.
Don't be aggressive... don't whine, don't be rude. All you have to tell them is the straight facts of the situation and everything will take care of itself.

Use the power of writing! :)
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar'][quote name='mink-e']I'm curious to see if anyone else had this happen to them. I got to TRU about ten minutes before they opened, so I was definitely one of the first people in the store. As I walked back to the R Zone, there was already a guy checking out with $30,000 in games in his cart being rung out. Obviously, this left pretty much nothing by $hitty games for everyone else. When me and another guy tried to complain, the guy buying the games explained that he had an arrangement with the store to do this every year. I tried to complain to the Asst. Mgr. and got absolutely no results. The guy behind the counter said he'd hold anything for me that I want, since I was doing this and was going back later this week to get DOA. Needless to say, I'll be getting ahold of the manager when I go back. I don't have a problem with them having an arrangement with someone, but at least have something for everyone else to get. It looked like I got there at 4pm, not 11am.[/quote]

That's messed up.[/quote]

Who has $30,000 to spend on games... Is this guy starting his own game rental store.
I assume that guy plans to dump this games on ebay. Fortunately there's a high chance he will take a loss. $34 (including tax) per game is only a good deal for recently released videogames.
[quote name='shrike4242'][quote name='MadFlava']Who has $30,000 to spend on games... Is this guy starting his own game rental store.[/quote]

EBay reseller?[/quote]

That's what I'm guessing.
[quote name='valkyriesound'][quote name='mink-e']I'm curious...with them having an arrangement with someone, but at least have something for everyone else to get. It looked like I got there at 4pm, not 11am.[/quote]

You REALLY need to write to Toy R Us Corporate offices about this. Forget the manager... If corporate knew that this manager was making deals with other resellers he'd be in some trouble. Find a stock investment site.. find the name of Toys R Us CEO and mail a letter to his name to corporate. Don't send it to some customer service address. I did this with Best Buy... mailed a letter to both the founder of the company AND the CEO. Let's just say I had the local manager calling me begging just as soon as they got the letter.
Don't be aggressive... don't whine, don't be rude. All you have to tell them is the straight facts of the situation and everything will take care of itself.

Use the power of writing! :)[/quote]

exactically- that this even happened is disgraceful
On Scorch's guide to cheaper games, there's 2 quick things that I noticed weren't correct:

MGS: Twin Snakes (GC) retails for $29.99, not $19.99, although it was $17.99 at Target last week.
Star Wars: KOTOR (XB) is $19.99 at CC - it's $9.99 for the PC version.
[quote name='kiun']I assume that guy plans to dump this games on ebay. Fortunately there's a high chance he will take a loss. $34 (including tax) per game is only a good deal for recently released videogames.[/quote]

Was the guy big and fat and wearing a red hat with a white beard?
[quote name='mink-e']I'm curious to see if anyone else had this happen to them. I got to TRU about ten minutes before they opened, so I was definitely one of the first people in the store. As I walked back to the R Zone, there was already a guy checking out with $30,000 in games in his cart being rung out. Obviously, this left pretty much nothing by $hitty games for everyone else. When me and another guy tried to complain, the guy buying the games explained that he had an arrangement with the store to do this every year. I tried to complain to the Asst. Mgr. and got absolutely no results. The guy behind the counter said he'd hold anything for me that I want, since I was doing this and was going back later this week to get DOA. Needless to say, I'll be getting ahold of the manager when I go back. I don't have a problem with them having an arrangement with someone, but at least have something for everyone else to get. It looked like I got there at 4pm, not 11am.[/quote]

Thats freakin' nuts.
Too bad you didn't have a camera.
We should start a photo gallery of greedy bastards that we find while we are shopping.
I have no proof as to whether all these people buying thousands upon thousands of dollars of games is true or not but I personally don't believe it. $30,000 in games equals 900 games and that's only if they were buying $50 games.

For those of you with large collections, you know how MASSIVE 900+ games is. There's no way someone checked out and were able to cart off 900 games easily. Not to mention, I would guess it would take about 5 carts to cart all 900 (possibly more) out.

You never know what the purpose of the purchaser is. Maybe he's buying it for a charity? I'm not defending him but I don't think we can jump to conclusions. The witch hunt that occurred with the CC $5 sale really bothered me and I wouldn't want to see this type of hysteria started again. Especially since this sale isn't that great. Also, someone with an arrangement with the manager would probably do it at night when the store's closed, not so close to opening.

Anyway, the buyer's foolish if he thinks he can sell new release commonly available $50 games and make a decent profit because people can just buy them at the local store or find it everywhere on-line.
Man, I third that! I'd love to see pics of some of the hoarders people talk about seeing at these deals. I've never seen one myself, so a pic would be the next best thing to get my blood pressure up! :D
[quote name='nachzeher'][quote name='kaoticeyes'][quote name='MadFlava'][quote name='Levizk']The copies of Shin Megami Tensei you guys are picking up at TRU, do they have the limited edition soundtrack in them or are those gone?[/quote]

Yes, mine has a limited edition soundtrack cd. I didn't bother to check until now.[/quote]

You know what, I just open up mine and there is alimited edition soundtrack. Weird, I thought mine didn't came with it.[/quote]

All of the first printings have the soundtrack. There is no limited edition unless they decide to run another printing without it. That's why there're no markings of "Special Edition" like Phantom Brave or anything.[/quote]

Just to clarify, on the back of the case, toward the bottom, there's a line in small-to-medium size text saying 'Special Edition-Contains Limited Edition Soundtrack!' or something like that. I guess
* they want it to stand out [a little]
* they plan/hope to run a reprint.
Ive heard that many toys r us are not planning to carry otogi 2? Can anyone confirm or deny this? I'm looking to pick up GTA:SA, DOA:U, and Otogi 2.... but if they don't have it im screwed
Well, from what I've heard, this guy does it every year, so I'll take a camera with me next year if he doesn't get shut out. He was buying a variety of different priced games, and almost all of them were new games, but I just don't understand why he didn't clean them out of Shark Tale :D This TRU opens at 11, and this guy was about half way through being checked out by the time I got in at 11.
As I think about it, I'm pretty sure I'm just going to go to corporate about this. Yeah, I could maybe con the manager into hooking me up on something, but I'd rather not have to deal with this every year. What sucks even more is that this is the only TRU in town, so it's not like I could have taken my chances at another store.
My question is, should I get ahold of the district manager and work my way up? I'm not even going to the store manager, as he would have had to ok this from the beginning.
[quote name='mink-e']Well, from what I've heard, this guy does it every year, so I'll take a camera with me next year if he doesn't get shut out. He was buying a variety of different priced games, and almost all of them were new games, but I just don't understand why he didn't clean them out of Shark Tale :D This TRU opens at 11, and this guy was about half way through being checked out by the time I got in at 11.
As I think about it, I'm pretty sure I'm just going to go to corporate about this. Yeah, I could maybe con the manager into hooking me up on something, but I'd rather not have to deal with this every year. What sucks even more is that this is the only TRU in town, so it's not like I could have taken my chances at another store.
My question is, should I get ahold of the district manager and work my way up? I'm not even going to the store manager, as he would have had to ok this from the beginning.[/quote]

If this guy had some benevolent purpose, such as a charity for an auction or something like that, I'm sure he had the blessing of TRU management, since that's good press for them, plus if it's really for a charity, he would be tax-exempt most likely. Also, if it's for a charity, TRU should be getitng some kind of tax write-off for this sale.

Contacting them to confirm that is a good idea, so that way they go look into it, so that way they know to put out the good press for their charitible ways, make sure they're getting any tax breaks on it, and if it's not charitable, find out what asshat at the TRU store decided to let this one fly.

If it's a "friend of mine" scenario, then that manager is a dead duck for doing something like that. If he didn't know, and there's no way he would not know something like that going on, then he should get fired for gross incompetence. Doubly so if he's letting someone into his store before store hours to make that huge-ass sale.

Question I have is where you're at, so the other CAGs in the area should keep an eye out for this person, just for curiousity's sake. 'Cause if he's not some benevolent human being doing something charitable, there is NO WAY that someone should be allowed to walk into a TRU for $30K worth of games, without going right to the corportate offices for clearing something like that. And if they already know, then it's no harm to them. If not, then good job on being a whistleblower.

I would send a copy of whatever correspondence you do to the main TRU management, and you might want to think about CC'ing the local district/area manager at the same time, so the upper level folks know about it at the same time the area/district managers know about it as well. Contact TRU and find out who works in their customer relations, send one copy to them and one copy to the area/district manager, if you can find out who they are. Don't go directly to the store manager, as if they're doing something on the down-low, they'll deny everything and squirm out of it. Going above them puts them in a different spot, since they can look up the receipt info from yesterday (hopefully) and see the evidence for themselves before taking any action.
[quote name='mink-e'] Yeah, I could maybe con the manager into hooking me up on something, but I'd rather not have to deal with this every year.[/quote]

Extortion is a very messy business. Careful in going down that road.
[quote name='mink-e']I'm curious to see if anyone else had this happen to them. I got to TRU about ten minutes before they opened, so I was definitely one of the first people in the store. As I walked back to the R Zone, there was already a guy checking out with $30,000 in games in his cart being rung out. Obviously, this left pretty much nothing by $hitty games for everyone else. When me and another guy tried to complain, the guy buying the games explained that he had an arrangement with the store to do this every year. I tried to complain to the Asst. Mgr. and got absolutely no results. The guy behind the counter said he'd hold anything for me that I want, since I was doing this and was going back later this week to get DOA. Needless to say, I'll be getting ahold of the manager when I go back. I don't have a problem with them having an arrangement with someone, but at least have something for everyone else to get. It looked like I got there at 4pm, not 11am.[/quote]

You KNOW that store manager was getting kickbacks. Probably a thousand or more dollars from the purchaser. Not only was his conduct unethical, if a kickback were involved, it was illegal.

As others have said, you really need to write a letter to TRU's CEO, John H. Eyler, Jr.

Tell him what happened, where the store is, the store number, the day, date and time, tell him what they told you, and who the employee was if you can remember.

Tell him that you thought TRU was a company that made money selling to average people. Tell him that letting wholesalers clean out the inventory of advertised sales before the general public has access is terribly unethical. Tell him that Toys "R" Us's main customers are people like you, not wholesalers. And that such practices are harmful to Toys "R" Us's relations with its primary customer base.

Tell him that the practices of the management at that store turned the sale into a loss leader. As most of the inventory had been cleaned out before ANY of the general public had access.

Corporate will easily be able to track a ridiculously large individual sale of $30,000.

Write it to:
John H. Eyler, Jr.
1 Geoffrey Way
Wayne, NJ 07470

You could send a copy of the letter to of the people on this page as well.

Yes, you'll have to send it snail mail, but it's worth it. Email and phone calls don't get any respect. If you spend 40 cents on a letter, the manager will almost certainly get fired over this. It IS a HUGE deal.

And if he gets fired, the precedent will be set, and a lot of managers will be scared to try it, leaving more for all of us regular customers.
"Extortion is a very messy business. Careful in going down that road."
Exactly why I decided not to go that way, but thanks for the advice.

There's no way this guy was doing this as something charitable. I talked to the guy for a little bit and he said that he's just trying to make a little extra money and couldn't get off the whole "This is a democracy and I can make money anyway I want" thing when another guy wasn't near as calm at finding out that he got hosed. Oh, and if anyone's curious, this was in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The guy working the counter was really trying to get me quiet as he essentially told me to call in and tell him what games I wanted and he'd hold them for me (like they won't do that everywhere else). He then said that they're getting a ton of games every day, so today I wouldn't be able to even tell that anyone had been in the store, which really does me a lot of good since I was in the store yesterday.
I agree that if corporate ok'ed it, then more power to 'em, but they should have covered that order seperately and not jacked other customers. Anyway, anybody know how the structure works so I can know who to get ahold of?
Well, if there's anyone who doesn't know about the TRU sale, they will now. I just saw a commercial advertising the B2G1 sale.
I need some help .I bought 2 games at toy r us on saturday. Can i go to any toy r us and pick the 3rd game free? Im asking this cause my local toy r us is making me return the 2 games i bought then re-doing the whole deal. I dont want to do that cause im afraid they wont have the 2 since it might be sold out.
[quote name='mink-e']
I agree that if corporate ok'ed it, then more power to 'em, but they should have covered that order seperately and not jacked other customers. Anyway, anybody know how the structure works so I can know who to get ahold of?[/quote]

There is NO WAY that corporate ok'd letting a wholesaler in before the store opened to clean out one of the biggest advertised sales of the season.

This was an inside job, a scam. Send the letter, please. I'll even write it for you. Just post all the details, date, time, store number, and such.
[quote name='mink-e'] He then said that they're getting a ton of games every day, so today I wouldn't be able to even tell that anyone had been in the store, which really does me a lot of good since I was in the store yesterday.
I agree that if corporate ok'ed it, then more power to 'em, but they should have covered that order seperately and not jacked other customers. Anyway, anybody know how the structure works so I can know who to get ahold of?[/quote]

That's good news that they're getting more things in. I haven't purchased anything yet from the sale. My TRU was pretty bare when I got there (around 4pm yesterday) so I didn't get anything. I think I'll wait until Wed. and then get a couple of games plus GTA SA.

I agree with writing to corporate. I think you could pretty much re-word the post a couple of message above and send that to TRU.
[quote name='mink-e']"Extortion is a very messy business. Careful in going down that road."
Exactly why I decided not to go that way, but thanks for the advice.

There's no way this guy was doing this as something charitable. I talked to the guy for a little bit and he said that he's just trying to make a little extra money and couldn't get off the whole "This is a democracy and I can make money anyway I want" thing when another guy wasn't near as calm at finding out that he got hosed. Oh, and if anyone's curious, this was in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The guy working the counter was really trying to get me quiet as he essentially told me to call in and tell him what games I wanted and he'd hold them for me (like they won't do that everywhere else). He then said that they're getting a ton of games every day, so today I wouldn't be able to even tell that anyone had been in the store, which really does me a lot of good since I was in the store yesterday.
I agree that if corporate ok'ed it, then more power to 'em, but they should have covered that order seperately and not jacked other customers. Anyway, anybody know how the structure works so I can know who to get ahold of?[/quote]

If he's not doing something charitable, and from what you're saying, he's not, TRU corporate needs to know about it immediately.

I'd try here, which is contact info for TRU:

Might also want to talk to these people, since last time I checked, $30K / 900 games qualifies as a corporate purchase and makes you a reseller:

I'd start there, and ask them to find out who the area/district manager is, so you can send along your correspondence. I'd suggest doing something written, sent certified mail with a return receipt, so you know someone took possesion of what you wrote them.
[quote name='BooSe86']Ive heard that many toys r us are not planning to carry otogi 2? Can anyone confirm or deny this? I'm looking to pick up GTA:SA, DOA:U, and Otogi 2.... but if they don't have it im screwed[/quote]

I hope they carry it but it seems like they might not be. I called two TRU's a moment ago and the game wasn't in todays shipments either.
so strange, my toy r us wont let me get the free game. They want me to return the 2 games first, then rebuy t hem. The two games i want might be out of stock tho.
[quote name='randomrandom']You KNOW that store manager was getting kickbacks. Probably a thousand or more dollars from the purchaser. Not only was his conduct unethical, if a kickback were involved, it was illegal.

As others have said, you really need to write a letter to TRU's CEO, John H. Eyler, Jr.

Tell him what happened, where the store is, the store number, the day, date and time, tell him what they told you, and who the employee was if you can remember.

Tell him that you thought TRU was a company that made money selling to average people. Tell him that letting wholesalers clean out the inventory of advertised sales before the general public has access is terribly unethical. Tell him that Toys "R" Us's main customers are people like you, not wholesalers. And that such practices are harmful to Toys "R" Us's relations with its primary customer base.

Tell him that the practices of the management at that store turned the sale into a loss leader. As most of the inventory had been cleaned out before ANY of the general public had access.

Corporate will easily be able to track a ridiculously large individual sale of $30,000.

Write it to:
John H. Eyler, Jr.
1 Geoffrey Way
Wayne, NJ 07470

You could send a copy of the letter to of the people on this page as well.

Yes, you'll have to send it snail mail, but it's worth it. Email and phone calls don't get any respect. If you spend 40 cents on a letter, the manager will almost certainly get fired over this. It IS a HUGE deal.

And if he gets fired, the precedent will be set, and a lot of managers will be scared to try it, leaving more for all of us regular customers.[/quote]

Well said on all counts. I would send a copy to everyone on that list, including the operations manager and CFO. Email submission on the page might not be a bad idea, as long as you let them know you're sending a physical copy as well, and for efficiency's sake, you're sending the info along to them via email, so they can look while it's still fresh in the computer and your mind.
[quote name='lilxbbtiff']I need some help .I bought 2 games at toy r us on saturday. Can i go to any toy r us and pick the 3rd game free? Im asking this cause my local toy r us is making me return the 2 games i bought then re-doing the whole deal. I dont want to do that cause im afraid they wont have the 2 since it might be sold out.[/quote]

Just check to see if they have the 2 games in stock.
bread's done