Dead Rising 2: Case Zero - Available Now

[quote name='n8rockerasu']For anyone complaining about the load times, have you ever played Modnation Racers? I know it's a 360 to PS3 comparison, but still...the load times for this are nowhere near the level of Modnation. Yes, maybe these occur too frequently, but it's pretty standard to have a loading screen when entering a new building. The problem is, since this is a XBLA game, the map is incredibly small. DR1 had loading screens as well, but at least the areas were a little more spread out. Honestly, just have a drink or a bag of chips/pretzels nearby while you're playing and you'll at least have something to do while the game loads. Under those conditions, it's really not that bad.

Also, thanks LP for posting that last combo. I also thought there were only 8 and was wondering why I wasn't getting the achievement.[/QUOTE]

Modnation is a Blu Ray game which already has pretty slow speed in the first place. Case Zero is run entirely on the harddrive and I would hate to see how DR2 would run on a disc.
[quote name='ryanmassacre']what the hell i cant get the achievement for making a weapon!!!! for some reason the game wont give me the points. i have every other achievement in the damn game what the hell!!![/QUOTE]

I've read that some people who did their first combo in demo mode seem to be locked out of it. Starting a new game on a different X360 seems to help. You can also try deleting your save, deleting the game, and re-downloading it. Not sure if that will work but that's what I've seen on other forums.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I've read that some people who did their first combo in demo mode seem to be locked out of it. Starting a new game on a different X360 seems to help. You can also try deleting your save, deleting the game, and re-downloading it. Not sure if that will work but that's what I've seen on other forums.[/QUOTE]

I fixed it by moving my game save to a USB stick and then starting a new game. Transferred my old game save back after I got the achievement.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']So, like I said, despite my initial feelings on this one, I put down my $5, and I must say, I really enjoyed it. I really hope developers and publishers don't start thinking this is a great idea (paying for a short "prequel"), but this one time, it wasn't bad. Set up the main story nice and really wet my appetite for more zombie killing fun. I loved the first game and am really looking forward to this one.


I know a few months back someone, maybe EA or Activision, was talking about bite-size downloads like this, pay $10 to check out the game at your leisure without spending $60 on an unknown product. In the days of 30 minute time limit demos, I'm actually warming to what Case Zero has done. I have no problem paying $5 for a really good idea of what the full game will be, that I can play as much as I want. There's enough here to basically know what DR2 will have for a fraction of the price, and it's more or less shown me that I don't want DR2. For a game like, say, the next Batman or Darksiders, it's not even a question of whether I'll buy it; but for franchises/games that I'm unsure about even after gameplay videos, this could be exceedingly useful.
[quote name='radioactivez0r']I know a few months back someone, maybe EA or Activision, was talking about bite-size downloads like this, pay $10 to check out the game at your leisure without spending $60 on an unknown product. In the days of 30 minute time limit demos, I'm actually warming to what Case Zero has done. I have no problem paying $5 for a really good idea of what the full game will be, that I can play as much as I want. There's enough here to basically know what DR2 will have for a fraction of the price, and it's more or less shown me that I don't want DR2. For a game like, say, the next Batman or Darksiders, it's not even a question of whether I'll buy it; but for franchises/games that I'm unsure about even after gameplay videos, this could be exceedingly useful.[/QUOTE]


I think the best part of this is that it's not part of the full game. If I decide I want to buy DR2, I don't have to play this part over again. That's one problem I usually have with demos of games I want to buy.
anyone have tips on how to convert those Scratch Cards into Combo Cards?

another aside, I know the level is capped at 5, but the PP continues to accumulate....hmm, wonder if we'll auto-level up when plugged into DR2?
[quote name='Mospeada_21']anyone have tips on how to convert those Scratch Cards into Combo Cards?

another aside, I know the level is capped at 5, but the PP continues to accumulate....hmm, wonder if we'll auto-level up when plugged into DR2?[/QUOTE]
Level up and more cards unlock.

Once you reach level 5, PP are just for the leaderboards.
^Yeah but he means all the scratch cards that don't level up. You only get a few true combo cards in the demo. The rest are scratch no matter what level you hit.
400 pts well spent, loving it so far, i'm at 7:30 on the first day just stuck........ and then got killed..... LOL

Enjoyed the first one and picking this up on release day. Holding off on ordering and hoping Kmart unannounced deal beats the $10 Amazon GC.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']For anyone complaining about the load times, have you ever played Modnation Racers? I know it's a 360 to PS3 comparison, but still...the load times for this are nowhere near the level of Modnation. Yes, maybe these occur too frequently, but it's pretty standard to have a loading screen when entering a new building. The problem is, since this is a XBLA game, the map is incredibly small. DR1 had loading screens as well, but at least the areas were a little more spread out. Honestly, just have a drink or a bag of chips/pretzels nearby while you're playing and you'll at least have something to do while the game loads. Under those conditions, it's really not that bad.

Also, thanks LP for posting that last combo. I also thought there were only 8 and was wondering why I wasn't getting the achievement.[/QUOTE]

Just because one game has long loading times it doesn't mean that it makes this game's loading times ok. I am not a game programmer but I don't see why they couldn't make the whole game run seamlessly. It seems kind of ridiculous that you have to go into a loading screen when you go into the safe house place.
As a huge DR1 fan, I was kinda worried as to what was going to happen to the series with a different developer, but my fears seem to be unfounded. This is the best $5 I have spent in a long time. Heck, I might have been happy to have an entire game in a (larger) version of Still Water.

A few things I have noticed:
-The survivors actually seem smarter than the zombies this time around! (The only exception seems to be Bob's daughter. In every playthrough, she was the only survivor to run into problems and needed rescuing - even when armed with a shotgun. Pixie pointed out that this may be done on purpose because time is almost out by this point.)
-Is it just me, or does Katie look like a young Ashley Graham? (RE4, not the Lane Bryant model.) Those eyes just creep me out.
-Most of the combo weapons are "awesome, but impractical;" I think only the spiked bat is really worth the time.

One improvement I really hope for is balanced achievements. I know DR1 was early in the 360's life cycle when they were figuring things out, but no way should 7 Day Survivor be the same amount of points as the Freefall (fallng 5 meters) achievement.
[quote name='PlumeNoir']As a huge DR1 fan, I was kinda worried as to what was going to happen to the series with a different developer, but my fears seem to be unfounded. This is the best $5 I have spent in a long time. Heck, I might have been happy to have an entire game in a (larger) version of Still Water.

A few things I have noticed:
-The survivors actually seem smarter than the zombies this time around! (The only exception seems to be Bob's daughter. In every playthrough, she was the only survivor to run into problems and needed rescuing - even when armed with a shotgun. Pixie pointed out that this may be done on purpose because time is almost out by this point.)
-Is it just me, or does Katie look like a young Ashley Graham? (RE4, not the Lane Bryant model.) Those eyes just creep me out.
-Most of the combo weapons are "awesome, but impractical;" I think only the spiked bat is really worth the time.

One improvement I really hope for is balanced achievements. I know DR1 was early in the 360's life cycle when they were figuring things out, but no way should 7 Day Survivor be the same amount of points as the Freefall (fallng 5 meters) achievement.[/QUOTE]

Every achievement is worth 20 points again.
Lack of autosave is frustrating me, I'm so used to it, that I forgot to save, got 3 bike parts, and died. Now I get to do it all over again.
[quote name='eliter1']Just because one game has long loading times it doesn't mean that it makes this game's loading times ok. I am not a game programmer but I don't see why they couldn't make the whole game run seamlessly. It seems kind of ridiculous that you have to go into a loading screen when you go into the safe house place.[/QUOTE]

Data compression to fit into the 1GB space.
[quote name='opterasis']Lack of autosave is frustrating me, I'm so used to it, that I forgot to save, got 3 bike parts, and died. Now I get to do it all over again.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. There are many aspects of this game that feel antiquated. Still a lot of fun though!
[quote name='eliter1']Just because one game has long loading times it doesn't mean that it makes this game's loading times ok. I am not a game programmer but I don't see why they couldn't make the whole game run seamlessly. It seems kind of ridiculous that you have to go into a loading screen when you go into the safe house place.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. N8rockasu's argument that ModNation Racers has worse load times so Dead Rising Case Zero's are fine is silly. DR's load times are lengthy, and it's up to the individual user whether that's a problem or not.
ModNation Racers is running from a blu ray which has slower load time than DVD.
Case Zero is running on a Harddrive, which should be faster than a DVD.

So the situation is actually worst.
Maybe I didn't explain my point very well. I wasn't trying to justify the load times by naming another game that has longer ones. My point was that if you've played Modnation Racers and they didn't bother you...they won't bother you in this game. And conversely, if the load times in this game bothered you, there is no way you would enjoy a game like Modnation. It doesn't matter what format the game is in. Waiting 3 minutes is waiting 3 minutes. It either bothers you or it doesn't.

As for the complaint about autosave, it really wouldn't work in this kind of game. It's like a sandbox game (in that you can totally ignore some "missions" and just screw around killing zombies)..within a structured story with a time limit. Since you may want/need to go back and redo something, it wouldn't make sense for the game to decide when to update your last save. There can be times where you corner yourself and don't have time to progress to the next step of the story. If you saved right before that (which sometimes can even happen many people found out in DR1), you'd have to start the story over. This is just the way Dead Rising is. Some people hate it for that, but once you figure out how the game works, it really makes the most sense.
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Finished it yesterday, just have to go back and get the achievement for spending $100,000 at the pawn shop, and the one for making all the weapon combos. Pretty damn fun, I can't wait for DR2.
Wanted to let you all know K-Mart is offering a $20 gaming coupon towards a future purchase when you get it DR 2 on launch week.

If you've got one near you, that's a decent deal. Probably will end up picking this up on day 1 now, since I'll have a $20 coupon to use on it already.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Killing 1K zombies barehanded sounds like a pain.[/QUOTE]

It was in the first game...
Really? All you had to do was Lariats in the first game. Assuming Chuck gets a Lariat in this, it will be done and over within 5 minutes.
[quote name='nnthomas']Really? All you had to do was Lariats in the first game. Assuming Chuck gets a Lariat in this, it will be done and over within 5 minutes.[/QUOTE]

Yea, I just got the achievement yesterday in the first one and it only took about ten minutes tops using lariats in the parking garage.
as stated by other CAGers, this could mark the start of "priced demos", which I'm really hoping isn't the case. yes, this works because its integrated into the final product, and on top of that, it has achievements and a decent amount of play time.

mostly it works because its only 400 pts as opposed to the 800 early standard, or the new 1200 pts standard.

so hopefully, pay to play demos won't become a future occurence. demos are just that, a glimpse into the final product so you can tell if you'd be interested in making that $60 plunge to get it on release day (for many of us, thats more like $40 because we utilize deals, but the concept is still the same).

funnily enough, i can say that i got the demo of the demo of the full version, and i'm not really that impressed with DR2. the amount of weapons you can use is excellent, but the controls are quite clunky, the graphics and voicing are subpar, and the content itself is extremely grindy, to the point where I thought I was playing Dynasty Warriors (run into mob of zombies that do nothing, mash attack button with random item, repeat 10,000 times until your fingers hurt, level up).

that being said, if you liked DR1 i'm sure you'll like this game (didn't mean for this post to turn into my opinion about the game).

- ak
[quote name='AquaKnight']and the content itself is extremely grindy, to the point where I thought I was playing Dynasty Warriors (run into mob of zombies that do nothing, mash attack button with random item, repeat 10,000 times until your fingers hurt, level up).
You're doing it wrong. Also, demos don't have demos.
You're doing it wrong. Also, demos don't have demos.
I know they don't, which is why this stands out as being an oddity. Its not so much that its being done wrong, as it is a problem conceptually, in my opinion.

If you like Korean MMOs like MapleStory, I'm sure you'll like DR2. Many of us on the other hand don't want to focus on the mundane task of grinding in our video games.

Even if you speed up the acquisition of experience, it doesn't take away from the method you have to use to get it. I have to believe there had to be other options available.

tl;dr I think I would like this game more fun if it was a bit more fluid and the zombies actually tried to attack me. See: Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, heck even the Half-Life mod Zombie Master. I'm not saying its bad, its just not my thing.
Why are you grinding at all? You can pretty much hit the max level for case zero by just saving the survivors, getting the bike parts and taking out the 'boss'. You get more experience saving folks than from killing zombies. If you are grinding through the zombies you're just wasting time that you could be doing things that get more experience than that. It's trying to do as much in the time limit under the constant threat of the mob of the undead that's fun.

I'm more of a fan of the Romero style zombie, so I'd prefer my zombie to be the shambling undead instead of the crazed maniac cannibal that runs at me.
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You are playing the demo which basically has one task before it is over. If you are playing the full game killing zombie is only a small part of the gameplay
You are playing the demo which basically has one task before it is over. If you are playing the full game killing zombie is only a small part of the gameplay

absolutely true. i based my opinion of the game on the demo. if its the case such that you don't have to grind through killing zombies to level up, then i apologize for that statement.

regardless, i think this game still would've been more fun if the zombies actually try to attack you. i was wrong about the leveling, but i think i need more action in my zombie games, lol.
Could somebody please update the thread title. I don't want to wait until October to play this.

Insert j/k smiley here.
[quote name='AquaKnight']
regardless, i think this game still would've been more fun if the zombies actually try to attack you. i was wrong about the leveling, but i think i need more action in my zombie games, lol.[/QUOTE]

They do attack you. They absolutely swarm and grab onto you. You just have to get within their vision range. And yeah, like others have said, there's no grinding needed in Case Zero.
I definitely have a lot more fun with the Romero-esque zombies in the Dead Rising series. Yeah, they don't attack as fast or as hard as the "infected"-type monsters in various games and movies, but they are dangerous in their own ways, mostly due to the numbers. People often die in zombie films, because they are careless or take too big a risk. Same thing with the Dead Rising games. Focus too much on attacking zombies in front of you, and something is definitely going to get you from behind. Linger too long in a tight area, and you're going to have a bitch of a time getting back out.
Hmmm something interesting possibly revealed:

Kinda blurry but looks like Frank West is helping Chuck Greene
[quote name='AquaKnight']...I would like this game more fun if it was a bit more fluid and the zombies actually tried to attack me. See: Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, heck even the Half-Life mod Zombie Master. I'm not saying its bad, its just not my thing.[/QUOTE]

let me guess, you order mild at restaurants, then complain the food isn't spicy enough. life must suck for those around you.
[quote name='chatgirl4']Hmmm something interesting possibly revealed:

Kinda blurry but looks like Frank West is helping Chuck Greene

I was coming here to post this...

Makes sense. From the start, the idea of playing as two Chucks in co-op seemed a bit silly. Either, they changed their mind from the feedback, or they were trying to keep Frank's appearance a secret.
[quote name='AquaKnight']absolutely true. i based my opinion of the game on the demo. if its the case such that you don't have to grind through killing zombies to level up, then i apologize for that statement.

regardless, i think this game still would've been more fun if the zombies actually try to attack you. i was wrong about the leveling, but i think i need more action in my zombie games, lol.[/QUOTE]

Ya know that there are bosses and later on (like it was in the first game, and even in this prequel dlc) you'll have to deal with soldiers with guns. Also flying gun turrets too. Not to mention that whenever you are escorting someone the danger level escalates. It's one thing to run around kicking zombies and shoving them out of the way but an entirely different scenario when you need to look over your shoulder to make sure your party is keeping up with you (which they do a better job of now). Now you need to consider what kinds of weapons to use because you don't want to run out of it in the middle of an escort OR use something so wild like the paddle saw that you can hurt your party members trying to save them.

So there is plenty of action. But DR is a thinking man's game it's not about killing everyone about about getting shit done and with minimal loss of life.
I couldn't play this game past 5 minutes...I have a 4 year old daughter and I hated where the story was headed. So I didn't get to second one of gameplay :whistle2:(
[quote name='ZForce915']I couldn't play this game past 5 minutes...I have a 4 year old daughter and I hated where the story was headed. So I didn't get to second one of gameplay [/QUOTE]
God help your daughter if there is ever a zombie infection. You're not half the father Chuck Greene is.
[quote name='Stoic Person Eater']God help your daughter if there is ever a zombie infection. You're not half the father Chuck Greene is.[/QUOTE]

fuck Chuck Greene, I wouldn't have let my daughter get bitten. :D
bread's done