[quote name='chriscolbert']But correct me if I'm wrong, this is the first truly legit situation where a game should theoretically be free after coupon, right?[/QUOTE]
You're forgetting the free Gamer's Club coupons a few years ago.
Those were fun to print up from the RZ site and have the cashier go 'your total is uhhhhh free....i guess'.:lol:
[quote name='token2k6']edit: and if my memory serves me well, this will be the first free game since the gaming coupons they used to run, maybe the exact last free thing was the Nerf set for Wii[/QUOTE]
I believe that last game that was going to be free after those printable Gamer's Club coupons was Saint's Row 2 before they bumped it up to $24.99 and thus made it a $5 game. Before that was some MMO shooter where the developer or publisher went outta biz soon after. Crimecraft was the name of it, I believe.
[quote name='CheapAssHustla']I was waiting for you to chime in and comment, lol. Let me ask you this, did you end up getting a copy as well?[/QUOTE]
Not yet. Unfortunately it's gonna be in the
in' 90's here the next three days and humid, so since I don't currently have anywhere I gotta go I'm hibernating in the AC for those three days.
By the time I get out to grab this the local store will probably be sold out or the price will have been raised. For free I'd try it, but I absolutely HATED Bushido Blade, so the comparisons to that game mean squat to me. Free is about my price.