December Bestbuy RZ Gamers Club Offers


Get 150 RZ bonus points with these games --- Valid 12/7/09-12/20/09

Soul Caliber: Broken Detiny
MotorStorm: Arctic Edge
NBA 10 The Inside
Madden 10
Resistance Retribution

Zelds: Spirit Tracks

Get 150 RZ bonus points with these games -- Valid 12/21/09-1/3/10

MX vs. ATV Reflex

The Saboteur

Save $5 on these titles --- Valid 12/7/09-12/20/09

Animal Crossing
Rapala We Fish
Madden 10
TMNT Smash up

Save $5 on these titles --- Valid 12/21/09-1/3/10

Avatar --- All Systems

Save $10 on these titles --- Valid 12/7/09-12/20/09

PC Games ---- Saints Row 2 and Fallen Earth

Guitar Hero 5

Guitar Hero Smash Hits

Save $10 on these titles --- Valid 12/21/09-1/3/10

Terminator Salvation
Street Fighter 4

Drum King
All Star Cheer Squad 2
Silent Hill Shattered Memories

Save $20 on these titles --- Valid 12/7/09-12/20/09


Fairytale Fights

Save $20 on these titles --- Valid 12/21/09-1/3/10

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon -- Explorers of Time & Darkness

Grand Turismo

Tranformers: Revenge of the Fallen
High School Musical: Senior Year Dance

Let's Tap
Monster Vs. Aliens

Saints Row 2
Red Fraction Guerilla

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[quote name='clariste']Any chance you managed to submit any applications in your running around today? Or during the four hours of posting on CAG? Or is the plan of action currently getting a free PS3 or HDTV?[/QUOTE]
Lol, you're going to put me out of business as top troll around here!
People actually got 14 copies of this game? :roll:

I was planning on maybe picking up one but we got blasted by snow up here in Mass. Nor worth the drive.
[quote name='scratchdesk']Out of curiosity how would one go about unloading 8 copies at BBV? I assume they'll raise an eyebrow if you trade them all in at the same time. Sorry to come off so noobish just curious how to successfully pull this off, I'd love to pick up a few other presents before the holidays. The Visa Gift card would be a stellar idea.


I usually promise they aren't stolen and slip the guy a 20........
[quote name='Dahk']People actually got 14 copies of this game? :roll:
some have elaborate story lines planned out why they have such amounts.
Hey for all of you that think BB is going to loose big time on this and other coupons, they are most likely going to write this off on their corporate taxes, and this happens so often, I wonder if they are not doing this intentionally, oh and I wouldn't feel bad about picking up a couple copies since they have denied me many times for legitimate price matces, one time it was their parent company !
[quote name='Lord Hamm']I usually promise they aren't stolen and slip the guy a 20........[/QUOTE]

somehow i was able to get rid of 14 copies of rock revolution at a single BBV. that kid was cool. saved me tons of gas.
[quote name='Dahk']People actually got 14 copies of this game?

Actually some guy with no job and starving children got 17 copies to trade in for an HDTV.
i found two copies for ps3 at my local best buy (they have 10 for xbox). picked one up for my cousin who likes that kinda of stuff and the coupon worked. thanks guys!

the game looked too nasty for my taste, so i passed, even though it's free. i hope i can score on that $5 saints row 2 tomorrow. will make that an early Christmas present for my brother. :)
[quote name='gordojones88']Actually some guy with no job and starving children got 17 copies to trade in for an HDTV.[/QUOTE]
That douchebag needs to spend more time working on acquiring some marketable job skills and less time flipping games.
[quote name='no_exit']That douchebag needs to spend more time working on acquiring some marketable job skills and less time flipping games.[/QUOTE]

I second that.

Flipping should only go to an extent-- I'd do it for a "hobby" or some fun on the side when not playing games.
[quote name='no_exit']That douchebag needs to spend more time working on acquiring some marketable job skills and less time flipping games.[/QUOTE]

Woah wait a minute....

It took skills to walk into the same Best Buy four times and walk out with free shit.....

When I do that sometimes the police chase me around for a while.....
[quote name='Lord Hamm']Woah wait a minute....

It took skills to walk into the same Best Buy four times and walk out with free shit.....

When I do that sometimes the police chase me around for a while.....[/QUOTE]

It also takes skill smuggling drugs... say what? :bomb:
I tried at a BestBuy before they closed and there were copies available for anyone. I took 2 of each to the register and the guy said it was 85.3. i said no thanks n we talked and it seemed the asterisk of doom was up so it stopped it cuz it was a sale item.
[quote name='Casteor']It also takes skill smuggling drugs... say what? :bomb:[/QUOTE]

Not if your willing to stick it in your anus.....
Seems like people are paying for the game in the end.Wasting the entire day talking about a free game is payment enough.

BTW, has anyone actually played it yet? It's fucking horrible. I bought got 2 copies (PS3 for myself, 360 for my cousin), but I'll definitely be trading in my copy. I almost feel bad gifting it as well. Horrible game.
[quote name='phear3d']some have elaborate story lines planned out why they have such amounts.[/QUOTE]

Nothing elaborate:

Trade 4 at a time to GameCrazy (2 PS3 and 2 xbox 360) to 3 different stores = 12 flips

Each store gives $16 base plus they are all nice enough to match Gamestop's trade 4 get an extra $20 bumping the TIV to $21 each. Oh and BTW they happen to be running some good deals to use your newly acquired store credit including a Buy 2 Get 1 free...
[quote name='Lord Hamm']So whats a good price to sell these on EBAY?

I scored about 50 copies today and I need money for smack for my GF and me......

We sold our 15 month old son for hot pockets last week and we were thinking of maybe making another one so help a fellow CAG out:)[/QUOTE]

BTW, if you haven't already traded in your copies, FYE is a great option. If one's still open in your area (a BIG YMMV) they're taking Fairytale Fights for $18 cash a pop. I traded 10 of my copies, no questions asked and no forms to fill out. fucking awesome.
In case it hasn't been posted, Play N Trade gives $19 in trade credit for Fairytale Fights. You can also get $18 in cash at FYE or $22.50 in credit. Expect the TIV to bomb soon.
You know what's completely crazy about this entire thing? I was actually considering playing the damn game, and according to the BB website none of my local stores have the game in stock.

You bastards.
[quote name='maximumzero']You know what's completely crazy about this entire thing? I was actually considering playing the damn game, and according to the BB website none of my local stores have the game in stock.

You bastards.[/QUOTE]

You should thank them, the game is balls.....
[quote name='Doomstink']In case it hasn't been posted, Play N Trade gives $19 in trade credit for Fairytale Fights. You can also get $18 in cash at FYE or $22.50 in credit. Expect the TIV to bomb soon.[/QUOTE]

Can you trade in multiple copies at play n trade?
[quote name='no_exit']That douchebag needs to spend more time working on acquiring some marketable job skills and less time flipping games.[/QUOTE]

I already have a degree & am going for another, you misinformed dipshit.
I like how the people complaining are mainly the ones who didn't go out and get it ... if you want it, plan for it. If you didn't then it's no one's fault but your own that you missed out and that's the bottom line with almost every deal posted on CAG.
[quote name='gordojones88']Actually some guy with no job and starving children got 17 copies to trade in for an HDTV.[/QUOTE]

Who said anything about starving children?
[quote name='scratchdesk']Out of curiosity how would one go about unloading 8 copies at BBV? I assume they'll raise an eyebrow if you trade them all in at the same time. Sorry to come off so noobish just curious how to successfully pull this off, I'd love to pick up a few other presents before the holidays. The Visa Gift card would be a stellar idea.


Im doing this tomorow.

Reading from the official blockbuster thread. someone said they allow 2 of the same game per system. ie 2 FF 360 and 2 FF PS3 per day.
[quote name='Kevlar281']I was really hoping someone would post a pic of a massive score.[/QUOTE]

Was thinking of taking one of my 26 copies I got from 2 total stores, but that may have just added fuel to the complainers fire. Also I didn't want people to think I was like "Ooooh look at what I got, HA HA HA HA"

I did the best I could and what I personally felt was right/acceptable. That can vary person to person and I do not want people to think I was being an ass for the sole purpose of being one.
This really isn't the same as the B2G1 glitch - the game wasn't designated as a sale price by best buy so the coupon worked. If they'd done that and it hadn't worked I'd have walked out with just my other purchases. Far as I can tell, I only bought 3 or less and used the coupon in a reasonable manner.
It's probably one of the worst games I've played all year, seriously, nobody should be upset that we're getting these free.
If they had gotten even the fundamentals right, like, say - using buttons for attacks instead of flicking the stick in the direction you want to attack - it could have been almost bearable.

But it's not.
[quote name='Xfactor19990']hmmmm i want my copy :( Stupid fucking hag had to take em from me -_-[/QUOTE]

hey did you go to the one in westminster co cause the cashier said some lady hoard all of the damn game
I could understand a handful of copies, but fuck. Getting close to 20 copies of a free game is just insane. You guys got some balls. That's way too many games to flip for one person.
As unpopular as it may be, I gotta say that Britshady had a point. Problem is, he's trying to preach the values of "restraint" and "finesse" to the GIMME!GIMME! generation.

Deals like this are no different than slipping a dollar out of the register when the clerk is looking the other way. You do it quietly, a little at a time, and you get more in the long run. But we're so worried about the next guy doing it wrong and getting caught that we're tossing the whole register on the ground at the first opportunity. It's short-sighted and greedy. And it leads to tighter security.

Yeah BB has apparently screwed up like this before (I wasn't around for those). But they're catching on quicker. The point isn't that "Best Buy is evil so who cares" or "FTF sucks so who cares". It's that raping and pillaging rather than quiet pilfering leads to higher walls and more guards. Which means less deals down the road. :cry:

For the record, I bought and flipped 3, while also purchasing Fallout 3 for $40. I could have bought many more. The first store I went to had a ton of FTF, but no Fallout, and I didn't want to raise any flags with a big fat "$0.00" transaction. And the second store also had plenty, but I grabbed 3 because that seemed plausible. Yeah, it's conjecture, but if people weren't buying 12, 15, 17 copies, with no filler, the coupon might still be active, and more people might have been able to take advantage.

Now get off my lawn!!!
You know what they say.

Grab all them shits!

Seriously wish I would have kept up with this in the morning. My friend actually wanted this game, and with co-op it would have been a nice waste of time.
bread's done