Demigod version1.1 is live!

[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']8 From what I hear.[/quote]


Less 'characters' than Dota, but more maps.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']The one thing that has me hesitant to buy this game is are we going to get updates like new maps, maybe a character or two?

Also, how does the game look? I'm not looking for CryEngine but '09 games have a certain expectation to hold.[/QUOTE]

I'd hold it higher than World in Conflict. That's the closest thing it can be compared to, zoomed it it's phenomenal. They've really even optimized the game since the Beta so the frames run smooth.

Strictly aesthetically speaking, the characters and level-design are top notch. I haven't seen an original PC game come close to this since TF2 launched.
Holy crap the art direction for this game in phenomenal.

[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']Gah, I'm going to order from Newegg today but I don't want to wait 2-3 days, I'm so pumped for this game.[/quote]

glad to see on board with Demigod now Hydro. with all the people who have gotten the game so far, perhaps we could get a CAG clan going on or something. i don't think Impulse supports groups right now so that may be tough.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']Gah, I'm going to order from Newegg today but I don't want to wait 2-3 days, I'm so pumped for this game.[/quote]

Buy online from from Digital Download.
[quote name='DukeEdwardI']glad to see on board with Demigod now Hydro. with all the people who have gotten the game so far, perhaps we could get a CAG clan going on or something. i don't think Impulse supports groups right now so that may be tough.[/QUOTE]

Via Neoseeker:

Some free features gamers can expect include the usual fixes and patches, voice over IP, clan support, user-created tournaments, and an Impulse-based lobby -- all of which have been confirmed. The first two post-release Demigods will be free as well; after that, they're simply not sure yet.

I'm on board for a CAG Demigod clan.

[quote name='will52']Buy online from from Digital Download.[/QUOTE]

5$ off at Newegg + I have a 20$ off coupon. 15$ Demigod is tastey.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']The one thing that has me hesitant to buy this game is are we going to get updates like new maps, maybe a character or two?[/quote]

Yes, there will be updates like that in the future.

Right now, we are working on getting some of the server issues corrected that are partly the result of the game being released early.

Updates on progress can be found here:

[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']No way, a Stardock employee on CAG? I'm baffled, you guys are so cool :bomb:[/quote]

Come to think of it, Stardock employees (IslandDog, Brad) have posted on just about every PC game site I visit: Bluesnews, Civfanatics (Brad came out of nowhere to clear up some misconceptions people were having about Elemental), RockPaperShotgun.

Way cool.
You do. But the server has to determine the CD key's validity before accepting or rejecting your request. So the pirates are, in essence, launching a denial-of-service attack against the Demigod servers by spamming them with invalid CD keys. (Courtesy of a keygen I'm sure.)

The good news is that they shouldn't be able to play through the official servers.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']I want PC gaming to fail already. (At least be completely steam). This is way too depressing:

Poor guys... you pirates can go fuck yourself.[/QUOTE]

I've ordered the game via Newegg but I pirated the game just so I could get used to the single player and get the game down. I'm sure other people like me have done that, not to mention people trying before buying. The stats are borked if you ask me.

However, screw the pirates TRYING TO PLAY MULTIPLAYER! They're messing up the servers from what I hear.
[quote name='eme223']I'm picking this up today. See you online[/QUOTE]

we hope.
if not enjoy the tournament mode, it can be frustrating, but if your AI teammates suck it doesn't impact your score too much.
I am more interested in picking this up after reading Scott Sharkey's review, but he stated that the multiplayer is broken. Does anyone have some insight into the mutiplayer's problems?
[quote name='Razzuel']I am more interested in picking this up after reading Scott Sharkey's review, but he stated that the multiplayer is broken. Does anyone have some insight into the mutiplayer's problems?[/QUOTE]

As far as I can tell it's just the connectivity. Being able to get into a game is the issue. I've almost spent more time trying to get into a game than actually playing online. Once you're in it's usually fine.
Although I did get dropped last night for no reason, which wasn't a big deal for me... my team was 40 minutes into a losing battle anyway. I hope Stardock persists in fixing this issue.
There's a nice update from Brad Wardell about the connectivity issues (more benign than the sensationalist gaming rags would have you believe) and the team's update plans for next week.

Players getting disconnected during games. Demigod’s lag tolerance is fairly low resulting in disconnects if a player lags out a bit. This is fairly easy to fix. You get a player in Australia playing a user in Europe and there will be times when there’s a hicup in their connection and POW, disconnect and it’s extremely frustrating. I played all day today and it happened to me. This is a very high priority.
Brad (Frogboy) posted a new update a little bit ago (an update you read, not apply to your game) addressing the major issues they plan to fix by next week.

i really hope these guys get some sleep soon. they've been slaving over this game since release and i don't think a lot of them have even left the office. Their dedication and openness about the issues plaguing the game is admirable and they deserve a weekend off.

EDIT: blast, didn't post fast enough. Serik got to it before me.
Well I have little to no interest in the game anymore after reading reviews and watching gameplay videos. Seems inferior in every way except graphics to DotA.

That said, a bunch of my friends have less than legit copies and want me to play with them via hamachi, as we do almost all our games.

I don't know anyone who actually bought the game. Everyone I know just dl'd it to play with their already established groups of friends via hamachi.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']However, screw the pirates TRYING TO PLAY MULTIPLAYER! They're messing up the servers from what I hear.[/QUOTE]
The issue isn't that they're trying to connect to multiplayer, the issue is that the game is made to phone home as soon as they start the game no matter what. So even firing it up to try out the singleplayer is hitting their servers. I'm not particularly sympathetic with Stardock (Or I guess Gas Powered Games, and then Stardock's getting the short end of the stick) setting the game up to hit their servers as soon as it's running, but it is a shame it's ruining it for everyone.

Though for the game itself, I'm with Crystalclear. Doesn't particularly seem as good as DotA for being a retail game. Big part of that feeling comes from the maps, for me. DotA's got an interesting map with multiple routes and hideyholes and terrain types. All the Demigod maps looked like fairly basic tracks and that's it. They apparently have cool backgrounds, but functionally they're simple.
[quote name='SqueeMK2']The issue isn't that they're trying to connect to multiplayer, the issue is that the game is made to phone home as soon as they start the game no matter what. So even firing it up to try out the singleplayer is hitting their servers. I'm not particularly sympathetic with Stardock (Or I guess Gas Powered Games, and then Stardock's getting the short end of the stick) setting the game up to hit their servers as soon as it's running, but it is a shame it's ruining it for everyone.

Though for the game itself, I'm with Crystalclear. Doesn't particularly seem as good as DotA for being a retail game. Big part of that feeling comes from the maps, for me. DotA's got an interesting map with multiple routes and hideyholes and terrain types. All the Demigod maps looked like fairly basic tracks and that's it. They apparently have cool backgrounds, but functionally they're simple.[/QUOTE]

I suppose I'm a sucker for eye candy then. I think the heros have more depth than the average 4 skills from a DotA character and the different maps is enough for me. So tired of the usual 3 laned forest in DotA, maps like the snakey one and Ziggurat were a breath of fresh air.
whatever you do, don't go to the official forums at or There is so much QQ-ing going on it hurts the brain. All i know is that i don't think many of the people at Stardock and GPG got more than 3-4 hours a sleep a night and then it was back to work to fix the connectivity issues. Where most devs won't tell the customers what's going on, Stardock regularly posts updates on what is wrong and what they are going to do to fix it. That is UNMATCHED in the industry, IMO. But all i'm seeing is "OMG they took my $40 and it doesn't matter if it will get fixed, i'm still going to be pissed about it and tell everybody to boycott Stardock games."

It's seriously starting to piss me off because Stardock has to be one of the most dedicated publishers/devs to the PC platform and they have been burning the midnight oil until it's practically GONE and people want to add them to the boycott list along with EA? Something is fucked up about that right there. Putting EA and Stardock in the same category is an insult of the highest caliber.
[quote name='DukeEdwardI']whatever you do, don't go to the official forums at or There is so much QQ-ing going on it hurts the brain. All i know is that i don't think many of the people at Stardock and GPG got more than 3-4 hours a sleep a night and then it was back to work to fix the connectivity issues. Where most devs won't tell the customers what's going on, Stardock regularly posts updates on what is wrong and what they are going to do to fix it. That is UNMATCHED in the industry, IMO. But all i'm seeing is "OMG they took my $40 and it doesn't matter if it will get fixed, i'm still going to be pissed about it and tell everybody to boycott Stardock games."

It's seriously starting to piss me off because Stardock has to be one of the most dedicated publishers/devs to the PC platform and they have been burning the midnight oil until it's practically GONE and people want to add them to the boycott list along with EA? Something is fucked up about that right there. Putting EA and Stardock in the same category is an insult of the highest caliber.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. I've been fighting FOR stardock on the forums for a while (wbobeirne, didn't know my login would be my name :whistle2:#) but it's getting to be overwhelming by butthurt people who think they know how making a video game works.
it's nice to see more people rooting for stardock. there are only a few of them over at the official forums. Hydro, i added you as a friend on Impulse (DukeEdwardI). Hope you don't mind.

How is everybody enjoying the game so far though? i've only had time this week to do a couple matches with Regulas against some Normal AIs and it's awesome! Obviously i'm going to want to step it up and actually have a challenge, but i got to learn the ropes of each demigod first.
[quote name='DukeEdwardI']
How is everybody enjoying the game so far though? i've only had time this week to do a couple matches with Regulas against some Normal AIs and it's awesome! Obviously i'm going to want to step it up and actually have a challenge, but i got to learn the ropes of each demigod first.[/QUOTE]

Well, i finished a tourney with Oak this weekend on Hard mode. I think I'm going to try Sedna or Torchbearer this week on Nightmare. I played against someone in the Pantheon who was spamming the ring of fire and fireball. It was pretty damn effective. It killed off my units pretty quick and made it impossible to melee the bastard.
[quote name='DukeEdwardI']it's nice to see more people rooting for stardock. there are only a few of them over at the official forums. Hydro, i added you as a friend on Impulse (DukeEdwardI). Hope you don't mind.

How is everybody enjoying the game so far though? i've only had time this week to do a couple matches with Regulas against some Normal AIs and it's awesome! Obviously i'm going to want to step it up and actually have a challenge, but i got to learn the ropes of each demigod first.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I accepted.

Won't get to play online yet though, parents are split and they game is ordered to the others house :hot:
I want anyone who works at stardock to know that i bought your game today. I am currently downloading it from impulse (just like i did with sins of a solar empire). Money is tight in my house right now, but after reading about the piracy on this game and the service stardock provides to us gamers by not having DRM, i had to support them.

I will log on as soon as it is done!
Saw the IGN review for this game and a lot of game play videos and realized it's not for me

I play Warcraft 3 competitively and when he said it's like Dota I QQ'd
I prefer the micro and macro of RTS and thought I would be able to control everything on the battle field :/ Can't really see how this is an RTS...but it still looks like a game good and I might pick it up later on when it goes on sale

I just read more about the pirating going on and man that's insane, I'm thinking maybe a lot of people are very curious but since it's not a proven franchise they want to "try" it but it's still no excuse.

They need to get a new validation system maybe one like Blizzard that does not even let you connect it just says you are invalid
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Patch and an update were posted last night. It seemed to fix a lot of problems some people were having.

Patch notes from the article:
-Added check in Pantheon and Skirmish games to detect if host has cancelled or all the other human players quit, and pops up a message if this happens so that you can cancel instead of being stuck. GPG is working on the other side of this fix to make it so that you won't have to cancel and the remaining human players can continue to the game.
-Tweaked NAT punchthrough settings to try and make success more likely
Put in a proper error message for the case when the player quits rather than generic “Disconnected from NAT”
-Put in a proper error message for the case when someone who started a pantheon game quits before others get in (should largely take care of the staring at the connecting thing forever).
-Added additional check in the connection code to make sure that both players have connection data for each other before handing off the connection data to Demigod, which may prevent unidirectional
-Fixed the connection dialog to refresh the players connecting more aggressively.
Optimized Friends list code for people with no friends
-Messages for Disconnected from NAT facilitator now contain more useful information (disconnected because game was cancelled, game has already started, etc)
-Reduced delay before allowing people in the lobby, which may cause more people to get in the lobby without being connected to all players.
-Fixed an incompatibility between Direct3D and the Overlay which would cause players to crash, particularly on alt-esc.
-Ground work for UDP Proxy, you should notice connections being faster and better if you’re in Europe.

They also say what they plan on doing tomorrow (today):
-Taking care of the timing problem where player says they’re connected to everyone but they don’t get into the game. It’s a timing issue that’s hard to replicate but it doesn’t happen for us under normal circumstances. But it is probably the #1 issue for those who don’t have NAT issues. This really shows up in pantheon and skirmish games in particular (a player has left the game – right at the start).
-Custom Game player queuing. You set up a game, someone joins, another person joins but they have a yellow ping. That’s because they didn’t know about the other player. This is something that if we had another few hours would have been in tonight’s update.
-Experienced players not getting AI players in skirmish/pantheon. This has been a lot trickier to do than it might seem because we really are trying to keep expert players from just reaping havoc on relatively inexperienced players. The consensus seems that people would rather have the touch players against them than AI so we’re going to broaden things.

Once they get the multiplayer connection issues sorted out, then they'll start working on bug fixes and balancing and whatnot.
When I first saw this game, someone told me that it's really similar to DoTA... problem is, I never owned WC3, and thus I never "got" DoTA.

I want to play this game, so is having zero experience to carry from DoTA (thus making me a true newb) be a big detriment in enjoying the game?

Since there are no official demo's out for the game, I'm tempted to go through the dubious way of getting a free "extended demo" to see if I'm really up to snuff and if I'll enjoy the overall experience. I like Stardock and how they conduct their business and I also like how they handle their DRM (none). So if I do enjoy myself with the game, official demo or otherwise, then I'll meet most of you online.
[quote name='rumarudrathas']When I first saw this game, someone told me that it's really similar to DoTA... problem is, I never owned WC3, and thus I never "got" DoTA.

I want to play this game, so is having zero experience to carry from DoTA (thus making me a true newb) be a big detriment in enjoying the game?

Since there are no official demo's out for the game, I'm tempted to go through the dubious way of getting a free "extended demo" to see if I'm really up to snuff and if I'll enjoy the overall experience. I like Stardock and how they conduct their business and I also like how they handle their DRM (none). So if I do enjoy myself with the game, official demo or otherwise, then I'll meet most of you online.[/QUOTE]

Not at all actually. DotA is way more complex, there's more characters, more items, and a recipe system that boggles every noob.
Demigod is much more mainstream. If you've ever played an RPG and a RTS game, you'll get the gist of it. Definitely an unexplored genre, Demigod is definitely a good representative for it. I'd recommend it to anyone.
I gotta say, despite all the connectivity issues this game has, I still really enjoy it.

If any CAGs are still playing this then feel free to add my ImpulseID (BlueScrote)
version 1.1 is live today! I'm looking forward to it. Anyone up for a CAG match?
Add ImpulseID: carpwrist, or look for me in Demigod (carpewriste)
Woot! Version 1.1 sounds pretty awesome. I read that Version 1.2 is supposed to get a pretty awesome replay system and also clan support. And we still have more maps and demigods coming yet! I should really start playing this game more often...
[quote name='carpwrist']version 1.1 is live today! I'm looking forward to it. Anyone up for a CAG match?
Add ImpulseID: carpwrist, or look for me in Demigod (carpewriste)[/QUOTE]

I would love to play with some fellow cags. My impluse ID is BlueScrote
bread's done