Destiny Discussion Thread - Fear The Moon Wizards on September 9th

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There are 12 light levels per armor level. (Since 4 x 30 = 120, and that gets you from 20 to 30, so 12 per level).

So with 2 30's and 2 27's you'll be exactly at 29 1/2.

I'm basically up for that hard mode Oracles/Templar checkpoint at any time from now through late night tonight. I'll keep checking here and my CAG PM's and also monitor my Xbox Live friends list to see if anyone is playing Destiny (looks empty now).
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gotdott said:
ill be around in 15-20 minutes if you guys need an extra
I'm still waiting for more people to show. I only see RADa5AURU5 on now. With you, me, and him, that's just 3... I'm here if more show up. Just let me know.
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[quote name="io" post="12260871" timestamp="1416703056"]I'm still waiting for more people to show. I only see RADa5AURU5 on now. With you, me, and him, that's just 3... I'm here if more show up. Just let me know.[/quote]
I know I already did it, but I'll be on in five minutes if you want some help. I've leveled my sniper a little more so it may be more effective.

Finally got my boots so I might be working on that so I can finally hit 30.
^ Yeah, I'd guess 75% of the CAGS here are on the X1, about 15% on 360.  The last 10% are the ones who chose the right console to play Destiny ;)

Nah, j/k... like I give 2 " ishts about the console. :mrgreen:

The last 10% are the ones who chose the right console to play Destiny ;)

Played Iron Banner last night and had my best round so far, I got 10 whole kills! LOL it's the first time I've had points towards my Invective bounty. Unfortunately things went back to normal from there. I haven't won a round yet, so I've got a bunch of medallions waiting to be cashed in.

This morning I got myself up to level 29 and maxed out my Epilogue and Revenge (telemetries are amazing), so hopefully I can get through the hard raid and I should be more effective in the IB as well. I'm hoping to get to 30 soon so I can take a break to play something else before the DLC drops.
Played Iron Banner last night and had my best round so far, I got 10 whole kills! LOL it's the first time I've had points towards my Invective bounty. Unfortunately things went back to normal from there. I haven't won a round yet, so I've got a bunch of medallions waiting to be cashed in.

This morning I got myself up to level 29 and maxed out my Epilogue and Revenge (telemetries are amazing), so hopefully I can get through the hard raid and I should be more effective in the IB as well. I'm hoping to get to 30 soon so I can take a break to play something else before the DLC drops.
Hah yeah I am the same way where I am tying up my loose ends and will be taking a break from the game until the DLC. I will still hop on here and there but now that I have my characters all at 30 and almost every weapon and each one I use is maxed I think I can stop playing it like mad man until the DLC comes out... which is when I will then again begin to play it like a mad man haha

I finally managed to hit 30. I've been having fun with iron banner. I think I might try to hit rank five tomorrow night just for the shader.
Last chance on the Hard Oracles checkpoint - anyone up for it tonight?

Edit: Thanks to those who jumped in to help, especially the ones who had already done it on the same character earlier in the week! It is nice to know we could do it with just 4 people sniping (the 5th died after triggering the Oracles). That back left Oracle was a slight challenge for me since I had to hit it with 5 Icebreaker shots and if I missed just once I might have run out of time.

I got a bunch of mats which was pretty much what I wanted (other than Praetorian Foil). I also got my 4th pair of Titan greaves and, surprisingly, just my second Titan mark (class item).

Hopefully I can get the Warlock helm from the hard raid and the regular armor for the Hunter from normal raid this week and be done with it until the new one comes out. I would probably still offer my level 30 services to destinylfg just for the fun of it. It would be nice to cruise through the normal Raid without worrying about drops and maybe help some newbies as a savvy veteran ;).
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I got through gatekeepers/atheon on hard yesterday. Definitely wasn't much help with gatekeepers, but Sinfulfate and some random 30s carried me. Still no armour though. I did manage to get to rank 2 on Iron Banner though, so I'm hoping with the emblem, shader and tempered buff that I will be able to grind out rank 3 tonight and get the boots. My K/D has gone from 0.33 to 0.5 over the past few rounds, so I guess that's something. I'm kind of starting to enjoy PVP a bit, but I don't know how much I'll stick with it after IB ends, between raids, strikes, dailies etc I have no trouble filling my playing time; I don't know how you guys with multiple characters get it all done.
I got through gatekeepers/atheon on hard yesterday. Definitely wasn't much help with gatekeepers, but Sinfulfate and some random 30s carried me. Still no armour though. I did manage to get to rank 2 on Iron Banner though, so I'm hoping with the emblem, shader and tempered buff that I will be able to grind out rank 3 tonight and get the boots. My K/D has gone from 0.33 to 0.5 over the past few rounds, so I guess that's something. I'm kind of starting to enjoy PVP a bit, but I don't know how much I'll stick with it after IB ends, between raids, strikes, dailies etc I have no trouble filling my playing time; I don't know how you guys with multiple characters get it all done.
IB has been great fun. I've put in about 12 hours so far. It rewards teamwork and communication. If you want to improve your K/D make sure to communicate, stand near a teammate and position yourself between the two flags your team controls (either A&B or B&C). Use maxed weapons, communicate and have fun.

PS Also, for god sakes, don't stand by a flag once you've captured it.

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Yeah I maxed my Iron banner on Saturday... I had a few days off this past week and played way too much to say the least hahah

I loved it. I just wish there was more incentive for me to hit Rank 5. I was stoked to get that Shader because it looks pretty awesome on my Warlock but didnt really care for either of the weapons. Hell, I am tempted to just buy another of that last Shader just to have but really that seems like a waste of glimmer seeing as I am just now starting a Titan finally.


Somehow when I am finally done with the game until the DLC where I have everything I wanted; maxed weapons, cool ships, sparrows, level 30 Hunter and my two level 30 Warlocks.... I decide you know what? How about I start a whole new character?! Gah. Stupid. My mindset was that I really enjoy swapping between Hunter and Warlock to mix up my gameplay styles and that with the new DLC I would like to be able to experience EVERYTHING including the Titan armors and stuff. I already have Legendary Chest, Gauntlets and Greaves ready for my Titan as well as Exotic arms. I just need either a Legendary Helmet or an Exotic Helmet and I will be good enough. I have decided since this is so close to the DLC I do not care if my Titan is level 30 because I am more than competent at 29 and will just use it at 29 to get the NEW level 32 gear and just skip having to do the Vault a ton with the Titan : D

Last chance on the Hard Oracles checkpoint - anyone up for it tonight?

Edit: Thanks to those who jumped in to help, especially the ones who had already done it on the same character earlier in the week! It is nice to know we could do it with just 4 people sniping (the 5th died after triggering the Oracles). That back left Oracle was a slight challenge for me since I had to hit it with 5 Icebreaker shots and if I missed just once I might have run out of time.

I got a bunch of mats which was pretty much what I wanted (other than Praetorian Foil). I also got my 4th pair of Titan greaves and, surprisingly, just my second Titan mark (class item).

Hopefully I can get the Warlock helm from the hard raid and the regular armor for the Hunter from normal raid this week and be done with it until the new one comes out. I would probably still offer my level 30 services to destinylfg just for the fun of it. It would be nice to cruise through the normal Raid without worrying about drops and maybe help some newbies as a savvy veteran ;).
Sorry I couldn't hop in. My friends wanted to utilize my checkpoint. Nobody got anything worthwhile either. I got 2 more Found Verdicts... Bringing that to 4 total I have gotten now. I sharded 2 of them though.

That was a rare occurrence that they wanted to at the same time. Otherwise I would have jumped in no questions asked. I appreciate the invite too! Feel free to ask at anytime, even if I have it all done, I am always more than happy to help.

I just have to win a few more Iron Banner matches to get my boots for my Hunter. I shouldn't have slacked this week and played on my Warlock as well since I can't seem to get any raid gear via drops. I do still have a normal run I could do on my Warlock though.

Glad you guys got it done.  I was bummed that I couldn't join with my Titan.  I guess I need to farm a metric ton of Helium to get into hard raid range.  I wouldn't mind doing oracles/templar on normal with him before the reset tonight.  I'm guessing everyone is done for the week though.  Might try to find some randoms on destinylfg.

I joined a random group at like 3am on Saturday morning that was looking to do Atheon on Hard with my lvl 30 hunter.  We breezed through it in like 3 or 4 tries.  It appears that every other time I try to raid with a random group I seem to get lucky.  I find that if it doesn't work out in the first handful of tries it probably is best to cut ties and try with another group.  Although I'd prefer to do a Hard run with the CAG group this Tuesday if anyone is still searching for those last few loot drops. 

I finally got Atheon's Epilogue from that run so I was pleased to finally get that.  I know most people here have 4 or 5 at this point, lol.  Nice to finally have primaries that can deal out each type of damage.

I got through gatekeepers/atheon on hard yesterday. Definitely wasn't much help with gatekeepers, but Sinfulfate and some random 30s carried me. Still no armour though. I did manage to get to rank 2 on Iron Banner though, so I'm hoping with the emblem, shader and tempered buff that I will be able to grind out rank 3 tonight and get the boots. My K/D has gone from 0.33 to 0.5 over the past few rounds, so I guess that's something. I'm kind of starting to enjoy PVP a bit, but I don't know how much I'll stick with it after IB ends, between raids, strikes, dailies etc I have no trouble filling my playing time; I don't know how you guys with multiple characters get it all done.
I think the Iron Banner was giving me over double the XP bonus towards my IB rank yesterday. For the first time ever I had to go glimmer farming because I didn't have enough money to buy all the items I want. I think I'll try to hit rank 5 tonight so I can get the shader then that will be good enough for me. I did manage to get a legendary IB hand cannon yesterday when my k/d somehow managed to hit over 3.5. Don't know how I pulled that off. I just had a really good run with the machine gun and holding down one of the checkpoints. Most of the time I'm lucky if I get over 1.

Was running the raid with a bunch of randoms. 4 of the guys knew each other, and they had 2 in their group that hasnt done the raid before. I should have just left there i died 26 times and we didnt even finish.  :bomb:

wat is wrong with you broly?? don't care for the weaps? you can reroll them and get amazing things!!1!1!1!1!! *feeds addiction*
I spent 16 motes of light rerolling the freaking handcannon and still ended with crap! There are roughly 380 possible combinations based on the nodes available.... just no. Nothing beats Fatebringer for PvE and Last Word for PvP anyway. Plus after all of that I can't even break the damn gun down for Energy.... 16 Motes of Light down the drain : (

I looked at the stats of the Scout Rifle and compared it to VoC and then did some research online and even with the very best combination of rolls for the IB Scout, I still would prefer my VoC.

Oh, and I don't use fusion rifles ever anyway.

AND PFT I AM ALREADY VERY ADDICTED. I literally have been so stoked to play Dragon Age (and GTA to a lesser extent) and yet all I freaking play is Destiny. I watched some more Dragon Age gameplay and was like oh man I am going to splurge and play tonight if I have time... then I saw the Dark Below vid I posted and was like eff it, need more Destiny.


I spent 16 motes of light rerolling the freaking handcannon and still ended with crap! There are roughly 380 possible combinations based on the nodes available.... just no. Nothing beats Fatebringer for PvE and Last Word for PvP anyway. Plus after all of that I can't even break the damn gun down for Energy.... 16 Motes of Light down the drain : (

I looked at the stats of the Scout Rifle and compared it to VoC and then did some research online and even with the very best combination of rolls for the IB Scout, I still would prefer my VoC.

Oh, and I don't use fusion rifles ever anyway.

AND PFT I AM ALREADY VERY ADDICTED. I literally have been so stoked to play Dragon Age (and GTA to a lesser extent) and yet all I freaking play is Destiny. I watched some more Dragon Age gameplay and was like oh man I am going to splurge and play tonight if I have time... then I saw the Dark Below vid I posted and was like eff it, need more Destiny.

I mean I am addicted to this game and that video and the images got me stoked for the expansion, but I feel like Broly and io probably spat coffee on their computers when watching that video.

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I mean I am addicted to this game and that video and the images got me stoked for the expansion, but I feel like Broly and io probably spat coffee on their computers when watching that video.
I do not drink coffee, I am sort of a health nut and only drink water and fruit smoothies.

In this situation then being without coffee to spit out, I just peed a little is all. ; P

Oh and girlsadam, many of us have our GTs in our signature like me. Best if you join the CAGcast clan too then because if you randomly invite people or whatever, if we see you are CAGcast it is like an instant, 'ah, its a CAG' haha

I mean I am addicted to this game and that video and the images got me stoked for the expansion, but I feel like Broly and io probably spat coffee on their computers when watching that video.
And I haven't watched it because I was on a conference call for work. I will in a bit - though is this the same one I saw posted in the PS4 thread a few days ago?

Edit: OK, watched it. And far from spitting my coffee (which I don't drink either ;)), I'm kind of overwhelmed - just like, oh my god, there's tons more for me to collect. Now I'll probably end up hitting 1000 hours on this stupid game.

Though seeing all the new stuff kind of makes me feel the same as Broly in that I don't quite have the drive to get all 3 of my chars maxed out any more (though I do have 2 of 3 done). But I probably will still do it anyway...
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Wow, Dragon's Breath is probably my favorite there. Can we move ahead the calendar to Dec 9th please???? :beer:
Yeah, that is looking cool and you see it starts at 302??? They better not make my Gjallarhorn obsolete.

BTW, am I the only one trying to mouse over the nodes to see the perks, smh. Damn this non-Destiny interface :bomb:

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Can I get some gamertags so I can start playing with you guys? I have a 29 titan. GT: Tojokun1
Renegade Moose, and I would second the recommendation to join the cagcast. Also, don't forget (like me) that not everybody uses the same forum name as their gamer tag. Took me a long time to realize Broly was in our raid group the other night.
Yeah, don't forget to check people's profiles here on CAG for their gamertags (and PSN/Wii U names).
Sent some friend requests and joined the CAGcast clan.  I am EST and usually have to play pretty late at night but if anyone sees me on and wants to raid/nightfall/weekly/daily etc, I'm more than happy to play!  

If I'd realized how reputation worked in Iron Banner I would have started playing sooner. I had no idea individual stats didn't matter. With the buff as long as you win at least every 6th game you advance quickly. Throw in the easy bounties (exp, AR headshots, melee) and anyone can grind out a rank level in 3 hours. I got my boots last night and regret not starting a day sooner to have picked up the arms.

The funny thing is I had games with 15-20 kills and a 1+ k/d that we lost, but in one of last night's 3 wins I only had 1 kill. It really comes down to the teams you get matched with.

On a side note, I had 2 quad kills with fist of havoc which was increadibly satisfying.

Anyway, happy to be going back to strikes and raids; I have family showing up tomorrow for Thanksgiving so I'd like to knock out as much as I can tonight. If you're still reading this novel, let me know if you want to raid/weekly/nightfall tonight.
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Nightfall is Phogoth with void damage and thankfully no lightswitch (extra melee damage).

I did the hard Raid with that other group (and saved an Oracles checkpoint which was by far the toughest thing to get) and scored TWO Warlock helms! So I am set as far as hard mode goes. The only thing I don't have is the Praetorian Foil and I can live without that. I just need normal Hunter gear and I am completely done.

If you guys want to run Normal Raid then Hard mode Oracles checkpoint I'm up for that tomorrow or Weds. Just let me know, otherwise I'll run it with randoms some time this week.

Anyway, that's more proof of double hard mode "pull" from each checkpoint - otherwise I would have only gotten 1 helm. Hopefully I can score the Hunter chest and boots this week and then I am pretty much done with this Raid.

Then I jumped into Nightfall with a guy from destinylfg. We did it pretty easily so we ended up just running it 3 times in a row for all our characters - all without mic ;). It isn't too bad - we only wiped once when we camped too close to the Shrieker and it got us both around the doorway.

I had some weird drops: 10 shards, followed by 7 shards. WTF!? The Nightfall continues to troll me. Other than coins, the last thing I need is shards. I would have been happy with energy - but no... On the third one I got a legendary rocket launcher I'd never heard of before. It has arc damage so that is good at least - don't think I had an arc rocket launcher. That might come in handy for the DLC raid so I'll level it up along with my new gear.

Even though it is 5:40 AM I am jumping back on to do some bounties to get that Raid helmet leveled up for my Warlock.
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Nightfall is Phogoth with void damage and thankfully no lightswitch (melee damage).

I did the hard Raid with that other group (and saved an Oracles checkpoint which was by far the toughest thing to get) and scored TWO Warlock helms! So I am set as far as hard mode goes. The only thing I don't have is the Praetorian Foil and I can live without that. I just need normal Hunter gear and I am completely done.

If you guys want to run Normal Raid then Hard mode Oracles checkpoint I'm up for that tomorrow or Weds. Just let me know, otherwise I'll run it with randoms some time this week.

Anyway, that's more proof of double hard mode "pull" from each checkpoint - otherwise I would have only gotten 1 helm.

Then I jumped into Nightfall with a guy from destinylfg. We did it pretty easily so we ended up just running it 3 times in a row for all our characters - all without mic ;). It isn't too bad - we only wiped once when we camped too close to the Shrieker and it got us both around the doorway.

I had some weird drops: 10 shards, followed by 7 shards. WTF!? The Nightfall continues to troll me. Other than coins, the last thing I need is shards. I would have been happy with energy - but no... On the third one I got a legendary rocket launcher I'd never heard of before. It has arc damage so that is good at least - don't think I had an arc rocket launcher. That might come in handy for the DLC raid so I'll level it up along with my new gear.

Hopefully I can score the Hunter chest and boots and then I am pretty much done with this Raid.

Even though it is 5:40 AM I am jumping back on to do some bounties to get that Raid helmet leveled up for my Warlock.
My twins woke me up at 6 AM and I hopped on and knocked out the Nightfall too with my 30 hunter before work. Gave me the Hunter Alpha Lupi Exotic Chest that I already bought a couple weeks back. The other 2 guys got regular legendary weapons. At least it was quick and easy.

I am down to do raid tonight. Want to get it out of the way since things might get hectic with the holiday later in the week. Should be the first time I run my Titan through normal. Then will switch to my 30 hunter for Hard mode. I'll be on around 8:30 eastern if people want to shoot for that time?

io, what do you mean by 'double hard mode pull'. Just that you get hard/normal drops at the same time if you just do Hard mode raid? or that you get 2 of the same item from drops?

I totally forgot to mention!

I made my Titan on Sunday night and in my Vault I have an Exotic Arm Piece and then legendary chest, arms and legs. All I needed then to get my character to a high 29 quickly in prep for the new Raid was a Helmet, preferably an Exotic because I am not a huge fan of the Exotic arms. I played a Nightfall Sunday on my Warlock that I planned on deleting to make my Titan and I was like... damn wouldnt that be amazing if the game was like, here you go an exotic titan helmet.. go on and make that titan hahaha

Of course that wasn't what happened as I got another Light/Beware. Womp. Oh well.

WELL, last night I still hadnt done the Nightfall on my other Warlock (All I have been doing this week is Iron Banner on my Hunter) and I was clearly rooting for an exotic... AND I GOT THE EXACT ONE I WANTED. I about pooped my pants. The game NEVER gives me solid luck for anything I actually want. Hell, I still haven't gotten a single pair of Raid gloves over 30+ Raid runs. But here I am with that Exotic Helmet! It was the Innermost Light or whatever where you get Death from Above and the longer smash distance when sprinting. Ahhhhh so happy haha

Plus I already got my Titan up to level 12 last night through half-assed leveling. Should have her at 29 easily by the time the DLC hits. With all the gear now I don't have to worry about actually getting ANYTHING else until the DLC comes out. Everything I do until then is just maxing out that Titan gear and boosting some more unfinished Exotics.

Finally hit 30 on my Hunter last night and my usual weekly raid group was on and someone had the Gatekeeper Checkpoint on hard so we did that.  Energy from Gatekeeper and one of my buddies got the Timepiece.  I was honestly hoping for a helm for my Hunter from Atheon so I can rock Lucky Raspberry Chest Piece but ended up getting a Vex instead.  So I am not going to complain one bit about that.  :)   And man does the Vex hit pretty hard.  So was I just loopy from being tired last night or does the Vex also count towards the 2 fer Fusion Rifle bounty?  I figured it wouldn't since it doesn't bleed through and essentially shoots like a scout rifle but is still just a Fusion out of slot.

So I am only missing Corrective Measure and Praedyth's Timepiece as far as raid weapons go.  So now this damn raid needs to gear me up!

Now the long road for my Warlock to hit 30.  Need chest and boots.

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So was I just loopy from being tired last night or does the Vex also count towards the 2 fer Fusion Rifle bounty? I figured it wouldn't since it doesn't bleed through and essentially shoots like a scout rifle but is still just a Fusion out of slot.
Mythoclast counts for that bounty, I do it every time it is available as it is crazy fast. You basically just have to kill multiple enemies while holding the trigger down in quick succession. Plus it works for the last part of the Pocket Infinity Exotic bounty where you have to kill enemies with a fusion rifle in a Nightfall.

[quote name="io" post="12267764" timestamp="1416922806"]Nightfall is Phogoth with void damage and thankfully no lightswitch (melee damage).

I did the hard Raid with that other group (and saved an Oracles checkpoint which was by far the toughest thing to get) and scored TWO Warlock helms! So I am set as far as hard mode goes. The only thing I don't have is the Praetorian Foil and I can live without that. I just need normal Hunter gear and I am completely done.

If you guys want to run Normal Raid then Hard mode Oracles checkpoint I'm up for that tomorrow or Weds. Just let me know, otherwise I'll run it with randoms some time this week.

Anyway, that's more proof of double hard mode "pull" from each checkpoint - otherwise I would have only gotten 1 helm.

Then I jumped into Nightfall with a guy from destinylfg. We did it pretty easily so we ended up just running it 3 times in a row for all our characters - all without mic ;). It isn't too bad - we only wiped once when we camped too close to the Shrieker and it got us both around the doorway.

I had some weird drops: 10 shards, followed by 7 shards. WTF!? The Nightfall continues to troll me. Other than coins, the last thing I need is shards. I would have been happy with energy - but no... On the third one I got a legendary rocket launcher I'd never heard of before. It has arc damage so that is good at least - don't think I had an arc rocket launcher. That might come in handy for the DLC raid so I'll level it up along with my new gear.

Hopefully I can score the Hunter chest and boots and then I am pretty much done with this Raid.

Even though it is 5:40 AM I am jumping back on to do some bounties to get that Raid helmet leveled up for my Warlock.[/quote]
I could be available Wednesday evening. Even later like you want since it is a holiday. ;)
Now that I have boots from iron banner I'm sure they will have no problem dropping in the raid. I could actually use some ascendant energy at this point.
Mythoclast counts for that bounty, I do it every time it is available as it is crazy fast. You basically just have to kill multiple enemies while holding the trigger down in quick succession. Plus it works for the last part of the Pocket Infinity Exotic bounty where you have to kill enemies with a fusion rifle in a Nightfall.
Ah okay I got it now. I tried just pulling the trigger in rapid succession and it didn't go up. I will just hold the trigger down then. Man that gun hits freaking hard too and I haven't even upgraded it yet. Love that it has Zen Moment too. That perk is excellent.

I should add that this was by far the easiest/quickest Atheon fight I've ever had on either Normal or Hard.

We absolutely destroyed him - took him 2/3 the way down on the first teleport and easily finished him off the second time, all on the first try. It helped that the right people got teleported who were pros with the Relic.

In terms of difficulty, I'd say it has now changed to this order, which certainly wasn't the case the first time we did the Raid:

3 Confluxes > Gatekeeper > Gorgon/Jumping puzzle > Sync plates (opening the door!) > Atheon > Templar > Oracles

You maybe could switch the sync plates and Atheon around - but it always seems like someone dies during the initial door opening even though that doesn't matter too much with it not being restricted respawn at that point.

Though I do remember Broly telling us on that very first Raid that the initial part (Confluxes through Templar) was the hardest part. It is still that way even with the cheesing methods that you can use on 2/3 of it.
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