Destiny (PS3/PS4) Official Thread

Hm...I might go back to trying to finish off my Grimoire before TTK launches. I need 4553 sidearm kills, 63 skirmish wins, and 68 salvage wins. Those are without a doubt my least favorite modes to play though.

Yeah, I still need that Salvage trophy on top of the Grimoire points. Same with Skirmish and Rumble. Rumble is obviously the hardest Crucible mode to win.
You know the side arm kills wasnt really that bad. I got at least 200 doing patrol the moon and other bounties i was normally doing. The Dynasty gun is the way to go though, dregs promise uses too much ammo per shot. Dynasty kills thrall in one shot during the woken the hive mission. I even used etheric light on the dynasty just to buff it up. I actually enjoyed getting the kills, maybe because it was something i wasnt used to doing in the game lol. That or there was a goal right in sight of finishing. Now im motivated to finish the salvage and rumble wins.

the doubles grimoire is still glitched for me.  Played doubles several times, what does it take to unlock?  

I figure I'll get my sidearm kills by doing bounties.  I'm close to finishing the skirmish grimoire, but still a long way to go on rumble and salvage.

Cool, just got the PoE boss I was missing. Played one game of salvage and quit when I had like 2400 in score and my teammates each had 300 because they were just rushing in and getting killed, then not waiting for revives or reviving each other.
Stotch and 7 let's make a salvage group if y'all still need those. I need salvage. I also don't think we'd lose many games. ;)
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Stotch and 7 let's make a salvage group if y'all still need those. I need salvage. I also don't think we'd lose many games. ;)
I think I watched your stream for last week for ToO with Jimmy and a buddy of yours in your fire team. Not going to lie, but watching someone else play live and seeing how the whole thing either comes together or falls through is as exciting as actually playing it.

For the life of me I don't understand how you can snipe people like that man, I tried to get better at it and I just end up screwing up the shots.... fuck now I feel like playing pvp
I think I watched your stream for last week for ToO with Jimmy and a buddy of yours in your fire team. Not going to lie, but watching someone else play live and seeing how the whole thing either comes together or falls through is as exciting as actually playing it.

For the life of me I don't understand how you can snipe people like that man, I tried to get better at it and I just end up screwing up the shots.... fuck now I feel like playing pvp
I could't believed it either! it was like playing 3 vs 2 all the time, oh man how I wish that you could form private rumble, elimination or skirmish matches!

The sniping takes some time to get used to. Ive always been a FPS/TPS multiplayer type of gamer. And an achievement whore for single player content. So i think all that time playing games contributes to how I can play like that. I have a pretty good understanding of how hard/soft to flick the stick from where im pointed at right to someones head. I do miss too but im trying to get better. Sniping in destiny is my favorite thing. But dont get me wrong if I face a team of 6 blinking bladedancers you can see me jump in right with them and be a shotgun blinker too. Hard to snipe a team like that. Ive played against quite a few teams of streamers and they can be annoying if they have an entire team of that playstyle and youre alone on a crappy team.

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I should be able to throw up a stream in a couple hours. Have to run some errands since I just got oout of work. Then ill get on for either some salvage or some trials. depends whos on.

I'm having so much fun using NLB. I used it most of the time during a control match and ended up with 9.33 K/D. So happy~

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Damn I was just about to crash 7s nightfall but someone joined to fill up the third spot before I could get in.
Yeah i went to the reef and some random invited me, so i invited him because i didnt want to get booted near the end. He must have invited someone. Since no one was on really, i decided to go with it.

1st nightfall - Bones of Eao.... sure now they want to drop for me after i buy them, and they were -2 compared to the ones Xur sold.

2nd nightfall - Thunderlord

3rd nightfall - NO LAND BEYOND!

Not bad this week. I rarely seem to get 3 exotics anymore in the same week.

I was bored with my warlock so i decided to go with solar nades, sunbreakers, and Dragons Breath for this weeks nightfall. :)

Also leveled up New Monarchy and FWC and got garbage.

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New patch is live, Tess is gone, and the new terminal for shaders Special Orders is by Eva Levante. You can even rotate your guardian when you view armor up close now.


"We will be pushing the patch for Destiny shortly. Players will be kicked from activities and required to download the patch."

Update - The one about Husk of the Pit and Nepal rewards. Weapons

  • Fixed an issue where “Packing Heat” achievement/trophy could not be unlocked by newly acquired Exotic weapons
  • Fixed an issue where Husk of the Pit drops were disabled
  • Drop rates for the Husk of the Pit from Blades of Crota have been increased by 150%

  • Updated the House of Wolves Control playlist to include the following maps with a lower weight in the rotation:
    Rusted Lands
  • Shores of Time
  • Pantheon
  • Exodus Blue (Sony)

[*]Updated the House of Wolves Clash playlist to include the following maps with a lower weight in the rotation:
  • Firebase Delphi
  • Twilight Gap
  • Blind Watch
  • Exodus Blue (Sony)

[*]Inferno and Doubles playlists now have different tuning values for ammo crates
  • Special Ammo initial spawn time and respawn intervals have been changed to 180 seconds
  • Max of three Special Ammo crates will now be placed at one time *Heavy Ammo crates now spawn only once per match at 300 seconds


  • Tess Everis is temporarily leaving the Tower
    A Kiosk terminal can be found near Eva Levante in North Tower that contains Tess' old inventory of special order items

[*]The Nepal Aid shader and emblem have been added to the game
  • Redemption codes will soon be sent to the email used to place orders in the Bungie Store
  • These items will be found at the kiosk mentioned above


  • Fixed a potential crash when closing the vendor screen
  • Fixed a very rare case where an account could blocked by a WEASEL error on sign on
  • Fixed issues with suspend/resume handling on Xbox One
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New patch is live, Tess is gone, and the new terminal for shaders is by Eva Levante. You can even rotate your guardian when you view armor up close now.


"We will be pushing the patch for Destiny shortly. Players will be kicked from activities and required to download the patch."

Update - The one about Husk of the Pit and Nepal rewards. Weapons
  • Fixed an issue where “Packing Heat” achievement/trophy could not be unlocked by newly acquired Exotic weapons
  • Fixed an issue where Husk of the Pit drops were disabled
  • Drop rates for the Husk of the Pit from Blades of Crota have been increased by 150%
  • Updated the House of Wolves Control playlist to include the following maps with a lower weight in the rotation:
    Rusted Lands
  • Shores of Time
  • Pantheon
  • Exodus Blue (Sony)

[*]Updated the House of Wolves Clash playlist to include the following maps with a lower weight in the rotation:
  • Firebase Delphi
  • Twilight Gap
  • Blind Watch
  • Exodus Blue (Sony)

[*]Inferno and Doubles playlists now have different tuning values for ammo crates
  • Special Ammo initial spawn time and respawn intervals have been changed to 180 seconds
  • Max of three Special Ammo crates will now be placed at one time *Heavy Ammo crates now spawn only once per match at 300 seconds

  • Tess Everis is temporarily leaving the Tower
    A Kiosk terminal can be found near Eva Levante in North Tower that contains Tess' old inventory of special order items

[*]The Nepal Aid shader and emblem have been added to the game
  • Redemption codes will soon be sent to the email used to place orders in the Bungie Store
  • These items will be found at the kiosk mentioned above

  • Fixed a potential crash when closing the vendor screen
  • Fixed a very rare case where an account could blocked by a WEASEL error on sign on
  • Fixed issues with suspend/resume handling on Xbox One
Wow didn't even know they had that Nepal Aid drive going.

My bad, its just the special orders. Not the terminal for shaders. -_- Think ill go farm for a Husk of the pit since i have another Crux of Crota laying around and the necrochasm is going to get a buff.

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My bad, its just the special orders. Not the terminal for shaders. -_- Think ill go farm for a Husk of the pit since i have another Crux of Crota laying around and the necrochasm is going to get a buff

I have been waiting for that husk for a while. It was never dropping and they upped the drop rate 150%. Would 150% X 0% still be 0%?

When will you know for sure?
LOL it just depends how the evening goes. I have to get off work, go pick up eggs from my egg dealer, go to the pharmacy, cook dinner, eat dinner, clean up, and then maybe it will all be done before 8 but I cant commit for sure. If you have a sure thing then no hard feelings and go for it...So did Deon get grounded or discover girls?

I started soloing one last night but its so tedious to do strikes alone, add nightfall modifiers on top of that and I was bored before I got out of the first room. First week in forever I didnt even do all 3 nightfalls.

Did a quick NF this morning and pulled a purple thingy.

Coulda had 2 done but got a little too aggressive on the first run and only had time to get one more shot in before work.

Can't say I need do NF's after picking up the BONES last week but keep doing them because I like the blue glow :mrgreen: .  But definitely don't bother doing them solo anymore; they're just not that fun.

Now, if you haven't tried a solo run, go for it.  Very cool feeling to be able to accomplish it.  Same goes for Crota.

I promise I will only post this once since technically this belongs in the game share thread.

Is there anyone here who is currently playing the PS3 version of Destiny who is interested in getting the Taken King DLC? I already have an account I can share that has Dark Below & House of Wolves which is the account I will purchase Taken King from. Please pm me or quote this if you are interested at all, thank you :)

what would be a good level to try to find a group on 1 of the LFG sites for normal VoG? I stopped playing at launch and recently started again and have only got to lvl 27, but I do want to try the raids in the game.
what would be a good level to try to find a group on 1 of the LFG sites for normal VoG? I stopped playing at launch and recently started again and have only got to lvl 27, but I do want to try the raids in the game.
at 27 you can do both raids on normal, if your intention is getting to lv 34 fast I would recommend doing crota's end as it would be very easy for your team mates and you would get better gear (VoG is lower lv but far more complicated than CE) then you can try and do a PoE lv 32 so you can get an armor core and buy a piece from varicks with that one of the new exotics and two crota's end armor pieces you would hit light level 33 and you'll enjoy better any of the two raids or other activities on the game as most of them are high level (like skolas revenge or trials)
bread's done