Destiny (PS3/PS4) Official Thread

Does your strike progress reset with the weekly reset.

I'm doing the 26 thorn bounty solo but may not finish it. I just got past the locked doors and the orger and near the final room with Phogoth, will I have to start from scratch after Tuesday?

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Just started my titan what is the best way to quick level. I already have gear to jump from 20 to 25 or so. Don't feel like running the story again but if it is the best way :/ 

crucible can level stuff real fast, unless you hate or suck at PvP.

But you'll still want to do the story missions just to unlock them.

I've got the problem of not having Mars unlocked on my 3rd toon.  I'm stuck on 2 bounties because they are Mars centric (cabal majors, divisive mind).  So I'm scrambling to finish those last missions

Does your strike progress reset with the weekly reset.

I'm doing the 26 thorn bounty solo but may not finish it. I just got past the locked doors and the orger and near the final room with Phogoth, will I have to start from scratch after Tuesday?
yes it will reset, and that strike solo is extremely hard even at 30 because of the epic and angry modifiers, and waiting for the witch to come takes for ever! I recommend bringing a couple of friends along.

Just started my titan what is the best way to quick level. I already have gear to jump from 20 to 25 or so. Don't feel like running the story again but if it is the best way :/
Play some story missions for a while and maybe PVP. Get up to at least Level 10. Then play as your main and toss all your blue engrams in the vault. Decrypt said engrams on your new character for overpowered equipment which should help you fly through the remaining story missions and quickly level up.

Yeah the Cag team couldn't get past the confluxes on hard. You cant respawn on hard so dying really makes it hard to advance once you lose a couple people. I think probably if you found yourself dying a lot just get more experience on regular and concentrate on leveling up your guns and staying alive in the normal raid then once you can make it through that without dying or only rarely dying try hard again. I know everyone wants to do hard for the fatebringer and vex though...

Sorry Organization you were not on when we started and since we couldn't stay alive with 30s and a couple 31s I figured you would just be frustrated to join when we were struggling. I could see the writing on the wall once people started quitting...Its not impossible to play hard as a 29 but if you are not really experienced its going to feel that way. Honestly I've never seen a team stuck on the confluxes as long as we were so I understand why people were bailing and frustrated. 

All in all we should have just done regular to teach people the mechanics and get used to each others play styles and then done hard later on, but its hard to get experienced people to play without the delicious fatebringer carrot dangling there :)

A lot of them only want to do the two check points with the fatebringer and mythoclast drops at this point and when you say you want to run the full raid they are not interested. 

After we disbanded I went to go snag that first chest in croata and pulled a hard light.

I then switched characters to my 30 titan and couldn't get the first chest to pop up in the first room because its destiny.  

While I was doing that I got invited to a raid party that was coincidentally at the confluxes on hard right were we left off.

I think we wiped one time after I joined and then sailed through the rest of the raid about as fast as I ever have. One more wipe at the gatekeeper due to bad timing then we did the gatekeeper and atheon in one try. 

I need shards really bad so of course I got everything but shards. Ended up with the shotgun, machine gun, helmet (sharded cause I already have it), ship, and the mother load: the vex mythoclast

I had heard he was being santa this week and passing those out like candy canes (crazy got two in a row) and it was true...

If you guys want to try again sometime just let me know and I'll try and help you out...I dont mind doing it on regular for the shards and lols :)

Matt did you end up with VD from the random?

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yes it will reset, and that strike solo is extremely hard even at 30 because of the epic and angry modifiers, and waiting for the witch to come takes for ever! I recommend bringing a couple of friends along.
Finished it solo but thanks. I 'll do the VoG on regular after work.

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Just started my titan what is the best way to quick level. I already have gear to jump from 20 to 25 or so. Don't feel like running the story again but if it is the best way :/
Best way is the story on hard (bring friends to breze it through) and bounties the missions on hard are 4000-4800 xp and 3 bounties will give you a level, crucible without bounties is not fast enough... also if you have the DLC you can pick up the eris bounties even if you are low level.

Next time, I can use the headset when we raid. My headache was probably a detriment to my play as well. Didn't expect hard mode to be so tough compared to regular VoG.

No VD that I'm aware of, but I hear sometimes it takes a while for symptoms to show.
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Just started my titan what is the best way to quick level. I already have gear to jump from 20 to 25 or so. Don't feel like running the story again but if it is the best way :/
In the old loot cave days, you just had to hang around the looters for a few hours, lol. I suggest finding a person that knows a good loot cave and hang around them to get the residual exp. Problem is the old loot cave had people there almost 24/7, you could AFK for a long while.

Old fashion way is bounties while doing the story, if your good in PvP do PvP bounties.

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Yeah the Cag team couldn't get past the confluxes on hard. You cant respawn on hard so dying really makes it hard to advance once you lose a couple people. I think probably if you found yourself dying a lot just get more experience on regular and concentrate on leveling up your guns and staying alive in the normal raid then once you can make it through that without dying or only rarely dying try hard again. I know everyone wants to do hard for the fatebringer and vex though...

Sorry Organization you were not on when we started and since we couldn't stay alive with 30s and a couple 31s I figured you would just be frustrated to join when we were struggling. I could see the writing on the wall once people started quitting...Its not impossible to play hard as a 29 but if you are not really experienced its going to feel that way. Honestly I've never seen a team stuck on the confluxes as long as we were so I understand why people were bailing and frustrated.

All in all we should have just done regular to teach people the mechanics and get used to each others play styles and then done hard later on, but its hard to get experienced people to play without the delicious fatebringer carrot dangling there :)

A lot of them only want to do the two check points with the fatebringer and mythoclast drops at this point and when you say you want to run the full raid they are not interested.

After we disbanded I went to go snag that first chest in croata and pulled a hard light.

I then switched characters to my 30 titan and couldn't get the first chest to pop up in the first room because its destiny.

While I was doing that I got invited to a raid party that was coincidentally at the confluxes on hard right were we left off.

I think we wiped one time after I joined and then sailed through the rest of the raid about as fast as I ever have. One more wipe at the gatekeeper due to bad timing then we did the gatekeeper and atheon in one try.

I need shards really bad so of course I got everything but shards. Ended up with the shotgun, machine gun, helmet (sharded cause I already have it), ship, and the mother load: the vex mythoclast

I had heard he was being santa this week and passing those out like candy canes (crazy got two in a row) and it was true...

If you guys want to try again sometime just let me know and I'll try and help you out...I dont mind doing it on regular for the shards and lols :)

Matt did you end up with VD from the random?
You are right everyone on a hard raid has to know what they're doing because of the inability to re spawn, we were doing the raid on hard 2 days ago with a 28 and amazingly the problem was not him because he actually was good at following instructions, the main problem was a rogue 31 that wanted to make things his way and always left us with one man down, we basically passed the whole thing until atheon with 4 people... there it became unbearable, especially when he got teleported, luckily he decided to leave by himself and we got an other highly experienced player and went back to the normal 10 minutes atheon and because of the many tries atheon gave 2 vex (one mine :D ), 1 last word, 1 ice breaker, 1 Ghorn and a chunk load of helmets... so everyone ended up satisfied.

So yes you need everyone to know what they are doing on hard especially for the templar, atheon part.

You've probably already noticed but if not...  Xur stays until 10pm PST, tonight.

All thanks to the DDoS attacks.  And for any Kinderguardians, yes this was a one-time extension deal. Xur returns to his normal hours with his next visit 

Too bad he didn't have much good stuff this week.

Did upgrade Hawkmoon, but think I'll pass on Sunbreakers.

And grabbed the PoS exotic weapon; damn thing's already getting in my way :lol:


Woohoo! If UPS is to be believed... I have a certain white console waiting for me at home. :D/

But I doubt I'll be playing Destiny on it tonight, considering how long it took for me to DL the game on my PS3.

Still better than the 1/6 delivery date I was first estimated to get.


Otherwise, don't have much to get done in the game until the reset.

Finish all raids for all toons, save for Oracles-to-Gatekeepers on one toon (already did Atheon on it). Got double chest armor on one drop, for my Warlock :whistle2:|

Maxed out my Gjallarhorn and my 3rd VoC. 

Also got the Thorn bounty, 2x's and I'm actually thinking of doing them both.  That's how much I've enjoyed using my one Thorn that I want one each for my other toons... smh

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PSN is down again... XBL is still running however. I might have to switch to Xbox One if this bullshit keeps happening with the Playstation brand
Its been fine for me since sunday. Ive read somewhere that if you are still having problems ,you may have to rebuild the database or something, what ever that means

nah AtrocityExhibit, we're already friends actually.

I'll be playing a lot of Destiny the next week if anyone wants to add me, feel free.
Oh yeah I think I added you awhile back cause I like Joy Division...

I have 2 Thorn bounties stuck on the 500 crucible kills...trying to level up my atheons epilogue to slog through those...

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So I was patrolling Venus looking for Spirit Blooms when I came to a huge firefight. I noticed it was at the VoG entrance, so being the good Samaritan that I am, I took time out of my busy schedule to help them fight off Vex. Once the door opened, I raced in with the Fireteam and saw how far I could follow them through the Vault. Turn out not very...

I'll be on for a few hours leveling my warlock, if anyone wants to help me get the strike w/clan trophy (cagcast clan) or if you think we could get VOG in before 10pm pst. I've never done it before. Got a level 27 titan ready for that.

ps4: raarar
ORGAN1ZAT10N_13 said:
So I was patrolling Venus looking for Spirit Blooms when I came to a huge firefight. I noticed it was at the VoG entrance, so being the good Samaritan that I am, I took time out of my busy schedule to help them fight off Vex. Once the door opened, I raced in with the Fireteam and saw how far I could follow them through the Vault. Turn out not very...
Yeah, you can get to where the first chest is, but the way is sealed shut there (and of course no chest). Plus you get locked in ;).

Whenever I'm on Venus I swing by there to see if anyone is trying to get into VoG. Nearly every time no one is there - or it is just like 1 level 25 guy trying to activate the sync plates by himself.
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Finally got the husk! Was actually not thinking about it this time and just wanted to get the swerd kill bounty. Ofcourse i cant do anything to ot right now since my eris rep is barely reaching lvl 2. Really been slow this last couple of days. Barely maxing my vex. After that il becworking on my gally 2.0.
So is every CAG busy during the week b/c of the MS flipping and just grinding/working on their weaps instead of raiding?

B/c thats how I spent my day after work, lol

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So I did get my Destiny bundle yesterday... tonight I find out if it took all the updates/downloads it needed.

Otherwise I'll be back on PS3 again.

Had a pretty chill night yesterday.  Tried to find a VoG group just for completionist sake but struck out.

Very few people are running VoG these days (especially on the last night before reset).  Oh well.

Did do Nightfall right after the reset.  Ended up getting a new Plan C  and a free exotic shard(immediately sharded my old one) ;) Better than having a 4th straight week of coins.  Fun bit of info... I was using my old Plan C for all the arc Reavers,Knights & Omnigul

This morning I did the first 2 parts on Crota... got energy from the chest, energy & my 3rd titan gauntlets from the cp and energy & 2nd titan boots from the gatekeeper/bridge cp.

Don't really need Radiant energy right now since the raid keeps giving me Hunger of Crota (3x).  So it looks like RNG doesn't want me to hit 32 on my titan just yet.  And I'm a looong way off from being able to do the Eris trades :roll:

I finally got my first exotic, the Gjallerhorn. Ran the Nightfall with a good player by the name Burkinator420. Not a CAG, but a great player, cool guy and is very helpful with things like Heroic Strikes and Nightfalls.

I never thought I'd ever see this day. I'm actually starting to love the Cryptarch. Over the past week, he's probably given me 10 strange coins. I'm saving them and have around 40 of them. Can't wait for Xur to stock some good guns

Im off work this friday, wanting to run VoG for first time, have 31 titan and 28 warlock, kilik123 if anyone is looking to do it this friday.


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I was pissed about getting 2 useless Radiant Energy from the Crota chest when my teammates each got a cloak and a gun (Red Death and Sharknado Launcher). But last night kind of made up for it.

Did the Nightfall and completed the bounty for Super Good Advice in the process. My reward for completing Nightfall? My first ever Gjallarhorn! About damn time.
Did the ce chest run yesterday and got all 3 class items, some shards and dragons breath. Did a nightfall with motiv and got crap legendary weapn. Also got my first CE armor care off motiv carryng me in the bridge. Hehe! I stillto get to the brigde w my titan and hunter this week. But with New year events coming, its probably be a short play week again for me.
Got my PS4 updated and Destiny downloaded, late last night.

Needed to download the main game but couldn't DL the expansion because it said I had already purchased it (no option to download). Bunch of Destiny stuff showed "Purchased" for me even though I hadn't chosen it thru the PS4 yet.

I was still able to access expansion content in-game but keep getting a message that I need to buy the expansion.  Even my selection map shows locks on those missions. Weird.

Anyone else run into this???

For the record, I started on PS3 with the disc version, redeemed my Expansion pass from the Ghost Ed of the game.  And just this weekend bought the vanilla Digital version on PS3 specifically to do the free upgrade to PS4 (since I was getting a PS4).

Only thing I need to do tonight is buy PS+... forgot that you need that on PS4 for the strikes and PvP.

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Got my PS4 updated and Destiny downloaded, late last night.
Needed to download the main game but couldn't DL the expansion because it said I had already purchased it (no option to download). Bunch of Destiny stuff showed "Purchased" for me even though I hadn't chosen it thru the PS4 yet.

I was still able to access expansion content in-game but keep getting a message that I need to buy the expansion. Even my selection map shows locks on those missions. Weird.
Anyone else run into this???

For the record, I started on PS3 with the disc version, redeemed my Expansion pass from the Ghost Ed of the game. And just this weekend bought the vanilla Digital version on PS3 specifically to do the free upgrade to PS4 (since I was getting a PS4).

Only thing I need to do tonight is buy PS+... forgot that you need that on PS4 for the strikes and PvP.
I think you go to the playstation store and look for the expansion pass there and redow load it.

You can read the faq at
I think you go to the playstation store and look for the expansion pass there and redow load it.

You can read the faq at
Yeah, tried that... when I select the expansion pass it already says "Purchased" and doesn't show me the box to download. When I chose the game, I got the option to download.

Like I said, weird... technically didn't DL expansion stuff on my PS4 but can play it. Yet it shows locked on the selection map in-game.

EDIT: btw, couple of thoughts on the PS4 version:

-I'm no graphics hors d'oeuvres, but damn if it doesn't look good. Just the colors alone are on a whole other level

-Everything is sooo shiny in-game. Reminds me of the first time I saw CoD2 running on the 360

-Love that there is so little delay in going into the inventory screens. Soo slow on the Ps3

-find it very odd that you have to press the touchpad to go to orbit. So used to the select button on the DS3 that my first instinct is to press the share button.

-once I really get going, I'll get a better feel for any loading delays (like the load wall between the Divide and Rocketyard

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CAGkrazy said:
Did the ce chest run yesterday and got all 3 class items, some shards and dragons breath. Did a nightfall with motiv and got crap legendary weapn. Also got my first CE armor care off motiv carryng me in the bridge.
That's a hell of a haul from the first chest. I've run it 12 times now, and gotten ONE single class mark and two exotics (both of which came this week). Just shards/energy all the other times.
That's a hell of a haul from the first chest. I've run it 12 times now, and gotten ONE single class mark and two exotics (both of which came this week). Just shards/energy all the other times.
Was thrilled to get all class items. I think o got shards the last 2 weeks so this was a nice suprise for sure. I do like the hunter cape. Might look badass once i get the raid armors to go with it. Hehe
Did the ce chest run yesterday and got all 3 class items, some shards and dragons breath. Did a nightfall with motiv and got crap legendary weapn. Also got my first CE armor care off motiv carryng me in the bridge. Hehe! I stillto get to the brigde w my titan and hunter this week. But with New year events coming, its probably be a short play week again for me.
That really is a nice run on the first chest this week. And there really isn't much worse than getting a crappy legendary from the Nightfall, we both got stung on that one.

That's a hell of a haul from the first chest. I've run it 12 times now, and gotten ONE single class mark and two exotics (both of which came this week). Just shards/energy all the other times.
Wow, that sums up almost exactly what I've received in the 11 times I've opened that 1st chest. Two exotics (Thunderlord last week, Plan C this week), One hunter mark, and a plethora of shards/energy.

I really liked your breakdown and summary of the Crota armor with the various stats you sampled. I almost used some shards to upgrade my Warlock chest (75 int. and 71 dis.) until I realized I might as well wait. Sure enough I ended up with a chest piece this week from the bridge section (160 intellect) so I'm happy I waited. Thanks for posting all of that.

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Motiv said:
Wow, that sums up almost exactly what I've received in the 11 times I've opened that 1st chest. Two exotics (Thunderlord last week, Plan C this week), One hunter mark, and a plethora of shards/energy.

I really liked your breakdown and summary of the Crota armor with the various stats you sampled. I almost used some shards to upgrade my Warlock chest (75 int. and 71 dis.) until I realized I might as well wait. Sure enough I ended up with a chest piece this week from the bridge section (160 intellect) so I'm happy I waited. Thanks for posting all of that.
Yeah I got Plan C this week as well from the chest (along with Hard Light). I'll never use either, but I did have the old versions of both so I was able to get exotic shards from those.

I now have all 3 pieces for my 3 characters (no helms of course). And they mostly have good stat rolls in terms of raw numbers - but they are too heavy on the strength. My Titan would end up with 0 discipline if I go with my current Raid gear. So I will have to wait. I might upgrade my Warlock - she'd still be heavy on strength but I'm hoping I can replace her helm with something new from Xur.

To summarize the Raid gear though (with some new observations on perks):

- Gloves: Perks: 1) "Increased reload speed with special weapons" (always the same I think) 2) "Killing a Hive with a grenade ability has a chance to spawn an orb of light" OR "Killing a Hive with a melee attack has a chance to spawn an orb of light" 3) "Increases melee attack speed" OR "Causing damage with a grenade attack reduces your melee cooldown" OR "Causing damage with a melee reduces your grenade cooldown". Anything that maxes at 105 or above is a good roll.

- Chest: Perks: 1) "Gain a temporary increase to reload speed while Oversoul's Gaze is active" (always the same I think) 2) Primary ammo perk (like "carry more ammo for auto rifles" 3) Special ammo perk (like "Carry more ammo for shotgun"). A roll of 150 is good, 160 (like yours!) is excellent.

- Boots: Perks are always the same: 1) "Carry more ammo for heavy weapons" 2) "Gain a temporary increase to Agility when carrying the sword of a Hive Swordbearer". A good roll is 145-150.

So like I said before, you want to look for good stat types (like not all strength), but also good numbers and whatever ammo perks match your style. The various glove perks don't matter too much as far as I can see unless you really like melee over grenade or vice versa - though the perks seem to favor using both.
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Man this weeks been garbage for me so far. Ran Crotas End three times and got No land beyond, a third pair of titan gauntlets(which is the only CE raid gear i have for titan), and shards and energy. Only plus was i got the chest i needed for my hunter to have what it takes to get to 32, and i have enough shards to do it.

Ran nightfall three times and got ascendant shards, a legendary pulse rifle, and a legendary engram that turned into ascendant energy. But im making a new character and going to do this stuff again and hope my luck changes. I did run the VOG on hard and got a second Vex Mythoclast so that nice, but its not the fatebringer i really wanted.

Yeah I got Plan C this week as well from the chest (along with Hard Light). I'll never use either, but I did have the old versions of both so I was able to get exotic shards from those.

I now have all 3 pieces for my 3 characters (no helms of course). And they mostly have good stat rolls in terms of raw numbers - but they are too heavy on the strength. My Titan would end up with 0 discipline if I go with my current Raid gear. So I will have to wait. I might upgrade my Warlock - she'd still be heavy on strength but I'm hoping I can replace her helm with something new from Xur.

To summarize the Raid gear though (with some new observations on perks):

- Gloves: Perks: 1) "Increased reload speed with special weapons" (always the same I think) 2) "Killing a Hive with a grenade ability has a chance to spawn an orb of light" OR "Killing a Hive with a melee attack has a chance to spawn an orb of light" 3) "Increases melee attack speed" OR "Causing damage with a grenade attack reduces your melee cooldown" OR "Causing damage with a melee reduces your grenade cooldown". Anything that maxes at 105 or above is a good roll.

- Chest: Perks: 1) "Gain a temporary increase to reload speed while Oversoul's Gaze is active" (always the same I think) 2) Primary ammo perk (like "carry more ammo for auto rifles" 3) Special ammo perk (like "Carry more ammo for shotgun"). A roll of 150 is good, 160 (like yours!) is excellent.

- Boots: Perks are always the same: 1) "Carry more ammo for heavy weapons" 2) "Gain a temporary increase to Agility when carrying the sword of a Hive Swordbearer". A good roll is 145-150.

So like I said before, you want to look for good stat types (like not all strength), but also good numbers and whatever ammo perks match your style. The various glove perks don't matter too much as far as I can see unless you really like melee over grenade or vice versa - though the perks seem to favor using both.

- Chance to spawn an orb from melee/grenade/critical hive kills (You didn't list the critical one, which is the best one in my opinion)


- Increased Super energy from killing minions of darkness. (Can be other stuff, but nothing remotely as useful as this)

Here's my helm as an example:

Also, you gain super faster from killing with that helm perk at 40% Intellect than you do without that and 100% Intellect (About 1.5 times faster or so, both killing in the same mission at roughly the same speed). Obviously in Crucible it's not useful and 100% Intellect is better.

You can also use and get a list of all the random traits for the helm/chest/gloves. Boots don't have random traits.

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bread's done