Destiny (PS3/PS4) Official Thread

Still trying to get Nightfalls done but no takers... would anyone want to do them today? I need to do all 3, but I'll take what I can get at this point.
It would be cool if the auto rifle update made the summoner an awesome gun. I like the look and feel of it, but the damage output just doesn't justify using it over other weapons.
if im on let me know if you need help. i dont need to do them but ive been really bored playing destiny lately. lol
Thanks, but I'll still need to find a third even if you play. I hadn't seen this when you joined my patrol earlier. I was just finishing up bounties I had picked up previously to clear space for IB bounties. Can't use my headset at the moment or I would have just explained that over PSN.
It doesn't take 3 I did all three with two people this week...and last week...really just make sure you both are not on your warlock on the same run for insurance sake...but we didn't even need revive or anything. 

Shoot the stupid rapid fire cannon off the tank first and just burn it down as quick as possible to avoid rounds of sword guys...thats the most dangerous part of the whole thing...

You are having trouble finding people because its IB time and we are preoccupied with helmets and etheric light...I need glimmer so I'll run it with you if you catch me when I'm not in a round of IB with my clan...if you see me on solo just hit me up.

I'm gonna do a crota 30 run in a bit... just want to cleanup these Queen bountys.

If  you need or want it, message me... I'm on both the ps3 and ps4

Edit:  so much for that... another black hammer fail-run, sheesh

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I need some people for PS4. I have the first expansion and would like to get the 2nd just need people to play with. I haven't did any of the raids/strikes for the 1st expansion or even the 1st raid. I'm a level 28. My psn name is blume3, if you want to add me just put CAG or Destiny or something so I know it's not a random.

if im on let me know if you need help. i dont need to do them but ive been really bored playing destiny lately. lol

Got all my guys to level 4 for helmets last night in no time...only ran into a couple laggers. On my titan the first bounty I finished on the first game was the 10 kills without dying...I've been using surros a lot this time and it feels like they secretly fixed things already...last time I tried it I couldn't get a kill it took forever...I've been killing snipers and thorn guys all the time with it. Running solo is way better for my k/d than running with my clan...for some reason (them being in az and ca probably) the internet just fubars and I'm left at the bottom of the board but last night I was in the top two in most games even if we lost.

I should be able to just do like 2 or 3 bounties on each tonight and get that etheric light...was out of cash but then remembered I had a bunch of shards again from raiding so I cashed those out and maxxed my glimmer again and got helmets with enough left for 3x etheric light :)

Sorry I couldnt run that nightfall yesterday langdon, I was literally just wasting like 15 minutes grinding glimmer waiting to leave to eat dinner with my dad for his birthday. I might have had to leave in the middle.

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Sorry I couldnt run that nightfall yesterday langdon, I was literally just wasting like 15 minutes grinding glimmer waiting to leave to eat dinner with my dad for his birthday. I might have had to leave in the middle.
No biggie. 7 jumped in and we got my 9 year old an Icebreaker. Between that and his Hopscotch he's grabbing all the Destiny luck lately.

@Matt - My other son just got another character to Nightfall level. If we're on this evening we'll run one with you.

So, found out this morning that the Gamestop, where I pre-ordered TTK (phony coin edition) closed up shop.

No signage, windows shuttered, no notice. :wall:

Only found out since I drive by it on my way to work.  Now to figure out what's gonna happen with my pre-order; that's gonna be fun :roll:

EDIT:  my pre-order got moved to a store a few miles away, in the opposite direction I normally travel.

That's the 3rd location that has been shut down in this area

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So, found out this morning that the Gamestop, where I pre-ordered TTK (phony coin edition) closed up shop.

No signage, windows shuttered, no notice. :wall:

Only found out since I drive by it on my way to work. Now to figure out what's gonna happen with my pre-order; that's gonna be fun :roll:

EDIT: my pre-order got moved to a store a few miles away, in the opposite direction I normally travel.

That's the 3rd location that has been shut down in this area
Whoa, that fucking sucks! I'm honestly surprised that there haven't been any Gamestops shuttered in my area, where they have decent over-saturation. Bizarre that it's happening in yours, and double shitty that they didn't tell you.


I played this game religiously during release on my Xbox One but gave up after hitting light level 28 and not being able to raid (worked some really rough hours and didn't have time to sit on the boards looking for a group). Have they included raid match making yet? I am considering picking this up for the ps4 as i no longer have my XB1.

Took about 4 hours but I finished it out...first time to go to five on all characters. Have all the guns and armor so I guess all that will change with the dlc...suros I missed you xoxo totallyjem
Got to the Lighthouse again on my hunter and pulled an arc Scholar. Ran a few dragon strikes after that and my buddy Omni (who some of you know) finally got his Hopscotch. Not a bad night.
So, Skolas Killers, what's the consensus on the Small Arms/Lightswitch mod? Doable? or just wait until next week?

I only ask because you're the ones that will have to carry me through it.  O:)

(I seriously can't believe how obsessed I've become with killing this guy. This can't be healthy.)

I think those are tougher and you will spend a lot of time getting killed by captains and vandals with swords that rush you. I cant remember but I think we did it with those modifiers so its possible. Titan bubbles and saint-14 will save your life. Probably should have a couple people with arc primaries...gjallyhorn helps clear the rounds of adds thanks to wolfpack. I wish I had one lol.

I'm not sure when I can run it. Maybe this weekend sometime...I'd like to do it on my hunter if possible because the other two times were both on my titan. So we need a titan with saint 14 and maybe a rez warlock for emergencies.

I'd be down for 34x3 too since I'm low on etheric light...also my titan has that exotic bounty and I need to kill bosses.

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So, Skolas Killers, what's the consensus on the Small Arms/Lightswitch mod? Doable? or just wait until next week?

I only ask because you're the ones that will have to carry me through it. O:)

(I seriously can't believe how obsessed I've become with killing this guy. This can't be healthy.)
Its what happens with every boss. Remember ye old days when beating Crota on hard and getting Glow was the thing :rofl:

I just hope we can keep some of our gear and weapons...its going to suck if everything we have becomes garbage instantly after we download the update. I just busted my ass for that iron banner gear I hope to wear it for more than a month lol...

also thats cold to delete him completely...I like dinklebot and his strange lazy attitude was part of the charm...

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I just hope we can keep some of our gear and weapons...its going to suck if everything we have becomes garbage instantly after we download the update. I just busted my ass for that iron banner gear I hope to wear it for more than a month lol...

also thats cold to delete him completely...I like dinklebot and his strange lazy attitude was part of the charm...
Man would it be funny if its just XP based and the armor we worked for becomes an aesthetic aspect only. I don't know if I would like that or not, seems to be closer to the norm of how other games are (i think)

I just wish they would explain everything so we dont waste time getting etheric light if light level is meaningless going forward...I do need to reroll guns just incase they are usefull going forward and they take away rerolling...I keep running out of motes and weapon parts though. I'll probably have to grind some dragon strikes to get drops to break down and hopefully get a hopscotch...

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Dinklebot... NOOOOoOoOoOoOoooo ! ! ! !

I'll never forget you... especially how you opened doors verrryyy slooowlyyy.

Those two articles make it sound like they're finally forcing us to give up our wub wub's/blankies/fatebringers. ;)

At least HoW gave us 4 months to have fun with our old, fav weapons.

Wonder how they'll handle exotics then... :whistle2:k

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Dinklebot... NOOOOoOoOoOoOoooo ! ! ! !

I'll never forget you... especially how you opened doors verrryyy slooowlyyy.

Those two articles make it sound like they're finally forcing us to give up our wub wub's/blankies/fatebringers. ;)

At least HoW gave us 4 months to have fun with our old, fav weapons.

Wonder how they'll handle exotics then... :whistle2:k
same way with exotic shards other than the buffs and nerfs to them. Ie Icebreaker is slower/ Gally is not as good/ rifles are better...etc.

So there's no real point to continue playing this until September time. Great! I really hope this expansion lives up to the hype!

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Oh boy this is a great relief... I won't continúe my search for the HP since for what it seems it won't be good for the 2.0 update, I'll just hope in to play some trials and some random PvP with friends.

P.S thanks stellar for the helping us with trials the other day! I can't believe how we did that being so late in the night and (at least in my case) dying of sleep... And hunger :)
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That new yugioh game has my attention now. They added so many new mechanics I feel like an elderly person learning to use a computer.

3 Nightfalls: 

Monte Carlo

Dragon's Breath

Legendary Engram

Wow, so all the weapons we grinded and worked so hard to get are worthless. Not what i wanted to hear. So when TTK comes out will we all be back to level 20?

New voice for our ghost makes me want to start over fresh to hear all the new Nolan North lines.

In other news i got a Suros, Titan Aplha Lupi, and 10 strange coins from nightfalls. :/

I also saved a video of a weekly i joined, after killing the devil walker tank, whenever we tried to go through the door to the next area, the game would teleport us to the door we came into the devil walker area through. It was weird. I actually left and searched for a new game and got stuck in the same lobby with the same two guys. We eventually got it to work once one guy left and us two left killed each other.

Here is some stuff i copy and pasted from reddit.

Here are some of the magazine scans.

*Nolan North is new Ghost. Re-recording all Ghost dialogue.

*Re-organizing original story so that it's understandable.

*There will be objects that can be scanned that will have Ghost explain the games lore.

*Leveling based on XP, NOT gear.

*"...I head back to Earth. A dedicated cinematic scene involving the Vanguard leaders offers more character development than all of the base game's storyline put together..."

*""The Taken King resets the system in favor of a more unified passage from level one to the new cap of 40. Experience points from missions, bounties, and enemy kills now contribute directly to progression, even after level 20."

*"Weapons, armor, class items, and even your Ghost shell all offer perk customization as well as increased power and light for your hero."

*White, greens, blues will be relevant for a bit.

INT DISC and STR values will display the *direct** cooldown time in seconds instead of a percentage of effectiveness.

*Equippable emotes right below emblem section.

*Gunsmith and Cryptarch could have their own missions.

*All of the sub classes are getting a dedicated quest line to match the new subclasses.

*Gunsmith will have his own rep and will be useful. He will feature "prototype" weapons that will have bounties built in. Gain enough rep and you'll unlock "Armsday". You can buy a legendary weapon from him and on Armsday it will be delivered to the tower with random perks.

*Crucible and Vanguard marks are combined into Legendary marks.

*Plasteel, Hadronic essence, and Sapphire wire are combined into Armor Materials.

*You no longer have to wear faction class items, you simply pledge allegiance. (One at a time, of course.) You can turn in Motes, Ammo Synths, and Armor/Weapon mats for rep.

*A new terminal near the outfitter will show all the shaders you've acquired. It will also show you got to get shaders you've yet to acquire. Emblems will feature a similar system.

*You can change the weapon displayed on your person by hitting triangle in social spaces.

*Over a dozen new exotic weapons, around a half dozen exotic armors per class.

*Each exotic will now have an intrinsic perk available immediately.

*New crucible maps will have built in mechanics. Grav lifts, low gravity, etc.

*New Control game type where kills will not add to score.

*Crucible handles will have quest lines.

*Crucible bounties will be more fair and balanced. There will no longer be bounties on a day where they can't be completed. (Salvage bounties appearing when salvage can't be played.)

*There will be 5 weekly Crucible bounties. Upon completion a sixth bounty will be completed. It's completion will see legendary and exotic rewards.

*There will be true matchmaking, meaning you'll be matched to players with similar skill.

*Story missions will see you planting the beacons you use in patrol.

*Four new strikes and three old reimagined to include the taken.

*New strikes will have multiple narrations and fights that change each time. For example, fights may happen in different areas with different enemies.

*Strike will have "raid-light" mechanics.
I like the idea of shaders and emblems. also dont have to wear faction class items anymore, but can still earn rep towards them!

EDIT: Just read you can carry more bounties and dont have to go to the bounty giver to turn them in.

The more i read about the new additions makes me more excited about the game as a whole. Seems like they are making even more changes to the game for the better. I dont really like the idea of losing old weapons i worked so hard to get, but maybe we can get a fatebringer 2.0 if we do the VOG after TTK comes out. Who knows. One thing im curious about is are we going to have to play the story from the beginning, even if we have done most of the mission in the game already? It sounds like they have reworked the story and we might have to start from scratch, which i wouldnt mind. But im not sure if that is the case.

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They still dont explain everything very well. I want to know specifically what to keep and what to keep trying for and what to clean out in anticipation of all the new gear. They keep adding exotics and it just makes it harder to get stuff you don't already have because of the loot tables. I guess you can wear your cool looking old gear in crucible if gear level doesnt matter and only perks do like it is now...only I only play IB where gear matters. I worked hard for my IB gear and I'm not deleting it in a month :p I never wear my crota stuff anymore...i'm so sick of all of it because you HAD to wear that for so long to be highest level.

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Here's another quick article on weapon abandonment:

Particularly like this line:

Based on our time with the game, strong Year-One gear will serve players well for the opening hours of The Taken King

Why don't they just come out and say Fatebringer :lol:

And one on level progression

Kinda sounds like it'll be a bit tough to be max level on day one, for all 3 toons anyway ;)

I already have 5 bounty slots on each character filled with iron wrath bounties 10,000 xp and 4 other 5,000 xp bounties completed. Im going to fill the other 5 slots up with 5,000 xp bounties the week before the DLC drops. Then i can use my Red Bull item to get bonus XP when i turn those in.

Not sure I'll bother doing prep work for TTK.  Did so much for HoW's drop and most of it was worthless.

I'm still sitting on a pile of vanguard commendations. :lol:

Glimmer items are worth hoarding though since I haven't seen any talk about increasing the cap.

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Literally everything i see from that reddit post looks like stuff that:

A.)Should have been in the game to start

B.)Effectively makes this a new game

C.)Flips year-one players the bird

So happy I payed to beta test the game :wall:


SO what the fuck are players with 3 maxed out character supposed to do to see the new starting content?

Are they adding more character slots? Is there a Newgame+ feature?

A LOT of those changes are QOL issues that people have been bitching about for months, but now we get the privilege to PAY for them.


*Edit 2*

I guess I can just scrap the majority of my weapons now that I was planning on saving for future tweaking. Guess THATS HOW WE GET MORE VAULT SPACE.


*Edit 3*

So how is this ANY different from what we already have:

"The change also resets the gear progression flow through new Taken King-tier white, green, blue, and purple gear, providing meaningful distinctions between new items as you level up through the new content."

That is literally exactly what we already have.

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Literally everything i see from that reddit post looks like stuff that:

A.)Should have been in the game to start

B.)Effectively makes this a new game

C.)Flips year-one players the bird

So happy I payed to beta test the game :wall:
Uh, just to clarify... that's the part I liked.

I agree with your edits... but I prefer to bitch to my clan-mates about that. What else we gonna talk about... the weather, pokemon, who's still around ;).

BTW, can we change the clan name to the "Beta Hating Day Onerz"

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bread's done