Destiny (PS3/PS4) Official Thread

so i finished a few of the gunsmith dealies. can i delete the guns now, or do i have to keep them until next week?
I just deleted them when I was done. You get the rep once you complete the task associated with it.

I ended up doing the sniper one, because why not. Took me like 4-5 games because I could only get a few kills each game. I'm really that bad with snipers.

I'm know I'm probably one of the biggest Bungie/Destiny apologists out there, but I'm really having a tough time finding anything I dislike about this recent update.

Unless you have a [good/full] team to go in with, Rift is a terrible terrible mode. I like that its fast paced but it's just a cluster fuck at the spark without coordination. Hopefully Mayhem will be better for small fireteams.

Good grief. I agree with what others have posted, why even make it an available this week? I just finished the last part of my Warlock's sunsinger quest and was about to turn it in until I saw this (Thanks Totallyjem!). Hopefully the emblem will still drop if you started/finished the quest line but avoid turning it in until next week.

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So I guess if you are level 34 now it makes more sense to do 16 bounties and not to turn them in till Tuesday?
I was playing tonight for the first time in a long time. I noticed that when doing patrol missions, even after pledging to a faction (which costs 2500 glimmer buy the way), that I was getting no faction rep (either to Vanguard or Dead Orbit). I was also not getting any progress towards the 10k experience bounty, even though I was able to finish a lot of the kill x numbers of things bounties. So it almost seems like experience gains are turned off right now - probably so no one gets above 34 yet.

So, yeah, my conclusion is that it is probably best just to do a few easy bounties, then turn them in after the DLC is activated. And because of what I read here earlier I'm not doing any of the new quests either, though I did pick up the Dead Orbit questline - but since I don't even have a piece of faction armor (I always deleted it because of no Vault space) I can't get that done now anyway.

I had read the usual pre-DLC advice of "build up each faction to just before it levels up" on another web site - but it doesn't seem to me that you can do that this time.

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That has to be the best commercial for a game I've seen for a while :rofl: . Ryo Katsuji should have done the voice acting for the ghost/crucible anouncer.

Played only 1 crucible game last night and almost completed the pulse rifle quest. I should have grabbed the sniper, but oh well. Thankfully Jimmy and 7th were doing a NF (apparently for just cause) and got an IB.

I'm trying to get pumped up, but for some reason I just can't.

Played a little bit before class today and got 2 of the 3 new ghosts from Crotas end and then got three more from a ttk area you can access from one of the house of wolves missions so hooray new ghosts!
Sounds like it is a bit of a cluster right now with all these new quests available but not giving out proper rewards.  I'll probably just lay low this week and get my inventory in line while stacking some bounties.  Kind of want to walk into TTK fresh next Tuesday know ing that what I'm working on is going towards my level/faction rep, and that I'll get the proper rewards.

Got my 50th raid completion, and picked up my first Crux while doing it. Then I had to go to a VOG to get some damn ascendant materials to upgrade it my Eidellon Ally.

Now I just need 16 skirmish wins and I'll have all grimoire from year 1. Bring on year 2!

I'm holding off on all the quest lines.  I want to use those for upgrading the new subclass. 

Did get the gunsmith stuff done.  The PvE weapons went by super quick; the crucible ones dragged on a bit... that fusion rifle sucks @$$, the sniper didn't hold a lot of ammo and I was still trying to learn the special ammo spawn points.

Well, got my first taste of Rift and while fun, you can easily get steamrolled if you're flying solo.  We went in as a 6-man team and crushed a bunch of randoms.  Another match had a couple of small fireteams and they were more competive.  It'll be interesting to see how active Rift remains after the first few weeks.

The new maps can be pretty confusing with all the paths available.  The old maps had maybe 4-5 main paths to take from one side to the other, but these new ones can feel like a maze because of all the little side-paths available.

As for weapons, Thorn is gonna be a bigger nuisance now than ever before.  Forget about headshots, just land 3 bodyshots and move on (DOT does the rest).  Hopscotch still wrecks for headshots but feels a bit weaker on bodyshots.  Shotguns don't seem nerfed at all right now.

Still need to try auto rifles,Vex and Last Word.

The new vanguard and crucible bounties all seem to be EASY mode bounties, which probably explains why they offer so little xp.  I figure the new vendor bounties will be tougher.

While cool that we can turn in bounties right from our menu, I thought it weird we couldn't turn them in when talking to the vendor.  And I didn't see an option to pick up new bounties thru our menu, which means we'll still have to visit the tower/reef to get new bounties (unless I missed something).

As for gameworld changes, most obvious one is our movement speed.  We just seem to move a little bit slower than before.  Also noticed that they messed with the Hive spawn near Earth's patrol point.  I couldn't get them to spawn in anymore by jumping up in the room. Had to run to the stairs and back again.  Noticed something similar with other enemy spawns in the Steppes.  Had to move farther away than normal to trigger enemy respawns. 

And I just hafta laugh at NoNo-bot... he sounds sooo happy when he yells out "Guardian Down"

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Congrats prof! That's awesome haha I was trying to get more cards but I gotta play so much crucible haha. Speaking of raids does anyone want to do some tonight or try for the flawless raider trophy?
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I'm just really hoping there aren't cards for winning 25, 50, and 100 Rift and Mayhem matches. I'm very much over Crucible at this point and just want to focus on the PVE stuff.

So when TTK launches, all vanguard and crucible marks are supposed to turn into commendations. Right now, across my characters I have 841 marks between vanguard and crucible. Does that mean I'll get 841 commendations? I also wonder if they're going to work like past commendations where they give 100 rep (125 with nightfall buff, but that's going away). If so, I'm looking at 84,100 rep. And people like 7 who were diligent enough to max their marks are looking at 120k. That's a shit ton of ranks for your factions.

That's all assuming it works like it used to.

I think 50 marks get converted into a commendation.  Don't remember where I heard that though so that may be waaay off.

So...I played Destiny a bit when it was released and did not like it whatsoever.  A buddy of mine wants me to pick it up on PS4 (I originally had it on XBOX ONE) and give it another shot, but I am torn as to which version to get.  The CE is back in stock at GameStop, but I am trying to figure out if I really need it or if the regular edition is just fine.  Plus, I can get the game cheaper at Best Buy with the 20% off for GC.  Any insight?  Is the CE really necessary?  Do you get more in-game stuff with the CE?  Any insight is appreciated.

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I didn't intend to but I finished all of the quest lines available except the last parts for my Warlock. I figured that way I can quickly do the last task, turn them in, and at least start into the TTK content with one character next Mon/Tuesday.

It looks like they did away with the option to choose a difficulty level for each story mission and only offer a low grey level (no yellow) along with a Light 240 Impossible option. I wonder if that will change come next Tuesday and if going through the quest story specific missions will give XP upon completion. Which leads me to believe they're just trial quests this week since anyone can do them depending on the content one owns. Looks like the faction/subclass quests are the ones you'd definitely want to wait on until the 15th to start/finish.

The weapon type changes so far aren't too dramatic. The only thing I've really noticed is distance does significantly affect damage output. So far the changes are for the better I believe.

So...I played Destiny a bit when it was released and did not like it whatsoever. A buddy of mine wants me to pick it up on PS4 (I originally had it on XBOX ONE) and give it another shot, but I am torn as to which version to get. The CE is back in stock at GameStop, but I am trying to figure out if I really need it or if the regular edition is just fine. Plus, I can get the game cheaper at Best Buy with the 20% off for GC. Any insight? Is the CE really necessary? Do you get more in-game stuff with the CE? Any insight is appreciated.
The C.E. is gonna get you some real-world schwag (strange coin replica+goodies) and in-game schwag (emotes+shaders+class items). None of it is necessary so it's a personal choice if you want the extra goodies.

Since you mentioned BB you're talking about $48 vs $80. $32 is a pretty good deal for all the extras considering Activision wants to charge 40, just for TTK, and another 20 just so we can get the digital schwag

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I actually thought both the sniper and fusion rifle for the gunsmith were amazing in PVP. Finished each one in one match each. Have not done the PVE weapon testing yet.

If any of you guys wanted a TTK poster, PUR has the poster up for 6,800 points


edited: Also Bestbuy is giving away a tshirt similar to the midnight launch event, but red.

Free Destiny T-Shirt
when you buy Destiny: The Taken King at a Best Buy store.
In store only. While supplies last.

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Oh nice didn't know that was up in the our catalog also gamestops all got posters for the midnight event to give out so that's another way to get a poster
Do load times when going into patrol areas seem significantly lowered to anyone else? Flying to a planet for patrol seems to only take a couple seconds now. I swear it used to be a lot longer.

If any of you guys wanted a TTK poster, PUR has the poster up for 6,800 points


edited: Also Bestbuy is giving away a tshirt similar to the midnight launch event, but red.

Free Destiny T-Shirt
when you buy Destiny: The Taken King at a Best Buy store.
In store only. While supplies last.
Is there a link to stores doing the Best Buy midnight launches?

Played some mayhem and its pretty fun. One of the more fun modes of the game. I was using warlock with nova bomb and double scatter grenade. I almost always have a grenade because of the recharge rates. Its pretty insane, and fast paced. I think i like it! :)

Hahah it's a mystery and you'll never figure it out ArJay! But yeah we got plenty of posters! Oh and though it doesn't matter but you can get Hopscotch from 28 PoE now Turtle just got one

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bread's done