Destiny (PS3/PS4) Official Thread

I forgot to put my armsday orders in...  :wall:

I didn't want to use up multiple weapon slots and I also assumed you could put your orders in up until the reset. Lame. Was there any notification or news about length of time for orders? If there was I apparently never saw anything. :nottalking:

I thought it was wednesday...I have one order in cause thats all I can get right meow.

I had a good run of heroics last night (thanks mattttt) then we did nightfall and I just got ugly feather boots. My light is now 290 and I guess I can raid sometime...farmed engrams and I counted up 17 different exotics and a few doubles and triples from 3 of coins farming. Thats crazy for one week.

I'm pretty sure that stupid strike on mars with the vex is not even finish-able...I've never completed it out of 3 tries. Something always goes wrong.

I feel like half the time we are posting here and half in the psn thread. So sorry for the double up on some info...One of my friends has that hunter helmet with the purple stuff coming out of the looked awesome.

Just got put into a Clash match against Rev. Didn't even realize it at first. Then I proceeded to hunt him down any chance I could while he just sniped me from across the map like a pro.
Just got put into a Clash match against Rev. Didn't even realize it at first. Then I proceeded to hunt him down any chance I could while he just sniped me from across the map like a pro.
Man I've never been matched against someone I know. That would be a ton of fun.

I like all the content and all, but man the grind is so real I sort of hit a wall last night while trying to level my Hunter up and realizing I had 200 Marks, and still 2 more vanguard strikes to do (thats after spending 100 marks on a ghost and infusions).

I think just sticking to my Titan as my main from now on is the best idea, and then just leveling the Hunter and Warlock to 280 so I can do nightfalls with them. Got invited to a Raid against Oryx and got nowhere. People quitted within 10 mins.

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Beat that fuck 'n @$$hat GoGo-goth... and it felt good :cool: .  Props to the raid team for getting it done, even though we weren't all 290's

I got the chest piece for my hunter and the warlock got one too.  Think that was it for armor drops; don't fully remember.

Did a bit of spelunking afterwards then stopped at the next checkpoint.  No way we would finish before reset.

I decided to finish up the weapon testing on my warlock and farm exotics for a bit.  Pulled the new warlock chest piece and dupes for 4th Horseman and Light Beyond Nemesis.  As for weapon tests, I got them all done before reset.  But when I went to check for the new guns, after reset, they were still the same.  I haven't paid attention but does the Gunsmith reset on armsday instead of the normal weekly reset.


If you guys need a dps-er hit me up. I got all the way to oryx last week but we didnt have enough time to take him down. Understand all bosses mechanic. I did 4.6 mil to golgoroth on my last run. I think thats pretty decent dps.
I finished the raid. I received the gauntlets, rocket launcher, auto rifle, ghost shell and cloak. I'm sitting at 299 now. In order to reach 300 I'll need to find 5 more points.

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I'm a 294 looking to do the Raid, Nightfall and Level 3 Courts (for the fragment of course).

I need to get that Touch of Whatever it is.  I'm on about 25 fragments.  I want to get the raid done and all the parts of the frame.  Is it guaranteed drops for the parts or is it RNG?  It would be cool if I could get it all done and have the weapon this weekend, so I can go back to my loving wife.

I will most likely be on Wednesday afternoon to evening, Friday, and Sunday.

I'll jump on for daily heroics.

I also want to do the various crucible quests I've been ignoring at some point since F$%^ Crucible.  Mayhem isn't available at all times which is stupid.

I want to go in blind on King's Fall, but with a sherpa or someone who knows what they are doing.  They can help us along but not just give every strategy.  I also want to get all the fragments during the raid.  How many are there?  I need 45 to get the exotic.

Also the stupid chest on the dreadnaught that kills you when you go near it.  I got that using Radiant Skin and max armor.  The 2 hunters for some reason couldn't get it in my party, but I had time to spare.  Bring a titan with armor of light.

I've been hitting the jackpot today. Got a 300 primary so I ascended my suros to 299. Got a 299 machine gun and a 300 shotgun. While patrolling the dreadnaught, I ran into some people doing CoO and they apparently had a tier three rune, so we batted that out and that finished off a quest I had with Eris so she gave me a 300 artifact. Bought a class engram and got a 295. Grabbed a 290 helmet from the nightfall.
Cleared all the way to Oryx before I decided to take a break. I got the ghost shell and a worse version of the cape I already had. I also ran a nightfall which gave me 290 boots and did tier 3 court and got the class item from the Eris quest. I'm up to 297 on my hunter now.
Just got put into a Clash match against Rev. Didn't even realize it at first. Then I proceeded to hunt him down any chance I could while he just sniped me from across the map like a pro.
Yeah, I just got TTK and decided to play a match of clash and then i see you in all your level 40 glory. I was killed by you the most :)

I've been hitting the jackpot today. Got a 300 primary so I ascended my suros to 299. Got a 299 machine gun and a 300 shotgun. While patrolling the dreadnaught, I ran into some people doing CoO and they apparently had a tier three rune, so we batted that out and that finished off a quest I had with Eris so she gave me a 300 artifact. Bought a class engram and got a 295. Grabbed a 290 helmet from the nightfall.
U suck...I opened 2 dead oribit and a crucible package plus 10 or so engrams and got jack shit yesterday.

Time to hunt down the new black hammer... exotic sniper Black Spindle.

Guys in the xbox thread have info on how to get it.

So, I need some help. My brother wants the Taken King dlc, but did not preorder. He wnet to purchase it last Tuesday and the PSN store on his ps4 said it was unavailable since he does not own the other dlc. I know for a fact he does because we did all the missions together. We both contacted Sony and the suggested that he restore his licenses and rebuild his data base. This was done. Twice. He checked to see if he could purchase it and no luck. He called Sony back, and they said it would not be released till 9/22. He checked then and still nothing. Has any one ran in to this issue or is this something weird all together? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. 

That mission is a bitch. I tried 4 times before work. Our best run we got to the last room with 7 minutes left, killed the boss with 2:30 left and ran out of time clearing adds. Shit is ridiculous.
That mission is a bitch. I tried 4 times before work. Our best run we got to the last room with 7 minutes left, killed the boss with 2:30 left and ran out of time clearing adds. Shit is ridiculous.
Yep, I just couldn't get it done and got sick of trying. To me it's the perfect example of Destiny at it's worst. Rather than throw a good mechanic at you, they just throw a shit ton of overshielded enemies. No thanks, I don't need the sniper that much.

Exotic sword is so fucking awesome though.

Every single vanguard package I open gives me a down and doubt hand cannon. I tried it and didn't like it right off the bat, but I really think the game is trying to tell me something so I'll give it another shot. I got one that's 295 with third eye and firefly, so that could be cool.
Did a fresh run on the KF raid and we pretty much cruised right up to Oryx. Warpriest and GoGo were done in one try and we improved our completion time.

The next section required a few resets, since it was the first time for most, but not tough at all. Oryx though... yeah, talk about a laundry list of duties. We'll try another night.

Rewards were the raid shotty (303) and another chest with higher light(304). Others got new ghost shells.

Really enjoying the raid so far.

That mission is a bitch. I tried 4 times before work. Our best run we got to the last room with 7 minutes left, killed the boss with 2:30 left and ran out of time clearing adds. Shit is ridiculous.
Did you take out the black orbs quickly. That should help cut down the amount of adds.

Yep, I just couldn't get it done and got sick of trying. To me it's the perfect example of Destiny at it's worst. Rather than throw a good mechanic at you, they just throw a shit ton of overshielded enemies. No thanks, I don't need the sniper that much.
I dunno know, this actually seems fair to me. Yeah, you get crazy amounts of enemies, but you're GUARANTEED the sniper (at least it looks that way). The old way had us fighting similar fights only to get screwed over by RNGeezy

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We basically just focused the boss and then tried to deal with adds. I'm going to try killing the blights asap when I get home and can try again.
Oh and Bungie just announced that it being 310 is a bug and they're going to be nerfing it down to 290. Now I'm not feeling so bad about not getting it.
Wait so all the people that got their sweet 310 will see a 290 next time they log in? Better go ahead and use it towards another exotic if that is the case

So best workaround it to

step 1: infuse another weapon with the 310

step 2: buy a new Black Spindle from the blueprint vault

step 3: infuse the newly purchase sniper with the previously infused weapon

Got Black Spindle and moted it up to max.  Failed about 6 times with one team.  One member left, did the nightfall with a new member.  Next time we did it on first try.

TIP:  Everyone use supers of mass destruction.  Warlocks use Stormcaller and Titans Sunbreakers.  Murder the psions and blights as fast as possible.  Use heavy ammo synths and DPS the boss.  Truth works wonders here.  We beat it with 2 minutes remaining on the successful run.

So it's going to be nerfed huh?  That's hilarious.  Will be using for infusion.  Time to prep my shotguns, fusions, and other snipers to 310 then.

I bought the dead orbit Hung Jury SR4 with 150 marks.  It's firefly is good and it's ROF is average at best, triple tap is nice too.  When I'm not using the Spindle I immediately go back to Bad Juju or Boolean since they are infinitely better.

Just got the spindle first try (technically second because the relics glitched once) with randoms off Reddit. We were actually a lot slower getting to the boss than I was this morning, but killing the blights asap, focusing adds and then hitting the boss worked way better than the way we were trying this morning. We finished with about 30 seconds left and then proceeded to lose our shit for a few minutes.
Yeah I was up till 1, but I quit my group about 11:30 to do it with some of you guys but you all went to bed lol.

I tried 3 times and this dude who was only 275 would not leave or give up so I finally just left that group to pick up some cags who where waiting but apparently they gave up on me. Sorry dudes.

Matt what happened with the nightfall? I joined you and got a 3rd then you never responded to messages and bailed? I'm going to assume you had to oil up and watch a sports.

I ended up getting the other new exotic sniper as a drop from a purple engram so I guess it wasn't a total waste of time. I wonder what happens to your stuff when they nerf the 310...lucky bastards can infuse all your shit...or will it get uninfused by the patch???

Not sure when the nerf goes into effect, but yeah infuse that 310 into something ASAP.
So best workaround it to

step 1: infuse another weapon with the 310

step 2: buy a new Black Spindle from the blueprint vault

step 3: infuse the newly purchase sniper with the previously infused weapon
The way to do it is to infuse a different weapon. All Spindles will be changed to 290. I raised all of my exotics, a legendary shotty and a legendary fusion to 300. Then I infused a 4th Horseman from 300 to 307 with my 310 Spindle. I have 4 4th Horseman. After the Nerf, I will infuse my 290 Spindle up to 305 using a blue 298 side arm, 300 fusion and 307 4th horseman.

I finished the story with 4 seconds left on the timer. Then I helped a couple of guys and we finished with 2:14 remaining.

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Seriously I hate that bungie does something cool then is like thats a mistake and takes it happens constantly. The only reason everyone went apeshit over this thing was that the reward was a 310 exotic. 

Man I really don't know what to infuse with it. The only sniper I have is the 1000, but other than that I don't really know what else to pick. The Chaperone maybe?

I was going to invite some of you guys to try, but it seemed like everyone was either already trying or raiding when I got on, so I went to Reddit. I really didn't expect to get it done. We are having some plumbing work done and don't have water in the house. I just came home to grab some stuff and give it a few tries before going to the hotel I'm staying at. I logged off after I sent the picture and saw the messages when I checked the PlayStation app this morning. I wish I could have helped you guys. I'm down to help next time it comes back though.
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Haha, man that was tough. I tried running it solo a few times since it looked like everyone already had fireteams setup (and I didn't feel like using LFG), but was unsuccessful. I got to the end both attempts but realized I needed better weapons to clear out the last room in time. Even though I didn't finish it that was a really cool secret side mission and I assume that probably won't be the last one either. 

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Matt what happened with the nightfall? I joined you and got a 3rd then you never responded to messages and bailed? I'm going to assume you had to oil up and watch a sports.
I didn't see your message about that til afterwards. Due to the non-stop barrage of messages from the clan discussion blocking my radar, I had to turn off notifications completely. But I was just in the dreadnaught trying to complete gunsmith weapon progress and complete a couple bounties before I had to go eat dinner anyway. Then I came back an hour later and just did the daily crucible.
Whats funny is if it was a 290 id have been like I can wait till im higher level to try and just get it for the collection but it being 310 was the huge motivation. Them nerfing it back to 290 has taken all the wind out of it being cool and worth staying up and trying for. Bungie is so frustrating sometimes. Can you tell by looking at that video if his sword was exotic or not? I just got mine last night and chose solar for some reason...mostly cause I like the way the flames look.

I didn't see your message about that til afterwards. Due to the non-stop barrage of messages from the clan discussion blocking my radar, I had to turn off notifications completely. But I was just in the dreadnaught trying to complete gunsmith weapon progress and complete a couple bounties before I had to go eat dinner anyway. Then I came back an hour later and just did the daily crucible.
You need to sort your no mic issues dude :)

You should have sent me a message or just closed your fire team I thought we made plans to nightfall if you were on so I was confused...turns out you were just being antisocial lol.

Oh, I know we discussed the possibility, but we didn't have a time set or anything. I had already tried to beat Nightfall with ArJay and Langdon earlier, but they both had to leave after we wiped on the boss.

I wasn't trying to be antisocial. I assumed you were needing to do dreadnaught patrol stuff. I just couldn't stand hearing either the PSN notification sound or the vibration from my phone due to constant messaging, but I don't want to leave the PSN discussion. It was already off by that point. Too bad we can't just mute notifications for one specific thread.
bread's done