Destiny (PS3/PS4) Official Thread

3 nightfalls and 2 Crucible weeklies yielded nothing more than currency, a rune and a horrible legendary hand cannon. -_- Oh well, according to L. Smith the drops are going to be adjusted for the better.

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I was playing Iron Banner and working on the quest chain to unlock the weekly crucible bounties with 7th and Arjay earlier. I was struggling to get the 3 wins with 6+ hand cannon kills done because we just weren't having much luck with matchmaking. I would get the kills easily every game, but the wins were few and far between. However, when I finally got the last win I did it in style. I ended up setting a new personal best for kills and score in a control game.  


Raid time is getting faster each week too and that is nice because it means I can do it twice. First time was probably like 5 hours in two sessions, 2nd was 3hrs, 3rd was 1:07, and fourth was maybe 10 minutes longer.
I'm enjoying it as well. People are getting more gear = more DPS. Plus we are learning the events better. We had a hiccup with scheduling the other day and I was really glad the way we filled the raid and blew threw 2 events.

I should have my malice soon if I can find people doing runes...I've had good luck usually finding instances with groups already going at it, but with IB and Trials I bet there are less people doing Court.

Raid #2 last night and I completed the armor set for my warlock,  which is funny since I've done KF the least on it (and my hunter still can't get the damn gloves).  Pulled another raid rocket launcher; pretty much identical to my first, just lower attack 305 vs 309. And one exotic drop from killing the shade (Invective).

Then hit up laggy banana for a while.  Much laggier than the prior day.

And I'm also noticing a new trend... whole bunch of players hanging back and waiting for you to attack them.  As in, they don't even try to push for a 2nd control point.  They just get the first one and hunker down.  They still lose, but man it makes for a crappy game.  Just drags out the whole damn match.

I wonder which youtuber decided to offer this up as a good IB strategy. I'd personally like you kick you in the nutz

My light is 306 and I got 310 Light Beyond Nemesis which was nice.  Got a 310 monte for infusion.

290 Hereafter yesterday, so that's nice.

Picked up the Chaperone and finished the Arc Exotic Sword yesterday.  Finished The First Curse quest, but have to wait for arms day to receive it.

Put in 5 arms day orders since glimmer was maxed.

There isn't anything left for me to do besides the solar/void exotic swords (all I need is resources and the last mission) and to do quests on alts... but I don't think that will happen.

I'm in my perfect zone for Destiny now.  I will hop on for special events and to raid once a week.  The nightfall being a waste of time at least makes it so I don't care about doing it.  The heroics no longer give coins but (useless at my stage) legendary marks.  So now I can raid and play Metal Gear.  Then Halo 5 and Fallout!  Too many games in first person.  ugh.

Also, the lack of Mayhem Rumble is sad since it was fun.  It made all crucible quests so easy as well.

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Raid #2 last night and I completed the armor set for my warlock, which is funny since I've done KF the least on it (and my hunter still can't get the damn gloves). Pulled another raid rocket launcher; pretty much identical to my first, just lower attack 305 vs 309. And one exotic drop from killing the shade (Invective).

Then hit up laggy banana for a while. Much laggier than the prior day.

And I'm also noticing a new trend... whole bunch of players hanging back and waiting for you to attack them. As in, they don't even try to push for a 2nd control point. They just get the first one and hunker down. They still lose, but man it makes for a crappy game. Just drags out the whole damn match.

I wonder which youtuber decided to offer this up as a good IB strategy. I'd personally like you kick you in the nutz
My hunter has 3 gloves...last raid I got 2 gloves and a helmet.

Yeah if they dont fix it or delay trials its going to be a shit show...banner was just hammers non stop after about half the match last night...I mean our team had some titans too, but sheeezzze...I did have the satisfaction of golden gunning a titan right in his flaming face. We both died but it felt awesome and saved my team some pain.

Trials might end up being all titans...then whoever gets supers first wins.

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So infinite shadowshot.

It's real, and it has ruined IB.

Unless they release a hotfix tomorrow when Trials opens, I'm sitting this one out.
Oh yeah, I ran into a few of them last night.

If I hadn't read about the glitch earlier, I would have known Shenanigans were afoot. Just wouldn't have understood how it was happening.

It is funny to see them hopping into their menu though. That's when I usually unloaded on them

For the most part, we traded. so I would just report them until the game auto-respawned me.

I'm leaning towards sitting out Trials since I still don't have a loadout that I'm completely comfortable using... we'll see.


still need to get my 3rd sword done and get the good artifacts for my lock and titan, so yeah... don't think I will touch Trials

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New Bungie update and yup, they're talking about the glitch

Sounds like Trials might get delayed.

Hard mode raid getting released early, October 23rd and lookie what they say

Right about now, some of you are wondering what you can do to prepare. We won’t give you hints, but we’ll plot the difficulty incline. Recommended Light for Hard Mode is 300 – 320. The loot that will drop will be between 310 – 320. Gear up and mark your calendars.

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I wonder if hard mode will have double drops. I wouldnt mind waiting till friday to try hard mode and see, but then i might be risking not getting anything if hard mode is too hard to beat any of the bosses, and no one wants to run normal by then.

So I ran IB last night, one match before joining some of the guys. Apparently I joined to fast and didn't realize that I god the hunter cape, which is the only thing I wanted right at the beginning of the night. Finally found it in my Hunter's inventory as we were calling it a night.

All in all a terrible experience. Same group in normal PvP we would have won a ton, but in IB, it was either Titan bro after Titan bro or just plain camping. Heck trying to keep control of B was impossible, since getting control meant a Titan coming in and hammering everyone to death, followed by him taking over, rinse and repeat.

Sinve last night I've been trying to play a bunch of iron banner games. Almost all of them I would be put into the middle of a game. I'd stick it out because even if I was losing I'd get a medallion. Very quickly I was up to five medallions and still getting put in games in progress so I had to start quitting.
I didnt I still have lots of runes I'd like to do. I did finish my malice by doing the agonarch rune solo and then jimmy and 7 helped me do phobos wizard to get it done.

I'll probably pass the runes over to my titan to get the 300 artifact quest done...

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Bungie deciding to push the hard raid release up a week works out nicely for me. I usually don't have Fridays off, but for some reason I have the 23rd off, so I'll get to try it out right when it's released. If they had kept it on the 30th I wouldn't have gotten to try it until pretty late that night.

I didnt I still have lots of runes I'd like to do. I did finish my malice by doing the agonarch rune solo and then jimmy and 7 helped me do phobos wizard to get it done.

I'll probably pass the runes over to my titan to get the 300 artifact quest done...
oh, definitely let me know, I'm enjoying doing runes on my free time.
So I ran IB last night, one match before joining some of the guys. Apparently I joined to fast and didn't realize that I god the hunter cape, which is the only thing I wanted right at the beginning of the night. Finally found it in my Hunter's inventory as we were calling it a night.

All in all a terrible experience. Same group in normal PvP we would have won a ton, but in IB, it was either Titan bro after Titan bro or just plain camping. Heck trying to keep control of B was impossible, since getting control meant a Titan coming in and hammering everyone to death, followed by him taking over, rinse and repeat.
If any of you warlocks have the Tlaloc and know how to use it, super power it up. If you see a hammerbro or goldengun 1st with good distance, you have a chance of killing them, even if you die you dps them substantially, even 1 on 1, and still keep your super tlaloc

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You guys are slacking...nix and matt...who else has not done the raid yet??? We are going to have to have a training camp...

Please watch the videos and read the guides...I went in blind and it was dumb because I struggled through some stuff because no one told me things or I didnt know something several times. If you are not figuring it all out as a team its not really fun to not know what is going on. This raid requires way more coordination and teamwork than anything so far...

I think for hard malice is going to be required because they are going to make everything overpowered or have shorter timers...or maybe exotic swords will be part of something? Who knows...

You guys are slacking...nix and matt...who else has not done the raid yet??? We are going to have to have a training camp...

Please watch the videos and read the guides...I went in blind and it was dumb because I struggled through some stuff because no one told me things or I didnt know something several times. If you are not figuring it all out as a team its not really fun to not know what is going on. This raid requires way more coordination and teamwork than anything so far...

I think for hard malice is going to be required because they are going to make everything overpowered or have shorter timers...or maybe exotic swords will be part of something? Who knows...
Me and my friend did the raid yesterday with 4 people who have never done it. We actually cleared it in a little under 2 hours and Oryx was done on the first try. As long as people communicate and properly explain what to do the raid is really fun. We spent most of the time on daughters because they took awhile to understand the order of platforms to jump on and where to go, but nevertheless it was really easy.

I couldn't get enough people to agree to raid yesterday. Most people already finished for the week. I've just gotta get that 1 run through on Normal in the next week. Hopefully Tuesday.
Yeah, I think the main disconnect now is that most people have been through it a bunch and just sort of do everything on autopilot, not thinking there are others who need a little explanation.

I still am not sure about which floating ships to jump on and have never been picked as the jumper for the daughters, so I still don't know completely how to do that.

I'm going to find a video of the raid on YouTube or something and watch it today. Then I can join you guys on Tuesday (could even raid earlier on during the day) and hopefully get it knocked out. Maybe I can get really lucky and earn the gear needed to put me up over 300 light. It's basically impossible to reach 300 without raiding.
Oh there are people who are absolutely not willing to explain anything. My only problem at this point is when someone joins and has zero clue about anything. Mostly because of the fact that I'm not a good teacher and usually I don't have time to explain every detail. But if someone joins and is like oh I've only made it to the daughters but I've never finished, I'm fine with that. Or if I have a friend that wants me to take them through I'm like ok but it's going to be in multiple sessions. I hate when people join and they act like super dicks and get so frustrated when we don't beat every boss on the first try. Its just a game dude. Part of why I stopped organizing raids was because I got sick of people blaming others in the group and acting like Destiny is such serious business and if we didn't beat hard mode Crota in 15 minutes then we all sucked.
I watched a video guide on YouTube. That definitely helped a lot, but there's no way I'll remember everything just from watching an hour-long video. The ship jumping section basically requires you to follow someone closely or memorize the pattern, and the jumping puzzle with the platforms jutting out from the wall looks semi-tricky.
I've done everything with my Titan and Warlock in TTK but complete the raid and get the raid fragments. I just haven't had the 2-3 hour span of time to make a dedicated attempt without an interruption here or there. 

Someone on Reddit (EightBitNacho) made an awesome and easy to visualize GIF guide for the raid. It makes the new raid look pretty simple as long as there's good communication. 

Annihilator Totems



The Deathsingers


Also... the weapon part nerf is extremely frustrating. Easily one of the worst nerfs they've ever made, just completely fuck stupid.

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Unfortunately I think Bungie looks at the outlier players too much when making decisions. They'll see daily streamers or posts on forums about how people have hundreds of weapon parts and so they'll make a change to it, even though it only impacts everyone else in a negative way.
Unfortunately I think Bungie looks at the outlier players too much when making decisions. They'll see daily streamers or posts on forums about how people have hundreds of weapon parts and so they'll make a change to it, even though it only impacts everyone else in a negative way.
Yeah day one players prolly have tons and tons of stuff laying around. I don't fully upgrade anything other than the guns I usually use or necessary stuff to get into the raid.

I think I have a huge stock of parts and coins for the amount of time I have wasted in Destiny. To me is going in, getting what I need to do done and then backing out asap before I start side tracking

Drops suckkkkk in IB...I got one boots and one titan mark and I have 2 characters at 5 and one at I bought the warlock bond and the cape and the pulse rifle...So if things go the way they have been I have to buy at least 2 pairs of boots and if I can raise the marks the sidearm. 

I can't see myself playing another Iron Banner if it's the same as it was this past week. I have two characters at rank 3 and haven't received a single drop yet in all the games I've played. I'll make it to rank 5 tomorrow since I have a weekly bounty and four daily bounties finished to turn in with one character. I only wanted the wolf hat for my hunter, which I got, and the pulse rifle, which I can hopefully get tomorrow.
I got all characters to rank 5. Got a titan mark, 2 hunter marks, 2 hunter boots, titan boots, warlock boots, side arm, and 3 pulse rifles as drops. BUT NO SHIP!

Here is a random clip video i made. The first clip is me golden gun someone, then getting him again as he spawns in. Just in case you didnt understand what happened.

I have my warlock and hunter at rank 5 now. To be fair I only played 13 games on the warlock, but I didn't get a single IB drop in those games and all I got on my hunter was 2 capes.
Yeah I got no more drops and got all 3 to rank 5...I had to buy almost everything. I dont remember if I posted it here but Jimmy got both ships one after the other. One match ended he got the old one, next match the new one.

I got 2 out of 8 possible items as drops...bought 6. I saw on reddit some people didnt even get a single drop so I feel blessed.

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Man, I was so disillusioned from the whole Hammer of Sol/Arrow spam that I didn't even bother trying Iron Banner. Maybe next month I'll give it a try.

Titan to 5, Warlock almost 4, no drops.

Oh, and I screwed up when I bought my Titan boots and bought them twice. So now I'm short on marks. Need to pick 2 between the Warlock Mark, Boots and Sidearm. (Leaning toward Mark and Sidearm.)

While getting my Warlock to rank 5 I received 3 drops: Boots, Bond, and the Ironwreath-D sidearm (298 no less). Then I just bought the pulse rifle since I assumed it wouldn't drop for me.

I spent less time in IB with my Titan but reached rank 5 last night thanks to the buff and stockpiling the daily IB quests. Then I got the Mark and pulse rifle as drops along the way. 

I feel pretty fortunate considering the reports of the widespread RNG disparity. That just sucks to hear from CAGs here that ended up empty handed.

Thankfully the shadow shot spamming died off dramatically in the games I played over the weekend. I don't believe I played in a match since late Friday where someone was triggering the glitch.

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I only got the cloak, bond, and ship to drop while getting all 4 of my characters through iron banner.

Bought four pairs of boots, two pulses, a Titan mark, and the sidearm.

I got both my Titan and hunter to rank 5 from 0 on Saturday. It's amazing how it only took 13 games each to go from 0 to 5 with the weekly bounties, the buff and a few dailies. In going to start waiting until Saturday at the earliest to do IB.
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bread's done