Destiny (PS3/PS4) Official Thread

Yeah, I definitely want to pick up where we left off last night and finish the last couple parts of hard mode, and I am pretty free today and tomorrow.

My loot from last night:

• 310 ghost (Nightfall)
• 310 artifact (Quest Reward)
• 310 Last Word (3oC Exotic Engram)

• 320 sniper
• 313 chest armor
• 306 boots
• 300 auto rifle

So obviously I am very happy with that, in addition to having a lot of fun experiencing the majority of the raid in hard mode for the first time alongside an experienced squad of gangstas.
The crappy pistol and shotgun exotic quests...dont know if I'll be on today but will have time saturday or sunday most likely...I'll just see if you are on if I get on later tonight.

I ended up with the machine gun at 315 and gauntlets at 313.

Now I can take my old 309 gauntlets and give them to my Warlock for infusion. With weapon and shell swapping I'll have both my Titan and Warlock up to 308.

Now that I have the Harrowed chest armor for my Titan, I'll take my 299 armor I used before and infuse that into my Hunter's chest piece. Same thing with my 305 Titan boots since I got the 306 ones.

Then I'll swap over 310 TLW, 320 sniper, and 310 ghost, and hope that gets me close to 300 on the Hunter. The 310 artifact will help as well once I get a raid completion on my Hunter.
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the Jabberhakke you get early in tTK quests is good (for a sidearm) and worth infusing up. The Iron Banner version (whatever it's called) has nearly identical stats.

Triplewreck just made it to the lighthouse. Along the way he got some good stuff, a set of 309 boots and a 306 scout while I was watching. At the lighthouse he got a 310 hand cannon. From bounties he got a 310 jade rabbit and 300 gauntlets. The gauntlets were his gold tier reward so that seems pretty shitty.
So basically ToO loot rewards are similar to regular raid level rewards? I guess that makes sense for now. /shrug

I've played around with my new No Time To Explain and it's not too bad. Pretty useful for enemies with large precision damage areas. Although it's too bad it's just kinetic and doesn't offer Arc damage since it looks like it should. There's quite a few year 2 pulse rifles with similar stats to NTTE like Nirwen's Mercy (IB), Smite of Merain (TTK Raid), and The Villainy (FWC). Red Death and Bad JuJu are still good too. It just depends on perk rolls and weapon preference.

I received a 305 legendary auto rifle from soloing one NF this week. Not too bad and I didn't hesitate to infuse one Hung Jury up to 303. With that I successfully got my Titan and Warlock above 300 without raiding gear. So it technically is possible to reach 300 w/o doing the new raid, but it also requires some favorable RNG rare/legendary engram decrypting. 

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So new Trials gear is the same as before, only higher light level... huh.

I mean, Trials armor is cool (still have mine in the vault) but don't know I want to go collecting it again, not right now anyway. At least it's s'pose to drop at hard raid levels.

Did get a quick Oryx kill in on normal and finally got some better boots for my Titan:  303 boots to replace my old 296 ones.  Now if I can get the helmet and gauntlets for the titan.

BTW, haven't seen it mentioned anywhere but does a 320 Artifact even exist? Or at least an artifact higher than 310???

Nah I have no reason to play trials. No grimoire and it won't get me anything that's drastically higher than what I have. Also Bungie said we would be able to buy rewards from Vanceypoo but he's not selling anything.

Triplewreck was kind of being a dick during his stream. He said once he did his three flawless runs his goal for the rest of the day would be to just play on his finished card to go against 8-0 teams and stop them from getting to the lighthouse. To this day I'll never understand why some people set out to ruin the experience of others. What if one of those teams was on a once in a lifetime roll, got to 8-0 and had to match up against a dude who not only has access to some of the best partners because of his stream, but also plays destiny PVP 100 hours a week?

But no new grimoire locked behind trials means I can continue to sit it out.
Triplewreck was kind of being a dick during his stream. He said once he did his three flawless runs his goal for the rest of the day would be to just play on his finished card to go against 8-0 teams and stop them from getting to the lighthouse. To this day I'll never understand why some people set out to ruin the experience of others. What if one of those teams was on a once in a lifetime roll, got to 8-0 and had to match up against a dude who not only has access to some of the best partners because of his stream, but also plays destiny PVP 100 hours a week?
Yeah no kidding. I made never made it to the Lighthouse last time (got to 8-0 a couple of times with the mercy boon used and then lost the next match). Now with the new matchmaking system it will be much harder (or rather, impossible) to get lucky and get matched up with a bunch of bad teams. Add in the ability of people to "troll" the high-level matches like this and I might as well not even bother. I'd like the armor and the grimoire and the exclusive Lighthouse items (emblem, shader, ship, whatever) but I also value my sanity ;).

I played ToO with all 3 characters and got silver and gold packages on all characters. I didnt get any exotics but i did get titan gauntlets, a pulse rifle, and the fusion rifle. But i did manage to get the boots on all my characters as well with 5 wins on the trials passage. The best thing about the new trials are the bounties. Even if you are casual pvp player or even suck at best at pvp, you will get the silver and gold packages done in the needed 10 matches played most likely. So just grab some friends and go into trials, wins arent needed, and you still get a chance at cool stuff.

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Yep, that's the best thing about new trials, the fact that basically anyone can participate and get something decent out of it. People on reddit hate it though and are super pissy about it. "You should only get stuff if you win!" Bullshit to me, because that makes it so exclusive when the PVE end game is nowhere near that exclusive.
Boots dropped at around 300-302 for all characters. Silver packages were all engrams, but ive read exotics have dropped from them. My gold tier package drops were around 308, i know my pulse and titan gauntlets were 308, dont remember what the fusion rifle was. So they are pretty high, but if you beat the hard raid a number of times it may be lower than what you have. But always good stuff to infuse guns you want.

Boots dropped at around 300-302 for all characters. Silver packages were all engrams, but ive read exotics have dropped from them. My gold tier package drops were around 308, i know my pulse and titan gauntlets were 308, dont remember what the fusion rifle was. So they are pretty high, but if you beat the hard raid a number of times it may be lower than what you have. But always good stuff to infuse guns you want.
I got a 300 Titan helmet, and seriously it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Manage to get the boots for Jimmy and 7th (I screwed up my card and forgot to use boons). We were all over the place, but sometimes we did get matched against crazy people, and of course sniper fest all the way.

I figured PvP players were going to hate on everyone being able to get something out of it the moment I saw you could get on the packages just by playing ... fuck people

I played ToO with all 3 characters and got silver and gold packages on all characters. I didnt get any exotics but i did get titan gauntlets, a pulse rifle, and the fusion rifle. But i did manage to get the boots on all my characters as well with 5 wins on the trials passage. The best thing about the new trials are the bounties. Even if you are casual pvp player or even suck at best at pvp, you will get the silver and gold packages done in the needed 10 matches played most likely. So just grab some friends and go into trials, wins arent needed, and you still get a chance at cool stuff.
I was not aware how the bounties work but along with the losses dropping passage coins change from this summer, I think this is an excellent tweak to Trials. Why would PvP try-hards be against something that lets more scrubs like me play? It should make things even easier for them ;).

Yep, that's the best thing about new trials, the fact that basically anyone can participate and get something decent out of it. People on reddit hate it though and are super pissy about it. "You should only get stuff if you win!" Bullshit to me, because that makes it so exclusive when the PVE end game is nowhere near that exclusive.
100% agreed. Like 7th said, though, you still need some friends to go through it. I tried with LFG yesterday and had one horrible match with no communication where we got smoked. The host was red-barred too and it was taking forever to matchmake because of that. After the first match one guy got disconnected then the other either disconnected or quit. Luckily, despite it being like 2am, a CAG (Broly) was on and him and his friend (who was a beast) helped me get most of the bounties done. I only have 2 more matches to complete for gold. I don't quite get that bounty - the kills seem much easier to reach than the matches completed, even if you aren't doing great. I think we had the 75 kills done in 5 matches.

Boots dropped at around 300-302 for all characters. Silver packages were all engrams, but ive read exotics have dropped from them. My gold tier package drops were around 308, i know my pulse and titan gauntlets were 308, dont remember what the fusion rifle was. So they are pretty high, but if you beat the hard raid a number of times it may be lower than what you have. But always good stuff to infuse guns you want.
The boots drop at 5 wins and I think the guys I was with said a weapon (scout, maybe?) drops at 7. Those are the same tiers at which you could buy the items from Vance during the last Trials so it makes sense - they just drop automatically, and with random perks, now. It seems like you don't start getting anything good till 5 wins. I only got blue weapons up to that point. But at 5 I got both the Warlock bond and boots (both around 303-304).

I also got really lucky with my Silver package - got a Light Beyond Nemesis at 313! That's the first exotic I've ever seen drop over 310. I infused it into the one I was already using.

Got up to Oryx hard mode and got a 320 machine gun and a 320 shotgun along with a 314 cloak and 309 boots.
Damn that is an awesome haul. I'd say what you got in one run is better than the total of what I've gotten from 7 hard mode runs up through Sisters (at least with respect to the weapons). I've only gotten one class item from those 7 runs too.

Did the weekly bounties and got a 310 Helm of Saint-14, a ghost shell, and another ghost shell of the same name. One of the ghosts was like 302 but at this point anything below 310 is garbage.

I traded in all my ascendent shards/energy and radiant shards/energy to the speaker and came out with like 1200 motes. Now i have like 2147 motes i think it was. Stuff was just sitting in my vault, and i guess i could have saved them for glimmer but i dont usually run out of glimmer too often. Plus the motes come in handy.

I don't have much time to play these days so it was nice to get good drops from the one time I play the raid each week. It would have been cool to defeat Oryx but hopefully some other time I get a group that can do it. We got pretty close but the usual happens and multiple people had to leave.

I expect a dry spell for drops in the coming weeks.

I need a PS4 in my life again. :(

I wondered what happened to arjay...dont worry arjay i've been calling langdon you in chat so...

Also I caused a bunch of drama like the days of olddddd.

I was late to playing trials so I just did strikes and got dat candy while listing to 7 and crew alternate between fuckING BULSHITTTT and YESSSSSS

I played PvP and couldn't get the freaking 6 kills with pistols. Its not the pistol part, but the freaking winning that sucks  :wall: . So many games where we were winning and out of nowhere people just start dropping like flies 

I played PvP and couldn't get the freaking 6 kills with pistols. Its not the pistol part, but the freaking winning that sucks :wall: . So many games where we were winning and out of nowhere people just start dropping like flies
We really should be playing crucible as a group. It would make it easy to knock out most of the bounties. Wish it was as easy to get a group together for crucible as it is for raids. You can't get better at it unless you play.

We always have a posse for iron banner maybe we can do the bounties then...or at least split off to boost them.

I could never even get 3 people on at the same time to do trials...

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Got four teams in a row that just rekt us in the dumbest ways.

Winning was fun.


Auto rifle for trials sucks. It's a clone of doctor nope. Max fire rate and no impact whatsoever. It did drop at 320 though. Infused my firefly harrowed zhalous bane to 320. Trials isn't as fun as it used to be. This whole pvp meta game shift is kind of boring. Been playing halo lately.
Time for some of Americas funniest home videos, and now your host, BOB SAGET!

This whole pvp meta game shift is kind of boring. Been playing halo lately.
Because Thorn & Shotguns were so great before. Had fun doing Trials last night, got all the bounties done over 2 cards. Had some good wins, and some bad loses. Also got my first Oryx clear over the weekend, Got a 319 scout with Full Auto. Also found out that at some point in the last two weeks I dismantled my Nerwin's Mercy, SAD TIMES.

We always have a posse for iron banner maybe we can do the bounties then...or at least split off to boost them.

I could never even get 3 people on at the same time to do trials...
We really should be playing crucible as a group. It would make it easy to knock out most of the bounties. Wish it was as easy to get a group together for crucible as it is for raids. You can't get better at it unless you play.
Yeah I'm usually on doing PvP stuff if we are not raiding so just send me a message/party invite or just join on me so we can team up. If we go as a team we should get all bounties done in no time at all.

Heck as trials is running now I just want to run it to get the kills, 10 games, get my loot and back out.

Because Thorn & Shotguns were so great before. Had fun doing Trials last night, got all the bounties done over 2 cards. Had some good wins, and some bad loses. Also got my first Oryx clear over the weekend, Got a 319 scout with Full Auto. Also found out that at some point in the last two weeks I dismantled my Nerwin's Mercy, SAD TIMES.
I mean, the current meta isn't great either -- it's either NTtE/Snipers or Shotguns.

That's it. Either the game is really campy, or it's a bumrush. Seems to be at extremes, never really a middle ground.

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I got a 312 Exotic helm from Trials. I like the changes with the bounties. I really didn't do it often because of the try hards. Now at least you can give an effort and still get rewards w/o having to make it to the lighthouse.

I was trying to get my weekly bounties done this morning so I hopped on over to rift and got stuck on the most retarded team I've ever been on. I had 8 spark carries and only one detonation because I would grab the spark and no one would run toward the rift with me. Twice I ran out of time because I didn't want to rush the rift on my own and all five of my teammates were sitting back trying to snipe. At one point, before I got a detonation I had 6500 points and the person below me had 1000. No one from either team was trying to grab the spark, everyone was just focused on killing only. Luckily I was able to get the spark nearly every time it came up, the enemy grabbed it once and I was right there to stop him. If they grabbed it, they would have scored since my team was too busy pretending they're amazing snipers.
Yeah with the new match making you cant even get a lucky pass to the light house you have to be extremepvptryhardfulltimegamer to compete at that level.

Because Thorn & Shotguns were so great before. Had fun doing Trials last night, got all the bounties done over 2 cards. Had some good wins, and some bad loses. Also got my first Oryx clear over the weekend, Got a 319 scout with Full Auto. Also found out that at some point in the last two weeks I dismantled my Nerwin's Mercy, SAD TIMES.
I prefer putting up with thorn and never had a problem with shotgunners. I hate this new style of play in general it's too much to explain but the few changes they made affected a lot of other areas. Btw you can look up my stats. I never used thorn and only used shotties when the other team had a lot of blinking shotguns. Whether you agree or not I feel pvp is more broken now than before.

As they've stated multiple times. They are aiming for casual play styles and don't want a competitive scene. And their changes do reflect that.
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I was trying to get my weekly bounties done this morning so I hopped on over to rift and got stuck on the most retarded team I've ever been on. I had 8 spark carries and only one detonation because I would grab the spark and no one would run toward the rift with me. Twice I ran out of time because I didn't want to rush the rift on my own and all five of my teammates were sitting back trying to snipe. At one point, before I got a detonation I had 6500 points and the person below me had 1000. No one from either team was trying to grab the spark, everyone was just focused on killing only. Luckily I was able to get the spark nearly every time it came up, the enemy grabbed it once and I was right there to stop him. If they grabbed it, they would have scored since my team was too busy pretending they're amazing snipers.

This x 10. People are getting very very very campy. Heck I am getting used to my sniper (ask jimmy, it has become my shotgun) because that's the only way I can really fight the guy at the other end that won't move from that corner, behind a window, behind a door :wall: .

Oh and don't forget the hammer bro or the dark side warlock. Man the moment I hear either super go, I am off as fast as I can. Hopefully your teammates are as smart and follow rather than trying to fight them. If I have a super I usually just trade mine against theirs and its all good, but otherwise just gtfo as fast as you can

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Hopefully my teammates are smart...that's gold right there.

In the vast majority of the games I'm in, when any super goes off, most of the people I'm playing with try to fight it. Meanwhile I'm running like my actual life depends on it. But it sure is awesome when the enemy team pulls it on you and runs right into your hammer and you just laugh while racking up a multi kill.
Oh and don't forget the hammer bro or the dark side warlock. Man the moment I hear either super go, I am off as fast as I can. Hopefully your teammates are as smart and follow rather than trying to fight them. If I have a super I usually just trade my against theirs and its all good, but otherwise just gtfo as fast as you can
This is when the Void Bow shines. Bait them, shot your bow on a wall or the ground before they round the corner. Then team shoot the crap out of them.

This is when the Void Bow shines. Bait them, shot your bow on a wall or the ground before they round the corner. Then team shoot the crap out of them.
Until the lag gets ya and it doesn't register your bow on his end, then you get a hammer to the face =P

We really should be playing crucible as a group. It would make it easy to knock out most of the bounties. Wish it was as easy to get a group together for crucible as it is for raids. You can't get better at it unless you play.
Back in the MW2 days, we'd set up a night or two during the week to group up. Wednesday nights and Friday nights were the most popular choices. I'd probably go for Fri nights for a little Crucible team time.

Finished my trials bounties. Gold tier gave me the pulse rifle, which is pretty cool. I'll definitely try that out. Got 304 boots from a random drop, two points higher than what I was using. And my silver tier gave me...a blue engram. Nothing at my postmaster. That really sucks.

I got nothing from the gold and silver packages. Wanted the trials sniper and rocket. I'm pretty sure the boots always drop at five wins and the scout drops at 7 wins for this week.
bread's done