Devil May Cry coming to PS3, 360 and PC

I just hope this doesn't affect the overall production of the game. Sometimes when games go multiplatform, too much time is diverted making it compatible.
[quote name='Zoglog']I just hope this doesn't affect the overall production of the game. Sometimes when games go multiplatform, too much time is diverted making it compatible.[/quote]
I think DMC is far along enough that this will not affect it all that much if at all.
Microsoft: Sony is losing 3rd party exclusives left and right, currently there is no reason to choose PS3.

Sony: You forgot Poland!!!!
[quote name='Foolman']I think DMC is far along enough that this will not affect it all that much if at all.[/QUOTE]

Well, that depends on how long the 360 version has been in the works. We just heard about it now, but it has probably been in the works for a while, so we won't know how much of the 'potential' version will be sacrificed because of this news. As long as it turns out good, I don't care. I realize it could probably benefit from being exclusive as more effort and resources would be concentrated on the actual game and not porting, but that could be said about all games, and is sort of a pointless argument to make.
[quote name='Foolman']I think DMC is far along enough that this will not affect it all that much if at all.[/QUOTE]

It was far enough along on the PS3, but who knows about the 360. If it's just a port, which seems likely, maybe it won't divert too much time.
I think I'd prefer to play this on PS3 but if I don't have to drop another $600 I might as well get the 360 version.

I don't need to buy a PS3 as early as I thought.
[quote name='Kaijufan']I don't see SE releasing FF XIII on the 360 in Japan, but if the PS3 continues to sell poorly in the US I could see FF XIII coming out for the 360 in the US.[/quote]
SE's current lineup of 360 titles tell me that they're not that excited about the 360 to bring the big guns to the system.
I think that FFXIII is far enough away that multiplatform announcements won't come for a while. It really depends on two things.

How long it takes the 360 version to be ported from the PS3 version. (say, 6 months)

And also what the PS3's install base is those 6 months or whatever from FFXIII's release.

I think that's when we'll see square-enix decide if a port will be done. If 360 still has a lead of about 10 million or more in NA when FFXIII is up for porting, I think it'll show up on 360 at some point.
[quote name='jer7583']I think that's when we'll see square-enix decide if a port will be done. If 360 still has a lead of about 10 million or more in NA when FFXIII is up for porting, I think it'll show up on 360 at some point.[/quote]

That lead of 10 million consoles for Microsoft is worldwide, I believe. But regardless, if they continue to have that much of a lead on the PS3 throughout most of 2007, I agree that we will most likely see FFXIII show up on the 360, even if Square didn't originally intend for it.

That said, MGS4 is the game I'd like to see go multiplatform even more, and it probably had the better chance of doing so. FF is easily a more popular series than MGS so even if Square can potentially risk it with FFXIII, I'm not sure Konami will be as willing.

As for the 360 version of DMC4 and whether it will be a port and/or inferior, I wouldn't worry about it. Capcom has said previously that the NT Framework engine (used in Lost Planet, Dead Rising, Devil May Cry 4 and possibly RE5) is designed specifically for development on a PC which allows them to port to either the PS3 or 360 with relative ease.
Hmm. So now the only game I want to play on the PS3 is the "of course it's coming" God of War 3 and maybe MGS4 (never been a huge fan of the gameplay, but great games to watch other people play for some reason)..interesting. Hopefully by the time that hits shelves, PS3 will have seen a price drop.

I still don't know if I can get past the absolutely horrendous R2 and L2 buttons.
[quote name='graf1k']As for the 360 version of DMC4 and whether it will be a port and/or inferior, I wouldn't worry about it. Capcom has said previously that the NT Framework engine (used in Lost Planet, Dead Rising, Devil May Cry 4 and possibly RE5) is designed specifically for development on a PC which allows them to port to either the PS3 or 360 with relative ease.[/quote]

They why aren't they porting those titles over to the PS3 then? This seems really odd to me, I'm not really seeing the reason why they are going multi-system with this title only. All I can think of is that Sony wasn't willing to cough up the dough to keep it on their system only, and MS was ready to throw buckets at them.

I'm sure it comes down to money. It just can't be about making more money by having the title on more then one system... They aren't spreading the titles mentioned above around.
[quote name='NamPaehc']They why aren't they porting those titles over to the PS3 then? This seems really odd to me, I'm not really seeing the reason why they are going multi-system with this title only. All I can think of is that Sony wasn't willing to cough up the dough to keep it on their system only, and MS was ready to throw buckets at them.

I'm sure it comes down to money. It just can't be about making more money by having the title on more then one system... They aren't spreading the titles mentioned above around.[/quote]

EGM theorized that MS payed to keep Dead Rising and supposedly a sequel exclusive. As far as Lost Planet, couldn't say, but personally, if I were a PS3 owner, I wouldn't feel too bad about missing out on it.
geez it's looking pretty bad for sony. if they lose MGS4, things will be very grim... i don't think Final Fantasy alone can save the system.
wow, 1 game is ported to the 360 and people are throwing around "FFXIII could be ported" :lol:

I guess it's a slim chance, but this is Capcom we're talking about. They've always been port whores. I'm sure Dead Rising will show up on the PS3 as well. besides, FF is teh ghey. It's just effeminate japanese men running around looking for crystals and eating pudding.
Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Blue Dragon not meet up to expectations in Japan? and if so, wouldnt SE then be a little hesistant to spend time to make FF XIII for the Xbox 360?
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Blue Dragon not meet up to expectations in Japan? and if so, wouldnt SE then be a little hesistant to spend time to make FF XIII for the Xbox 360?[/quote]
Blue Dragon's made by Mistwalker, not Square Enix.
[quote name='NamPaehc']I'm sure it comes down to money. It just can't be about making more money by having the title on more then one system... They aren't spreading the titles mentioned above around.[/QUOTE]

Well, with the PS3 having such a small fanbase, it could very well just be about making more money by having a bigger audience. Porting something from PS3 to the 360 leads to almost 10x the amount of potential consumers, however, going from 360 to PS3 is about 1/10th the fanbase. The amount of effort is about the same for either process, which is why you are more likely to see PS3 games leaving, rather than 360 games leaving.
[quote name='dpatel']Well, with the PS3 having such a small fanbase, it could very well just be about making more money by having a bigger audience. Porting something from PS3 to the 360 leads to almost 10x the amount of potential consumers, however, going from 360 to PS3 is about 1/10th the fanbase. The amount of effort is about the same for either process, which is why you are more likely to see PS3 games leaving, rather than 360 games leaving.[/quote]
1/10? The 360 is about at 10 million and the PS3 is just over 2 million, so 1/5 is the correct answer and even then, that doesn't include European sales that'll happen at the end of the month.
Well this is good I guess. It's bad for the PS3 that's for sure. But I never played a DMC game. It plays like Otogi right ? If that's the case I may have to get it.

Since I don't like FF or MGS it's now looking as if I may be able to skip the PS3 this gen.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']1/10? The 360 is about at 10 million and the PS3 is just over 2 million, so 1/5 is the correct answer and even then, that doesn't include European sales that'll happen at the end of the month.[/QUOTE]

Yea, forgive my numbers. They were off, and it was not my intention. My point still stands though, at this point, going from PS3 to 360 is much more appealing than the other way around.

Also, has it really hit the 2 mill mark? Last I heard it was at 1.6 mill but that was back in Jan or Feb I think. 2 Mill is impressive. I guess, with all 3 consoles having low numbers since the gen is just starting, we'll see a lot of multi games. They may decrease or increase in the future, depending on how this gen plays out.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Ba-zink.

Come on, Metal Gear.[/QUOTE]

That's all that I require.

Funny thing is, just the other day I had an arguement with someone that though DMC4 would never go to 360. But then again, he was one of those mindless Sony tools, so it doesn't really count.
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Blue Dragon not meet up to expectations in Japan? and if so, wouldnt SE then be a little hesistant to spend time to make FF XIII for the Xbox 360?[/quote]

If SquarEnix was to port FFXIII it would be to cash in on the US and European markets.

I think SquarEnix will buy their time, wait and see how Blue Dragon and other RPGs fair on the 360 and if PS3 sales continue to be slow port it to the 360 or PC.
[quote name='dpatel']Yea, forgive my numbers. They were off, and it was not my intention. My point still stands though, at this point, going from PS3 to 360 is much more appealing than the other way around.[/quote]
For now it will, but that won't be much of a factor as time goes on.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']For now it will, but that won't be much of a factor as time goes on.[/QUOTE]

Definitely. I don't really take this as a sign that PS3 is selling badly. I take this as a sign that development costs are way too high to earn enough from staying exclusive. We have seen many games go to and from both the 360 and PS3.
[quote name='dpatel']Definitely. I don't really take this as a sign that PS3 is selling badly. I take this as a sign that development costs are way too high to earn enough from staying exclusive. We have seen many games go to and from both the 360 and PS3.[/quote]
It's more of a sign that development costs are too high to make exclusives for one system worth it with the small initial fanbase.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']It's more of a sign that development costs are too high to make exclusives for one system worth it with the small initial fanbase.[/QUOTE]

Yea, I meant to say that. Just forgot to add the part about initial fanbases. Even with the 360s 10 million, that might not be enough for most developers to want to stay exclusive. Then again, the developers also have to devote extra resources to porting to the PS3 and with the PS3s small fanbase (for now) that may not be worth it. But, the PS3 has yet to launch worldwide, and does have quite a few titles in store this year, so I don't expect the small fanbase to be a problem for too long.


Just so it on some other forum XD
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Blue Dragon not meet up to expectations in Japan? and if so, wouldnt SE then be a little hesistant to spend time to make FF XIII for the Xbox 360?[/quote] I have no idea what MS's expecatiations are, but it surpassed Sakaguchi's.

I'm surprised no one has posted a topic on Namco's multiplatform announcement yet. Not really interested in Ace Combat, so someone else can make it.
I agree with the comments that this is a sign of things to come, dev costs are sky high this gen so not many titles will be exclusive. MS may have a bit of money to throw round to keep things exclusive or timed-exclusive but I'm not sure there's really much benefit for them in doing that.

I think Dead Rising and Lost Planet sold quite well in Japan (for 360 games) so I wouldn't be at all surprised to see PS3 and PC versions.
Finally, the rumor from a few months ago has been confirmed by Capcom. This game will sell in the millions. I will be buying on day 1!! Awesome series
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']It's more of a sign that development costs are too high to make exclusives for one system worth it with the small initial fanbase.[/QUOTE]

Hey! Get your logic out of here!

[quote name='KingDox']Well this is good I guess. It's bad for the PS3 that's for sure. But I never played a DMC game. It plays like Otogi right ? If that's the case I may have to get it.

Since I don't like FF or MGS it's now looking as if I may be able to skip the PS3 this gen.[/QUOTE]

It's nothing like Otogi--it's more like God of War and Ninja Gaiden except it's much better than GoW and not quite as good as NG.

[quote name='Roufuss']The proper response is "LOLZ SONY IS STOOPID THEY GUNA DIE WHUR IS MGS 4" [/quote]

:lol: I know, it seems so crucial to the existence of many 360 fans. How many of them even gave a crap before? All of the sudden DMC4 is the defining game of this gen :roll: It's a great game and I'm glad more people will play it, but jeez...
[quote name='Roufuss']Hey! Get your logic out of here!


I will mirror the typical response to this news:

[quote name='ananag112']Bah, I am still interested in the PS3. Lair and Heavenly Sword look excellent and will be exclusive to the PS3.[/QUOTE]

And that's not mentioning Ninja Gaiden Sigma, White Knight Story, FFXIII, MGS4, and that in all likelihood, PS3 versions of multiplatform games will be better now that the devs. are finally getting used to the hardware. Apparently, a system cannot have a grace period anymore... the 360 was, after all, perfect upon release.

(Sarcasm... the 360 still isn't very good.)
[quote name='Chacrana']And that's not mentioning Ninja Gaiden Sigma, White Knight Story, FFXIII, MGS4, and that in all likelihood, PS3 versions of multiplatform games will be better now that the devs. are finally getting used to the hardware. Apparently, a system cannot have a grace period anymore... the 360 was, after all, perfect upon release.

(Sarcasm... the 360 still isn't very good.)[/QUOTE]

Not to mention Home and Little Big Pranet. Even if MGS4 and FFXIII were eventually ported to the 360, nobody knows how well they would run and the ps3 would still have exclusives worth owning the system for.
[quote name='Chacrana']And that's not mentioning Ninja Gaiden Sigma, White Knight Story, FFXIII, MGS4, and that in all likelihood, PS3 versions of multiplatform games will be better now that the devs. are finally getting used to the hardware. Apparently, a system cannot have a grace period anymore... the 360 was, after all, perfect upon release.

(Sarcasm... the 360 still isn't very good.)[/QUOTE]

That's fine and well if you lean more towards Eastern games (both you and Apossum do), but with each game that is also coming to 360, the timetable for me picking up a PS3 again keeps getting pushed back.

The only reason for me to pick up a PS3 is for RPG's and Sony exclusives and I think I can wait for a price drop and Greatest Hits status for some of those.
[quote name='Apossum']
:lol: I know, it seems so crucial to the existence of many 360 fans. How many of them even gave a crap before? All of the sudden DMC4 is the defining game of this gen :roll: It's a great game and I'm glad more people will play it, but jeez...[/quote]
There are 360 owners that owned PS2s and loved DMC. Not everyone just plain hates Sony.
[quote name='Foolman']There are 360 owners that owned PS2s and loved DMC. Not everyone just plain hates Sony.[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure how you can say that given maybe... 90% of the comments on the board now. Most people don't even seem to have a rationale for hating the PS3 other than a lack of money.
[quote name='Foolman']There are 360 owners that owned PS2s and loved DMC. Not everyone just plain hates Sony.[/quote]Exactly. Announcments like this aren't just fuel for the "PS3 SUCKS!!!" fires, though it certainly is that as well. A lot of people are just ahppy that they'll be able to play the games they want without shelling out for another (and a very expensive at that) system, or just excited that they'll play them at all because they could never justify owning all the platforms.
Hey, based on what IGN's news story said, the PC version might actually be good:
It's unknown if Capcom will offer unique content for each platform. However, in a press release issues today, Capcom stated that "each version of the game will be maximized to take advantage of the systems' strengths."

That's literally the most commitment that Capcom's ever had towards a PC version. Perhaps MS is pushing them to finally put some effort into it so there's something new for their Games for Windows line...
[quote name='Chacrana']I'm not sure how you can say...[/quote]
Maybe because I'm one of them.

The PC version might not even hit at the same time. The PR only states that the PS3 and 360 versions are releasing at the same time.
bread's done