Do you Piss in the Shower?

[quote name='pop311']I piss in the shower all the time. Even when I do piss in the toilet right before I take a shower, I feel the need to piss again after entering the shower.[/QUOTE]

Glad I'm not the only one. Whenever I'm about to get in water, I have this urge to pee. I could pee for like five minutes before, jump in a pool, and have to get out to pee again. :lol:
[quote name='KaneRobot']I'll drink beer in the shower to facilitate peeing in it more often.

So, anyone SHIT in the shower?[/quote]

I have...



Anyone really hairy and have to jump into the shower after taking a messy shit? My ass is hairy and after taking a messy shit I'll wipe.. realize that the task is futile.. and go wash my ass in the shower. Try eating lunch after reading that. :]
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[quote name='PhrostByte']I have...



Anyone really hairy and have to jump into the shower after taking a messy shit? My ass is hairy and after taking a messy shit I'll wipe.. realize that the task is futile.. and go wash my ass in the shower. Try eating lunch after reading that. :][/quote]

ahahahaha. I don't do it often,. but it has happened. After flushing two times and realziing I still have more to go, sometimes its best just to pressure wash the source.
I sometimes feel afraid to piss in the shower cause if my morning dump is too close to happening I may spout out a truffle and they won't go down the drain as easily...gotta kind of ground it a little and coax it through the drain trap.
[quote name='Cloyd']I sometimes feel afraid to piss in the shower cause if my morning dump is too close to happening I may spout out a truffle and they won't go down the drain as easily...gotta kind of ground it a little and coax it through the drain trap.[/quote]


Yeah, but the down side is you might spit on the end of your dong and get that fluoride burn on the pee-hole.
[quote name='Cloyd']I sometimes feel afraid to piss in the shower cause if my morning dump is too close to happening I may spout out a truffle and they won't go down the drain as easily...gotta kind of ground it a little and coax it through the drain trap.[/QUOTE]

That's why I hold my pinky out during the process. There's no excuse for not trying to be a little elegant with it.
[quote name='danny_schell']All of these people saying ew and gross confuse me. Are we not men?? (said in a gruff 300 voice)[/quote]

:looks down: uhh, no.
[quote name='PhrostByte']I have...



Anyone really hairy and have to jump into the shower after taking a messy shit? My ass is hairy and after taking a messy shit I'll wipe.. realize that the task is futile.. and go wash my ass in the shower. Try eating lunch after reading that. :][/quote]

Nothing is worse that getting in the shower then realizing it's time to drop a deuce. It makes the shower feel like wasted effort.
[quote name='dropbearGSH']Nothing is worse that getting in the shower then realizing it's time to drop a deuce. It makes the shower feel like wasted effort.[/quote]

Or when your swimming and you have to drop a duece. Theres something odd about being soaked while sitting on the toilet
[quote name='slickkill77']Theres something odd about being soaked while sitting on the toilet[/quote]

Truly wise words. It's worse when it happens in winter and you freeze your ass off shitting.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Truly wise words. It's worse when it happens in winter and you freeze your ass off shitting.[/quote]

It's like method-acting as an Eskimo--but without the polar bears chasing you while shitting.
nope, no way i pee in the shower. Its dirty and disgusting. Especially when i have someone else taking a shower right after me. I use the toilet before i take a shower
Urine is usually sterile and is always water soluble. Not sure where all the disgust is coming from here.

How would the shower be any dirtier than it would be otherwise? You're WASHING your fecal bacteria laden body there!

Anyway, I vote for Pee of Opportunity: if I have to, and I'm showering, I just pee.
Is it bad if I do what everyone is saying, but I don't have a showerhead....and its just a tub....and by tub I mean my neighbor's pool?
[quote name='slickkill77']Or when your swimming and you have to drop a duece. Theres something odd about being soaked while sitting on the toilet[/QUOTE]

Worse, Murphy's Law dictates that the nearest toilet to where you're swimming will have a surface that is very slippery when wet, causing you to slide off onto the floor if you don't sit down carefully. I had that happen once after getting out of a hot tub and feeling a bit woozy. Bare cement floor. At first, I thought I'd literally broken my ass and was going to be hospitalized face down for months and possibly paralyzed. It took a couple of minute before my legs started working properly again.

Since then I've been a bit more careful about how I place myself on the toilet.
[quote name='Dynasty1756']nope, no way i pee in the shower. Its dirty and disgusting. Especially when i have someone else taking a shower right after me. I use the toilet before i take a shower[/quote]

Thats the perfect time to sh*t in the shower. All the comfort, none of the mess.
[quote name='JolietJake']Why was piss capitalized in the title?[/QUOTE]
Since you didn't make it through elementary school English:
[quote name='Double J is a dumdum']Writing Tips
Capitalization in Titles

NIVA follows the general rules for capitalizing words in document titles set out in The Chicago Manual of Style (with one minor exception—see the note in rule 3):

1. Always capitalize the first and the last word.
2. Capitalize all nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and subordinate conjunctions ("as", "because", "although").
3. Lowercase all articles, coordinate conjunctions ("and", "or", "nor"), and prepositions regardless of length, when they are other than the first or last word. (Note: NIVA prefers to capitalize prepositions of five characters or more ("after", "among", "between").)
4. Lowercase the "to" in an infinitive.

Your question should have been, why isn't "you" capitalized?
[quote name='JolietJake']I once heard that pee is good for getting rid of athletes foot.[/QUOTE]

I remember that. Madonna on David Letterman, right?
[quote name='crunchb3rry']

This topic reminds me of something: anybody ever take a piss and think you shook it enough but put it back in your pants and still end up with a few rogue drops? That's always fun.[/QUOTE]

A wise man once said "No matter how much you shake and dance, the last two drops go in your pants."
[quote name='doctorfaustus']A wise man once said "No matter how much you shake and dance, the last two drops go in your pants."[/quote]

A wise man indeed, however he was quoted before toilet paper was widely available.
My morning routine is to shit, then shower. And as the song goes, "You can't just shit -- the piss must follow", so I'm already drained before I stand.
[quote name='QiG']My fiance will pee right before and right after her shower... I don't get it.[/quote]

Probably the warm water getting those hard to reach places to join the rest of the party.
[quote name='AndrewCP']Hell yeah, not only do I piss but I cum in the shower as well.[/quote]

I thought that was a given?
back in the days, i would have peepee fight in the shower with my exgirlfriend...
then one time, it went in her mouth... good times
bread's done