Do you replay any of your games?

Pretty simple really, do any of you guys replay any of your games, or do you find yourself just moving on to the next big thing? Thus either selling/trading in your other games? For me personally it really depends on the game. Most of the time it has to either be a really good game (Uncharted, RE4, ect) or a series that I love and will always replay it (DMC series, MGS series ect) So do you guys replay any of your games, if so what game always has you coming back and why?
It depends on the game. For FFVII, I've played the game over and over again who knows how many times. While FFVIII, I only played once. Zone of the Enders has been beaten by me several times, since I just love the storyline (character interaction especially) so much. If I did really like a game, I definitely want to play again.
I will sometimes. Usually when there are multiple ways to play the game. Such as in Fable, I beat the game as a good guy, then went back through as a evil guy.
Depends on the game. Doesn't happen a lot though. Condemned I played through twice. RE4 about 4-5 times. FFVII Twice both times stopping at the end boss and not finishing the game. Maybe a dozen or so more games.
Yeah I replay my games like the kingdom hearts series which I only play on the Expert/Proud modes and COM are just so exciting, I've been in love with the series for over 4 years. I just cant get enough of it.
Really just depends on the game. I got all achievements on COD4, played through Normal and Veteran and I continue to play it online. Think I have over 3 days played time online so far.

Other games like Lost Planet, I played through once, didn't feel like playing it again. Mass Effect, I'm finishing a 2nd playthrough and thats it.
I have this oddity where i play a game one and a half times. Ratchet and Clank, RE4, Uncharted, the list goes on. i play with the unlockables and then get tired of the story or game play. I did play Fable three times. now thats a game with its teeth on.
Very seldomly. I'll replay games that have multiple paths some times, or games I haven't played in a long time (i.e. SNES games).

But I can't even keep up with all the new releases that interest me, so I'd generally rather play one of those than replay an old game.
Really depends on the game. With the exception of a few absolutely terrific games of the genre, I generally will not go back to replay time-demanding games like RPGs. I find that the games I replay most often are short action games that are easy to pick up and run through--I still pop in MegaMan 2 on the NES from time to time, when I have nothing else going on.
I live in this magical world of bliss where I keep some of the really great games and tell myself I'll go back and play them again. I'm with you OP it's either got to be a great game or a series I love. There have been a few though that I can remember playing through again...Spider-Man (PS1), Metal Gear Solid, and RE4. It's weird though because it doesn't always work for everything...I recently played through Tomb Raider Legend and I thought it was a great game and I had fun with it but yet off it goes.
Depends on the game and the release timing. If it's like a mid summer release and not much else is out it will probaby get more action. Most shooters I will play through 2 times if its good, and multiplayer. RPGs are a bit different, if it's a more open world and multiple ways to play or many cool endings I tend to keep coming back. But the more linear ones that I feel i've gotten everything out of it I may not come back again unless it has a exceptional story.
[quote name='jkam']I live in this magically world of bliss where I keep some of the really great games and tell myself I'll go back and play them again. I'm with you OP it's either got to be a great game or a series I love. There have been a few though that I can remember playing through again...Spider-Man (PS1), Metal Gear Solid, and RE4. It's weird though because it doesn't always work for everything...I recently played through Tomb Raider Legend and I thought it was a great game and I had fun with it but yet off it goes.[/QUOTE]
I did the very same thing. Played through Tomb Raider Legend and sent it off. For me there is just too many games out there for me to play through a second time. This works for me, being that I am a gamer that loves a game with a great story. I just recently finished COD4, then COD2: GOTY, and then COD3: GOTY. Believe it or not, I am going to put them all on Ebay as a set. COD4 and COD3 are just like new. I played through the campaign mode on both only one time. So the cases, the discs, and the manuals are all mint. I already have a 500+ game collection, with over half of the games still sealed. That is enough games to last me more than a lifetime.You can imagine what my backlog is like. So playing through a game once works for me. And of course I intend on getting more games or it wouldn't justify me owning all the current systems.
Some games I've played several times, others I've only played once (or have never played). I don't usually sell any of my games in case I want to play them again.
I would say it depends on the game, but it's so rare that I just said No. Because I can't remember the last time I actually did it. Too many new games to play!
depends on the game and the genre

i beat halo 3 campaign on legendary about 5 through with different friends
fighting games like smash have great replay value
Mario Kart is also a good one
online games COD4, Halo 3, also add to that
otherwise i very rarely beat a game more than once.

games i've played more than once are:
Castlevania SoTN, Halo 3, Final Fantasy 7, Megaman X4
Zelda Ocarina of Time, Ninja Gaiden Original & Black(beat it bout 3 times)

Looking to replay Super Mario RPG on the Wii one day if my dream comes true
Unless a game offers some kind of new game+ mode or special incentive for replaying it, I've never done a complete second playthrough of any game. I started a couple new games in FF6 and 7 for example, but I never got very far in. It's kind of weird. There are many games I'd love to replay (Xenogears, for instance), but since most of them are lengthy RPGs, either a new game will come out or I'll just lose interest.

This usually doesn't apply if it's a port or remake, like FF4 on GBA. I never made it through one playthrough of FF4 on PS1, though.
There are definitely games I'll play through over and over.. such as MGS series. Some games are too good to let go of. That said, I prefer the shorter games and don't understand why people complain so much about a game being "short." Hell, most of the games I played with friends growing up we'd finish over the course of an hour or so (Double Dragon II, TMNT2, Contra, ect...)

Of course there are games I LOVED playing through like Tales of Symphonia, but it took me 60 hours to get through, so I get rid of these games because the odds are against me having the time/patience to complete again.
Only if time and the game is worthy. These days my backlog won't let me, but if you count games like Rock Band, Guitar Hero and Smash Bros. which I play constantly then sure.

Though I never trade my games, too much memories and love for them to want to. Plus I LOVE knowing I get a good deal on them at times that it doesn't make me want to let it go.
I replayed some games... but to what extent, that depends.

If it's a fairly short (10-15 hours) game and pretty easy, I might decide to replay it. For longer games, I'll cheat through a second play just for kicks.

But usually, I play through certain levels or parts.
the only ones i replay all the way through are the mgs series. But i randomly play pieces of other games i have around. I played RE4, pokemon snap, and Tony hawks american wasteland this week just because i'm a spaz.

Edit: the smash bros games are a constant must play untill a sequel comes around and even then they are ocasionally fired up again.
it really depends on the game.

alot of my games I'll usually play through a handful of times before I think about trading them in.
A second time through in recent platform generations is definitely a no. Not counting games like music games with a harder difficulty, the only games I remember playing again were Uncharted (for the "accomplishments") and CoD4 (because I sold the PS3 version to get achievements for the 360 version). I finished neither the second time around.

Hell, I even bought some of my favorite games from way back (FFT for PSP, Lunar, Star Ocean 2, Xenogears, etc) but haven't even gotten to playing them over.
As a rule I don't replay any games but I suppose on rare occasions I do so I'd say yes to this poll. I probably replay 1 out of 50 games.
Depends on the game, but most of the time yes.

For a game like phoenix wright, I just dont see the point since I can remember all of it.

If it has 'cheesements, wubb will replay that shit. Its teh TRUF.
Depends on the game and the time period of my life. Back when I was younger and did nothing but play video games and couldn't afford to buy new ones, I played the same games over and over (I think I played through FF7 and Chrono Trigger a combined 10+ times). Now that I am older and do nothing but play video games and CAN afford to buy new ones, replaying games isn't as common because I almost always have a large number of games on my backlog to get to.
Yeah, I only play games again if they are really good. The example I always use of this is, I have played KOTOR 8+ times all the way through. I have also beat CoD4 twice and Halo 1 and 2.
I've restructured my collection so that it's principally only things I will replay. That way I can play the next big game without the stupid "guilt" of the backlog.

Unless I see myself replaying or getting good multiplayer use out of a game, it's out the door as soon as I'm done.
Depends on the game. I played Resident Evil 4 multiple times but Bioshock only once even though I liked them both equally. I think RE4 had more to offer with a second and third playthrough.
[quote name='daroga']I've restructured my collection so that it's principally only things I will replay. That way I can play the next big game without the stupid "guilt" of the backlog.

Unless I see myself replaying or getting good multiplayer use out of a game, it's out the door as soon as I'm done.[/quote]

I need to do this badly or I'm going to end up with current gen backlog when next gen hits. I'm desperately trying to get rid of the old PS2 games I don't play anymore. And after loading up on gamecube games last spring, I'm nitpicking the hell out of them to justify trading away. I have about 10 PS3/Wii games I haven't even touched yet. :cry:
I did way more when I was younger. Probably because I had way more time and far less money, I had fewer games to choose from and a lot of gaming time to fill.

Games I played at least 2 or 3 times...

Link's Awakening (on my fat brick GB)
Metroid II (same)
Final Fantasy 3/6 (exhausted that snes cart)
Chrono Trigger
Mega Man 2-4
Link to the Past
Ocarina of Time
Goldeneye (007 Agent on all levels!)
Mega Man X (surprised that game still works, I played it so much)

Not sure if I should include games like Smash Brothers, since the multiplayer never really ends, thus it doesn't count as 'replaying' the game. Notice not a single game is from last or the current gen... I just don't have the time I used to. Heck, I have trouble finishing games now!
There are so many games and not enough time to play all of them. So, if I do manage to actually finish a game, it gets sold, lent or traded right away. Then, there are games like Geometry Wars which I play over and over and over again, but that it not a game that you can "finish".....
Well I play my classic games all the time. I have my SNES hooked up to my TV at all times. I still play CoD 4 and Halo 3. If I have a few games I want to play through I will play through the game I am currently playing and then move on.
I almost never replay may games and hell i have fucking had galaxy and twilight princess since they came out and have not beat them. I haven't even put more than 3 hours into galaxy. Zelda a little further at 10. The only exception is i have played ocarina and majoras mask about 5 times also add halo and halo 3 to playing campaign a lot.
Voted Wat? *Does a barrel roll*, but I do replay my games sometimes. I've replayed the Ace Attorney series, many platformers and I plan on replaying Uncharted.
Hmm... it has to be something that I really enjoyed playing in order for me to go back. I played through Halo at least 3 times.... Fable original + Lost Chapters once each... Panzer Dragoon Orta 3 or 4 times. I got stuck halfway through Ninja Gaiden, but I completed NG: Black when it came out. I tend to replay games that have simple / straightforward game play styles.
The only game I replay is Final Fantasy X........ even to this day, it's one of the best looking, greatest storyline games out there
Even though it's easy to remember what happens, I replay the Phoenix Wright games, as well as my other games. It doesn't bug me too much in the case of PW, since I have a shoddy memory anyways.
Does Tetris count? :lol:

I've played almost all of my NES and Genesis games to death, but since CAG I've been able to afford new games because the site helps me to find them for cheap, and that's changed my gaming habits a lot. I'm not against replaying a game, but given that I've almost always got something new and different waiting in the wings, I tend to move on to the next game when I finish one up.
I've beaten RE4 five different times between the gamecube and wii version. I also played through Heavenly Sword, Ratchet & Clank Future, and Uncharted two times each before selling them on CAG.
i play through games once and keep my favorites. multiplayer games i come back to alot. like before brawl came out i would pop in melee for a spin
That is a big negative on the replay games anymore. With the limited amount of time that I have between work, school, and wife I barely have to time get through my games the first time. Back in the day when I was a kid I would go through every game a few times, since I had to wait until a birthday or christmas when I could get a couple of new ones. luckily I was born in July so there wasn't a huge lapse. I played every mega man like 4 times, bionic commando a bunch, beat sonic a crapload of times. Now I finish it and put it up on ebay to get a maximum return so I can get on to the next one.:D
bread's done