Download Shiny Beasts, Celebi at GameStop, Ash's Pikachu @ Toys R Us, Victini via WFC


4 (100%)
Free shiny versions of the three Pokemon (also with special moves) will be available in the new year at GameStop. Raikou from Jan 3-9, Entei from Jan 17-23, and Suicune from Jan 31-Feb 6. In addition, Toys R Us will be distributing Ash's Pikachu from Jan 30-Feb 13. Then, GameStop will again be offering another download (non-shiny Celebi) from Feb 21-March 6.

Celebi can also be had at the Pokemon Mall Tour, and the Legendary Beasts are currently being redistributed over NWFC.

Via Nintendo WiFi connection (yay for not having to go to a store), the first DLC for Pokemon Black & White will be made available in the form of the new psychic & fire type Pokemon, Victini. You will not be able to download Victini directly. It will be an item called a "Liberty Pass" that you'll be able to download via Nintendo WiFi connection, and this item will eventually trigger the unlocking of Victini in the game. The Liberty Pass will be available for download from March 6th-April 10th.


Ash's Pikachu:



Also, something to note for those who plan on transfering:

[quote name='a_dirty_Shisno']There are two methods to migrate Pokemon from Diamond, Peal, Platinum, Heart Gold, and Soul Silver to Black and White: The PokeTransfer ( and the Transfer Machine ( The PokeTransfer is use to migrate all of your regular Pokemon to Black and White and is accessible only after completing the game. The Transfer Machine is used for migrating the Event Pokemon Raikou, Entei, Suicune, and Celebi and is available only after telling a special phrase to a character in Castelia City.

If you transfer the Event Rikou, Entei, Suicune, or Celebi through the PokeTransfer they will NOT unlock the Zorua and Zoroark Events.[/QUOTE]
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I'm going to head to another GS today (still want one more guide before that sale is over), I'm going to see if I can make something happen.
[quote name='Drclaw411']retail employees can still lie[/QUOTE]
Why would they, though? I can understand lying about needing to preorder or something like that, but it's not like plugging in the cart and turning it on for a week is all that difficult of a task for them to do. They don't need to do anything specific for individual people to d/l the gifts, it wouldn't be any extra work for the guy at all.

I don't see why you wouldn't give the guy the benefit of the doubt. Just because it's like a DS cart doesn't mean that it can't malfunction.
At one point someone mentioned it depended on the date set on the DS for which was available for download.

Is it possible that a nice employee could change the date on their end so you could still get it?

[quote name='crunchewy']Darn. I thought this was still going on (for Raikou). My kids will be disappointed. Oh well.[/QUOTE]
I am a 24 year old College Graduate and about to be a teacher. I walked INTO gamestop with my ds and Pokemon pearl, platinum and heart gold in my pocket. As I browsed the store for something to buy I pulled OUT my ds and got my shiny pokemon. I DON'T CARE IF PEOPLE STARE! I will tell anyone i play pokemon. If they think it's lame, oh well, it's their opinion. For all of you that are trying to dl in the parking lot and from outside, GROW THE HELL UP. If you are embarrassed to play a game, why play it? SMH at all of you that are too ashamed to play pokemon in public.
There's a lot of good reasons to do it from the parking lot. I'm not really embarrassed to be seen playing the game, but a) I don't want to get out of the car, it's too damn cold outside, b) I think about the off chance some GS employee is going to question whether I brought the DSi/games in with me, and c) I don't need stupid parents giving me the stink eye because I'm 25 and playing freaking Pokemon.
[quote name='dunte86']I am a 24 year old College Graduate and about to be a teacher. I walked INTO gamestop with my ds and Pokemon pearl, platinum and heart gold in my pocket. As I browsed the store for something to buy I pulled OUT my ds and got my shiny pokemon. I DON'T CARE IF PEOPLE STARE! I will tell anyone i play pokemon. If they think it's lame, oh well, it's their opinion. For all of you that are trying to dl in the parking lot and from outside, GROW THE HELL UP. If you are embarrassed to play a game, why play it? SMH at all of you that are too ashamed to play pokemon in public.[/QUOTE]

Grow up? Adults are the ones who are usually embarrassed to admit to guilty pleasures. There's nothing to grow up to.
By grow up, I mean be an Adult and don't be ashamed of doing something you like and stop worrying about what others think. People that allow others to control what they do lack maturity.
[quote name='dunte86']For all of you that are trying to dl in the parking lot and from outside, GROW THE HELL UP. If you are embarrassed to play a game, why play it? SMH at all of you that are too ashamed to play pokemon in public.[/QUOTE]What? I'm not embarrassed. I'm 36 and play Pokemon to, among other reasons, have fun w/ the kids. And I have many friends my age that also play Pokemon.

My reason for downloading from the parking lot? There are 2:
1) I prefer not to step inside a GS. Not on my list of favorite retailers.
2) I didn't want to take my kids in GS. I told them ahead of time I wouldn't be buying them anything, but still.

A third reason: Yes, I seriously am interested in the signal strength. It's a geek thing.

So, I am a fully grown adult who has no problem admitting he plays Pokemon games. Maybe when you're fully grown, you'll have learned not to make assumptions.

EDIT: Ah, I see you posted while I was gathering my thoughts. Eh, I'll let my statement stand. ;)

EDIT EDIT: Whippersnapper.:booty:
Yeah, I was with my wife and the two little kids as well as my 8 year-old, who is now into playing Pokemon for the first time because of this "free" one we just downloaded.

So, we just downloaded it from the parking lot. I assume the GS employees would appreciate me not letting my 3 year-old loose to tear up their store while I played on a DS.

So, perhaps there are other reasons to DL from the parking lot beyond the one your puny 24 year-old mind thought of ;).

OK, I have another Pokemon question. My son can't figure out how to free up a slot. He tried everything and there is never a way to put them away - only switch them around in the party. How the hell do you do this? He is playing HeartGold if it makes any difference. We want to be ready for the next DL by having a slot free as it says in the instructions. I haven't looked at it in much detail, and could probably figure it out but I don't have the time right now to figure out how the game works. Can you do it from a menu or do you need to be at one of the stores or something?

Also, he is a bit frustrated with the new one we got (Raikou). He says it never fights for him - it just ignores his commands. I know nothing of these games - does he need to be a higher level? Do the trainers even have levels? :lol:
You can do it from outside parked in your car. It's a wifi access point. No need to go in the store.

[quote name='io']
Also, he is a bit frustrated with the new one we got (Raikou). He says it never fights for him - it just ignores his commands. I know nothing of these games - does he need to be a higher level? Do the trainers even have levels? :lol:[/QUOTE]

Until you progress further in the game, higher level creatures won't listen to you. This is to prevent people from making new games and getting maxed-out overpowered creatures which would make the game too easy. Tell him to play more. Each badge he gets will raise the level cap when they'll listen.
[quote name='io']

OK, I have another Pokemon question. My son can't figure out how to free up a slot. He tried everything and there is never a way to put them away - only switch them around in the party. How the hell do you do this? He is playing HeartGold if it makes any difference. We want to be ready for the next DL by having a slot free as it says in the instructions. I haven't looked at it in much detail, and could probably figure it out but I don't have the time right now to figure out how the game works. Can you do it from a menu or do you need to be at one of the stores or something?

Also, he is a bit frustrated with the new one we got (Raikou). He says it never fights for him - it just ignores his commands. I know nothing of these games - does he need to be a higher level? Do the trainers even have levels? :lol:[/QUOTE]

go to a pokemon center, the red/white buildings that are in every town. go to the pc that's next to the healing center, and you can access all the pokemon that are not in your party. you can also store pokemon in your party in the pc to open up a slot in your party and replace them with other pokemon. the blue/white buildings are pokemarts which sell the items necessary for successfully battling, like potions and pokeballs.

The reason the new pokemon won't obey him is because he doesn't have enough gym badges. each gym badge allows you to control stronger pokemon. they tell you what level pokemon you can control after you beat a gym leader. he also can't use certain HM's until he beats certain gym leaders. HM's are moves that allow you to get past obstacles in the game, like a small tree in your way needs the HM Cut, or to move across water needs the HM Surf. The HM Fly makes going from town to town much easier, as you can instantly fly to any town you've previously been to using that HM. You find these HM's during your journey.
I'm aware that everyone that downloaded from the parking lot didn't because they were embarrassed. There is a saying "If the shoe fits wear it" If you fall into the group i was talking about you know who you are. If you "are not ashamed" and have your reasons for dl in the parking lot yet you feel the need to respond to me to defend yourself then what does that say? As I stated before, grow up. Think about it, that may be hard for some.
I guess my experience was slightly different than the ones posted above.

I'm 25 and decided to run over during work. I walked through the doors and loudly said "I'm here for my free Pokemon". There was a few people in the store who turned to look at me, the employee there greeted me with a smile and replied "Gotta catch em all".

During the process I was talking to the employee there and told him about some of the posts from this thread. We had a nice laugh (at your expense, thanks guys) at some of these replies.

Like I told him, I don't get why people are ashamed (even some are in denial, to the degree of making up excuses) of this. Why own the game??? Also, last time I checked, Gamestop was a game store, it's ok to bring a ds(i) into a store that sales game.
[quote name='dunte86']If you "are not ashamed" and have your reasons for dl in the parking lot yet you feel the need to respond to me to defend yourself then what does that say? As I stated before, grow up. Think about it, that may be hard for some.[/QUOTE]For my part, I just like to rile up the youngins. It's so easy. Thanks for making an elder CAG smile.
[quote name='eugaet']For my part, I just like to rile up the youngins. It's so easy. Thanks for making an elder CAG smile.[/QUOTE]

Wow, what a sad pass time watching a forum trying to rile people up. But to each his own i suppose. And to be honest i knew your post was for that reason i mean, you used this :booty:
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[quote name='dunte86']Wow, what a sad pass time watching a forum trying to rile people up. But to each his own i suppose. And to be honest i knew your post was for that reason i mean, you used this :booty:
im 24 and can care less what ppl think
im a true pokefreak and dont care
all that dont like it can shove it

Pokefreaks stand up and unite against haters
[quote name='supermodestmouse']i walked in, waited in line and dled while i waited. no big deal :)[/QUOTE]
EXACTLY! It's just that simple :applause:
Heck, I just walked in with my DS, turned on my game, got my free pokemon, then took out my daughter's pink DS and did the same. Nothing to be ashamed of and I was done in 5 minutes. No one bothered or even looked at me.
[quote name='JNKryo']Heck, I just walked in with my DS, turned on my game, got my free pokemon, then took out my daughter's pink DS and did the same. Nothing to be ashamed of and I was done in 5 minutes. No one bothered or even looked at me.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='dunte86']Wow, etc.[/QUOTE]What? Oh, sorry, I was away from the forum for a couple hours doing non-forumy things. Can't spend all my time here.

Just noticed Celebi will also be available. The kids'll be really excited to hear that...
For the record, my Gamestop still had it on their server.

I work at the mall, but I didn't go into the GameStop because I didn't want to be pestered into buying anything I didn't want. Going into Mystery Gift, Raikou was still downloadable. YMMV though.
[quote name='DRV']For the record, my Gamestop still had it on their server.

I work at the mall, but I didn't go into the GameStop because I didn't want to be pestered into buying anything I didn't want. Going into Mystery Gift, Raikou was still downloadable. YMMV though.[/QUOTE]

Then the clock is probably set wrong on the DS that's distributing it. That's how these promos seem to work. My friend played around with one of them once.
Got Entei for my son and myself. Just parked in front of the store, did the download, then left--didn't even turn the engine off.
[quote name='o_O']Then the clock is probably set wrong on the DS that's distributing it. That's how these promos seem to work. My friend played around with one of them once.[/QUOTE]

Yes, these are based off of the clock. All 4 Pokemon are stored on one cart. If you missed one of the previous Pokemon, I suggest preordering 5-10 games and sweet talking your Gamestop cashier into changing their DS clock. Or just the latter if you're that good :p
I'm personally hoping for the the shiny trio to be available through Wi-fi around the same time as Europe. I don't want to make a trip for a bunch of shiny's I won't use. But I will make the trip for Celebi.
[quote name='jackdoe']I'm personally hoping for the the shiny trio to be available through Wi-fi around the same time as Europe. I don't want to make a trip for a bunch of shiny's I won't use. But I will make the trip for Celebi.[/QUOTE]
Make the trip? Where do you live? Are there not GS's everywhere? I have about 7 gamestops within 20 min or so. And the closest one is within 3 min.

But thanks for the bump & reminder. I'll be going to pick mine up tomorrow or Thurs.
[quote name='Gertle627']Make the trip? Where do you live? Are there not GS's everywhere? I have about 7 gamestops within 20 min or so. And the closest one is within 3 min.

But thanks for the bump & reminder. I'll be going to pick mine up tomorrow or Thurs.[/QUOTE]
It takes me ten to fifteen minutes. And it is a pain in the ass to make a trip when you have a job.
Not sure if this has been mentioned (and if not, why it hasn't) but if you have a wi-fi connection you can manipulate the DNS to receive free event pokemon (among others, and the vast majority are legitimate unhacked pokemon) from fan-based events.

If you aren't interested in what they're offering, you can just search "pokemon wifi event dns" or something similar to find other events.
[quote name='Yamato']Not sure if this has been mentioned (and if not, why it hasn't) but if you have a wi-fi connection you can manipulate the DNS to receive free event pokemon (among others, and the vast majority are legitimate unhacked pokemon) from fan-based events.

If you aren't interested in what they're offering, you can just search "pokemon wifi event dns" or something similar to find other events.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Yamato']Not sure if this has been mentioned (and if not, why it hasn't) but if you have a wi-fi connection you can manipulate the DNS to receive free event pokemon (among others, and the vast majority are legitimate unhacked pokemon) from fan-based events.

If you aren't interested in what they're offering, you can just search "pokemon wifi event dns" or something similar to find other events.[/QUOTE]

Hm, I downloaded the Mystery Mew and it came fainted. Taking it to the Poke Center doesn't revive it--will it respond to Revive? Just don't want to waste one of those if it doesn't work.
[quote name='gunm']Hm, I downloaded the Mystery Mew and it came fainted. Taking it to the Poke Center doesn't revive it--will it respond to Revive? Just don't want to waste one of those if it doesn't work.[/QUOTE]

You need to put it in the PC and then take it out again, if you have room in your party they will all come fainted.
[quote name='gunm']Hm, I downloaded the Mystery Mew and it came fainted. Taking it to the Poke Center doesn't revive it--will it respond to Revive? Just don't want to waste one of those if it doesn't work.[/QUOTE]

Never heard of that. Did you have a full party when you took mew? You should be carrying 6 pokemon when you do this. If not, the one you receive might To fix that, I've heard you should give it to a daycare and take it back.

EDIT: Or try the suggestion above, since I've never had problems with this.
[quote name='Yamato']Never heard of that. Did you have a full party when you took mew? You should be carrying 6 pokemon when you do this. If not, the one you receive might To fix that, I've heard you should give it to a daycare and take it back.

EDIT: Or try the suggestion above, since I've never had problems with this.[/QUOTE]

I didn't have a full party, and haven't had a problem with any other download. It's weird. :p
bread's done