Dragon Age: Inquisition - E3 TRAILER

Regular ($60) and Deluxe Editions ($70) are available for preorder at Amazon. Among other things, the Deluxe Edition contains... wait for it... Horse Armor.


Regular ($60) and Deluxe Editions ($70) are available for preorder at Amazon. Among other things, the Deluxe Edition contains... wait for it... Horse Armor.

I assume the forthcoming "uber" boxed edition will have the inquisition armor and horse stuff.

edit: I just saw that Gwendoline Christie (plays Brienne in Game of Thrones on HBO) is doing VO work for DA:I. https://twitter.com/CabLivingstone/status/459055994346029057

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We seem to be getting a steady stream of news and tidbits on this now, so I am thrilled.  However, watching the last video I couldn't help but think, "This looks awesome...but I thought it would look better."  Not sure what I was expecting, but I felt like the graphics appeared a bit inconsistent.  

In the end, story trumps all for me in DA so some visual inconsistency won't matter much to me.  Now I'll get back to my 6 month long decision on if I should start as a mage like I always do or buck the trend for DA:I.

However, watching the last video I couldn't help but think, "This looks awesome...but I thought it would look better." Not sure what I was expecting, but I felt like the graphics appeared a bit inconsistent.
It's a cross-gen game; i.e., the next-gen version is pretty much just a 360 game with better textures and lighting, but the characters and environments are still going to be essentially last-gen assets.

ME4 will give us a better idea of what BioWare is actually capable of on Xbone/PS4.

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It's a cross-gen game; i.e., the next-gen version is pretty much just a 360 game with better textures and lighting, but the characters and environments are still going to be essentially last-gen assets.

ME4 will give us a better idea of what BioWare is actually capable of on Xbone/PS4.
Sounds like they've been targeting Gen 4 (EA internally consider PS1/N64/Saturn Gen 1):


Our goal is for there not to be any differences. We've already pushed as far as we can on the Gen 4 stuff, on Xbox One and PS4, so we're already at that point. When we look at how we bring it down to Gen 3, it's a challenge we know we have to solve and we're starting to think about it. But mostly it's going to be visual elements and immersion elements.
In terms of gameplay, there might be a situation where the creature count in some combats is lower in Gen 3 than it is on Gen 4, that's another good way to do it. Creature counts for us are high costs, given how much AI and how much animation in the combat abilities they might have.

You might see that, but our goal is not to have to do it. We think we can probably turn the knobs on the visual stuff far enough for the Gen 3 for us not to impact gameplay.

And it certainly wouldn't have any impact on the story or the areas you can go to, or anything like that.
It's a cross-gen game; i.e., the next-gen version is pretty much just a 360 game with better textures and lighting, but the characters and environments are still going to be essentially last-gen assets.

ME4 will give us a better idea of what BioWare is actually capable of on Xbone/PS4.
Guess it'll be a pass on DA: I on a next-gen console for me, then, if it's a hybrid release in trying to keep the 360/PS3 versions from not looking like ass and a half.

ME4, I think that will be the one that pushes me to a next-gen console, since they're going that way only. Start saving my money to 2015.

Sounds like they've been targeting Gen 4 (EA internally consider PS1/N64/Saturn Gen 1):

I guess it'll be the Titanfall school of design when they downscale it to the 360/PS3 and not the ACIV/COD: Ghosts/etc. school where they upscaled it to the PS4/XB1.

Guess it'll be a pass on DA: I on a next-gen console for me, then, if it's a hybrid release in trying to keep the 360/PS3 versions from not looking like ass and a half.

ME4, I think that will be the one that pushes me to a next-gen console, since they're going that way only. Start saving my money to 2015.

I guess it'll be the Titanfall school of design when they downscale it to the 360/PS3 and not the ACIV/COD: Ghosts/etc. school where they upscaled it to the PS4/XB1.
To be honest, I think it's the best realistic scenario. We know they're working on Frostbite, which is a multi-generational engine. The fact that they're targeting PC, Xbox One and PS4 and basically saying "we'll figure out PS3/Xbox 360 later" means they're optimizing to "next" gen and "current" gen will just get a down-port. I wonder if they'll do it internally or outsource it like some others have.

To be honest, I think it's the best realistic scenario. We know they're working on Frostbite, which is a multi-generational engine. The fact that they're targeting PC, Xbox One and PS4 and basically saying "we'll figure out PS3/Xbox 360 later" means they're optimizing to "next" gen and "current" gen will just get a down-port. I wonder if they'll do it internally or outsource it like some others have.
With some of the track records we've seen about games and ports, it could be a real trainwreck on the past-gen consoles. It may be a trade-off between ease of previous game importing vs graphics.

I'm sure they have to think there are a number of people out there with a XB1 that played the previous games on a 360 and the same with PS4 and PS3, that will prefer to play it on the current-gen stuff and be concerned about previous game import data.

ME4, I think that will be the one that pushes me to a next-gen console, since they're going that way only. Start saving my money to 2015.
I agree completely. I have plenty to play until then, and the systems will be at least $100 cheaper and have twice the hard drive space by then.

With some of the track records we've seen about games and ports, it could be a real trainwreck on the past-gen consoles. It may be a trade-off between ease of previous game importing vs graphics.

I'm sure they have to think there are a number of people out there with a XB1 that played the previous games on a 360 and the same with PS4 and PS3, that will prefer to play it on the current-gen stuff and be concerned about previous game import data.
Save imports look unlikely. Dragon Age Keep is what they're pushing:


Ok, well, I doubt whether we're going to be able to do direct Save Imports. It's still talked about, so you never know, particularly once we start heading through the finalling process and parts of the team start moving out of the main line of development. That's the part where some of these things can quickly spike up and results can come through.

What we wanted to do with the Keep is have that ability for people to be able to recreate their save -- particularly for Gen 4 platforms -- and that's quite a detailed list. There's hundreds and hundreds of choices in there, and most of it's narrated and there's pictures and text and stuff like that. So they should be able to recreate to the same detail their save file through that Dragon Age Keep online process, and then pull that save game down onto any platform. The thing I love about that is personally, say, I played on PC but I don't want to upgrade my PC so I want to play on Xbox One or PS4, I can still bring my experience across. That was the biggest goal that we wanted to accomplish, and I think the Keep definitely does that. Direct Save Imports... I just don't know. I hope we get there, but right now I'm not too sure. There's so much work still to be done.
I agree completely. I have plenty to play until then, and the systems will be at least $100 cheaper and have twice the hard drive space by then.
Xbox will. I doubt PS4 will be $100 cheaper by 2015. Probably $50 with bundled game(s).

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I agree completely. I have plenty to play until then, and the systems will be at least $100 cheaper and have twice the hard drive space by then.
I can only hope so on both points. Unless there's a fundamental difference in the experience in story and gameplay between current-gen and past-gen, there's no reason to jump on next gen for this game. DA: O had a better story with worse graphics than DA2 and it was no loss of a time sink of mine.

Save imports look unlikely. Dragon Age Keep is what they're pushing:

For past-gen consoles, there shouldn't be a reason to why it couldn't be done. ME2 and ME3 did it, so I can't see why it would be different here.

I know Keep will work for any console, though unless it sees what you've done from Bioware Social Network via XBL/PSN, I can't see how it would be a real import/migration.

They probably see Keep as a cure-all and don't want to deal with importing anymore. Plus it gives you the flexibility to change choices without playing the game again, or ever having played it.

The inevitable texture mod that comes out for the PC version months after release is probably going to make the visuals in this game turn some heads. Personally, I think the game looks fantastic from all the different shots I've seen. Ab-so-lutely no complaints in that department.

Now, let's get to the part where we talk about banging Cassandra.

They probably see Keep as a cure-all and don't want to deal with importing anymore. Plus it gives you the flexibility to change choices without playing the game again, or ever having played it.
Yeah practically working the same way as the Genesis comic book panel/decision program that they did with Mass Effect 2 & 3. A 3rd party system also eliminates the cross console save file dilemma.

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There is a good article at ausgamer or some Australian gaming website where Cameron Lee talks about the keep. He said it has images and other elements, so it sounds very much like Genesis.....and we won't have to pay for it (I hope). I think the Keep is a great idea because it offers extreme flexibility.
Cassandra. That's the only thing to fight for.


SO much potential to be one of the best BioWare female leads, it's ridiculous.

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The lingering thing that is bothering me about Cassandra is A) that anime movie featuring her sucked and didn't add anything to this potentially deep and meaningful character and B) the book Asunder featured a really great character that was so damn similar in characterization to Cassandra, named Evangeline.  I kind of felt like the book should have just featured Cassandra. 

I just started reading the new DA book, The Masked Empire by Patrick Weekes, tonight.  So far it's good.  I wasn't crazy about another book set in Orlais, but we'll see.  To anyone on the fence, Asunder is a great, great book.  By far my favorite DA story (books or games) so far. 

First off, I think this is essential reading for anyone regularly in this thread:


Google Now found it, as I apparently only search for items related to DA: I, ME and Game Of Thrones. :roll:

The question was "What will you fight for?" ;)
I guess it's mages vs templars on that one. Two play-throughs it is!

Cassandra. That's the only thing to fight for.

SO much potential to be one of the best BioWare female leads, it's ridiculous.
Who else would be in the running for best BioWare female leads besides Cassandra?

The lingering thing that is bothering me about Cassandra is A) that anime movie featuring her sucked and didn't add anything to this potentially deep and meaningful character and B) the book Asunder featured a really great character that was so damn similar in characterization to Cassandra, named Evangeline. I kind of felt like the book should have just featured Cassandra.

I just started reading the new DA book, The Masked Empire by Patrick Weekes, tonight. So far it's good. I wasn't crazy about another book set in Orlais, but we'll see. To anyone on the fence, Asunder is a great, great book. By far my favorite DA story (books or games) so far.
Good to know. Wasn't Asunder the one that had that one mystery character? I think it was, since it was my post that mentioned it, though it came from the DA Wiki site.

EDIT: Indeed it was Asunder that I mentioned. D'oh.

EDIT #2: Damn, near $8 for the Kindle book?


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Regarding an Asunder character in Inquisition, I found this on a DA:I thread on Neogaf.  Spoilerified for those who don't want to know about party characters or haven't read Asunder yet (shame on you)...

  Looks like the Dante looking dude next to Varric might be Cole, the Demon pal of Rhys, from Asunder.  He was a great character that you felt for and the way the book ended gave a lot of weight to the character.  I mean, he's a Fade Demon!  But, he seems to have a sense of morality and for all intents, he seems to be a good guy. 

Here's a pic of that "last supper" shot with names and classes tagged:


Also, I'd put in a vote for Lelianna as a strong Bioware female lead within the DA universe.  She is heavily involved behind the scenes. 

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Don't know if Bound by Flame is on anyone else's radar... Comes out early next month, looks like kind of a low-budget Dragon Age knockoff... In any case, it has a customizable protagonist and you can romance your party members. :lol: Plus the current-gen versions are releasing at $39.99...

Buddy of mine brought this up to me and it sounds very similar to Dragon Age. I thought 'didn't Ryu post this awhile back!?' so I dug through the thread and bam, there it was. This game seems interesting enough that Dragon Age fans should find it as a suitable hold until October gets here. I may get this after a price drop or two. I think $20 will be my sweet spot considering it's being released at $40. Anybody else interested in trying it? Ryu seemed pretty stoked about it.

Bound by Flame looks just fine.  I'd go as far as to say it's "my kind of game", but two things bug me to the point where I won't buy it.

1)  The dev is being pissy about Xbox One and it's not being released on that console.  Current gen or bust, baby!

2)  The dev, Spiders I think it is, has a tendency to pretty blatantly copy Bioware's style.  I don't know, as a pretty hardcore Bioware fan, that bugs me.  Create your own style, make your own name.  It just comes across as 2nd rate product and buying it rewards them for their theft, at worst, or "homage", at best.  I'd rather replay a DA game than buy that one, honestly.

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Yeah I'm picking it up. Been enjoying some Eurojank WPRGs lately (I played through Divinity II twice...) so for $40 I'll give it a try. Not expecting great things but hopefully it's amusing. The fact that they seem to be reaching hard to duplicate the BioWare formula is a big plus. :)

I don't even read press articles about BioWare anymore. Sick and tired of reading the same manufactured narrative about how Dragon Age II and Mass Effect 3 were big disappointments to everyone and BioWare now has to win all their fans back.

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I don't even read press articles about BioWare anymore. Sick and tired of reading the same manufactured narrative about how Dragon Age II and Mass Effect 3 were big disappointments to everyone and BioWare now has to win all their fans back.
Yeah, I feel like it's a bit condescending to the fans they never lost. I think there are a lot of us.

Also, I'd put in a vote for Lelianna as a strong Bioware female lead within the DA universe. She is heavily involved behind the scenes.
I'd agree with that, as I would Morrigan, Liara, Tali and EDI. I might also toss in Jack and Miranda, though on a lesser level.

Bound by Flame looks just fine. I'd go as far as to say it's "my kind of game", but two things bug me to the point where I won't buy it.

1) The dev is being pissy about Xbox One and it's not being released on that console. Current gen or bust, baby!

2) The dev, Spiders I think it is, has a tendency to pretty blatantly copy Bioware's style. I don't know, as a pretty hardcore Bioware fan, that bugs me. Create your own style, make your own name. It just comes across as 2nd rate product and buying it rewards them for their theft, at worst, or "homage", at best. I'd rather replay a DA game than buy that one, honestly.
Not sure why you couldn't bring a game to XB1 if it's already coming for X360. My guess is that Microsoft has a "360 game to XB1 game" toolkit out there and it should be somewhat easy to make that change. Probably shows that this game has been around for a while and the bargain pricetag pretty much seals that for me.

Yeah I'm picking it up. Been enjoying some Eurojank WPRGs lately (I played through Divinity II twice...) so for $40 I'll give it a try. Not expecting great things but hopefully it's amusing. The fact that they seem to be reaching hard to duplicate the BioWare formula is a big plus. :)

I don't even read press articles about BioWare anymore. Sick and tired of reading the same manufactured narrative about how Dragon Age II and Mass Effect 3 were big disappointments to everyone and BioWare now has to win all their fans back.
I might pick up Bound By Flame, though I'll wait and see how it reviews first.

Also, we're not BSN nerds around here and I think everyone here pretty much enjoyed ME3 and DA2, with the obvious caveats aside (ME3 ending choices, DA2 recycled environments).

Yeah, I feel like it's a bit condescending to the fans they never lost. I think there are a lot of us.
Plenty of them out there, though that article I posted from VG247 was a good read for things that the author thinks needs to be "changed" for DA: I to bring back fans.

Morrigan, Liara, Miranda, Bastila Shan...
I completely forgot about Bastila from KOTOR. Been a long time since I've played that. Will certainly give you that one.

No mention of Tali? There's a lot she goes through from ME1 to ME3.

I'll give you Miranda, though there's more to her if you romance her versus not romancing her in ME2 and ME3, though they could have done more with her as a party member versus a NPC.

Who else would be in the running for best BioWare female leads besides Cassandra?
Going off of the characters I think are the female leads of the big BioWare games (and only one per game, because multiple female leads don't make sense to me):

1. Liara T'Soni - Mass Effect 3


2. Bastila Shan - Knights of the Old Republic


3. Morrigan - Dragon Age: Origins


4. Miranda Lawson - Mass Effect 2


5. Isabela - Dragon Age II


6. Ashley - Mass Effect


I think if Cassandra turns in at least a mediocre role for Dragon Age: Inquisition, I'd still put her above Tits McGee and Ashley. The fact that we spend an entire game (Dragon Age II) shaping the events of a story in which we constantly see Cassandra interrogating Varric for puts her in a unique position - as far as this comparison goes. Especially since Miranda drops off a bit in Mass Effect 3, Bastila and Morrigan have only had one game which they've really starred in so far, and Liara is...well...almost untouchable. Cassandra could totally move up as far as #2 if she has a really good outing in this upcoming game and if they also extend her influence into the future of the series.

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Going off of the characters I think are the female leads of the big BioWare games (and only one per game, because multiple female leads don't make sense to me):

1. Liara T'Soni - Mass Effect 3

2. Bastila Shan - Knights of the Old Republic

3. Morrigan - Dragon Age: Origins

4. Miranda Lawson - Mass Effect 2

5. Isabela - Dragon Age II

6. Ashley - Mass Effect

I think if Cassandra turns in at least a mediocre role for Dragon Age: Inquisition, I'd still put her above Tits McGee and Ashley. The fact that we spend an entire game (Dragon Age II) shaping the events of a story in which we constantly see Cassandra interrogating Varric for puts her in a unique position - as far as this comparison goes. Especially since Miranda drops off a bit in Mass Effect 3, Bastila and Morrigan have only had one game which they've really starred in so far, and Liara is...well...almost untouchable. Cassandra could totally move up as far as #2 if she has a really good outing in this upcoming game and if they also extend her influence into the future of the series.
I can't disagree with that order, though it's been ages since I've played KOTOR, so now I want to go back into it and see how Bastila compares to Liara for the #1 and #2 spots. LOTSD did certainly make up for Liara's small presence in the main ME2 game.

Tali does make it through all three ME games in a non-limited manner, so she's up for the Ironwoman award for female leads. :D

Yeah Tali gets points for a lot of reasons. She kicks ass, she's smart, she's faithful, she plays that innocent "ginger" from Gilligans Island kinda role but you know she's kind of a freak too. That came out during the Citadel DLC. ;)
Yeah Tali gets points for a lot of reasons. She kicks ass, she's smart, she's faithful, she plays that innocent "ginger" from Gilligans Island kinda role but you know she's kind of a freak too. That came out during the Citadel DLC. ;)
I guess I've not found out about Tali's freakiness since I've not finished Citadel yet. I'd more put Tali as Mary Anne versus Ginger, if we're doing the Gilligan's Island analogies. ;)

She's into full body spandex suits haha.
So is Miranda and EDI, so I guess that's the designator for freak status? :D

I guess I've not found out about Tali's freakiness since I've not finished Citadel yet. I'd more put Tali as Mary Anne versus Ginger, if we're doing the Gilligan's Island analogies. ;)

So is Miranda and EDI, so I guess that's the designator for freak status? :D
Haha no just that with Tali there's no choice so it's just a play on her unfortunate situation.

I guess I've not found out about Tali's freakiness since I've not finished Citadel yet. I'd more put Tali as Mary Anne versus Ginger, if we're doing the Gilligan's Island analogies. ;)

So is Miranda and EDI, so I guess that's the designator for freak status? :D
Derrrr, yeah. I got my Gilligans island girls mixed up.
Merrill and Tali are an interesting parallel, aren't they?  I mean, beside the whole evil magic thing that Merrill got into.  Unless an occassional hard drink counts as we know Tali can knock back a few.  Heh.

bread's done