[quote name='Lstorm34']i'm pretty sure someone has posted this. but EA plans to sell madden 2006 at 69.99 and charge online for gaming. they also plan maybe charging 1.99 for dowloading roster updates. i'm pretty sure some of you guys on here recieved a questioner from ea recently. and YES, one of the question was "IF EA HAD THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO THE NFL GAMES...ETC" WOULD you STILL BUY THE PRODUCT AT 69.99. SUCKS MAJOR ASS BUT THEY PUT OUT THAT SURVEY[/quote]

[quote name='Lstorm34']i'm pretty sure someone has posted this. but EA plans to sell madden 2006 at 69.99 and charge online for gaming. they also plan maybe charging 1.99 for dowloading roster updates. i'm pretty sure some of you guys on here recieved a questioner from ea recently. and YES, one of the question was "IF EA HAD THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO THE NFL GAMES...ETC" WOULD you STILL BUY THE PRODUCT AT 69.99. SUCKS MAJOR ASS BUT THEY PUT OUT THAT SURVEY[/quote]

I will laugh my ass off if they try to sell the game for $70. Then I'll go and personally kick anyone's ass who pays that much for a fuckin updated football game.

That's what people need to realize. Even paying $50 is stupid to me. They don't better the games enough to justify charging that much money when all most people would really want is an updated roster and a few gameplay tweaks.

But yet the Madden drones will probably continue to buy the game no matter how crappy the games are and how much EA charges.
[quote name='CrashSpyro123'][quote name='Dogpatch'][quote name='Mr_hockey66']wow grave thats great. How bout madden and espn team up. Now that would be cool. Like take both teams make one good team out of them combine ideads and then we wouldn't need to games cause the one would rule. Gameplay of madden with the presentation of espn??? But Ilike your idea too.[/quote]

EA is buying up everyone else. Sega could be next! :roll:

Seriously, Grave's idea is not to bad. Would be the same game, but with the roster updates.

Your idea would be cool to Mr hockey. I just do not see that ever happening.[/quote]

Though Sega was already bought up, by Sammy.[/quote]

You are correct sir. I completely forgot about that. Wonder if EA has enough dough for Sammy. :p
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']Microsoft would just step in and say well now to use this years x-box live espn has shell out this much money and ms would put them down too. DAMN IT![/quote]

Well, I'm sure Sega would have to pay a royalty fee for Microsoft maintaining the servers, but as long as Sega could make a profit with it and keep their football franchise alive until 2010, it would be worth it.
[quote name='Dogpatch']You are correct sir. I completely forgot about that. Wonder if EA has enough dough for Sammy. :p[/quote]
Nope. Sammy is quite big. And they'd rather fall on their swords than be bought by a big American monolith. Plus EA wouldn't want to pay for Sammy's pachinko business, which is doing well.

[quote name='CrashSpyro123']Sega gave up on NCAA because they couldn't make a good game.[/quote]
They can make a decent football game, it just wasn't NCAA. I think NCAA will be their main focus now.

[quote name='Lstorm34']i'm pretty sure someone has posted this. but EA plans to sell madden 2006 at 69.99 and charge online for gaming. they also plan maybe charging 1.99 for dowloading roster updates. i'm pretty sure some of you guys on here recieved a questioner from ea recently. and YES, one of the question was "IF EA HAD THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO THE NFL GAMES...ETC" WOULD you STILL BUY THE PRODUCT AT 69.99. SUCKS MAJOR ASS BUT THEY PUT OUT THAT SURVEY[/quote]
This is a good point, believe it or not. Remember, EA said that they were going with a "premium pass", you'd have to pay for most of the online features, but it was free *this year* because of Dodge. And they've stated before that they want to charge money for online play in the future for Madden. This could be their opportunity to charge a monthly fee just to play Madden online at all. They can do whatever they want now, theres no competition.
[quote name='dafoomie'][quote name='Dogpatch']You are correct sir. I completely forgot about that. Wonder if EA has enough dough for Sammy. :p[/quote]
Nope. Sammy is quite big. And they'd rather fall on their swords than be bought by a big American monolith.[/quote]

Yeah, with Sega, Sammy's a pretty big company, so they wouldn't sell for any offer.

[quote name='dafoomie'][quote name='CrashSpyro123']Sega gave up on NCAA because they couldn't make a good game.[/quote]
They can make a decent football game, it just wasn't NCAA. I think NCAA will be their main focus now.[/quote]

Maybe, though we'll have to wait and see. When they split their efforts, it wasn't that good, though when they focused on one, it got much better. I think NCAA has gotten too many fans for ESPN to do all that well, but that could change. I just don't see it.

[quote name='dafoomie'][quote name='Lstorm34']i'm pretty sure someone has posted this. but EA plans to sell madden 2006 at 69.99 and charge online for gaming. they also plan maybe charging 1.99 for dowloading roster updates. i'm pretty sure some of you guys on here recieved a questioner from ea recently. and YES, one of the question was "IF EA HAD THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO THE NFL GAMES...ETC" WOULD you STILL BUY THE PRODUCT AT 69.99. SUCKS MAJOR ASS BUT THEY PUT OUT THAT SURVEY[/quote]

This is a good point, believe it or not. Remember, EA said that they were going with a "premium pass", you'd have to pay for most of the online features, but it was free *this year* because of Dodge. And they've stated before that they want to charge money for online play in the future for Madden. This could be their opportunity to charge a monthly fee just to play Madden online at all. They can do whatever they want now, theres no competition.[/quote]

I believe that was for the premium features, the rest would be free. I don't think that's a bad thing since it's the same with fantasy sports, too, where basic features are free and the better stuff you have to pay for. I don't think EA would raise the price on Madden, or charge for downloads, because they would most likely have to do it for all of their other titles, and they wouldn't risk losing those players, too. This is just a fanboy comment, so it has no credibility at all anyways.
If I was Sega I would sue because it essentially creates an uncompetitive market since people would rather buy a game that has licensed players instead of no-namers.

EA basically strong-armed the whole deal just because they were scared of a competitive (and in quite a few circles) better product.

Pretty sad :p
I know ppl are anxious to get their EA hating on, but if you read the GameSpot article, it seems to indicate that the NFL made the decision to go exclusive with their license. If that's true, you can't really blame EA for wanting to win the bidding war.
Look at it this way, I am sure that everyone who bought Madden this year, will buy it again next year. (More or less) Now if half the people who bought ESPN this year switch to Madden because their is no other " legitimate" choice, then EA has made an amazing business move.
Sucks for gamers, but a great "powerplay"
[quote name='opportunity777']If I was Sega I would sue because it essentially creates an uncompetitive market since people would rather buy a game that has licensed players instead of no-namers.

EA basically strong-armed the whole deal just because they were scared of a competitive (and in quite a few circles) better product.

Pretty sad :p[/quote]

I don't think it was because they were scared, it's a great business move. The NFL was looking to go exclusive, and EA rose to the opportunity. It's a monopoly because any other company can release a football game, just not an NFL-based football game.
[quote name='vrs1650']Look at it this way, I am sure that everyone who bought Madden this year, will buy it again next year. (More or less) Now if half the people who bought ESPN this year switch to Madden because their is no other " legitimate" choice, then EA has made an amazing business move.
Sucks for gamers, but a great "powerplay"[/quote]

As for myself, I will never buy another EA game. I almost bought Return of the King at CC tonight, but I remembered my solemn promise to the video game gods that I shall never desecrate my house with another EA game and quickly put it back.
i might just have to boycott ea as well, this is the worst thing i have ever seen. now they are just gonna churn out crappy sports games every year, and update them even less than they already do now....... this is a very sad day. and the fact that they are trying to do the same thing with the other sports sucks a lot. i my nfl and nhl 2k5 games
[quote name='CrashSpyro123'][quote name='dafoomie'][quote name='Dogpatch']You are correct sir. I completely forgot about that. Wonder if EA has enough dough for Sammy. :p[/quote]
Nope. Sammy is quite big. And they'd rather fall on their swords than be bought by a big American monolith.[/quote]

Yeah, with Sega, Sammy's a pretty big company, so they wouldn't sell for any offer.

[quote name='dafoomie'][quote name='CrashSpyro123']Sega gave up on NCAA because they couldn't make a good game.[/quote]
They can make a decent football game, it just wasn't NCAA. I think NCAA will be their main focus now.[/quote]

Maybe, though we'll have to wait and see. When they split their efforts, it wasn't that good, though when they focused on one, it got much better. I think NCAA has gotten too many fans for ESPN to do all that well, but that could change. I just don't see it.

[quote name='dafoomie'][quote name='Lstorm34']i'm pretty sure someone has posted this. but EA plans to sell madden 2006 at 69.99 and charge online for gaming. they also plan maybe charging 1.99 for dowloading roster updates. i'm pretty sure some of you guys on here recieved a questioner from ea recently. and YES, one of the question was "IF EA HAD THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO THE NFL GAMES...ETC" WOULD you STILL BUY THE PRODUCT AT 69.99. SUCKS MAJOR ASS BUT THEY PUT OUT THAT SURVEY[/quote]

This is a good point, believe it or not. Remember, EA said that they were going with a "premium pass", you'd have to pay for most of the online features, but it was free *this year* because of Dodge. And they've stated before that they want to charge money for online play in the future for Madden. This could be their opportunity to charge a monthly fee just to play Madden online at all. They can do whatever they want now, theres no competition.[/quote]

I believe that was for the premium features, the rest would be free. I don't think that's a bad thing since it's the same with fantasy sports, too, where basic features are free and the better stuff you have to pay for. I don't think EA would raise the price on Madden, or charge for downloads, because they would most likely have to do it for all of their other titles, and they wouldn't risk losing those players, too. This is just a fanboy comment, so it has no credibility at all anyways.[/quote]
Online leagues are a premium feature, I always found that to be a very basic thing to have. They've stated in the past that they want to charge monthly for Madden, that was one of their disagreements with MS.

Don't get me wrong, this is a great move for EA. But its a terrible move for the consumer. And yes, I do think they did it because Sega was becomng very competitive. They had two choices, try and compete with Sega, make a better game, and compete with their price point, or squash all competition by paying the NFL lots of money.

I will not buy EA products ever again, and I will not buy NFL products, at least this year. I hope Sega really puts a lot of effort into Baseball, Basketball, and Hockey, Sega was clearly better this year in two of those three.
I just posted a few days ago about how we owed the Madden price drop to ESPN, if this shit is true.....I WILL BOYCOTT EA SPORTS GAMES....even if it won't hurt them. People have to really take back their power as consumers man for real. The "man" does shit like this because they know that 50% of the buying public are uninformed and the other 50% are sheep! :evil:

EDIT: I will not be buying ANY EA games until this changes.
Perhaps a positive way to look at this is now Sega and the creators of NFL 2K will have more money for R&D/Development and less to waste on licensing.
[quote name='b3b0p']Perhaps a positive way to look at this is now Sega and the creators of NFL 2K will have more money for R&D/Development and less to waste on licensing.[/quote]
They'll have even less money to spend on anything because their projected sales will be terrible. If they thought their sales from 2k-2k4 were bad when they had the NFL license, think of how horrible it'll be when they don't. They might not even make a football game now.
holy fuk this pisses me off to no extent. i hope this isnt true cause itll only give EA a monopoly in that market. that means EA will have absolutely no incentive to make any significant improvements and we'll have to live with trash year after year.

im not a madden fanboy nor am i against it. but if this goes thru i will never buy an EA game ever again. i know boycotting EA wont do anything but i just hate the sound of this that much.

before sega decided to start pricing their sports games at $20, i'd usually go 4-5 years with the same sports game. i c no reason to spend money on minor improvements year after year for basically the same game. at the $20 price point however, i've changed my mind. $50 is too much t pay for the same game every year but 20 is more like it.
[quote name='b3b0p']Perhaps a positive way to look at this is now Sega and the creators of NFL 2K will have more money for R&D/Development and less to waste on licensing.[/quote]

Dude why don't you wake up and smell the coffee, jeez man you ARE asleep at the wheel, this is BIGGER than EA screwing over Sega. The more monopolies that are allowed to happen makes it impossible for the consumer "me and you b3b0p" to get fair prices for the products we buy.

They are trying to take money out of our pockets that they don't deserve! ESPN selling that game for $20 on opening day proved how big of a bunch of thieves companies like EA are.

Situations like this just verify my stance on DOWNLOADING MUSIC AND MOVIES FOR FREE!!!! If you are willing to pay $8 for a bucket of popcorn, hey they'll sell it to you. If you are willing to pay $15.99 for a cd with only 3 good songs on it, hey they'll sell it to you.

Have you ever noticed how now most new cd's are released at $10 or are packaged with a dvd??? Do you kno why that is....IT'S BECAUSE OF ALL THE SO CALLED "PIRATES" that alot of people hate.

I say fuck these big corporations. And fuck EA!
Agreed, just bring back Tecmo Super Bowl the original

I disagree they would have less money, at least the first year. Think of how much a license from the NFL and the NFLPA would cost Sega? Probably alot more then what any engineer over at Sega makes. There only option now to compete is to bring up the quality and fun factor of their games. EA has official license, but Sega could end up making a far superior game. If people actually end up trying the Sega game or get hint that it is actually superior to EA's offering then they still have a chance to compete. However, you are probably right after this first year wiithout a license from the NFL/NFLPA. If they don't sell enough they will have no money to spend or at least less to spend on developing and improving upon the 2K series. All we can do now is sepeculate however. Which is really pointless.
[quote name='buddy the puppy']I just posted a few days ago about how we owed the Madden price drop to ESPN, if this shit is true.....I WILL BOYCOTT EA SPORTS GAMES....even if it won't hurt them. People have to really take back their power as consumers man for real. The "man" does shit like this because they know that 50% of the buying public are uninformed and the other 50% are sheep! :evil:

EDIT: I will not be buying ANY EA games until this changes.[/quote]

"Sheep" is such a hateful term.
[quote name='"CrashSpyro123"'][quote name='"buddy the puppy"']I just posted a few days ago about how we owed the Madden price drop to ESPN, if this shit is true.....I WILL BOYCOTT EA SPORTS GAMES....even if it won't hurt them. People have to really take back their power as consumers man for real. The "man" does shit like this because they know that 50% of the buying public are uninformed and the other 50% are sheep! :evil:

"Sheep" is such a hateful term.

And I find the racoon with the GIANT BALL SACK in your avatar offensive and vulgar so aren't we both content.
Like many of you, I'm going to boycott any and all EA products. But, I've decided to do it because of the company's treatment of its employees. Of course, this was only spurred by first deciding not to buy any Madden football games due to their strongarm tactics, then realizing that I should be more concerned about what they were putting their employees through.
If they have so much surplus cash that they can buy the exclusive rights from the NFL and the Players Association, you'd think they could pay their employees for overtime.
[quote name='"buddy the puppy"'][quote name='"CrashSpyro123"'][quote name='buddy the puppy']I just posted a few days ago about how we owed the Madden price drop to ESPN, if this shit is true.....I WILL BOYCOTT EA SPORTS GAMES....even if it won't hurt them. People have to really take back their power as consumers man for real. The "man" does shit like this because they know that 50% of the buying public are uninformed and the other 50% are sheep! :evil:

"Sheep" is such a hateful term.

And I find the racoon with the GIANT BALL SACK in your avatar offensive and vulgar so aren't we both content.[/quote]

Touche, how about a truce, then?
They'd have to license Superbowl... It would just be Tecmo Bowl again.

Possible alternatives...
ESPN CFL 2k6 (Starring Doug Flutie, Warren Moon)
ESPN USFL 2k6 (Starring Doug Flutie, Steve Young, Jim Kelly, Reggie White)
ESPN XFL 2k6 (Starring Tommy Maddox)
ESPN NFL Europe 2k6 (Starring Jake Delhomme)
ESPN Foosball 2k6 (Starring Mayton Panning, Tewell Bowens)
ESPN Arena Football 2k6 (Starring Kurt Warner)
Sonic Football (Starring Sonic, Tails, Knuckles)

Oh, and about the money they've "freed up" for next year. They're going to spend less money on the football game than ever, if they make one at all. Their sales are going to be nonexistant. Unless they try and make something "different", but it'll still be a lot cheaper than dev costs+licensing for their NFL games. They still won't have much for sales.

Absolutely nobody is going to buy a generic football game. They'll either have to focus on NCAA, or go the route that NFL Blitz is and be "different". I think that'll be a good game, actually. Blitz Playmakers...
this is the first piece of gaming news ever that has actually made me want to go break things. This is definately a sad sad day in the sports gaming world..... the only thing that could possibly be worse is if the same the happened with the NHL license, just because nhl 2k5 is sooooooo much better than the ea nhl game. EA will never get another dollar of mine, EVER
Official complaint address for the NFL:


Dear Customer,

Thank you for your inquiry. We appreciate your concern. However,
you may wish to send your question directly to the NFL, rather
than NFLSHOP.com, as we are only able to provide customer service
directly related to the licensed NFL merchandise that we carry.
Letters can be sent to:

National Football League
280 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017

Please let us know if we can assist you further. Thank you for
visiting www.nflshop.com.


Customer Service
the killer for this whole thing to me is this one line

Goldberg said he's not concerned that the monopoly on the business will cause EA to relax the year-to-year innovations that have been pushed by recent competition.

thats what really pisses me off, now watch, they'll try to buy up NBA and MLB sponsorships. and then they will become an even bigger monopoly than they already are. Lets hope that this doesn't cause Madden '06 to go back to $50; but it probably will.
yea well i mean theres really no point in complaining baout it any further. imr eally pissed off about it but ill just wait to see what sega has to say about it..fuck you ea
i know what you mean, but i just got home (half night of work) and found out about it and added my 2 cents. maybe sega will start making a mutant league-esque football game. those were cool.
[quote name='craven_fiend']i know what you mean, but i just got home (half night of work) and found out about it and added my 2 cents. maybe sega will start making a mutant league-esque football game. those were cool.[/quote]

hell yeah!! It was all about Bones Jackson!
Did anyone honestly not see something like this coming??

What really sucks is that this type of mongering is only going to get worse as more and more developers are bought out and only a handful of publishers are left who own the whole industry and are free to make all the crappy catwoman like games they want.

The best part is that there will still be gamers lining up to buy their games.

I see this thread and I laugh because I have realized that for as much bitching that people do about stuff like this nothing ever gets done cause eventually they will break and give their money to EA or whoever their particular evil is - all it takes is the right game.
[quote name='Ruined']Official complaint address for the NFL:


Dear Customer,

Thank you for your inquiry. We appreciate your concern. However,
you may wish to send your question directly to the NFL, rather
than NFLSHOP.com, as we are only able to provide customer service
directly related to the licensed NFL merchandise that we carry.
Letters can be sent to:

National Football League
280 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017

Please let us know if we can assist you further. Thank you for
visiting www.nflshop.com.


Customer Service[/quote]

LOL. You complained to nflshop.com
[quote name='Scrubking']Did anyone honestly not see something like this coming??

What really sucks is that this type of mongering is only going to get worse as more and more developers are bought out and only a handful of publishers are left who own the whole industry and are free to make all the crappy catwoman like games they want.

The best part is that there will still be gamers lining up to buy their games.

I see this thread and I laugh because I have realized that for as much bitching that people do about stuff like this nothing ever gets done cause eventually they will break and give their money to EA or whoever their particular evil is - all it takes is the right game.[/quote]

well my grudge is in particular with the madden franchise now ea can rot...i wont pay a cent for any of their sport games and will prob just get them for free on pc. lets see how long i can hold out...
[quote name='Scrubking']
I see this thread and I laugh because I have realized that for as much bitching that people do about stuff like this nothing ever gets done cause eventually they will break and give their money to EA or whoever their particular evil is - all it takes is the right game.[/quote]

Yeah those bastards. As long as EA *PUBLISHS* (Criterion and Aki are Gods) and Burnout and Def Jam I'm screwed. Those are two franchies I can't ignore. I can pass on everything else.

However, Madden, MVP Baseball or any sport where EA garners most of it's money I'll probably pass on, or at the very least buy them used so EA doesn't profit from the games :D
On the bright side, EA programmers working for the studio that produces Madden are reportedly going to see their hours reduced, so that they now only work 70 hours a week.

I'm not going to boycott all EA products - Burnout 3 is a blast and i'm looking forward to playing LOTR: Third Age. I'm going to boycott the EA sports games, though.
[quote name='DT778']LOL. You complained to nflshop.com[/quote]

Yeh I did, and because so I got the proper place to complain to, plus forced an affiliate of the NFL to answer unnecessary email. Good idea overall. :)
This totally sucks....they have us by the balls. I really like ESPN, but without the REAL players, it seems to lose some of it's fun. I think that is why the college games seems a bit less "fun" to me. I guess I like the realism of REAL players....damn you EA. fuck you up your asses.
ESPN will probably give them fake team names or something and the players will just be called by their position and number.
I'm willing to bet 90% of you wouldn't be complaining if EA said "....and we have already promised that Madden 2006 will be released at the retail price of $19.99".

And its quite funny that you're all "boycotting" the game when none of you would be willing to spend $50 on the game anyhow. EA doesn't give three craps about you people who wait until its $4.99 used at EB Games.

Still, 15 pages of whining has to be a new record around these parts.
bread's done