EA Origin Spyware

I just dont see how people use anything other than steam or gfwl

after 2 game services it's just to much to keep track of and if game companies ever adopted an official achievement system for the pc, it'd probably be a hybrid of both steam and gfwl hehe
I have - I think - every single DD service installed on my machine. I make sure they can not startup when I boot and I disable anything that puts ads while using it. I also disable any service it tries to run in the background until it's time to play a game on it.

I have one game on Origin and I have yet to run it but I'm going to wait to read more about this before jumping the boat.

They need more free games on there though :)
This is what everyone's so upset about.. from the TOS:

[quote name='Jodou']How is this any different from what Steam does?[/QUOTE]

Because it is EA and it is cool to hate on them.
[quote name='musha666']Because it is EA and it is cool to hate on them.[/QUOTE]
Pretty much. I remember a time when Valve got the same treatment, but then they showered people with deals and suddenly they forgot. fuck I hate consumers; pretty hard to change a company when you're one in a thousand who would boycott.
You have to go and opt-in for Steam.

EA hides it in the EULA that nobody reads. Also, it looks for pirated software from what I hear.

[quote name='Jodou']Lol, now that is bullshit. My copy from GS wasn't opened but I'm returning it today anyway. This has to violate some consumer law or else there needs to be one.[/QUOTE]

It's cool to hate Gamestop too.
Just wondering how many people that are upset by this are Facebook users. Cause if you think this is bad...then well...lol.
[quote name='Jodou']How is this any different from what Steam does?[/QUOTE]
This is how.

[quote name='Rock, Paper, Shotgun']But there’s a significant difference. Valve’s policy is self-restricted to anything on your PC directly relating to its own products. EA’s is so broad that it gives the publisher permission to scan your entire hard drive, and report back absolutely anything you may have installed, and indeed when you may use it, and then pass that information on the third parties.

Now, they may well mean for this clause to provide them the same opportunities as Valve’s and others’, intending only to allow information about the use of Origin, and Origin-run software, to be fed back to their sinister super-computers. It could simply be in place to provide a better service for Origin customers. But crucially, that’s absolutely not what you’re agreeing to when you absently click “Agree” during the install. What you’re agreeing to is for EA to have a free pass to scan your PC and gather absolutely anything it wants.[/quote]
Wow digital product services fucking customers?! And you guys act like this is something new? Just using digital products is a ass raping, shit like steam and origin collecting data is just the spit and slap in the face afterwards.

This is yet another reason why PC gaming is going downhill for me. If my gaming rig ever blows up Ill just buy a laptop to play games from gog.com on because they are the only good thing going on for pc gaming anymore.
[quote name='gargus']Wow digital product services fucking customers?! And you guys act like this is something new? Just using digital products is a ass raping, shit like steam and origin collecting data is just the spit and slap in the face afterwards.

This is yet another reason why PC gaming is going downhill for me. If my gaming rig ever blows up Ill just buy a laptop to play games from gog.com on because they are the only good thing going on for pc gaming anymore.[/QUOTE]

Most ppl that use STEAM and these services are not BLIND to what it is. They are just OK with the inner workings especially when they are buying games for pennies.
[quote name='blueshinra']This is how.[/QUOTE]
It's still nothing new; EA has used it for other games in the past. The only reason it's getting publicity now is because of Origin. Steam is no better, but people quickly forget when cheap games are offered. Hey, I'm all for a boycott but try convincing the other million droolers to not buy their games. It's useless.
Reminds me of the recent South Park episode Human Centipad. At the end of the day they sold Bulletstorm for a good enough price that I just don't care;).
I have a few questions:
1) How are you open to Origin's policies, does it require installing Origin or can they get access to your computer information if you merely purchase non-digital, let's say console games from Origin?
2) Is it true if you have an EA account it has now become part of Origin?
3) Has Origin got any better recently in terms of their policies?
Having used Origin since it started last year this is what I've got to say about it:

  • Decent deals to be had on new games through Origin.com (web portal, not actual application, big difference).
  • Almost all EA games on Steam can be activated again on Origin using the same CD key.
  • Very fast download rate compared to Steam.
  • Pretty nice chat function built-in when you need to talk to CS, which is like all the time... when it works and doesn't take an hour for them to respond... Actually this probably needs to go between a pro and con listing.

  • Featureless and poor layout of the application
  • Eats up the same amount of RAM space as Steam if not more, can bloat to 500MB sometimes and then freeze up.
  • Friends list and chat system is very antiquated with a poor UI design. If you have more than 25 friends, it becomes more than unmanageable.
  • You HAVE to have origin running in the background to play games despite some of their claims.
  • Trying to play in offline mode generally does not work well like Steam offline mode. 60% of the time it just says "need to reconnect" to log back in and then go offline, then the second you go offline, hibernate your laptop and go to an internet deadzone, it won't work.
  • Tons of downtime from EA's origin servers, happens way too often; can't even reconnect for hours and it will kick you out of any game (SP or MP modes) when this happens. You won't even get an error message saying EA servers are down, it just says you entered your password wrong or it can't authenticate your username.
  • Random "EA disconnects" error when playing MP games. Very annoying when playing BF3 competitions.
  • Right now, EA still hasn't fixed their networking issues when more than 4-8 clients are trying to connect to Origin from the same IP address. This is important for those of us who play on LAN and what we found out (the hard way) when trying to play BF3 with 20 people since all clients have to be online.

By far the biggest gripe about Origin is the fact that they released it with BF3 as a "better" way to connect to your friends and party up quickly, but BF3 has their own battlelog run by DICE's web portal that's not interconnected smoothly with Origin; different friends list and everything. So it begs the question... why the frak did they make Origin if I have to be signed on at two portals just to play BF3?

I reluctantly use Origin and do not like the current iterations. Even though I think Steam could still use improvements in their UI and offer a better service, Origin is like 10% good, 90% just plain crap.
[quote name='JBaz']Having used Origin since it started last year this is what I've got to say about it:

  • Decent deals to be had on new games through Origin.com (web portal, not actual application, big difference)..[/QUOTE]

    Are you saying Origin does not get access to your computer information if you purchase non-digital games from their site without installing Origin?
Don't forget the bit about losing access to tour games if you don't play them for X months (I think it's 2 years?)

Screw that noise Origin can DIAF
WTF? where did you read that?

I'm only referring to their gateways for their stores through the Origin Application and the Origin Website are two separate payment systems. Most promo's they offer can only be redeemed through their website and vice versa with the app. I donno why they did this; but most deals I find tend to be only through origin.com.

Digital and physical copies of the games are still going to require origin app to be installed. That would still go in the cons of what other people have said. I liked EA download manager before they switched to Origins because I didn't need it running to play my games or have it take 10 seconds to figure out if my games on my origin list is legit and have to run some authentication...

I buy or borrow my games legally, but its as though EA and other companies treat those who pay (like myself) as criminals for following the system. Then they money gouge or nickel and dime us with crappy DLC's that rarely offer anything good and wonder why people don't buy it or hack their games.

I mean I rarely buy games at the full price and tend to grab them around the 30-40 price range as a good deal; which still can be found on new releases through promos and such if you shop around. Maybe even buy a few DLC's when they get on sale for like a dollar on steam.

^I think its actually one year. yeah, its stupid. I just wished they stayed on steam.
My bad, looks like things have changed since I last checked up. It used to be stated in their TOS where it said if you did not use your account or entitlements for 24 months, they would be deactivated.

That terminology looks like it has been since removed from the TOS, and also EA put up this in response to some of the press they were getting:


There's still a lot to complain about for Origin, but losing access to your stuff due to inactivity doesn't look like one of them anymore
Never mind, I thought you said you needed origin app on a console in order to play ME3... that would be f'ed up. More so than it is on PC.
[quote name='Ruahrc']Don't forget the bit about losing access to tour games if you don't play them for X months (I think it's 2 years?)

Screw that noise Origin can DIAF[/QUOTE]

That is not true

- Electronic Arts has issued the following statement on August 4, 2011

'The Origin terms of service are designed to protect against misuse of the Origin system. No Origin user who has paid entitlements and/or downloaded games will have their account cancelled or games expired due to extended non-use. The term regarding account cancellation for non-use is designed to guard against creation of non-active accounts for inappropriate reasons.'
^when origin was EA download manager, it was 1 year. It was an issue when I bought BC2. If I remember correctly, they were trying to limit the amount of downloads to a particular number of times, but later retracted.
[quote name='Jodou']Pretty much. I remember a time when Valve got the same treatment, but then they showered people with deals and suddenly they forgot. fuck I hate consumers; pretty hard to change a company when you're one in a thousand who would boycott.[/QUOTE]

Bullshit, I didn't forget. After what Steam did to HL2 and the problems I experienced I wiped my PC, put the game away, and have ignored Steam and pretty much all PC gaming since. Steam IS malware and evidently everything else like it as well. Hate to say tolja so. I haven't even put Portal 2 into my PS3 because it claims to install Steamworks. Not interested in infecting my PS3 after what it took to clean my PC. The deals aren't even good enough. I think there were 3 occasions where they offered Portal 1 for free. I've never played it. Steam has hurt PC gaming. Doubt I'll go back to PC's until games start shipping 'clean'. The biggest issue being M/KB for FPS's was solved with my FragnStein.
[quote name='DP3']Bullshit, I didn't forget. After what Steam did to HL2 and the problems I experienced I wiped my PC, put the game away, and have ignored Steam and pretty much all PC gaming since. Steam IS malware and evidently everything else like it as well. Hate to say tolja so. I haven't even put Portal 2 into my PS3 because it claims to install Steamworks. Not interested in infecting my PS3 after what it took to clean my PC. The deals aren't even good enough. I think there were 3 occasions where they offered Portal 1 for free. I've never played it. Steam has hurt PC gaming. Doubt I'll go back to PC's until games start shipping 'clean'. The biggest issue being M/KB for FPS's was solved with my FragnStein.[/QUOTE]

Steam has hurt PC gaming? ROFL.

Your loss dude.
[quote name='SEH']Steam has hurt PC gaming? ROFL.

Your loss dude.[/QUOTE]

Honestly, I haven't had any issues with Origin. Sure it isn't Steam, but it isn't the worse thing I have ever used.

PC gamers are more intelligent and make more money. Console games have dumbed down our shits.
Again with the troll stuff... Stupid kids.

If you don't care about the security or reliability of your PC then by all means let Steam do whatever it does. Yes Steam has done bad things and I voted with my wallet by saying 'no'. What is my loss? Nothing as most games are multiplatform now. Graphics mean little to me, gameplay matters more. PC did have the advantage of allowing M/KB for FPS's but as I said I fixed that. And now that PC gamers consider themselves elitists I'm glad I ditched the malware-based platform.
[quote name='DP3']Again with the troll stuff... Stupid kids.

If you don't care about the security or reliability of your PC then by all means let Steam do whatever it does. Yes Steam has done bad things and I voted with my wallet by saying 'no'. What is my loss? Nothing as most games are multiplatform now. Graphics mean little to me, gameplay matters more. PC did have the advantage of allowing M/KB for FPS's but as I said I fixed that. And now that PC gamers consider themselves elitists I'm glad I ditched the malware-based platform.[/QUOTE]

Hows that tinfoil hat fit?
[quote name='DP3']Again with the troll stuff... Stupid kids.

If you don't care about the security or reliability of your PC then by all means let Steam do whatever it does. Yes Steam has done bad things and I voted with my wallet by saying 'no'. What is my loss? Nothing as most games are multiplatform now. Graphics mean little to me, gameplay matters more. PC did have the advantage of allowing M/KB for FPS's but as I said I fixed that. And now that PC gamers consider themselves elitists I'm glad I ditched the malware-based platform.[/QUOTE]

I voted with my wallet, STEAM never got any of my money and I have a fleet load of free retail games, freeware and f2p games to enjoy with friends and family alike :)

STEAM has very little access to my PC vitals. If you can read, you can master your tech.
So let me get this straight. First a poster mocks those who berate Steam and related services but then immediately forgets the TOS all their problems because of a sale. Now you're mocking me because I had a terrible experience with a terrible service and chose to NOT be a hypocrite?

And people wonder why I'm so quick to bash all these new generation 'gamers'. They just don't understand. [quote name='Megazell']I voted with my wallet, STEAM never got any of my money and I have a fleet load of free retail games, freeware and f2p games to enjoy with friends and family alike :)

STEAM has very little access to my PC vitals. If you can read, you can master your tech.[/QUOTE]

If it were only that easy. It's not the price or the games, it's the malware. Steam did awful things while I struggled with it to finish HL2. I loved the first one. The second one, well until Steam goes away I don't think the disc will ever be used again. What kind of service FORCES you to update to play offline (fixing nothing while inserting glitches) and worse yet says you can't play offline because the ISP connection went out? There are no options to control it.
I can read quite well. However I'm not willing to let untrusted programs do things in the background so I had to remove it.
Is there a sort of full disclosure data base that will alert me of all these annoying "control strategies" before I even think of shelling out for a game?

Also, hello everyone! I just joined. Regards from Chile.
[quote name='"DP3"']So let me get this straight. First a poster mocks those who berate Steam and related services but then immediately forgets the TOS all their problems because of a sale. Now you're mocking me because I had a terrible experience with a terrible service and chose to NOT be a hypocrite? [/QUOTE]
We mock you because you are a stupid fu*king retard who can't fu*king read properly.

Your original reply/rant was completely misplaced because the person you were replying to "Jodou" also hates Steam... You some how completely missed the 2nd sentence of him explaining how he boycotts Steam...

[quote name='"Jodou"']Pretty much. I remember a time when Valve got the same treatment, but then they showered people with deals and suddenly they forgot. F*** I hate consumers; pretty hard to change a company when you're one in a thousand who would boycott.[/QUOTE]
Second, any talk or conversation about Steam TOS or "spyware" ended over a week ago. Your interjection or revival of a topic in a thread that's marked "EA Origin Spyware" is completely offbeat and shows how infantile you are with forum etiquette.

Third, it's also completely moot considering your first post states that you have not experienced Steam or any PC related games since 2004... This shows us your credibility as being complete shit in anything PC related. Thus all of your rant is then construed as being just that... a rant/baiting/trolling.

If you don't care about the security or reliability of your PC then by all means let Steam do whatever it does. Yes Steam has done bad things and I voted with my wallet by saying 'no'
Who replied to you that said "we don't care about security or reliability".

I think you will find a general consensus out of anyone in here that we wished the TOS in steam and the way the app handled our games would be better. You are basically preaching to people who already know all of this info, as if we are dumb f**ks who need to be preached to... If you want a flock of sheep to preach to, I'd hear the Church of Scientology is looking for open hires... :roll:
Graphics mean little to me, gameplay matters more
I agree. However, better graphics tend to mean stronger hardware and more capabilities of a game engine. What does this mean? Better physics, environmental interactions and more depth/realism to the game. But if the game plays like shit but looks great... its still shit.

And since a lot of games now days are cross platform, we have to thank all the dumb idiots who are gaming on the consoles for lowering the intelligence bar on a lot of the AAA title games that are being released on both console and PC. There are exceptions to this rule, but there's plenty of examples of this and its more or less the problem of our culture and society rather than blaming "console players" like I was stating earlier.

And people wonder why I'm so quick to bash all these new generation 'gamers'. They just don't understand.
No... We understand, you're just being too stuck up, like an apple fanatic, to realize that we know this already. Then you are coming late to the party and shouting out info that's old and unrelated to the current line of discussion. Read above.

What kind of service FORCES you to update to play offline (fixing nothing while inserting glitches) and worse yet says you can't play offline because the ISP connection went out? There are no options to control it.
Umm... yes there is... You can control this. Even back in 2004, you can turn the auto update off and play HL2 in offline mode without issues. I know because I did this with 10 friends, playing HL2 on one account; all in offline mode.

As for offline play, you just have to be logged on first before you go into offline mode to play a game. If that doesn't work, you can still go into the source folders of where the games are stored and open the exe files manually. That works about 80% time unless the game requires online access to even open it (which is annoying).

There are some games that include some aggressive forms of DRM that require you to play SP in online mode such as Splinter Cell Convictions, which is completely retarded. The second you drop internet connection, the game pauses and waits till your network gets back up. Annoying. Games like this should be boycotted at all costs.

Another issue about some steam games is when annoying publishers use a 2nd or 3rd login to even play the game. Sometimes its annoying as some of them are xbox live, others rockstar, and then there's ubisoft AFTER you log into steam. Granted, xbox live works pretty good and keeps me logged in across all of my live games, but its annoying having all of these services criss-cross like this. I honestly don't gives a rats ass if I made some stupid steam/live achievement and then tweet about it on my facebook, mybook or whatever blog crap...

I just want to play the game, nothing else. While I do like to keep tabs on some stats and stuff, I don't give a shit if everyone in the world sees it or how I was able to hit 32123251 points in a round. A good example of this is EA/DICE battlelog for BF3... They just made it into a facebook battlefield shit. I hope this tread goes away.

And honestly... if you don't give a shit about PC gaming... Why are you commenting in the PC section of this forum?
[quote name='DP3']So let me get this straight. First a poster mocks those who berate Steam and related services but then immediately forgets the TOS all their problems because of a sale. Now you're mocking me because I had a terrible experience with a terrible service and chose to NOT be a hypocrite?

And people wonder why I'm so quick to bash all these new generation 'gamers'. They just don't understand.

If it were only that easy. It's not the price or the games, it's the malware. Steam did awful things while I struggled with it to finish HL2. I loved the first one. The second one, well until Steam goes away I don't think the disc will ever be used again. What kind of service FORCES you to update to play offline (fixing nothing while inserting glitches) and worse yet says you can't play offline because the ISP connection went out? There are no options to control it.
I can read quite well. However I'm not willing to let untrusted programs do things in the background so I had to remove it.[/QUOTE]

I can play offline. I can understand you had a bad experience, and that's fine if you don't like it or use it anymore, but what you're saying just isn't true at this point.
[quote name='soulvengeance']I can play offline. I can understand you had a bad experience, and that's fine if you don't like it or use it anymore, but what you're saying just isn't true at this point.[/QUOTE]

But dude, he couldn't figure out how to get offline mode to work, so clearly that's Steams fault and as a program, it hasn't gotten any better in seven years.

I'm gonna go out on the limb here and say that he has a macbook pro, and iphone and three ipads. He believes that Al Gore invented the internet and that computers run on the hearts & dreams of little children who fart pixy dust.

Computer and video gaming is overrated. Stick & Ball or Lawn Dart is where it's at!
Wow, I had no idea you needed to double or even triple login, sometimes, with some games. How retarded is that!? Jeez.
And the stupid thing about it is that they all are different accounts, so I have to manage steam, live, rockstar, ubisoft, origin, blizzard and whatever accounts from some publishers for PC games. A lot of the times their password requirements are different so you can't just use the same password even if you use the same email account. Then its me trying to remember 10 passwords for the one email account that's associated with all of them; although you can just save your password. Even then, to make it worse is the accounts with amazon digital downloads and the 5+ other gaming services that compete with steam, but I try to only buy those that I can just active on steam.

At least with steam and the games that are implemented through steam's system are less of a pain and more streamlined, plus you can add 3rd party games to the list and use it like xfire; to open up games from one loader.

I just wished steam took control of publisher's DRM and striped it out. Then allowed us to trade our digital copy games online like Greenman Gaming.
[quote name='soulvengeance']I can play offline. I can understand you had a bad experience, and that's fine if you don't like it or use it anymore, but what you're saying just isn't true at this point.[/QUOTE]
People really shouldn't have to go through all those steps just to play their games offline, especially since you don't always plan to be offline.

Even when going through those steps many times steam offline mode still doesn't work or stops working( if the computer is powered off while offline mode is running, if steam is not started up soon enough after enabling offline mode, if your computer is off to long, if some of the files corrupt ect...).
[quote name='itachiitachi']People really shouldn't have to go through all those steps just to play their games offline, especially since you don't always plan to be offline.

Even when going through those steps many times steam offline mode still doesn't work or stops working( if the computer is powered off while offline mode is running, if steam is not started up soon enough after enabling offline mode, if your computer is off to long, if some of the files corrupt ect...).[/QUOTE]

I honestly haven't had an issue playing offline, but perhaps other people have. I just restart in offline mode and it's done.
Yeah, I have no issues playing in offline mode. I keep my laptop in offline mode so I can play some dirt2 or batman on travels where no internet is avaliable. Even then, I could probably just tether my phone to my PC and get online.
[quote name='JBaz']Yeah, I have no issues playing in offline mode. I keep my laptop in offline mode so I can play some dirt2 or batman on travels where no internet is avaliable. Even then, I could probably just tether my phone to my PC and get online.[/QUOTE]

I'm wondering what problems people are having. My internet went down for about 5-6 hours, I was able to play all the games I normally play without issue in offline mode.
bread's done