Earth Defense Force 2017 - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='seanr1221']So wait is this bad it's good kind of game?[/QUOTE]No, just plain good.

Games don't have to be released by big publishing conglomerates with multi-million dollar budgets and as an entry in a succesfull western franchise to be fun.

It got a solid 7 from teamxbox. An 8 from GameInformer. 4/5 Gamespy. 6.9/10 IGN.

But you could have found this out for yourself by googling "earth defense force 2017 gamerankings".
[quote name='jer7583']I wish games like this would just spend 6-8 months longer in development to get a little more polish.[/QUOTE]
If they could afford it, or if the cost/benefits were reasonable, I'm sure they'd did it.

But honestly, there's no way the 6-8 months would be worth it for a game like this.

The game is what it is, take it or leave it.
I love the sense of scale in the game. Like when shooting down the flying saucers, or the giant robots storming the beach. Everything just feels...big.

Also, anyone able to control the helicopter well? I tried, and crashed quickly >.
This game is starting to sound pretty good, might pick it up at EB, I've got plenty store credit left after their trade in deal on 360 games.
I mean in general, as in there are tons of games just like this that have good concepts and potentially are very fun, but have these absolutely obvious problems that are just plain ignored.

I'd pay $50-60 for EDF 2017 IF they had spent some more time getting online co-op working, and ironed out the HORRIBLE framerate that i've seen in videos, and added just a slight bit more polish to the graphics (the 2D weapon icons are inexcusable) and I'm sure the controls could use a little more work.

As it stands, I know these problems will pull me out of the experience and ruin a game I'd otherwise have enjoyed.
[quote name='seanr1221']So wait is this bad it's good kind of game?[/QUOTE]
So bad it's alright.
[quote name='jer7583']As it stands, I know these problems will pull me out of the experience and ruin a game I'd otherwise have enjoyed.[/QUOTE]
If you can't enjoy a fun game despite 2D weapon icons, then you don't deserve to have fun.

I definitely wouldn't spend $60 on the game, or even the $40 they're asking. But I'll definitely give it a rental if I have the time.
im probably going to pick this up within the next day. really wish it were $20 though.

edit - is the entire game co-op? splitscreen 2 player? is there system link ability?
Violent Lee hit the nail on the head by referring to this game as a Dreamcast title -- it feels just like one, sans the many enemies on the screen at once.
[quote name='PyroGamer']If you can't enjoy a fun game despite 2D weapon icons, then you don't deserve to have fun.[/QUOTE]
Too bad that isn't the only problem, o' expert.
[quote name='paz9x']edit - is the entire game co-op? splitscreen 2 player? is there system link ability?
It's two player split-screen co-op only. No system link, I believe.
[quote name='Brak']Violent Lee hit the nail on the head by referring to this game as a Dreamcast title -- it feels just like one, sans the many enemies on the screen at once.

Too bad that isn't the only problem, o' expert.

It's two player split-screen co-op only. No system link, I believe.[/QUOTE]
thanks brak.
violentlee mentioned deathmatch, i cant imagine a 2 player deathmatch,
one other sorta stupid question, can you select vertical or horizontal splitscreen?
[quote name='paz9x']thanks brak.
violentlee mentioned deathmatch, i cant imagine a 2 player deathmatch,
one other sorta stupid question, can you select vertical or horizontal splitscreen?[/QUOTE]
Not sure. I don't have a second controller, so I haven't seen any of the two player stuff for myself.

From a screenshot I saw, it appears that - at least - the default is vertical splitscreen.
[quote name='PyroGamer']If you can't enjoy a fun game despite 2D weapon icons, then you don't deserve to have fun.

I definitely wouldn't spend $60 on the game, or even the $40 they're asking. But I'll definitely give it a rental if I have the time.[/QUOTE]

Way to pick out only one thing. I'm saying that things like that seem lazy and there's no excuse for having something like that in a 2007 console release. The lack of online co-op and repetitive missions, also the inexcusable slowdown are the main reasons I won't be buying this one. Have fun wasting your money.
Just beat it on Normal... I haven't the slightest clue how the last three or four levels can possibly be beat on Hardest or Inferno mode.

Probably would need a second player.
Hahahaha, this game is everything I thought it would be and more.

Let's see:

Storyline out of a b-movie....check.


So bad it's good voiceovers....check.

I won't say this game will be rare but I'd definitely say scarce and if this is the type of game that appeals at all to you, get it while you can is all I gotta say.
lol this game is awesome. if you think it will get old, every so many levels they add new enemies which keeps it fresh.
[quote name='cyrix`']lol this game is awesome. if you think it will get old, every so many levels they add new enemies which keeps it fresh.[/QUOTE]
I thought it got really old; felt like a chore, often times.

It took me seven grueling hours to beat it on normal.

Gonna try it on Hard with a second player... might be more fun that way.

I like it, though. It's the cheap bootleg action figure equivalent of a quality third-person shooter.
im gonna love this game by the psts you are all making.
i picked it up yesterday.
my eb said they only got 3 copies and sold them.
just got it today and i havent had this much fun in a game in a while...i hope they release an update to help with the framerate when things get going though. (if thats possible)
[quote name='Jedi1979']just got it today and i havent had this much fun in a game in a while...i hope they release an update to help with the framerate when things get going though. (if thats possible)[/QUOTE]
Wait 'til you see the framerate and complete slowdown in the last two or three missions.
[quote name='Kevlar281']The word is that you can’t stack achievements. So you have the play the game through on every difficulty. [/QUOTE]
eh, i may actually do that.
decent splitscreen co-op isnt common on the 360.
Here is my Earth Defense Force 2017 Video Review for the Xbox 360. Even though the game is a low-budget game, the gameplay works well and you also get to kill giant ants and robots. What else more could you ask for?

If you like shooters and funny Japanese humor, definitely check out EDF 2017. I know a lot of people are going to skip this title, but if the publishers did have a bigger budget, I bet the game would have even better.

Check out my video here:

Please leave any questions, comments, or insights in this thread. Thanks!
There's an existing thread on this game already out there. A quick search will take you to it. There's no need to create a new thread every time you make a video review of a game.
[quote name='getmyrunon']There's an existing thread on this game already out there. A quick search will take you to it. There's no need to create a new thread every time you make a video review of a game.[/QUOTE]

Ty, I also hate when people get real hype over this kind of stuff. It's not like it's something huge and there's 19 threads existing on it. Like when Halo 3 beta comes out, there's gonna be a flood of threads..and that's legite to be annoyed.

But regardless..some people just get mad easily lol

I'm gonna check out the video in the few mins, thanks OP!
Wow, overreact much? The only person who got "real hype" was the guy who posted below me. Nowhere did I get mad or yell or even scold. I just reminded the OP to use the search function first before posting. This is about the 4th or 5th time he's done this, and looking back at his recent posts all his other threads have been deleted (wonder why?) There's no need to clutter up the console board when there's a board dedicated to reviews. No one's getting angry, just trying to keep this board clean.
I bought it to send to a friend overseas and I tried it out.

WOW was it fun. I played through to mission 22 or so (first red ants mission) and I had a ton of fun playing it. The sheer size of everything is overwhelming.

I will have to knock it on a few points. If I'm standing ontop of a building and I blow it up, I expect some damage to result when I fall. NOTHING happened. I didn't die, didn't bleed, nothing.
??? Yet if I hurl a grenade next to a mailbox, I lose half my life.
Surprised this topic dropped off so quickly. I'm doing a complete reversal of my opinion on this game. Could be one of the top 10 360 games yet for me. I love the sense of scale, and the design of the enemies. The acting is a highlight too. Anyone else have soldiers randomly say things like "Hey, let's go get a bite to eat now" or something?

Mostly because my Girlfriend absolutely LOVES playing split screen. We've been playing a few hours together every few nights. She gets absolutely terrified/screams at the top of her lungs when the giant bugs approach and working with/protecting her in co-op adds a lot to the game. Because of this game she's gotten used to the two joystick aiming system and has taken interest in games like Halo and Oblivion, which I thought would never happen.

EDF converted my GF into a gamer.. wow.
Ah, I was just going to post a thread on this.

I got this a few days ago and I just can't put it down.

I'm completely blown away by it.
Hmm... to buy or not to buy, that is the question. I should probably finish Lost Planet before I even think about buying another 3rd person shooter, but the collector in me makes me worried that this game will never drop in price so I may as well snatch it up while I can. Oh well, I have real aliens invading my town this afternoon so I best take care of that first.
[quote name='boyward']Hmm... to buy or not to buy, that is the question. I should probably finish Lost Planet before I even think about buying another 3rd person shooter, but the collector in me makes me worried that this game will never drop in price so I may as well snatch it up while I can. Oh well, I have real aliens invading my town this afternoon so I best take care of that first.[/QUOTE]

Seriously, buy it.

There is nothing more fun then taking down a group of giant robots that are 20 times bigger then your character or taking on 100+ giant ants.

I got my copy for 30ish from after the 10 off coupon for new Google Checkout members.
This game is great - definately worth the $40. I bought it when it came out, but IMO, I think EDF2 for PS2 has better gameplay and more variety.. (Why they at least didn't include the jetpack girl in the 360 version is beyond me.)
I saw it for 49.99CAD at Futureshop. Should I have gotten it or wait till it's cheaper or can I get it cheaper elsewhere?
I was hoping this game would have a campy, so-bad-it's-good quality to it. But it's just . . . bad.
buy it immediately and don't expect anything super deep. I thought this was a ton better than Lost Planet, if that means anything.
I just turned a friend on to this game.

It's hilarious reading the messages he sent me over the past six hours.

- (In response to my message asking him how he is enjoying it): its ok. the voice acting sucks and the broken buildings diseaper, but other then that its ok. 5/10

- (In response to me comparing it to a b-movie, low on budget/high on entertainment) : i don't like b-movies that much

- if u turn off the voices and puts some music on it is actually pretty good. 6.5

- dude i take that back this game deserves an 8.5. I LOVE EXPLOSIONS!!!!!!

I can't wait to expose him to co-op this Sunday. It should blow his mind.
[quote name='Sporadic']I just turned a friend on to this game.

It's hilarious reading the messages he sent me over the past six hours.

- (In response to my message asking him how he is enjoying it): its ok. the voice acting sucks and the broken buildings diseaper, but other then that its ok. 5/10

- (In response to me comparing it to a b-movie, low on budget/high on entertainment) : i don't like b-movies that much

- if u turn off the voices and puts some music on it is actually pretty good. 6.5

- dude i take that back this game deserves an 8.5. I LOVE EXPLOSIONS!!!!!!

I can't wait to expose him to co-op this Sunday. It should blow his mind.[/quote]

Yeah Co-op is great.. My friend and I play it for hours whenever he's over here.
[quote name='CheapyD']So what are everybody's weapons of choice?

I'm using a Rocket Launcher / Grenade Launcher combo.[/QUOTE]

I use the Cascade 20(the rocket launcher that shoots off multiple rockets, and reloads fast), and one of the RA model assault rifles. I'd always kill myself trying to use a grenade launcher-- and the homing on the missiles usually tweaks out and hits enemies that are already dead.
Are you guys serious, or is this just a bad game everyone wants to share misery about?

The hype in the last two pages is making me want to try this game now....
[quote name='gunm']Are you guys serious, or is this just a bad game everyone wants to share misery about?

The hype in the last two pages is making me want to try this game now....[/QUOTE]

Its kind of a so bad its good type of deal in my case. I've taken a break from it though-- the first few days I had it, I played it non-stop. I haven't done any co-op either because I can't get anyone around me to enjoy it as much as I do.

To be honest, its a rental, if you really like it, get a deal on it somewhere and have at it. Its quirky and stupid fun, and probably one of the few titles in Xbox 360 land that I can't compare to a Ubisoft or EA franchise.

Plus I like blowing shit up.

**its not an achievement whore game either.. the achievements suck, i'll never get even close to 1000 on this one**
bread's done