ECA Discussion Thread - WARNING: Some CAGs Who Cancelled Are Being Auto-Renewed

Haven't got a cancellation e-mail for either mine or my wife's e-mail address, but when I login with either one I'm told it's not an active account so I'm pretty sure I'm alright.
just got my cancellation email today, I just wanted to thank everyone that helped clear this up and send out that massive list of people that wanted to cancel, I was one of the people that used the cancel the auto renew button and figured it was all done, saved me some time and grief that I would have went through once my year subscription ended,
I can no longer log in and I just received my e-mail cancellation. Thank you to everyone that set this up and helped us all out. :applause:
i got my e-mail today and also cannot log in.

thanks to everyone who worked on the ECA effort, definitely a great reminder of the holiday spirit.
To everyone asking for a 2nd box:

Sorry, but I have no intention of starting a 2nd list. If you missed it the first time, I'm sorry. The info was found only in the thread; it was never put in the OP because of fear of spammers and jokers. The first, as others have said, was to make a point. We had no idea if they would actually cancel our memberships.

If one of you wants to start a new list, be my guest. However, I would probably advise against it. You're not going to get the numbers, and I think CAG (and the internet in general) has made our point pretty clear on the matter already. And if nobody has taken the initiative by now, I doubt someone is going to. So unless you're willing to step up and create a new list, keep it organized, hide e-mails, etc., I would say either cough up a stamp or else wait patiently for the online cancellation.

To everyone else: You're welcome. I'm glad that the list did work, and that the ECA is slowly going through them. They could either be going down the main list, or opening individual letters, so who knows what order they are going in.

The only people who might be concerned are those who did not post complete information (name, e-mail, & username). I know several posted just name & username, but I have no idea if they will cancel those people's memberships. Just a reminder.
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I haven't been canceled yet, but I'd still like to thank you Reira for your diligence with the list. It was amazing to see how many people joined it *without* it showing up on the OP or the CAG home page.
Mine still hasn't been cancel but I'm like number five hundred something so it'll probably be another week or two. Thanks for the effort of making the list and box.
[quote name='dobravoda']Hot damn tamale, baby! I was able to login last night, but not this morning. I haven't received any confirmation email yet, but I am not concerned about that.

If they're going straight down the original list, then they look to be about 2/3rds through. My ECA username was 'shaug':[/QUOTE]

Yup. They must be following the list. I was a few names above yours and checked the site after I read your post. Sure enough - can't log in! Yay!
The forums at are *STILL* down for "upgrades" lol.

And the scrolling affiliate widget on the left side *still* advertises Amazon, PAX, and Maingear. Very misleading, since all 3 have parted ways with the ECA.
[quote name='Halo05']Well something worked and I'm free of the ECA. Hooray! the Amazon discount come storming back.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I highly doubt that would happen. Between this PR mess and the "scammers", I don't think Amazon wants anything to do with Hal and the ECA.
For those of you guys saying you can't get into ECA's website - do you mean you get a message saying your user name is not activated or blocked?
[quote name='Lord_Zath']For those of you guys saying you can't get into ECA's website - do you mean you get a message saying your user name is not activated or blocked?[/QUOTE]

I got that message first and then a day later got the cancellation email.
Got my email two (?) days ago.

Just checked the website and attempted to log in. I'm blocked.

I also love how when you type BS website shows up, not a redirect, just a waste of time space-filler.

Anyways, thank you guys much. At least those idgits know to send emails out now, instead of attempt to contradict their own statements.
No email, but tried to log in today, and my account was blocked. I wasn't too worried about them charging a credit card that didn't exist anymore, but hey whatever.
yay- So this is where the ECA thead ended up at.. Sorry didnt want to read 14/15 pages of posts but FINALLY.
Thank you for your letter requesting to terminate your membership with the Entertainment Consumers Association (ECA). This notice is confirmation that your request has been processed and your membership in the organization is cancelled.

All credit card information relevant to processing your dues has been removed, so if you wish to re-join the association going forward new/updated payment information will need to be manually re-entered.

To re-join the ECA, please visit

Thank you.

Got it this morning.. sayonara.. And because I trust them as far as I can throw a 2 ton hammer I will STILL be cancelling my credit card to get a new one
So I just got a cancellation email from the ECA. Thing is though, I never sent anything in to get canceled. I missed the big box of cancels and haven't gotten around to sending a letter of any kind in. So color me confused.
[quote name='erik_wolff']So I just got a cancellation email from the ECA. Thing is though, I never sent anything in to get canceled. I missed the big box of cancels and haven't gotten around to sending a letter of any kind in. So color me confused.[/QUOTE]

Well, there's an 'erik_wolff' on the CAG cancellation list (and you're one of the last names on it), so it appears *someone* added you.
I just got an email from the BBB withg ECA's response to my case. Hal said that it was outlined in the TOS how to cancel, and that there was a FAQ posted on "the easy steps" to cancel.

I replied,
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT ACCEPT the response from the business.)
The TOS was changed, without notification to the members. Furthermore, there was a button on the site that users could click to cancel auto-renewal. This button was in operation between March and October, and again, when it was taken away, the members were not notified. The FAQ has only been posted recently, and will not inform members unless they visit the site. When members such as myself tried to warn other members that the button they had clicked to cancel auto renwal was not honored by the ECA, we were banned from the forums, and the forums were shut down completely for several weeks now.

The ECA should:
1 apologize to it's members for misleading them on the auto renew issue

2 Send a email regarding the changed Terms of Service

3 Allow users who signed up online to cancel online

If any of you who filed a complaint with the BBB receive a response, I encourage you to take the time and counter the misinformation the ECA is giving the BBB.

Also, how many weeks have the ECA forums been down now?
I got my cancellation email this morning, and I cannot log into my account. Thanks again to all those involved with the big cancellation box.
It's too late for me to add anything, I only get one response. Others who filed BBB complaints should have the opportunity.
I find it hilarious that the ECA forums are STILL down.

Though according to the current message they should be back up tomorrow. I will be sure to have my bucket o' popcorn ready.
Got my cancellation email and can't log in anymore. I was one of the last on the list, so I guess they are probably finished with it by now (if they were indeed using the list and not the individual letters). Like everybody else, I would like to thank all those involved with the CAG Box. This was indeed a great Christmas gift.

Now, I guess I should go change my CC info too because I don't trust the ECA at all....
No cancellation notification yet, however my login no longer works ... so at least that is done

Also their forums are stating they are due to open tomorrow ... as I was at the very tail end of the CAG box, and was canceled today, I find it ... coincidental ... that the forums are reopening following the removal of all accounts from the CAG box.

Needless to say, will have to keep an eye on the forums to see if any more official comments are made, or how the situation is handled with the reopening of the forum.
[quote name='Siterath']Also their forums are stating they are due to open tomorrow ... as I was at the very tail end of the CAG box, and was canceled today, I find it ... coincidental ... that the forums are reopening following the removal of all accounts from the CAG box.[/QUOTE]

Since the forum login was a separate account from the actual ECA membership, it will be interesting to see whether those accounts are deleted as well . . .
[quote name='arcane93']Since the forum login was a separate account from the actual ECA membership, it will be interesting to see whether those accounts are deleted as well . . .[/QUOTE]

I was thinking the same thing ... especially since, as Gypsyfly demonstrated with her call for help a few weeks ago, you apparently do not need to be an ECA member in order to have access to the ECA forum.

Many of us have noted that we'd like to see the ECA shape up in the future, so I intend to keep up with the forums to see if they actually do shape up in the near future.
I got banned from their forums essentially for just agreeing with someone else who had been making a lot of threads. Yet another thing they need to shape up if they expect to charge for membership. Their mods have no hint of professionalism.
bread's done