Employees of All Stores - Post your stupid customer stories - Part II-

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[quote name='Scorch']I've only had one experience with drugs in an object that someone has traded in.. it was flushed.[/QUOTE]

Mine was smoked :lol:

Stupid kid left his 'stash' inside the expansion pack port of the N64. Good times
[quote name='SIUfan86']i've been pushing carts at wal-mart all summer and would love to have two more associates helping me push carts. i have to fend for myslef. the thing that pisses me off most is that people are to lazy to walk ten feet to the damn cart coral (where the carts are supposed to go). one time i was making a line of carts and this couple was coming outside. they were looking in my direction the whole time they were walking towards their car. in fact, i was ten feet away from their car. i walk about twenty feet away to get some more carts to add to the cart train. i come back and notice the carts i had out were back in the coral. the next thing i know the car that the couple was in comes flying by and the woman sticks her head out the window ad says "nice going! we just hit those damn carts you had out there!!!" i laugh and say "no problem!" WTF? how dumb can people be. if i wanted to i could have about a thousand of posts about stupid customers. people are fucking stupid and fucking lazy. u wouldn't really understand unless you have worked at a store somewhere or have pushed carts especially.[/QUOTE]

pushing carts..... oh the stories...... oh the pain...

once we were pushing carts up to the store and this lady waits till were heading up toward the cart spot at the grocery store. when she proceeds to speed up and stop right in front of the cart ramp. The three of us had about 25 or so carts (though probably wouldn't have been able to stop in time even if we only had 10) anyways we end up putting a 8 in hole in the side of the car and she waits like 6-7 seconds and then says out her window did you hit my car knowing full well we had because of the situation.

There is some wrong all the way around but when people try to cause accidents on purpose that really annoys me.
Today was rather average, except we found a nerf plane and were playing with it in the store.

I hit my co-worker in the head. :D
[quote name='Kuros']Today was rather average, except we found a nerf plane and were playing with it in the store.

I hit my co-worker in the head. :D[/QUOTE]

I don't know why but this is the funniest thing I've read all day. It shouldn't be but it is.
I work at GS

A couple of weeks ago this one lady comes in asking if we have 'lego star wars' on gamecube. Checked the computer, no it comes out in a couple of months on the gamecube. (its been out on the ps2 and xbox) Lady says " I called target and they checked all their inventory and said they have some (the target that had 'it' was 2 hrs away).

"well the game isnt out for a couple of months so they are talking about either an xbox or ps2 version"

"no, they specifically said it was on gamecube"

"that's impossible"

"well , you never know...."

WTF? How in the blue hell would Target get a game 2 months before and start selling it?

um no
Not too bash Target, but a lot of the employees I've encountered there have been IDIOTS. But there's always a good one lying around somewhere :)
[quote name='armyofdarknessfan']okay I have to rant about this one - as I mentioned before I'm a waitress.
both of these happened in the same day. I was waiting on a table of six when another two people from another table got up to talk to someone at my table, which I didn't mind. This guy then proceeds to light up a cigarette right there (this was a non smoking section) so I go by and ask him to put it out. He looks at me and puts his cigarette out RIGHT ON THE WINDOWSILL. I just looked at him and said "excuse me?!" and he gets up in my face and said "It's out MA'AM"
Then about 20 minutes after that one of my tables got up and walked out complaining that they had been waiting there for 35 minutes before they got their salad (which was not true) and leaves. I then proceeded to walk outside (where we take breaks) and just have a meltdown.
The upside - I felt better afterwards, and one of my tables saw both incidents and said that they were really sorry that some people were complete jerks and they gave me an extra dollar in addition to my tip.
That has to qualify as my worst day ever as a waitress.[/QUOTE]

are you a hot waitress?
We had a lady call today and want us to find record of her purchase for a Bluetooth earpiece for her cell. CC, BTW. One guy searched for 20 minutes and couldn't find anything. She kept saying it should be there. If a customer doesn't have a receipt then we try looking it up w/a phone number, name and zip code, credit card # or driver's license #. *RANT* (SAVE YOUR RECEIPTS! It's YOUR responsibility to keep YOUR receipts, not ours!) *END RANT* None of this worked so there was nothing else we could do so she jus hung up. "Good, we're done w/her", we foolishly thought. About a half-hour later this obvious result of inbreeding comes in the store! She starts yelling about how we better find her receipt. She demands a manager so he comes and attempts to talk to her. He explains that no record of purchase could be found plus, after seeing the earpiece, explained to her that we have never sold that item. Well, that sets off Spawn of Deliverance. She starts yelling to customers to not shop at CC and says she won't leave until she gets a refund. She also tells the manager he is illiterate, which I found both funny and ironic since he wasn't reading anything and she probably only drinks Pabst Blue Ribbon solely for the reason that the label on the can is easily recognizable since she probably can't read herself. He then tells her the conversation is over. She reiterates (I'd love to see her try to spell that word) that she isn't leaving the store until she gets what she wants. At this point, wisely, he just walks away. Then she goes over to the courtesy phone and tries to call corporate. Since it wasn't a rotary phone she couldn't figure out how to dial the phone and starts yelling that someone needs to help her make a phone call (insert your own joke here). At this point I choose to get involved. I walk over and tell the first thing she's going to do is stop yelling across the store. She says she couldn't get any help w/the phone. I tell her "Well, that's because you're not a very pleasant person to deal with." Everything I say is in a very polite tone but very blunt which confuses the collection of cells in her skull that allegedly resemble a brain. I actually dial the # for her since I know nothing's going to result from her call. She complains again that no one would help her. My reply: "I don't really blame them." She replies in a sarcastic tone "Have a nice day". I turn back to her w/the biggest, brightest smile on my face and say "Thank you very much! And you have a nice day too!" She left a few minutes later.:rofl:
[quote name='doodosh']I work at GS

A couple of weeks ago this one lady comes in asking if we have 'lego star wars' on gamecube. Checked the computer, no it comes out in a couple of months on the gamecube. (its been out on the ps2 and xbox) Lady says " I called target and they checked all their inventory and said they have some (the target that had 'it' was 2 hrs away).

"well the game isnt out for a couple of months so they are talking about either an xbox or ps2 version"

"no, they specifically said it was on gamecube"

"that's impossible"

"well , you never know...."

WTF? How in the blue hell would Target get a game 2 months before and start selling it?

um no[/QUOTE]

A few years back during Christmas, which is always the worst for these types, I had a grandma come in to buy little Johnny a gift. Little Johnny wanted "Max Payne's Dead to Rights."

I attempted to explain to her that these were two different games, Max Payne and Dead to Rights.

Nooooo, she would have none of this. "My grandson is looking for Max Payne's Dead to Rights!"

I once again tried to explain to her there was no such game was called this and when I showed her the cases for each game, she called me a moron and left.
I had a horrid old bitch in today. Saturday is usually busy, well this frosty old piece of shit walks up and wants 12 1.5lbs packages of ground beef. We do it for her, but we ask her nicely if next time she would call ahead of time because it is time consuming to get that many packages together. The old fucking frigid cunt screeches "i know, i know". Both me and my co-worker thought, well if you knew to call ahead, why the fuck didn't you? That pretty much ruined my day right there. We actually had other customers make comments about her to us. I really wish i had teabagged her meat.
[quote name='neocisco']We had a lady call today and want us to find record of her purchase for a Bluetooth earpiece for her cell. CC, BTW. One guy searched for 20 minutes and couldn't find anything. She kept saying it should be there. If a customer doesn't have a receipt then we try looking it up w/a phone number, name and zip code, credit card # or driver's license #. *RANT* (SAVE YOUR RECEIPTS! It's YOUR responsibility to keep YOUR receipts, not ours!) *END RANT* None of this worked so there was nothing else we could do so she jus hung up. "Good, we're done w/her", we foolishly thought. About a half-hour later this obvious result of inbreeding comes in the store! She starts yelling about how we better find her receipt. She demands a manager so he comes and attempts to talk to her. He explains that no record of purchase could be found plus, after seeing the earpiece, explained to her that we have never sold that item. Well, that sets off Spawn of Deliverance. She starts yelling to customers to not shop at CC and says she won't leave until she gets a refund. She also tells the manager he is illiterate, which I found both funny and ironic since he wasn't reading anything and she probably only drinks Pabst Blue Ribbon solely for the reason that the label on the can is easily recognizable since she probably can't read herself. He then tells her the conversation is over. She reiterates (I'd love to see her try to spell that word) that she isn't leaving the store until she gets what she wants. At this point, wisely, he just walks away. Then she goes over to the courtesy phone and tries to call corporate. Since it wasn't a rotary phone she couldn't figure out how to dial the phone and starts yelling that someone needs to help her make a phone call (insert your own joke here). At this point I choose to get involved. I walk over and tell the first thing she's going to do is stop yelling across the store. She says she couldn't get any help w/the phone. I tell her "Well, that's because you're not a very pleasant person to deal with." Everything I say is in a very polite tone but very blunt which confuses the collection of cells in her skull that allegedly resemble a brain. I actually dial the # for her since I know nothing's going to result from her call. She complains again that no one would help her. My reply: "I don't really blame them." She replies in a sarcastic tone "Have a nice day". I turn back to her w/the biggest, brightest smile on my face and say "Thank you very much! And you have a nice day too!" She left a few minutes later.:rofl:[/QUOTE]

And you're manager never kicked her out or called the police?
[quote name='gizmogc']And you're manager never kicked her out or called the police?[/QUOTE]

Nope. He just walked away from her. Since she didn't have an audience her well thought-out plan quickly fell apart. Of course, I'm always willing to step up and get in a rude customer's face. All of my managers know this so, just as long as I don't get blatantly rude, they don't care if I confront them. I detest loudmouths and bullies and I'll call them on it.
I went to pick up Nintendogs at EB the other day and the guys working there told me that I had just missed an obvious case of credit card fraud. Doh!
I have two really funny stories from when I worked at a supermarket in high school.

One week we had a sale on canned tuna fish. Old people flocked in like it was the return of the savior. We started the sale on Sunday and had 2 huge pallets of the stuff, and by tuesday morning they where gone. So tuesday I walk in to do my shift and I was asked about 32 times where the tuna fish was, so by this time I was getting alittle annoyed. This one really salty old man walks over to me, and says WHERE IS THE TUNA FISH IN THE AD?!? He was so old that I didn't have the heart to blow up on him right away, so I quietly said, Well Im sorry sir but we are all out at the moment, I can get you a rain check if you like. He then informs me that I need to get him some of the tunafish right this minute. OK, so I hit my boiling point, and proceed to tell him that I didn't have a magic wand that could make things appear out of thin air. Then I said
"If I did do you think I would be standing here in aisle 4 talking to you and stacking cat litter for min. wage???" (I got a few days vacation without pay for that one....)

This next one happend about 3 weeks later, (Now you have to remember I live in BFE Ohio, so there are some Hillrods that live here that can barely read on a 3rd grade level, and have about 4 teeth)

Im crouched on the ground stacking pickle jars. And this HUGE dude walks up to me and opens his mouth (He had 5 teeth!) and says something to me that was barely coherent. I turned and shoke my head and was like yep, he smiled and laughed, which kind of scared me because I had no Idea what I what I was Yeping. Then he says,

Where be the Ass cream..?

I kinda jumped, and thought did this dude just ask where the ass cream was?
(This super market has about 6 aisle's and just food, there is nothing close to a pharmacy here)
So I am REALLY confused as to why this HUGE hillrod would be asking me where Ass cream is.

So I say, hang on a second, and walk around the corner really really fast, and bust out laughing. I think to myself I gotta get my buddy. So I run down the aisle and say he Russ, come here a second. I was like this guy needs your help. So Russ walks around the corner and says, Can I help you sir?? the big guy goes,

Where be the Ass Cream??

Russ, looks at me, and I just start busting up laughing, and he is like trying to hold it in but he just cant so the guy doesn't know what to think.

Just then the manager walks around the corner and say Hey guys. (This manager is like 75 years old) He goes can I help you sir??

the big hillbilly sighs and says

Where be the Ass Cream??


Me and by buddy just look at each other and run after them, because we have no idea what is going on. The manager then turns the corner and points to the freezer and goes right there sir.

The dude was looking for ICE CREAM.... It was soooo funny. I asked the manager how the heck he knew what he was saying and he was like ah you'll get used to it... What a bunch of Hicks....
:lol: My favorite post of the week! I'm sitting here saying 'ass cream' over and over since it really does sound like 'ice cream' if you only had a few teeth and a few braincells.
A man came into my store one morning a couple weeks ago...the day Darkwatch was released to be exact. He said hello and smiled and seemed like a generally pleasant dude. He looked around for about 5 minutes then asked me a few questions about the 360 and what I thought looked cool for it....he then noticed I was putting the new copies of Darkwatch out on display and asked me how much is was. I replied "50 bucks" and his entire demanor changed.

"You expect me to pay $50 for this shit when all the Xbox shit is going to fucking drop down to $20 when the 360 comes out? You're out of your fucking mind!"

I just kinda shrugged my shoulders and said "I dunno dude" as he walked out of the store. The general public are absolutely PHENOMENAL and I hope he was injured in a traffic accident after he left.
Had this conversation today on the phone...

Customer: When does the Nintendo Generation come out?
Me: You mean the Revolution?
Customer: Yeah, that's it.
Me: Some time next year.
Customer: November 19th?

Tell me...how the HELL do you get November 19th from some time next year. And yes, I do have all my teeth.
[quote name='Brandon From Columbus']"You expect me to pay $50 for this sh*t when all the Xbox sh*t is going to fucking drop down to $20 when the 360 comes out? You're out of your fucking mind!"[/QUOTE]

If retail bought into that time-travel-pricing, I could go to Best Buy and say: "I want Burnout 4, here's my $2, I'd like to price-match against ThriftWorld on 24th street, since that's how much they're selling it for in 10 years from now."

Not only that, if you can convince the EB Employee that a newly released game will go Greatest Hits, you can get it for $20...

Speaking of Time-travel, I saw Madden 2005 for PS1 at Best Buy the other day...I understand catering to the needs of the console-challenged, but it's almost time for the next-gen of them. No one in their right mind would expect to see Tony Hawk's Undergound 2 for N64...well, maybe on eBay, but there won't be a registration card in there when you open the seal...
[quote name='Kerig']If retail bought into that time-travel-pricing, I could go to Best Buy and say: "I want Burnout 4, here's my $2, I'd like to price-match against ThriftWorld on 24th street, since that's how much they're selling it for in 10 years from now."

Not only that, if you can convince the EB Employee that a newly released game will go Greatest Hits, you can get it for $20...

Speaking of Time-travel, I saw Madden 2005 for PS1 at Best Buy the other day...I understand catering to the needs of the console-challenged, but it's almost time for the next-gen of them. No one in their right mind would expect to see Tony Hawk's Undergound 2 for N64...well, maybe on eBay, but there won't be a registration card in there when you open the seal...[/QUOTE]

Those Maddens are green tag at TRU. We also had last season's Game Day, so there is some first party support there -- for football only.

Talk about a blowjob.
[quote name='MrMaddness']Had this conversation today on the phone...

Customer: When does the Nintendo Generation come out?
Me: You mean the Revolution?
Customer: Yeah, that's it.
Me: Some time next year.
Customer: November 19th?

Tell me...how the HELL do you get November 19th from some time next year. And yes, I do have all my teeth.[/QUOTE]

Maybe the customer was informed of this date somewhere else, and wanted to confirm?
Not a customer, but my District Manager.

I'm pissed, very pissed at him.

He's being a total lazy asshole and won't do his job. He's buddy buddy with a couple of stores and doesn't give a shit about the stores he isn't buddy buddy with.

My manager ordered a bunch of items that we needed for our store and what does he do? Cancels the whole thing. We have a huge backlog of field destroys ( :( ) that we need done, and he won't do them. He's no help at all.
[quote name='gizmogc']And you're manager never kicked her out or called the police?[/QUOTE]

Well confronting them is a waste of your time for person with that position, besides you got more important things to do. That's why managers hire lackeys like us to do the floor sweeping.

Wow what a story btw. I demand more stories for entertainment!
my story is that i don't work retail and hopefully never will have to downgrade to it. 99.9% of all retail workers suck ass except for the few here of course. I think mag racks should be kicked off every counter in the US and land in "most" employees laps. end story
[quote name='cag1000']my story is that i don't work retail and hopefully never will have to downgrade to it. 99.9% of all retail workers suck ass except for the few here of course. I think mag racks should be kicked off every counter in the US and land in "most" employees laps. end story[/QUOTE]

Yes, because working retail is the worst thing in the world. Sometimes it's the only option for some people so get off your damn high horse.
[quote name='cag1000']my story is that i don't work retail and hopefully never will have to downgrade to it. 99.9% of all retail workers suck ass except for the few here of course. I think mag racks should be kicked off every counter in the US and land in "most" employees laps. end story[/QUOTE]

lemme guess, you never had to work while going to school because you're part of a rich ass family (although if you're rich, why the hell would you be on cheap ass gamer?). i worked retail throughout high school to help support my family and i still work retail now because i have to pay for tuition/misc expenses (like a game addiction) and i can't fit the university jobs into my schedule. many people work retail and deal with idiot customers because they need to survive.
I've had a lot of bad customers in my ten years of customer service, but the worst one ever happened when I worked at McDonalds. A mom came in at 7 am, shortly after I started work. She gave her four kids $15. ( Ages: about 4, 6, 8, and 10) Then she left. She left! ( Quick ending in case it was to boring)

Part II.

She left for work, the kids bought some food and headed out to the play place, about five hours later ( noon) they come back in, refill their pops and buy some more food. 3 pm comes and it's time for me to leave, still no sign of the parents. I let closing management know because the opening management didn't care. When I came in to work the next day I asked how everything turned out. The mother came in at about 9 pm and was almost having a heart attack, she was screaming and yelling asking where the hell her children were. Eventually the closers were able to calm her down enough to explain that they called the police and the police took her kids to child protection services. For some reason the mother couldn't figure out why it wasn't good to leave four kids alone all day and all night while she worked at her two jobs.

I currently work in one of the few remaining Little Caesar's Pizza shops. And I am so confused by customers. They want their pizza ready when they walk in (they don't call ahead) but demand that they are still hot! They can have one but not the other, especially since we are so busy. Yesterday, ( the 9th day of my workweek) we had made by the end of the night about 250 pizzas.
[quote name='Darkside Hazuki']That seems highly suspicious.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='tauruskatt'] 137 of them in fact. for cash.[/QUOTE]

Usually more so when they don't have the cases and the cover art was printed on a computer.

[quote name='Kuros']Very nice work in knocking that kid out!

We had a PSP and game stolen from our store but we couldn't get them back. :([/QUOTE]

One girl from my GS almost got fired for a huge mistake. A customer asked to buy a PSP so she brought it out to the counter. He then asked to see some games, she left the PSP on the counter and shoed him the games ( she is the height and build of a 12 year old but she is 18, ( he was a pretty big guy, fast, but big) He asks about one of teh UMD and as she is reading the back he runs to the front of teh store, grabs teh PSP and is out the door in the car, and driving away before she even knows he left!
[quote name='Kiff']Long time lurker and first time poster. These stories are extremely interesting and have sence quelled my long ago dream of being a gaming retailer.

I do have story to share as a customer / browser that I found annoying.

I'm checking out the Gamecube section of Babbage's (Gamestop) and the sales clerks pops in. "Are you going to get the new Legend of Zelda?". Before I could respond, he says, "Nintendo is only shipping us a limited number, so you'll have to preorder it for $5, if you want it on the release date."

Now this was back in May, possibly before E3, so the damn title of the game hasn't been announced yet much less a release date, but this guy knows what his store's shipment will be. Not only that this shipment will be so limited that I should reserve it 6 months before it's estimated release date or I won't get a copy.

Since mostly retailers have been posting in this thread, this there any credibility whatsoever to the statement? Do you guys say things like this (ie, bullsh!t) to scare cutomers into a sale? If places like EB and GS don't have a Zelda to sell me at release, guess what, Best Buy or Circuit City or TRU will.

I felt annoyed and insulted and I walked out. As I'm at the door the guy asks across the store, "So are you going to put down that $5?"[/QUOTE]

:shock: I would never do that to a customer! Of course...... I was fired for not getting enough reservations and subscriptions. It was a bit pushy, but he may have been just trying to save his job. You know, if I was female I bet I would still have a job there. No one reserves anything from the guys.

3 replies in under 2 hours. ......... I'm gonna shut up now.
[quote name='Samurai717']hum~ there are just too many cheap and stupid customers that they want to get all the possible little discounts offers and will complaint for every tiny thing~ I guess these buyers should just quit play video games when they are just too cheap[/QUOTE]

(Last one I swear!)

Yeah those darn Cheap Ass Gamers always ruining everything! What the hell is their problem? You know, I hear there is a website out there that encourages getting good deals on games, though they don't encourage stupidity I find the site very helpful. I also love the forums. Gosh I wish I remembered the website's address so you could tell all the Cheap Ass Gamers how much of a pain in the ass they are, but I seem to have lost the link.
................................................ (waits for it to sink in)..........................................
[quote name='infinitepez']After reading all these stories, i just felt i had to tell some of my own.

Last summer I worked as a clerk for a local convenience store. It was the typical slacker job. I was often unsupervised, and was not above writing off a hot dog or eating a doughnut that was supposed to be thrown away (because it was too old, not too dirty). I worked there till the odd hours of the morning, and, naturally, got to deal with some of the weirdest people i've ever met.

A common complaint happened whenever someone tried to buy some cigerettes. In the front of the store, we have a giant sign reading "3.52 a Pack (If You Buy Two Packs)". I can't count the number of times someone would buy one pack, find out it rang up for 5.18, and complain for a good fifteen minutes that the sign needs to be taken down since it can be misleading if you don't read it. I really didn't care about the job, so i usually just replied with a "sir, if you want, you can write your complaint on this piece of paper"....the paper was then promptly filed in the black garbage bag at my feet.

There was also one day when my old spanish teacher came in. She recognized me after i gave my most unenthusiastic "hello". She looked around for a bit, and bought a loaf of bread (roughly 2 dollars) using a fifty dollar bill. This wouldn't have irked me, if she didn't proceed to buy a pack of cigerettes (5.08) with a ten dollar bill. I didn't give it to her as change for the fifty, so she had to have brought it with her. As she left, i said "eat s**t and die" in spanish. I never did like her....

while not really stupid, this customer just weirded me out far too much. I had checked her out, and was working on another customer, when our POS register decided to break. At this, i mumble under my breath "i could reprogram this damn thing, but i can't stop the paper from jamming every day". She asks if i was familiar with computers, to which i say i am. From here, she starts on a 30 minute speech, and i swear i made none of this up. She says "Would you mind teaching me some computer skills? I'm trying to get back into the work force. You see, i was working at this company, when my boss tried advancing sexually on me. When i refused, he slammed me into a desk. I quit, and on the way home, he used his car to bump mine into a ditch, and i crashed. I was in a coma for months. When i woke up, i called a lawyer to sue the company. The company bought out the lawyer. I tried another lawyer. They were bought out. Then the company burnt my house down to destroy any records i had. I tried getting a new job, but the company blacklisted me, so i couldn't find anything in my field. Because of the crash, i lost a good deal of short-term memory. Would you mind teaching me some computer skills like office?" I spent most of the time just looking dumbfounded. I asked the name of the company, so i never work there, to which she replied "i forgot". I told her that the next semester started the following week, so i wouldn't be in the state long. When she left, me and my co-worker couldn't figure out whether or not she really did go through all that.[/QUOTE]

What part of our great state was this in? :)
I had one today that shocked the hell out of me.

At my store we do custom orders for gold teeth (Grills, as they call it, nothing temporary, just Gold Grills). I got 3 in today, so as usual, when I get them in I go over my notes and check to see how much each person owes. I always have a small card with the buyers name/number/how much owed taped directly right above my cash register.

Checked over them all, 2 brothers (actual brothers, not some nifty way of saying "black guys) owed 75.00 each, one other guy owed 25.00. Simple enough, check my cards, check over the sales book, call the people that ordered them to let them know they are in.

Well, about 2 hours after I called in the order, I had to go to the bathroom, 20 minute break, stomache was killing me. I get back and about 10 minutes later the guy that owed 25.00 came up to pick up his teeth. No problem, he tried them on, all was great. I ring it up, 25.00, he says "I paid it in full already". So I glance up at my card that I have posted, this guy actually had the BALLS to mark through "25.00 owed on pickup" and write in "Paid" while I was in the bathroom!

I picked up my salesbook, glanced back, looked at where I wrote down the sale again and said "Nope, got you down as 25.00 on pick up, you only paid 125.00 when you ordered them" and he handed over the 25.00 without arguing.

This is the first time this has ever happened, it shocked the hell out of me that someone would even attempt something as ridiculous as that. Normally I throw in a free jewelry cleaning rag to keep it clean, he asked for one, I told him they were 5.00...he didn't buy one.
I start out with 70 bucks in tens fives and ones and 2 hours later have 300 dollars in twenties and 17 in fives a ten and singles.

People are suck assholes
I have two quick stories from when i worked at Little Caesar's Pizza many years ago.

A guy walks in and asks if we sell Beach Cruiser Bicycle frames. He was completely serious. I say no and he just turns around and walks out.

Another time this big redneck guy came in with a Little Caesars coupon flyer that corporate sends to people's house. This guy was furious that we had the nerve to send him the coupons and demands that we never EVER send them to his house again. We let him know that we aren't the ones that send them out and he starts screaming, jumping around, and just acting crazy. He finally says that if we ever send him coupons in the mail again he will burn our store down and then runs out the door. I never saw him again.
[quote name='smalien1']I start out with 70 bucks in tens fives and ones and 2 hours later have 300 dollars in twenties and 17 in fives a ten and singles.

People are suck assholes[/QUOTE]

i don't get it.
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