Fallout: New Vegas - Gen. Discussion & Info

Ugly Novac traveling merchant bug rears it's ugly head again 5 hours probably in game time since having all these troubles earlier. I was about to have someone walk in front of the Dino and I saw the trader and thought cha-ching right before my system locked up.

I'm back to exploring and finishing up everything quest related pre-vegas before I head into that area. I assume it's Vegas they talk of casinos and such....

Anyone else buy every card you could get your hands on and then realize they are just for caravan and not something special? LOL I tried it twice early on and didn't know wtf I was doing and haven't touched it since. I'll just use a video or something to figure it out enough for the achievement and be done with it.
Figured out how to get into the strip. I hate having to bring about inner city violence, but I had to do what I had to do. Time to get things in line for end game decisions, and delete some way older saves. Still have one from the very beginning of the game. Might use that with the GOTY stuff for more fun.
[quote name='craven_fiend']Figured out how to get into the strip. I hate having to bring about inner city violence, but I had to do what I had to do. Time to get things in line for end game decisions, and delete some way older saves. Still have one from the very beginning of the game. Might use that with the GOTY stuff for more fun.[/QUOTE]
You couldn't pass the credit check? I had loads of caps by the time I reached the Strip.
You could have also hit up Mick & Ralph's shop in Freeside. They'll hook you up with a fake passport for a price. Since I was good with the NCR though I just took the monorail from Camp McCarran. Once I got there I could come and go as I pleased though I'm not if that was because of my rep or the fact that one of the NCR followers I spawned from my radio went medieval on every security bot in front of the north gate by herself. They eventually respawned of course but never said shit to me.

Meh... there's so many glitches in this game it's hard to keep track of what does and doesn't qualify as intended behavior.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']You couldn't pass the credit check? I had loads of caps by the time I reached the Strip.[/QUOTE]

I'm saving my caps for
the implant doctor on the strip who can boost your stats.
Finally, something worthwhile to spend the 15k caps I've amassed by scavenging on.
[quote name='mtxbass1']Is there a way to access the strip if
the monorail blew up at Camp McCarran?
Pass a credit check like we were talking about above (have 2000 caps on you) or get forged documents. I think there was one other way, but I can't think of it offhand.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Pass a credit check like we were talking about above (have 2000 caps on you) or get forged documents. I think there was one other way, but I can't think of it offhand.[/QUOTE]

I did all of that stuff and was SOL. Think the greeter bot glitches out. Had to kill robots to get a key.
I'm really hoping we get that second patch soon. I'd really like to finish the "Come Fly With Me" quest and be able to save my game and actually load it back up.
I am a little late, but now i will buy the game. Question is only from where.
A friend of mine told me he got it from best buy and it contained a code for a armor.
Is this a special just for the release and if or if not, what are my chances to get it still in a copy. He did not preorder and just bought it at release day.

[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']You couldn't pass the credit check? I had loads of caps by the time I reached the Strip.[/QUOTE]

I was locked out. And only bots around were the Sentinel ones. No greeter bot, which I met earlier, upon leaving the gates. Had a passport too, but no dice. Had to get the keys to get in, which confused me to no end. Spent 4 in game days waiting to find the greeter bot. I did find a Sentinel stuck between a sign and some rumble. Was able to push it out and get it to go.
Wish they would get the new patch going..Ive had a broken game since the first patch and havent played it since that day. Got hit with the VAT system freeze glitch. Waste of my money. I would have really been pissed if Fable III didnt come out to take over my gameplay time and get my mind off it. I cant believe how shitty of a job they have done just communicating any info with us..patches or not.
I was doing great, only had one freeze so far. Then last night, I couldn't even get into the load screen at all. Every time I chose either 'Continue' or 'Load' it would throw up a 'Disc Unreadable' error. Took me a good chunk of time copying progressively older saves from my USB onto my HD and seeing what would load.

Ended up being my last Auto-Save plus my 2 latest saves that were causing the problem. I lost about 2 hours of gameplay, which is still a lot, but it could have been worse. Removed the offensive saves from my USB, and the disc error went away and I could actually start playing again.
[quote name='tiddled06']Wish they would get the new patch going..Ive had a broken game since the first patch and havent played it since that day. Got hit with the VAT system freeze glitch. Waste of my money. I would have really been pissed if Fable III didnt come out to take over my gameplay time and get my mind off it. I cant believe how shitty of a job they have done just communicating any info with us..patches or not.[/QUOTE]

Preaching to the choir my friend. I'm seriously going to forgo what little side quests I have left to finish this game because the companion glitch is screwing me out of extending it by a few hours. I may start a new play-through just for recruiting Veronica (both her and Cass have surprisingly solid VAs) and creating a melee character for the hell of it, but the split second I run into that glitch again this POS is getting shelved.
Man, I'm so glad I waited to play this game. I'm still not sure if I even want to get it, but I sooooooooo loved Fallout 3.

After I finish DA:OA, I might just start the expansion disc for Oblivion (still have probably 20 hours or more to put into that game).
If you can get it cheap or are willing to wait until the bugs are properly exterminated (GOTY at this rate) then it is definitely worth buying even if just for the fact it is essentially FO3.5. Solid game... I'm just glad I didn't spend any more than $20 on it otherwise I would have been extremely pissed by the lack of quality control.
[quote name='keithp']Patch is supposed to be out by this Tuesday, according to someone named Terrac that talked to dev tech support and posted on the Bethesda forum.[/QUOTE]

Has anyone heard/read anything more about patch #2 (was supposed to have been released yesterday)? Just curious.
[quote name='craven_fiend']I was locked out. And only bots around were the Sentinel ones. No greeter bot, which I met earlier, upon leaving the gates. Had a passport too, but no dice. Had to get the keys to get in, which confused me to no end. Spent 4 in game days waiting to find the greeter bot. I did find a Sentinel stuck between a sign and some rumble. Was able to push it out and get it to go.[/QUOTE]

I got in by I think it may be a glitch. I am accepted by the NCR and I was at Mccarren and the guards let me go to the monorail. I was able to take it to New Vegas walked around a bit and went into the gates at Freeside. am able to go in and out of new vegas no problem. I havent seen a greeter bot in freeside only the security bots.

I got in before all the Freeside QUests and the Mccarren quests.
[quote name='shieryda']Has anyone heard/read anything more about patch #2 (was supposed to have been released yesterday)? Just curious.[/QUOTE]

Posted yesterday on the Bethesda forum, 2nd patch is still in development:

Correct... we're working on additional updates covering many of the issues being reported here in the forums and elsewhere. Presently, I dont have an ETA to share on that update.
I still can't believe you guys are having all of these issues. I've been playing since release night with no real issues or problems. My main bug was after the patch and that was just the issue of the companions not being able to be sent to the Lucky 38. Since then I've deleted the patch and have had zero issues, still. No freezing, no quests bugging out, oh...the only issue was Arcadia lost the "rejoin" option after being fired. But that goes away as soon as I release Ed-E from my service. Just then rehire Arcadia, rehire Ed-E, and all's good. But other than that no issues at all.

Which seems really weird because how could one persons game be virtually flawless and everyone elses be so buggy?
Okay, so I'm kind of stuck on "Heartache by the Number"

I've got to Investigate the Silver Rush for evidence on the Van Graffs' guilt, but every time I go in there they shoot at me and I'm out of Stealth Boys so I can't really make any moves. Any tips?
[quote name='praxus07']

Which seems really weird because how could one persons game be virtually flawless and everyone elses be so buggy?[/QUOTE]

Because you're awesome? :p

I have encountered a weird glitch with Jack and Diane. As well as Pearl. Both Pearl and Jack got hostile when I approach them and I can't talk to either. Appears to only be them, as I can do other quests and such.
[quote name='Mr Dude65']How to I get to the Maintenance Level in Vault 3? I want to finish "Still in the Dark"[/QUOTE]
IIRC, it's in a locker underwater. You'll either need to be quick or have the re-breather.
Mother fuck.

I'm on the last part of the game and I've died at least 9000 times, but I finally kill Legate but nothing happens after that in terms of the quest/game and it's like I never killed him at all. Awful.
Thanks for the responses. I looked it up, and you have to get a key from someone in the Living Quarters if you don't have 75 Lockpick.
[quote name='Mizzou75']Mother fuck.

I'm on the last part of the game and I've died at least 9000 times, but I finally kill Legate but nothing happens after that in terms of the quest/game and it's like I never killed him at all. Awful.
Did you walk back toward the gate? You'll trigger a cut-scene.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Did you walk back toward the gate? You'll trigger a cut-scene.[/QUOTE]

I walked around a bit but didn't really get that close to the gate. I'll try that.
[quote name='Mizzou75']Nope, gate is closed. And there's like six Legionaries just standing around in the middle of the path[/QUOTE]
Try clearing the Legionaries out, but I know there's a gate or "wall" you need to get close to and something will happen. Make sure your Pip-Boy has the final quest selected and try to line up your compass indicator.
It still says
"Head to the Legate's camp and deal with the Legate and Caeser's Legion."
so it's not even recognizing that I killed him.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Try clearing the Legionaries out, but I know there's a gate or "wall" you need to get close to and something will happen. Make sure your Pip-Boy has the final quest selected and try to line up your compass indicator.[/QUOTE]

Ah ha, finally got it. Thanks for your help.
[quote name='mtxbass1']I'm so pissed that Keely is not inside Vault 22. She has a rare custom plasma rifle. Ugh.[/QUOTE]

She's only there if you're on the quest to find her.
[quote name='Magus8472']She's only there if you're on the quest to find her.[/QUOTE]

That's the thing. I'm on that quest...
I've never played a game for a console that was this broken out of the box. Last night I tried to go through the end-game quests and after 3 freezes/crashes at different points I finally gave up. I think I've crashed probably 30+ times in about 46 hours of play.
Ok, found her. I didn't know that she was in the bottom of the cave system. Completed that quest, no problem. There's a hard locked door down in the Vault that I can't get in to, but no big deal for now.

Anyone have any tips for getting in to Gun Runners undetected?
[quote name='mtxbass1']Ok, found her. I didn't know that she was in the bottom of the cave system. Completed that quest, no problem. There's a hard locked door down in the Vault that I can't get in to, but no big deal for now.

Anyone have any tips for getting in to Gun Runners undetected?[/QUOTE]

Doesn't she plan to blow it up? That would be a big deal.

Make sure not to take any companions and use a stealthboy if you have one.
[quote name='craven_fiend']Doesn't she plan to blow it up? That would be a big deal.

Make sure not to take any companions and use a stealthboy if you have one.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, she effectively
gassed everywhere, which I ignited. This completed that portion of the mission.
There is still one locked "hard" door down there though, but I'm ignoring it.

Gotcha. Makes sense. I'll have to tell Boone and ED-E to take a hike.
You can take companions with you while sneaking (especially with a Stealth Boy) unless yours is the type to glitch and attack non-threatening NPCs at random. I do it all of the time because enemies in this game only acknowledge your existence when sneaking. Everyone else (until they attack) are considered figments of their overactive imaginations.
I havent played this in a week due to work and I finally get some to play and the game locks up 4 times as I am playing.

Such a waste of money and time, I am only 20 hrs in and have a decent amount of the side quest done (most of which are completely forgettable and a waste of effort to even complete) so I might just head to NV complete the main mission and sell the game.

This game is top 3 biggest disappointments in my gaming career.
[quote name='Soodmeg']I havent played this in a week due to work and I finally get some to play and the game locks up 4 times as I am playing.

Such a waste of money and time, I am only 20 hrs in and have a decent amount of the side quest done (most of which are completely forgettable and a waste of effort to even complete) so I might just head to NV complete the main mission and sell the game.

This game is top 3 biggest disappointments in my gaming career.[/QUOTE]

We get it. You don't like the game. You don't have to continue posting in this thread about it. You knew the game had bugs before you bought it, yet you still did. That's on you.
Loving this game, had it since launch only had one bug so far it was during the "BOOTED" quest I blew a guys head off and his head was stuck to the front of me and I couldn't click on anything (the captives I released, bed...nothing) luckily I saved right before that so I just reloaded and all was good...finished the quest.

Just finished "They Went That Away" this morning (I don't get to play much with being married and have a 4 year old step-son) but loving this and game and playing as much as I can.
[quote name='mtxbass1']We get it. You don't like the game. You don't have to continue posting in this thread about it. You knew the game had bugs before you bought it, yet you still did. That's on you.[/QUOTE]

Why so angry?

I bought the game the day after release like many of the people in the world and in this thread so no I didnt know it was bug ridden. Also, why are you snapping at me like I am the only one in here complaining about bugs and lock ups? Its only the single biggest complaint the every single review has said so far.

More importantly the forums are not just isnt for saying how great games are they are for commenting (good or bad) on games.

Calm down a little buddy, its all good man. I will comment on the game as long as I own it (like I do every game) and then move on.

Jesus people, its a game and a forum no need for hostility.
Frankly, I can't see any reason that anyone who bought this game on release day COULDN'T be angry. It is borderline unplayable. It is completely broken. I don't care what the business reasons were for pushing it out and not delaying it because this sort of shit is unacceptable. I've played games in alpha that were less broken than New Vegas.
bread's done