Fanatical Thread

Hmm...on the one hand most of those games suck, on the other hand, +13.  I think we all know the outcome of this decision.

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Due to time constraints of pending job/home relocations I'm ceasing updates to this thread it was fun while it lasted. I'll keep this thread open, but if someone would like to start another, let me know and I'll link to it in the OP and lock this thread.

PS: BS Todd, I hate the updated website layout. Happy New Year.
I'm missing just about everything but the 12 labours I really want a bunch of cheap grandma games?

8 games i could see playing 25 cents each might as well

see if i can dump off the labor gaems somewhere

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cuz its 2 hard 2 know what games r guna get bundled and when

i skipt 821 cheep gaemz dis sale cuz i didnt know if dey wud git bundled n the 1 gaem i buy ends up in bs da day da sale ends FML

cuz its 2 hard 2 know what games r guna get bundled and when
Let's start a CAG FAQ for PC gamers:

Q: Which games are going to get bundled?

A: All of the them.

Q: When?

A: Sooner or later.

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I have bought most of the previous bundles with a few repeats. This one has a few too but the games I'm missing just don't look very good or aren't for me.

BundleSharts new Shart:

Copying from IG/Humble/Groupees/Everyone, a tiered bundle....1/2/3($1/$2.49/$2.99)

Hidden Germs Deux


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Man I wish that mid tier was cheaper. May get in it but it's not cheap. Do want that Militia game and Our Love Will Grow..... I also posted about Dwarf Run waiting it to be bundled on the IGS thread.....just wish this was a $1.99 bundle.

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I don't really have anything except Fractal so I will grab this one. I'm a sucker for Harvest Moon type games so I'm all over Love Will Grow. Kind of wanted Dwarf Run but glad I didn't IGS it. Kind of feel sorry for them as the dev could not even wait for their deal to be over to bundle it. :p Also the foosball looks oddly fun.

Top tier looks like shit but it's another 50 cents and one has cards so eh.

Would have preferred a little lower but it's more games than you generally get out of Poopees these days and some more interesting stuff at least for a few so I'm in.

Pixel Galaxy in 3rd tier looks alright....I dislike local multiplayer games mostly... I generally just buy BundleStars, IG with the occasional humble weekly lately. Just trying to not touch Groupees much these days....disliking them more day by day. I still like their Chiptunes bundles at least.

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I know some of these have been bundled before but may get it. I'm not much for racing games but do get a kick out of the more arcadey or mario kart type and such.

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I bought it specifically for rFactor. This bundle came at the right time for me, I was just about to buy it on Amazon since they have it for 19.99 and its 24.99 on Steam. 

bread's done