Fanatical Thread

Dex at $3 as a daily deal.

Anyone played it? Is on my wishlist and don't know why xD
I... have? What? I don't... what? I... played something?


Anyway, it's not a bad action-RPG/CRPG hybrid. Obviously cyberpunk. Like a lot of RPGs that offer non-violent solutions to get around things, it falls short of letting you actually get away with not fighting, which is unfortunate since combat's pretty awkward, gun combat especially so. Story's sort of interesting, though I don't go in for cyberpunk a lot, so I can't tell you how tropey it is within its own genre. Be aware that layered into the game is a 2D shooter in the form of the hacking minigame, which is absolutely necessary to advance the plot and which you'll be doing frequently if you want to do the sidequests, max out your XP, or find non-combat solutions to your problems, so if you're averse to that sort of gameplay, it might ruin the game for you. Oh, and even with max XP, I seem to recall that you can't max out all your stats, so keep that in mind when distributing XP.

Other than that, it's pretty enjoyable. Not super challenging for the most part, though there were parts I definitely had to repeat a few times to get through (thanks in no small part to titchy stealth mechanics). Probably worth $3 if you're looking for a cyberpunk RPG and nothing I've said so far has turned you off, though I get the feeling it'll be bundled sooner or later.
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I... have? What? I don't... what? I... played something?

I tried a trial of Skyhill in the top tier. IMHO a very repetitive and not that exciting game. Pretty bad bundle, though $1 tier is nice if you're missing those.

Missing one in tiers one and three, and two in tier two, though I only care about two of the ones I'm missing. I want the Last Door Season 2, but it keeps showing up in bundles where it's one of the only things I'm missing, or that are overpriced as a whole. Also had some interest in Skyhill, but not for that price.

Trying to come up with something clever to say about the quality of bundles these days, but it's kinda hard when the jokes write themselves...

I just saw Ember was a Star Deal yesterday (at 85% off) and I missed it. Hopefully, it gets bundled soon or this Star Deal returns later at some point in time.

Looks like an old-school style of CRPG, reminiscent of Baldur's Gate series and those type of games. While I doubt it'll be as great as BG series (not many old-school CRPG's are on that level of greatness w/ BG1 & 2 and PST), it looks like Ember could've been worth $1.49 (i.e. a cup of coffee pricing).

So, has anyone here played this?  Any thoughts on it, if you did?

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Great, so when is Fanatical Focus here getting their own game-client program like Steam?

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Guessing they want people to view them more as a game seller and not just a bundle site.

Goes to show how much you read the comments on the Steam feed:

Bundle Stars Dec
21 minutes ago
Hi Spookixy. Since our launch in 2012, our Store has gone from strength to strength and the change to Fanatical will allow us to innovate in line with this. However, Bundles will still remain a core of the site. Hopefully, this helps explain the name change in more detail.

Spookixy 24 minutes ago
Could you guys possibly explain a bit more about the name change? not that I don't like it, but it just seems like a strange move since Bundle Stars for one is a well known name in the community, and you instantly get what Bundle Stars is about just by hearing the name

I always thought Bundlestars was a dumb name, but I don't really like any of the bundle site names.  At least they had Star deals.  Don't know what those will be called now.  Fan deals?

I'd say it's probably better than Bundlestars, though any change has to deal with the get-off-my-lawn factor.
Nah, Fanatical is much worse. Even if they sell games in addition to bundles and aren't exactly the best redistributor out there, "Bundle Stars" at least summarizes their m.o.. "Fanatical" could be a site about anything, which would be acceptable if they sold more than just games, but they don't. I give Groupees a pass because they were originally an indie music site and still sell more than just games.

This is like Humble saying they sell more than just bundles and deciding to call themselves or I'll accept it if Fanatical starts selling other digital media, like Groupees or Humble, but Bundle Stars is a better name for a key seller/bundle site.

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I always thought Bundlestars was a dumb name, but I don't really like any of the bundle site names. At least they had Star deals. Don't know what those will be called now. Fan deals?
Is that easy? Fanatic deal

Fanatic is a real word and grammatical correct.

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Is that easy? Fanatic deal

Fanatic is a real word and grammatical correct.
Fanatical is a real word, it's just a stupid name.

ib4 Indie Gala renames themselves, which would be fitting given the amount of bundles they release.

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Fanatical is a real word, it's another adjective form of fanatic. It's just a stupid name.

ib4 Indie Gala renames themselves, which would be fitting given the amount of bundles they release.
Then Groupeez will follow suit and rename to:

Honestly, I can't get too worked up about the name change. Yeah, it's kinda dumb, but it could have been worse.

What bothers me is that in the email they sent announcing this change, they've promised that they're gonna do a re-design of the site. And their last site re-design was a significant downgrade from the previous design. Given how they've seemingly been unaware of how inferior their current design was over the previous one, and how long they stuck with it, I don't have a lot of faith that the forthcoming version of the site is gonna be a step forward.

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I agree fanatical is a bad name

but so is bundlestars. It was no longer a site JUST about bundles, it has great deals on individual games too

I still think should become or something

and Humble will be re-named Jihadist

I agree fanatical is a bad name

but so is bundlestars. It was no longer a site JUST about bundles, it has great deals on individual games too

I still think should become or something
They are certainly not that humble, probably made a great profit by selling it to IGN

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bread's done