Fat Princess - Gen Discussion & Info - $15 - 7/30

[quote name='dmunkee']Played a few games with Wolfkin earlier too, sorry I couldn't get my headset working during our games. That was also the first deathmatches I played, so I was shocked to not see a princess in a cage :lol:[/QUOTE]yeah I'm not particularly a fan of deathmatch. I'm the guy who starts off the game harvesting and in death match that just gets me killed.
[quote name='evergoo']Don't forget to use dpad folks.[/QUOTE]you know that dpad thing works like 30% of the time for me. I'm spamming for help and people right next to me doing absolutly nothing just walk off.. it's rather frustrating.
[quote name='cdietschrun']Quite the opposite. The problem is that some problems are so deep rooted in the class design/game architectural setup that make it too hard to unravel/re-engineer the game in time. Most software engineers actually know that they decide to make something WORK first rather than PERFECT first, because it's so hard to see the end product from the beginning. I have a feeling you have no idea what it's like to work on a project of this scope, never mind full retail games.[/QUOTE]

I was a QA tester for 2K Games who worked on many titles throughout the year I was there. Many times problems like lag and the one I commented on (Princess falling through the floor) are found late in the process of testing and only a few times. The developers are told and most of the time, decide to let MS/Sony/Nintendo decide what to do. If they find it, then they'll fix it, but if they don't, they'll patch it later. Developers get lazy toward the end of the cycle, and when its submission time, they decide to let the console maker decide what to fix.

Everybody blames the testers when its the developers fault that they didn't fix the problem in the first place. The world of patching console games, day 1 and through its lifetime, has created lazy developers that would rather let the people be beta testers.

Also, without actually seeing the bug database, and knowing what was written up and when, the testers are the last people to be blamed, as the work they do is hidden. Testers bug up the game, Developers fix it. Obviously the Developers didn't do it for this game.
Does anyone have the US Trophy icon links for the following:

Chubby Chaser
Gluteus Maximus
Cake or Death
[quote name='viksmart']I also hate that the game is a bit "too" balanced there is no way to get an advantage in the game it's just one constant hack-n-slash button masher.... . It's impossible to actually have an effect on the outcome of the game your playing because the game purposely make you feel like a meatbag. .[/QUOTE]

I definitely remember feeling this way when I played the beta.
In Fat Princess, do you have to connect the mic before you start the game? I tried adding it halfway through and it wasn't working. I didn't have a chance to leave the game, connect it, and try again. I want to voice chat tonight, so I wasn't sure if it's just my mic (it was working with CoD4), or if I just have to connect it earlier. Thanks.
[quote name='ToadStoolPorridge']In Fat Princess, do you have to connect the mic before you start the game? I tried adding it halfway through and it wasn't working. I didn't have a chance to leave the game, connect it, and try again. I want to voice chat tonight, so I wasn't sure if it's just my mic (it was working with CoD4), or if I just have to connect it earlier. Thanks.[/QUOTE]

I think the game sets R2 to push-to-talk by default, so just talking into the mic straight out won't work. I haven't actually used my headset in this game, though, so I'm not sure. Were you hearing other players or was it just dead altogether?
[quote name='Magus8472']I think the game sets R2 to push-to-talk by default, so just talking into the mic straight out won't work. I haven't actually used my headset in this game, though, so I'm not sure. Were you hearing other players or was it just dead altogether?[/QUOTE]

When I tried to use it no one else was using a mic. There was no teamwork going on so I was going to try to step up and be the quasi leader. Thanks for the tip though, I'll try using the R2 button. I kind of like that because in games like CoD4 you hear everything the person mutters, just not what you need to hear.
[quote name='ToadStoolPorridge']When I tried to use it no one else was using a mic. There was no teamwork going on so I was going to try to step up and be the quasi leader. Thanks for the tip though, I'll try using the R2 button. I kind of like that because in games like CoD4 you hear everything the person mutters, just not what you need to hear.[/QUOTE]

I'm glad to hear that, since Killzone 2 gets old fast with all the useless chatter.
[quote name='dmunkee']Yeah Mad D, that first game was definitely a blast. The wizard/priest team makes for a good combination, racked up a lot of kills and stayed alive for pretty long stretches during that first game. The second game was a huge standstill :lol:, that lava stage is brutal.

Played a few games with Wolfkin earlier too, sorry I couldn't get my headset working during our games. That was also the first deathmatches I played, so I was shocked to not see a princess in a cage :lol:[/QUOTE]

ya i like the wizard/priest combo too...i went on a major killing spree...it was actually an epic battle but the host disconnected...guess there are online bugs

im really liking the game and im not a big online player...usually only play coop games online...it reminds me of a mix of guantlet and warcraft...
[quote name='jman619']I tried it about 4-5 times to get in a match, and it never worked. Really is it broken as well? xD[/QUOTE]

I'm having trouble to get into an online match. I guess I'm not alone with this issue. However, single player campaign is fun so that's going to keep me occupied til they release a patch to fix the online issues.
Sigh. Got this game for two days and still couldn't get into a single online game. i tried creating my own game, and only 4 people came in after around 15 minutes or so.
I see they're changing Ice Mage spam. Hopefully they just nerf the ability to spam and gain points as that's my class! I can honestly say I don't just spam either because you can't actually kill anything or make forward progress like that as easily.

Also, someone mentioned mage/priest combo. Definite win, my friend and I do that, and on multiple occassions we've gone in just 2 of us and made off with the princess. It's amazing how a little communication turns the tide of battle.
[quote name='fizzywix']IGN review gave it a 9.0.

And Eurogamer gave it a 6/10.
Reading that review, it seems like the reviewer's problem with the game is that it actually requires teamwork to win. Very unfair review in my opinion.[/QUOTE]

I've noticed, at least to me, it seems that more and more mulitplayer games can be played like "single player games". Run around and do whatever you want and still work towards your teams goal is what I mean. That is all well and good if it is basically kill X number of people since there are usually plenty of ways to do that on your own.

Even MMO's, I've read recent interviews where one of the first questions is "can I play by myself?" or something along those lines... Nothing wrong with that but I have REALLY wanted something that is more strategic/team orientated.

So I can see how it might "bother" some people if they didn't totally follow that trend here too.

With only one upgrade level to attain for each character class, each side soon reaches maximum strength and then it too often becomes a tiresome stalemate.

Which happens, but when I play with a team working we all try different tactics together. That is the fun part, figuring out what works and countering the attempts of the other side.

I would be interested to see why they chose to leave it so that you can "max out" and not worry about resources after so long. I kind of wish you had to have certain numbers of logs or stone to create hats or to pay for upkeep of the buildings.
My friend let me gameshare this when he bought it, and while I think it's fun, it definitely isn't worth $15. The single player A.I. is pretty bad, and whenever I played online, it seemed like my team either didn't know what they were doing, or just didn't give a fuck.

Also, being that it's on PSN I've rarely heard any mic chat, so teamwork is even harder.
They have patch info on their blog now and other deails.

The following bugs and imbalances have been well reported and documented. In general, there is no need to send additional information. If you come across something new – please send it on.

  • Failed Game Connections
  • Lag
  • Hosting Problems
  • AoE Scoring Exploits
  • Stalemates
  • Missing Princess (on certain levels)
  • Dead Hat Machines
  • Scoreboard Issues (only top 1000 scores shown)
  • Ranking System Problems

Think I am going to go there and add my suggestions/comments which they are asking for there too BTW.
[quote name='Furashu']lol this game is like a really simplified version of DOTA mixed with capture the flag using maple story graphics.


Except any hardcore DotA player, or anyone who plays team creep spawn games with actual character progression on PC will tell you that Fat Princess is crap.

I don't understand why people are trashing all over the lower review scores. IGN overrated it, and while other sites may not be perfect either, I definitely don't think it's an "outstanding" game by any technical measure. It's really, really, really not a game for everyone. I'm not sure why people are saying "oh it's amazing, you'll love it! go buy it!"

You can say it's "too balanced," but that's the exact same as saying it's not balanced at all. Not everyone having mics, lag issues, no coordination, no weapon/armor (attack/defense modifiers on the different classes), 2 buttons to press, targeting system which is exploited by kiting and circle strafing... and imo the two most important: respawn times are way too quick. There's no consequence for dying because they want you to get right back in the action, which is utterly idiotic. Also, people are whoring rank on scoreboards by not actually playing and just feeding massive amounts of cake, etc... There's no Kill to Death ratio or any good way to track how well you're performing in the actual game you're currently in... Ugh.

It might be fun for a while... but who's really gonna still be playing a month+ from now? It doesn't lend itself to the pick-up and play thing when games take 45 minutes +

This game NEEDS patches and updates with more content if they want to keep people interested. But honestly, I'm surprised people are still so gungho about the game.
[quote name='PrinnyOtaku']Except any hardcore DotA player
... I'm surprised people are still so gungho about the game.[/QUOTE]

I'd suggest contacting them via email ([email protected]) and sharing your thoughts directly. Just a suggestion, don't hit me with anything. ;)

Also if you look at the blog I linked above, it mentions something about point balancing is balancing looked at:

Thanks for all the feedback, there a few known issues that we know about and are working on:

  • Ice Mage abuse
  • Difficulty joining games
  • Rank and Point balance issues
[quote name='viksmart']I also hate that the game is a bit "too" balanced there is no way to get an advantage in the game it's just one constant hack-n-slash button masher.[/QUOTE]i can definitely see why someone would not like that but that's actually one of the reasons I like the game. Brings back that old Armor Alley feel.
[quote name='Magus8472']I think the game sets R2 to push-to-talk by default, so just talking into the mic straight out won't work. I haven't actually used my headset in this game, though, so I'm not sure. Were you hearing other players or was it just dead altogether?[/QUOTE]yeah it's push to talk. If your headset it working you'll see two indications. 1) above your character's head a little "!" icon shows when you're speaking and 2) you name pops up on the side.. my screen is too small to tell if there's an icon there as well.
[quote name='vlv723']I'm having trouble to get into an online match. I guess I'm not alone with this issue. However, single player campaign is fun so that's going to keep me occupied til they release a patch to fix the online issues.[/QUOTE]congrats on being the weirdo who actually likes the single player. you're the only one weirder than DarknessBear who thought it was 'easy' to cajole all these little ants in a line with no control.
Yeah, a third upgrade tier would be nice. Maybe adding a upgrade gimmick for warriors and priests too? Like how rangers get torches, mages get the chicken potion and workers get bombs. Maybe warriors could get a group battering ram or something :lol:
I think the torches should be added to the top of the tower-things too because the fire weapon things don't last long enough.

I just looked at the blog, and they mention things about more classes and more class upgrades. That would be fantastic.
I haven't been able to play online yet as I'm having connection problems left and right. That being said I'm having a lot of fun playing offline and don't mind waiting for the patch as they seem very eager to fix problems and improve the game from community responses.
Anyone else need "Fed Zepplin"? I've been playing online with bots mostly but they are too stupid to build their catapult. I'd be happy to trade trophies with someone!

We have fixed the bugs and adjusted the logic, and are in the process of testing. These changes will be rolled out as soon as possible in an upcoming patch. No ETA just yet.

Yes, a patch is in testing even now. To be clear – this patch only addresses critical connection and lag issues. Contrary to some misconceptions multiplying on the web, it does not address any other aspect of the game, as our priority has been to get it out as soon as possible. We are aware of other bugs/issues/feature requests, and are considering how to address them at a later date. Yes! We plan to keep working. As for the release date – not ETA yet, but it should be soon.

Help! Ice Mages and Dark Priests are exploiting the point system and not playing fair!
We are aware of this issue, and will be modifying the scoring for this in an upcoming patch

Will you please add split-screen play? How about online co-op?
We do not have this feature planned

A player’s rank is calculated based on their average score over their last 10 games. As each match is completed the player’s score is automatically updated and their new rank is calculated. At preset ranking scores player’s acquire ranked titles, this starts at “Squire” for a ranking score of 500 points. Players ranking titles can go up or down, but as they are calculated over a 10 game average they should not rapidly fluctuate. Players are also protected by multiple systems, that will not save their score if they have not played for a preset % of the match, if their score is too low or if they are kicked or banned from the game. The top 7 rankings can also have a female form if the female voice is chosen from the Get Fabulous menu.
Rankings are awarded as follows:
  • Squire – 500-599
  • Private – 600-699
  • Corporal – 700-799
  • Sargeant – 800-899
  • Ensign – 900-999
  • Lieutenant – 1000-1249
  • Captain – 1250-1499
  • General – 1500-1749
  • Warlord – 1750-1999
  • Sir (Dame) – 2000-2249
  • Baron (Baroness) – 2250-2499
  • Earl (Countess) -2500-2999
  • Duke (Duchess) – 3000-3499
  • Lord (Lady) – 3500-3999
  • Prince (Princess) – 4000-4499
  • King (Queen) – 4500+
Bought it today and played for 3 or 4 hours. I've been really enjoying it. So far it has probably taken around 4-5 connection tries on average to get into a server and then the server usually closes down after 2 rounds from the host leaving. So far the only glitch I've run into is the invisible/no-clip princess.

By far the most annoying thing in this game for me is the wizards' area freeze. They can keep you frozen so much you don't even have time to retreat or attack. And once there are two of them you might as well just switch servers because otherwise you aren't going anywhere until you're dead. It's almost like the developers just didn't do the math on the cool down/duration of the spell. The only counter I've found is to be the archer and just sit back really far.

Anyways as long as they fix the glitches and do some balancing it will have easily been worth $15.

Also I really wish they'd add multiple players on one console. Even just letting you travel together gauntlet style would be better than nothing.
i was in a game where the worker hat machine glitched and stopped giving worker hats. the other team didnt realize; otherwise we would have died faster. we literally had to kill a worker to get his hat.
[quote name='dmunkee']Yeah, a third upgrade tier would be nice. Maybe adding a upgrade gimmick for warriors and priests too? Like how rangers get torches, mages get the chicken potion and workers get bombs. Maybe warriors could get a group battering ram or something :lol:[/QUOTE]warriors can flame their weapon.[quote name='fizzywix']http://titanstudios.com/blog/fat-princess-faq/[/QUOTE]dude that's awesome. now I know what that stupid rank is for. I still don't really care I play for the fun but still it's nice to see it and actually understand it.[quote name='Viperx116']Is there a way to turn off that stupid user agreement?[/QUOTE]oh good my jesus I've been dying to ask that question cause it's so bloody annoying.

oh and the theme needs some blue team support but aside from that I like it.
[quote name='Wolfkin']warriors can flame their weapon.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but you get the fire for upgrading the ranger. You don't get anything for upgrading the warrior/priest.
true.... but the that's really.. well i guess the worker allows bombs.. I guess you do have a point. worker/archer get global changes in addition to their personal ones, but to be fair Priest/Mage personal changes are very radical. where as worker/archer personal changes are minor. getting a weapon is nice but the archer gets a gun which in game terms is just a bigger arrow (before fire). Even the warrior's changed attack is a targeted lunge with a pretty hefty damage increase.

I'm not saying it wouldn't be nice if the other classes didn't get a global change and I welcome it if it comes but if they'd released the game without it people would hate the archer (even more) and the worker would disliked as well.
[quote name='Wolfkin']oh and the theme needs some blue team support but aside from that I like it.[/QUOTE]

i hate the way the blue princess looks that's why i chose the red team for the icons i could possibly make a blue team themed one too?
[quote name='Wolfkin']true.... but the that's really.. well i guess the worker allows bombs.. I guess you do have a point. worker/archer get global changes in addition to their personal ones, but to be fair Priest/Mage personal changes are very radical. where as worker/archer personal changes are minor. getting a weapon is nice but the archer gets a gun which in game terms is just a bigger arrow (before fire). Even the warrior's changed attack is a targeted lunge with a pretty hefty damage increase.

I'm not saying it wouldn't be nice if the other classes didn't get a global change and I welcome it if it comes but if they'd released the game without it people would hate the archer (even more) and the worker would disliked as well.[/QUOTE]

The mage also gets the chicken potion.
is THAT how you get the chicken bomb. three games ago I was trying to figure out why it wasn't showing up. Man! glad to get to the bottom of that mystery.
[quote name='Darknyss']^^ indeed.
Titan also put out a short strategy guide that has some interesting tid bits.


Sweet. I was wondering what the aura around me was. Thought it might have been a glitch... Looks like it is time for some "Suicide bomber" action, minus the suicide part with the shield... ;)
I think people are forgetting that this game is a cheap downloadable game (I've also forget this at times). While network issues are inexcusable no matter how big the game, the depth of the title is exactly what you get for the price. TMNT Turtles in Time was just dropped from 15 bucks, compare the value of these two games.

BUT, I'm not entirely defending it. If this game had to cost a bit more and include things like; upgrades, equipment and more rpg elements I'd be on board. I feel like the game try's to simplify a pretty advanced game type - which makes it not feel right.

I'll be waiting for future updates that will fix some of the major issues and add some extra content to make the game more "filling". But for now, it is a decent way to spend some time.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']The patch did nothing for me. Still can't get into anything with any kind of regularity.[/QUOTE]

It worked on my second try.
I got into a game on my second try, which I was kicked from midway through the game. Then I got nothing for the next ten tries and gave up. It's not worth the time and effort it requires to get into a game.
I was able to get in on my first try last night. That definitely never happened before (well, except for when I played the day it released).

Also, the host left twice but the game never stopped. Just got an annoying pop-up while it found another host.
bread's done