FF XIII FMV's 720p on 360, 1080p on PS3. Does it make a difference on system choice?


69 (99%)
Just curious if anyone that owns both system will buy it on ps3 for 1080p cutscenes as opposed to 720p on the 360.

Heres a link to what im referring to.

That boxart has more to say than pretty much confirming DLC, though - the 360 will have its' FMV cutscenes done in Bink Video, which is, among others, a set of special video tools designed for the 360 that was used in games like Borderlands, Mass Effect, The Last Remnant, and others. The PS3 version did not use it (obviously) and bink's webpage displays that it can compress video for the 360 up to 720p (1280x720), so, the clear derivative of that is 720p compressed native video. That is compared to the PS3's 1080p native, fairly less compressed (but not uncompressed) cutscenes.

edit: fixed the title.
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Well, even though I have a 1080p and both systems, I'll wait. Right now, things are hype, I'll let the game come out and see what the reviewers say.

This won't be an early purchase for me, so unless there is a huge difference, I'll probably be playing it on whichever system gets me a used copy in the $20-$25 range the fastest.

Well, I'm probably not going to get it, but if I did I think I might get it on 360 anyway just because it's my preferred console. My TV is only 720p, so I wouldn't care about 1080p now, but even if I did I don't think the 1080p cutscenes would be enough to sway me over by itself.
FMV resolution? Don't care. System reliability and confidence you will be able to finish the game without a RROD affecting your decision? You bet.
Found these 2 pics on a site that compares the 2 resolutions.

The first is the true 1080p picture:

The second is a 720p picture, upscaled to 1080p(so NOT true 1080p):
Also, remember that the gameplay is in 720p for both consoles.

Anyways, unless there's something major pops up in the next few weeks, I'll probably get the PS3 version.
If it's just the FMVs, it's not that big of a deal...

Now, if the actual in-game graphics were a lower resolution on the 360, that would be a completely different story. But I heard that SE kept both versions pretty much identical.
I getting the PS3 version because I believe they developed the game for that system and ported it over to the 360. So the PS3 version should be the better of the two.
The sound is also compressed on the 360, and not the PS3.

Personally, I have both consoles and will get the PS3 version. Since I have a 1080p LCD and a 5.1 surround sound system, it just makes sense for me.

If I only had a 360 though, I would still get it. People should just get it for the system that has the best experience their setup can do.
[quote name='eddie291']Found these 2 pics on a site that compares the 2 resolutions.

The first is the true 1080p picture:

The second is a 720p picture, upscaled to 1080p(so NOT true 1080p):
Also, remember that the gameplay is in 720p for both consoles.

Anyways, unless there's something major pops up in the next few weeks, I'll probably get the PS3 version.[/QUOTE]

Holy crap the differences are like night and day! :lol:

Honestly though, I can't even tell, and when you're sitting a couple of feet away you won't be to tell either.

Getting it for the Ps3 because of the disc changing compressed audio(?) and because it was orginally made for the ps3. If for some bizarre turn of events my Ps3 is destroyed I'll get the 360 version.
I can tell the difference in those 2 pictures.

I'd say compressed audio is a bigger factor for me than the visuals. I don't have a 5.1 or a 7.1 surround setup, and I can tell you that the audio quality on PS3 games are much better than 360 games.
[quote name='KingBroly']I can tell the difference in those 2 pictures.

I'd say compressed audio is a bigger factor for me than the visuals. I don't have a 5.1 or a 7.1 surround setup, and I can tell you that the audio quality on PS3 games are much better than 360 games.[/QUOTE]
This should be entertaining.
[quote name='KingBroly']I can tell the difference in those 2 pictures.[/QUOTE]


I am not nit picking, but I can clearly see a difference. Look at Lightning's hair on the left, and even over her eyes.

The second picture is not as crisp at all. While not bad, in any sense of the word, it just isn't as perfect.

Since I have both systems- I will get it for the PS3. If I only had a 360, as I said before- I wouldn't hesitate in getting it for it because of nit-picking.
[quote name='KingBroly']I can tell the difference in those 2 pictures.

I'd say compressed audio is a bigger factor for me than the visuals. I don't have a 5.1 or a 7.1 surround setup, and I can tell you that the audio quality on PS3 games are much better than 360 games.[/QUOTE]

The audio should be the same if you are using stereo, or 5.1 surround sound. The 360 cannot output into 7.1 like the PS3, so that clearly is in favor of the PS3.

Other than 7.1, they should shound the same though. Take two of the same games, and you will see.

My opinion: The sound design on the other hand, is more elegent in a lot of Sony first party games over 360 first party games (except Rare, who has some of the best composers in the industry, hands down).
Just buy it on your favorite Platform, problem solved. Unless you have a Home Theater with a 1080p projector, and 7.1 surround sound. It does not matter at all.
[quote name='flameofdoom666']The audio should be the same if you are using stereo, or 5.1 surround sound. The 360 cannot output into 7.1 like the PS3, so that clearly is in favor of the PS3.

Other than 7.1, they should shound the same though. Take two of the same games, and you will see.

My opinion: The sound design on the other hand, is more elegent in a lot of Sony first party games over 360 first party games (except Rare, who has some of the best composers in the industry, hands down).[/QUOTE]
On game's that support Dolby True HD or DTS MA the sound is vastly better even on a 5.1 surround system. Alot more bandwidth for audio.
I have both consoles. If I get this it will be for the PS3.

- Lead development platform
- One disc
- Higher res vids

That said, if I only had a 360 I would get the game for that console without any fear or reservation. The differences arent that big.
[quote name='eddie291']Found these 2 pics on a site that compares the 2 resolutions.

The first is the true 1080p picture:

The second is a 720p picture, upscaled to 1080p(so NOT true 1080p):
Also, remember that the gameplay is in 720p for both consoles.

Anyways, unless there's something major pops up in the next few weeks, I'll probably get the PS3 version.[/QUOTE]

The hair looks a little crisper in the PS3 version.

AKA 360 version will be totally broken and a half assed port. We're talking Bayonetta levels here folks.
I'll buy this for Xbox 360, sell it after I beat it once or twice (or a few more times depending on how good it is :D), and then pick up a black label PS3 version the moment it hits Greatest Hits pricing.
It all depends. My TV doesn't do 720p (I'm not ready to replace my 65" TV for something 45" I can afford right now.), only 480p and 1080i. If the Playstation version upscales the gameplay to 1080i I will buy the PS3 version. If it forces my TV to display in 480p like Little Big Planet and inFAMOUS, then I will have to get the 360 version until I can afford the TV I want.
Here is why you should get it on PS3:
Bigger pics here:

- 1024x576 2x MSAA on 360
- 1280x720 2x MSAA on PS3
- lower quality textures on 360
- graphic details cut out on 360
- 720P FMV on 360 vs 1080P on PS3
- compressed audio on 360, 7.1 uncompressed on PS3
- 3 DVD Disc swapping on 360, 1 scratch resistant PS3 Bluray

Final Fantasy 13 xbox 360

(* PS3 version's running at 1280 x 720 2 x MSAA in case you didn't know)


* PS3 shot's from the demo build.


* both shots from teamxbox site.
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[quote name='J7.']Here is why you should get it on PS3:[/QUOTE]

Am I the only one laughing at the foliage complaint in the last 2 pics, yet they aren't even taken from the same distance?
I'm getting it for the PS3. I have both systems and not swapping 3 discs is more important to me than the graphics. I would rather have achievements over trophies though.

The most important thing is that the Final Fantasy series is complete on the Playstation. I HATE having sequels and prequels on different consoles.
[quote name='opterasis']Am I the only one laughing at the foliage complaint in the last 2 pics, yet they aren't even taken from the same distance?[/QUOTE]

Playstation 3

It only does Mutant Turtles
The only reason I see more discs being an issue is the packaging. I'm totally fine with multiple discs, but the 360s track record on multi-disc game packaging is spotty. Two, sure? Three? Now we're getting into some of those crap 'stack them on each other' cases.

That said, I'm going with the PS3 version. If they were identical, I'd go for 360 in a heartbeat, but they're not. What's important to remember is that, no matter how it may look, EVERYONE gets to play the same game. It's a win/win. If the visual quality is the most important thing to you in a FF game, then you're doing it wrong.
I'm not buying it. Well, not until it hits $20 or something. However when I do buy it, I'll buy it for the Xbox 360 most likely due to the PS3 not having a video scaler.
[quote name='UjnHunter']I'm not buying it. Well, not until it hits $20 or something. However when I do buy it, I'll buy it for the Xbox 360 most likely due to the PS3 not having a video scaler.[/QUOTE]

PS3 version of FFXIII goes up to 1080p.
[quote name='Puffa469']I have both consoles. If I get this it will be for the PS3.

- Lead development platform
- One disc
- Higher res vids

That said, if I only had a 360 I would get the game for that console without any fear or reservation. The differences arent that big.[/QUOTE]

This. Thank you for putting it fairly and without any of the fanboy mouthing off that you know these threads eventually dissolve into.

I only have the 360. So I will buy and enjoy it on that system, but I'm not dropping a deuce in my pants about the difference. If I had a PS3, I'd get it on there.
Not the least bit interested in this game, but if you had the choice I don't know why someone wouldn't get it for the PS3.

But if you don't have the choice, there's no reason you won't get just as much enjoyment out of the 360 version.
I'm getting it on Xbox first because I pre-ordered the bundle.

Otherwise, I'd get it on PS3 first. I still will get it on PS3 eventually, I imagine.
I own both systems and despite the fact that the 360 version runs in 576p I'm still going to get it on 360. I enjoy playing on the 360 more, maybe it's the controller or the fact I can chat with my friends who are doing something else. I just enjoy gaming on the 360 more in general I guess, and I do like Achievements too. I will definitely get it on PS3 too though, I'll just wait til the price goes down to 20 or something (unless there's a FFXIV beta code included then I might get it right away).
[quote name='Jodou']FMV resolution? Don't care. System reliability and confidence you will be able to finish the game without a RROD affecting your decision? You bet.[/QUOTE]
Exactly. PS3 all the way.
[quote name='pochaccoheaven']the answer is no! if you watched transformers in dvd as opposed to blu-ray, it doesn't make a difference. in the end, you're watching the same thing.[/QUOTE]
Is this a trap?
it's no trap because that is the reality.

if you're having a complex over the 360/ps3 version, here's a few great pointers.

get the ps3 version. the ps3 is not likely to kill itself when you have to play this game 50+hours, which something the 360 would likely encounter if you'd play 50+ hours.

secondly, the game was originally made for the ps3. so having it for the ps3 is a plus as it was originally developed for it.

third, less disc swapping. with blu-ray, it's all in one disc and you don't have to get your butt of the seat to press the eject button to swap discs like the 360.

so in terms of aesthetics, convenience and reliability, the ps3 is the way to go.
Not sure yet I'll wait for reviews but I hope they are similar so I can buy it on xbox 360

edit for poch and other people who mention the 360 will RROD before you can beat the game....

I've owned a 360 for close to 4 years now and I've beat over 30 games for it. That list includes: 100+ hours in Lost Oddessy(100% everything), 70 hours in Tales of Vesperia, 60+ in Dragon Age, and 200+ in Gears of War(yay seriously achievement!). Not a single RROD. I understand that many people do get the RR but not so often that they can't finish a game over 50 hours.

Original system and blu ray disc are certainly perks, however saying you won't be able to finish the game on 360 is really not(and should not) be a selling point for the ps3 version.

Systems aside, sadly huge emphasis on critiquing rpgs for graphics are part of the decline in the genre in my opinion. When you look at FF7-9 now they had horrible graphics, multiple disc and lousy sound. Yes it's due to technology at the time but the content makes them classics even to this day.
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[quote name='Weedy649']Original system and blu ray disc are certainly perks, however saying you won't be able to finish the game on 360 is really not(and should not) be a selling point for the ps3 version. [/QUOTE]
While I'm glad your 360 is awesome, most of us have been through AT LEAST one 360. So this is most definitely a concern and has to be taken into consideration. You're right in that it shouldn't be a concern, but Microsoft made it into one when they designed the thing.
[quote name='Weedy649']Not sure yet I'll wait for reviews but I hope they are similar so I can buy it on xbox 360

edit for poch and other people who mention the 360 will RROD before you can beat the game....

I've owned a 360 for close to 4 years now and I've beat over 30 games for it. That list includes: 100+ hours in Lost Oddessy(100% everything), 70 hours in Tales of Vesperia, 60+ in Dragon Age, and 200+ in Gears of War(yay seriously achievement!). Not a single RROD. I understand that many people do get the RR but not so often that they can't finish a game over 50 hours.

Original system and blu ray disc are certainly perks, however saying you won't be able to finish the game on 360 is really not(and should not) be a selling point for the ps3 version.

Systems aside, sadly huge emphasis on critiquing rpgs for graphics are part of the decline in the genre in my opinion. When you look at FF7-9 now they had horrible graphics, multiple disc and lousy sound. Yes it's due to technology at the time but the content makes them classics even to this day.[/QUOTE]

All 360's that old will eventually RROD it's only a matter of time. The design itself is faulty. There was just as much emphasis on graphics and sound for FF 7-9, those were some of their huge selling points.

[quote name='pochaccoheaven']it's no trap because that is the reality.

if you're having a complex over the 360/ps3 version, here's a few great pointers.

get the ps3 version. the ps3 is not likely to kill itself when you have to play this game 50+hours, which something the 360 would likely encounter if you'd play 50+ hours.

secondly, the game was originally made for the ps3. so having it for the ps3 is a plus as it was originally developed for it.

third, less disc swapping. with blu-ray, it's all in one disc and you don't have to get your butt of the seat to press the eject button to swap discs like the 360.

so in terms of aesthetics, convenience and reliability, the ps3 is the way to go.[/QUOTE]
You're ignoring the lower quality textures, compressed audio, and scratch resistant Bluray.
[quote name='Weedy649']
Systems aside, sadly huge emphasis on critiquing rpgs for graphics are part of the decline in the genre in my opinion. When you look at FF7-9 now they had horrible graphics, multiple disc and lousy sound. Yes it's due to technology at the time but the content makes them classics even to this day.[/QUOTE]

RPGs are on the decline?!? Get the fuck out of here! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
bread's done