Final Fantasy XII Limited Edition Preorder




Tentative Release Date: 10/31/2006

If this is anything like the MGS 3: Subsistence LE get your orders in now.


The Final Fantasy XII Collector's Edition for the PS2 is a Gamestop/EB Games EXCLUSIVE title!

The Final Fantasy XII Collector's Edition will be packaged in a steel case and includes a Collector's DVD with the following contents:

* Developer's Interviews
* History of Final Fantasy featurettes
* Final Fantasy XII U.S. Trailers
* Final Fantasy XII Japan Trailers
* Final Fantasy Art Gallery

Edit: Thanks to Shrike for the free shipping codes:

EBGames use SAVER
Gamestop use FREESHIPALL

You may need to follow eb's or gamestop's link on the home page of cheapassgamer to get the codes to work.
[quote name='Thongsy']How were you able to tell the differences from the covers? Aren't they cover by an outer cover? Who is on each of the cover? I think I'm going to pick one of the limited editon ones up, even though I didn't even plan on getting one. Damnit, this game is actually getting me excited to play it. Can't wait for the release here in California.[/QUOTE]

The trick has been post on GameFAQ and other sites, so search a bit to find more detailed description. Basically, by gently push the art book and guide in opposite directions, you can peep at the top or bottom edge of the guide (the thick one in the back), then by matching to those cover images shown in the back of the guide, you can find the cover you want.

I'm in south CA, and will be off to get my FFXII in about 15mins!

Good luck mate.
[quote name='shadylane']i know this is going to sound crazy but i got all 6 covers for the limited edtion guide[/QUOTE]

Such a great idea! Doing it tomorrow.
Well I think I jsut got the best deal here. How you ask? Because I just got my CE of FFXII for practically free. Yes, I was there for the midnight release, and after a few mins of waiting in line I was let into the store to pick up my copy of the game. I get to the counter and give the lady my information, and she asks if I had a copy of Devil Summoner preordered. I said yes I did but I already bought it. She asked me if I wanted to transfer my credit over to FFXII, and I said u hh, I guess I might have preordered an extra copy so sure. And after much fondling of the keyboard she tells me my total and it's under $10. When I was about to buy the game she asked me if I wanted to buy the LE guide, which I had preordered. I said no because I only had $60 and I thought I could just pick it up later, but after this great news I said what the hell, it's on them, and added it to my order for only $24. So I walk out of the store with my CE FFXII and LE guide and over $30 in my pocket that shouldn't be there, and a big fucking grin.

Damn I don't think I am going to bite on the LE guide, $60 is already a lot for the game. Getting both the LE guide, and the game will put me at $100 for Final Fantasy XII that is just too much. Maybe down the line I will pick up the regular guide from borders or something w/ a coupon if I ever get stuck.
I put just over three hours in so far, and it's better than I was even expecting. I fully expect this game, especially the Hunts, to own my soul within the next two days.

And I don't feel like looking it up, but is the composer the same person who did the music for Final Fantasy Tactics? That's my favorite game soundtrack ever, and these tracks sound very similar. I'm really loving the music.
im debating whether to start ffxii or wait for gears of war and beat that so i can have all my time devoted to ffxii. im leaning toward gears first. the shitty thing is i wont really be able to play ffxii when my girlfriend is around (she will be playing it too and we both HATE spoilers) unless we play through it together... which is always a huge pain in the ass. hahaha.
[quote name='eau']How many pages is the artbook in the LE guide? Is it worth the extra $$?[/quote]

sure is, however if htey had different covers they were gone or i did not see them. but i like the one i bought. also you get 20% off the guide with the purchase of the game so that brings it to $24 which isnt that bad for what you get. Think of how much normal books cost.
[quote name='chaarlieee']I wonder if my gamestop still has the ce guides. I preordered one but didn't pick it up last week. I'l find out in about an hour..[/QUOTE]

I counted at least 30 on display at the Gamestop I went to today stacked up like a pyramid. I don't think there'll be a shortage at all.
im thinking about grabbing a 2nd one to put up on ebay or trade out for something, and also grabbing a standard Guide to actually use. i dont want to ruin my LE.
[quote name='spidey']I counted at least 30 on display at the Gamestop I went to today stacked up like a pyramid. I don't think there'll be a shortage at all.[/QUOTE]
CE guides, right? That's good for me then.
I'll pick up my copy tomorrow night since I won't be anywhere near where I pre-ordered it...I think it's guaranteed to be held for 48 hrs.

I'll keep it sealed for a bit until I get around to it in my backlog. In 2025.
[quote name='Caliburn']
I'll keep it sealed for a bit until I get around to it in my backlog. In 2025. [/QUOTE]

By then, it will be worth $200 sealed to FF collectors :)
I went and grabbed mine today. I am really impressed by how high-quality the products are. My guide has the girl with the rabbit ears on it. Don't know her name yet. ;)
[quote name='diablofreak']is the CE still available in store or do you have to preorder it[/QUOTE]

They could have extra copies, I would call before heading out. I definitely know you can still purchase the CE online.
[quote name='chaarlieee']CE guides, right? That's good for me then.[/QUOTE]

CE guides. I imagine they'd have more in the stock room as well.
Just got my CE game about 30 minutes ago, seemed like there were about 20 copies of the Collector's Edition available at the GS I went to. I doubt they're all preorders though, and there were also plenty of CE guides available.
[quote name='defiance_17']

And I don't feel like looking it up, but is the composer the same person who did the music for Final Fantasy Tactics? That's my favorite game soundtrack ever, and these tracks sound very similar. I'm really loving the music.[/QUOTE]

The game is done by the same guy who was over FFT and it is set in the same universe as Final Fantasy Tactics so i'm guessing it is probably the same composer(s), if i recall FFT had two of them.

I just turned the game on. I'm in the first screen right when you select a new game and they're playing the Final Fantasy theme song.. it just struck a chord in me. I'm expecting a huge game here. I haven't appreciated a Final Fantasy game since VII and VI.
Does anyone know if online preorders arrive on the day the game releases or usually a few days after? (do they ship early so that they arrive near the release date?) Thanks.
[quote name='SlaughterX']Well I think I jsut got the best deal here. How you ask? Because I just got my CE of FFXII for practically free. Yes, I was there for the midnight release, and after a few mins of waiting in line I was let into the store to pick up my copy of the game. I get to the counter and give the lady my information, and she asks if I had a copy of Devil Summoner preordered. I said yes I did but I already bought it. She asked me if I wanted to transfer my credit over to FFXII, and I said u hh, I guess I might have preordered an extra copy so sure. And after much fondling of the keyboard she tells me my total and it's under $10. When I was about to buy the game she asked me if I wanted to buy the LE guide, which I had preordered. I said no because I only had $60 and I thought I could just pick it up later, but after this great news I said what the hell, it's on them, and added it to my order for only $24. So I walk out of the store with my CE FFXII and LE guide and over $30 in my pocket that shouldn't be there, and a big fucking grin.[/quote] OK, how can you get FFXII for free when you still have to pay for it? You paid with credits and cash so GS DIDN'T give you the game for FREE.

Anyway, this is FFXII Collector Edition, not Limited Edition because there is nothing limited. My GS/EB has tons of these copies. I think they actually might have more than the regular edition. Square Enix did make sure to print hundred thousands of these copies because they knew these will sell like water found in Sahara.

The CE is totally worth $60, IMO. I haven't felt this good for a while. Remind me of the time I picked up my FFIX back in 2000.
[quote name='MadFlava']They could have extra copies, I would call before heading out. I definitely know you can still purchase the CE online.[/quote]

Don't know about other EBStops but mine had 200 freaking copies of the CE game and only 50 regular copies; the regular copies were all preorders so if you wanted to buy the game and hadn't preordered it, you could only buy the CE. There were like 60 copies of the CE guide available but no one was too interested in them. As for me I went at midnight and I had to wait in line for 40 minutes and I picked up a CE guide and Phoenix Wright and I got the Ashe cover (yay!).
Has anyone watched the bonus DVD yet? One GameFAQ, a few are complaining it locks when you get to the music section of the interview. I haven't had a chance to look at it yet (still at work).

One more thing, the edges of my LE guide and art book has gone "wavy", kinda like if it had water damage. You only really notice it if you close the book and look at it. Anyone here has same problem?


PS: FF XII is looking pretty good from the 2 hours I manage to put it last night.
[quote name='VGI-Shinobi']OK, how can you get FFXII for free when you still have to pay for it? You paid with credits and cash so GS DIDN'T give you the game for FREE.

Anyway, this is FFXII Collector Edition, not Limited Edition because there is nothing limited. My GS/EB has tons of these copies. I think they actually might have more than the regular edition. Square Enix did make sure to print hundred thousands of these copies because they knew these will sell like water found in Sahara.

The CE is totally worth $60, IMO. I haven't felt this good for a while. Remind me of the time I picked up my FFIX back in 2000.[/quote]

First of all I said practically free. I paid less than $10 for it after the credit, which I did not pay for in the first place. I already bought Devil Summoner the day it came out, I sure as hell didn't have an extra preorder paid in full for another copy. I got $53.61 FREE store credit.
Is the CE worth the extra price tag, when you consider that it's selling new for 37.99? If it was only 10 bucks I wouldn't sweat it, but dang that's a discrepancy.
[quote name='the ender']I went and grabbed mine today. I am really impressed by how high-quality the products are. My guide has the girl with the rabbit ears on it. Don't know her name yet. ;)[/QUOTE]

her name is rabbit chick.
[quote name='Apossum']her name is rabbit chick.[/QUOTE]

yea, i doesn't seem very creative, but who else but square-enix could come up with a genius name that no other person has.
I ordered from with SAVER (was too lazy to change to the free 3 day shipping when it came out =\ ) and haven't got it yet. For the past 2 days since I've been checking, my tracking number isn't recognized at Is that normal for
Just curious but did any others local EB/GSs have an over abundance of limited editions. I was at a local EB today and they had a ton. I asked if they were for pre order he said this pile was, which was about 10 of the 50 they had.
The store I picked up mine from said they only had 1 extra copy of the REGULAR version, and around 30 extra of the Limited.
ya, there are a lot of Collectors Editions. Not Limited apparently. Behind the counter at my Gamestop they had a wall of FFXII CE.
[quote name='mkg12']Behind the counter at my Gamestop they had a wall of FFXII CE.[/quote]Same here. The whole damn glass case was filled with them, and the pre-ordered ones were in a cabinet. Then again, the employee said this would be the only shipment.
The ce is pretty nice. I think it is worth it over the regular version. The LE guide is very big too. The artbook that comes with is well worth the money over a regular one if you are planning on getting a guide.
I got the CE. Preordered it, but yea, it doesn't matter.

As for the CE, it's KINDA worth it. If you like shiny boxes and a bonus DVD. That's what really irked me, I mean only a DVD? Features include:

-Developer interviews (like 9 different people)
-History of FF (okay, but I wish they did the same thing as Splinter Cell, by taking the ICONS show, which is really well done)
-Artwork gallery (TONS of art, so if you need some wallpaper, PRINTSCREEN lol)
-And the usual trailers

Overall, worth it (for FF freaks), but i wish the pricing structure was $40/$50 as opposed to $50/$60. Wish it had some more oomph, say a soundtrack or figurine?
[quote name='mkg12']ya, there are a lot of Collectors Editions. Not Limited apparently. Behind the counter at my Gamestop they had a wall of FFXII CE.[/quote]

Great :D! I'll pick up a CE when is gonna be Cheap Ass cheap :D . I have a huge backlog so I can wait ;).
[quote name='FFBlitzace']I ordered from with SAVER (was too lazy to change to the free 3 day shipping when it came out =\ ) and haven't got it yet. For the past 2 days since I've been checking, my tracking number isn't recognized at Is that normal for[/QUOTE]

Sometimes they don't update the tracking information until the item is delivered. USPS is not UPS or Fedex tracking. You should have went with 3 day since my experience has shown me that they often send that via UPS.
bread's done