Final Fantasy XIII - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='io']Just push X to level up your characters ;). But seriously, concentrate on the class you use most for each char, and just put points into attributes and skills when you can. Early on I'd say you want to stick mostly with Commando, Ravager, and Medic.[/QUOTE]

Do all of a character's classes use the same points, or do they get points to use in each class individually? So I just pull up and hold X until it gets to a fork?
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Do all of a character's classes use the same points, or do they get points to use in each class individually? So I just pull up and hold X until it gets to a fork?[/QUOTE]

Each character has their own points, so you need to assign them as you see fit to each class. Note that the game, for the most part, is paced very well so that you will end up maxing out the three main classes for each character by the end of each chapter (at least after the initial portion). That is if you don't avoid any combat and go down the (usually very short) side branches. I think early on you don't even have the options for the other classes so don't worry about them - just max out everything you have at the end of chapters and you'll be fine. But yeah, hold down X till you get to a "node" and then stop - there's no point only going partway down a branch as that does nothing for you.
Anyone have tips for lowering your time on mission 51? My best time was ~13 minutes, but I have a feeling I just need the gold watch to 5* it.
I believe I used Fang/Lightning/Hope for the fight. The biggest key to finishing the fight was Poison, imo. Tank with Lightning+Nimbletoe Boots and she'll hardly be hit, freeing you up for a quick chain build with the other two after applying debuffs. After each shell, make sure you reapply the poison, and debuff/chain as necessary. Towards the end I couldn't do much extra damage other than the poison, but only having Kain's on Fang, and mid-level tier 2's on the other two, I had no problem 5-starring it in about 12mins.
51 is Atticus. No real strat. there, just be as offensive as you can be. In between his big attacks you can swap the SEN out and go RAV/RAV/RAV if you think you'll be okay.

Build his chain gauge up fast and he'll die quicker... ~7 mins?
I'm on Chapter 11 and I've really liked it so far (for the most part), but Vanille's Eidolon fight drove the game to a freaking halt for me... Maybe I just suck, but I hope not to have another one of those kind of battles again.
[quote name='PrinnyOtaku']51 is Atticus. No real strat. there, just be as offensive as you can be. In between his big attacks you can swap the SEN out and go RAV/RAV/RAV if you think you'll be okay.

Build his chain gauge up fast and he'll die quicker... ~7 mins?[/QUOTE]
See, that's exactly what I did and his chain just takes fucking forever. I even tried used insta-chain gear, but he must be immune because it would have proc'd at least once during my attempts. I'd keep at least haste on my non-sentinel and keep him debuffed constantly (slow is paramount to keeping healing minimal). I've got a few more ideas I'll try tomorrow after I kill Vercingetorix (I've got him down to the last phase, but I need to make a few changes in my rotation to keep buffs maxed, then he's toast).
[quote name='KillerRamen']I'm on Chapter 11 and I've really liked it so far (for the most part), but Vanille's Eidolon fight drove the game to a freaking halt for me... Maybe I just suck, but I hope not to have another one of those kind of battles again.[/QUOTE]
Libra is your friend. I don't think I lost any eidolon battles lol.
[quote name='KillerRamen']I'm on Chapter 11 and I've really liked it so far (for the most part), but Vanille's Eidolon fight drove the game to a freaking halt for me... Maybe I just suck, but I hope not to have another one of those kind of battles again.[/QUOTE]
Libra is your friend. I don't think I lost any eidolon battles lol.
Well, you need to keep Haste up on everyone throughout the whole fight. He does dispel a lot of buffs off your party, but Haste isn't something you should do without.

Atticus cannot be staggered, so yeah. Insta-stagger is useless.

You basically can tell when he's gonna do the charge-up attack, so if you're quick you don't need to SEN that often.
[quote name='PrinnyOtaku']Well, you need to keep Haste up on everyone throughout the whole fight. He does dispel a lot of buffs off your party, but Haste isn't something you should do without.

Atticus cannot be staggered, so yeah. Insta-stagger is useless.

You basically can tell when he's gonna do the charge-up attack, so if you're quick you don't need to SEN that often.[/QUOTE]
I beg to differ, he CAN be staggered at 999% because I've done it every attempt that I got it that high. Maybe he can only be staggered if I have insta-chain gear equipped, though. That's a bad thing though, because he never staggers until that point and then I lose the chain. He's generally dead by that time anyways, but I'm going to finally upgrade to T3 weapons and drop that gear.

And yeah, the sentinel is just there for one focused blast but if you can manage aggro and keep him on the MT, it makes rebuffing super quick and easy.
[quote name='Jodou']

Libra is your friend. I don't think I lost any eidolon battles lol.[/QUOTE]

I did use libra... It was the damn doom counter that got the best of me each time. (I think I ended up spending an hour on that damn battle... I guess I just suck.)
So after another attempt on 51, I realized I was just on the defense too often because I wasn't mitigating enough damage. I dropped all the speed and dps gear for royal/imperial armlets and downed him in 8. It's absolutely ridiculous how much those things absorb at 30-40% per character. I had to heal the team like five times the entire fight.

Well, time to take down a Gui and get my plat. Should I max out my ultimate weapons or will that kill my * rating at the end?
The target time for Long Guis is like 20 mins regardless of what equipment you're using. The rating also doesn't matter as it's not saved or anything so...
[quote name='PrinnyOtaku']The target time for Long Guis is like 20 mins regardless of what equipment you're using. The rating also doesn't matter as it's not saved or anything so...[/QUOTE]
I heard that getting a 5* rating improves your chances of getting better drops, but I'm thinking that's BS. But yeah, it won't take me 20 to down them so upgrading here I come!
[quote name='KillerRamen']I did use libra... It was the damn doom counter that got the best of me each time. (I think I ended up spending an hour on that damn battle... I guess I just suck.)[/QUOTE]

Don't worry, I had trouble with her's as well. The doom counter kept reaching 0 right when he was like a 1/4 away from being obtained. I realized I was being too defensive.
[quote name='Jodou']I heard that getting a 5* rating improves your chances of getting better drops, but I'm thinking that's BS. But yeah, it won't take me 20 to down them so upgrading here I come![/QUOTE]

Higher ratings = better drop rate on items. That is not bullshit. Long Guis drop the same things as Adamantoises, so you'd just be wasting your time.
[quote name='PrinnyOtaku']Higher ratings = better drop rate on items. That is not bullshit. Long Guis drop the same things as Adamantoises, so you'd just be wasting your time.[/QUOTE]
I was only doing it for the trophy heh. What a damn pussy; went down on my first try and of course the fucker drops a trap now that I don't need any. Whatever, guess I have to
kill Orphan
now for a 5* and my plat. I'm so ready to be done with this game and move on after all this grinding.
[quote name='Jodou']I heard that getting a 5* rating improves your chances of getting better drops, but I'm thinking that's BS.[/QUOTE]

As Prinny said, 5 stars and 4 stars increase the rare item drop rate by 500% and 300%, respectively. 2, 1, and 0 stars all reduce it to 0, but increase the drop rate for shrouds.
Jodou - I think you had one typo on your upgrade list and of course it was the one I was doing last night. Weapons with base 800 only take 22 SCs, not 32 or 33. That was for the Antares dealie. By the way, I started fighting with Sahz and Hope instead of Lightning and Vanille and they seem to be WAY worse. Even with Antares upgraded to Tier 2 (and Hope's Ostrivwhatever also) the stagger gauge seems to build WAY WAY slower with those two. As soon as I get enough points to get the HP and accessory upgrades for Light and Vanille, they are coming back in.

As for the Adamantoises, I simply cannot debuff or stagger them at all before casting Death. But I must have had some incredible luck the other day when I took down 4 in about 8-10 tries using Death and nothing else (just SEN and MED for the other two chars). Then I tried it a few days later and couldn't kill 1 in 10 tries. I tried it again last night and got 1 in about 5 tries - it is a bit easier now because I do have some HP upgrades for Vanille so she can last longer. Of course, even with the Catalogs equipped and a 5 star rating, I got squat for a drop :cry:. But at this point I'm more interested in the CP. I want to get enough to get the HP stats up and then take on Mission 55 and get the Growth Egg. What are good places to grind quickly for CP? I noticed the flowering cactuars in the middle of the Titan mission area give a lot of CP if you can kill them (they flee almost right away unless you stagger them and pound on them - but I killed 3 of the 6 or 7 and got 15,000 CP for a 1 minute fight). Problem is they didn't seem to respawn while I was still there - probably can only do them once per pass through the trials.
Get your HP up and death spam Ochu in Mission 55. You'll need the growth egg asap.

You know the place in gran pulse where you entered the mahabara? The path you have to follow to get there has a behemoth king fighting a white cat dude. You'll always pre-empt them when you fight them and they give a lot of exp. Focus all your attacks on the behemoth king first (stagger and launch him continually).

To reset them, run back to the close save point and a little past it and they'll respawn. Fastest way to get CP before you beat the game.
[quote name='IRHari']
To reset them, run back to the close save point and a little past it and they'll respawn. Fastest way to get CP before you beat the game.[/QUOTE]

I did beat the game - is there a better place? The 30K minibosses before the end?

I'm trying to get my HP up to Death Spam that damned Neochu. Problem is, I could really use the growth egg to do so ;). I have a feeling I'll be getting a big chunk of my exp before getting it (yeah, I realize I still have the secondary skills to pad out but since I'll have to do so much adamantoise farming if I get the growth egg before that the CP will be no problem).
You can't return to the room w/ the mini-bosses after you beat the game. IIRC I went straight to farming turtles after I beat the game, no Growth Egg, no CP farming.

Not sure why you're having a hard time killing them... Are you summoning to take down the legs, debuffing, then spamming Death? Even if it doesn't land you can press start and restart the battle, that way you're not wasting time or TP.

Like I've said many times... once you get your first Trap it's easy to do it legit. You should also stack Earth Rings + Phys. Belts.
[quote name='io']I did beat the game - is there a better place? The 30K minibosses before the end?

I'm trying to get my HP up to Death Spam that damned Neochu. Problem is, I could really use the growth egg to do so ;). I have a feeling I'll be getting a big chunk of my exp before getting it (yeah, I realize I still have the secondary skills to pad out but since I'll have to do so much adamantoise farming if I get the growth egg before that the CP will be no problem).[/QUOTE]

Can you get back to those minibosses once you've beaten the game? I tried to, but couldn't find any path to them. The sword one in particular would be awesome to farm with the CP egg.

Definitely interested to see what other people recommend for farming CP in post-game. Killing that behemoth got old pretty quick.
[quote name='io']Jodou - I think you had one typo on your upgrade list and of course it was the one I was doing last night. Weapons with base 800 only take 22 SCs, not 32 or 33. That was for the Antares dealie. By the way, I started fighting with Sahz and Hope instead of Lightning and Vanille and they seem to be WAY worse. Even with Antares upgraded to Tier 2 (and Hope's Ostrivwhatever also) the stagger gauge seems to build WAY WAY slower with those two. As soon as I get enough points to get the HP and accessory upgrades for Light and Vanille, they are coming back in.

As for the Adamantoises, I simply cannot debuff or stagger them at all before casting Death. But I must have had some incredible luck the other day when I took down 4 in about 8-10 tries using Death and nothing else (just SEN and MED for the other two chars). Then I tried it a few days later and couldn't kill 1 in 10 tries. I tried it again last night and got 1 in about 5 tries - it is a bit easier now because I do have some HP upgrades for Vanille so she can last longer. Of course, even with the Catalogs equipped and a 5 star rating, I got squat for a drop :cry:. But at this point I'm more interested in the CP. I want to get enough to get the HP stats up and then take on Mission 55 and get the Growth Egg. What are good places to grind quickly for CP? I noticed the flowering cactuars in the middle of the Titan mission area give a lot of CP if you can kill them (they flee almost right away unless you stagger them and pound on them - but I killed 3 of the 6 or 7 and got 15,000 CP for a 1 minute fight). Problem is they didn't seem to respawn while I was still there - probably can only do them once per pass through the trials.[/QUOTE]Shit, my bad. Was that the same problem for all of them? It might have been one of those rare cases where it doesn't follow the same pattern.

As for adamantoises, don't sweat debuffing. In fact, I just let my Eidolon beat on him to build the stagger meter and start spamming death from the get-go. Trust me, it may help increase the proc rate but after killing close to 75 of those bitches -- it's random. I've had it kill them on the very first cast with zero stagger/debuffs and I've had it kill them on the very last chance I'd have before needing to reset. It's just random, so just set up your other dudes as SAB/SYN and just spam death all the way. Oh, stack scarves too. Get one aurora scarf and sprint shoes, then stack anything else til you have 20% ATB build. Do this and your haste will JUST wear off by the time your Eidolon leaves.

Hey, so is this the exact same strat you guys were taking about for taking down Shaolong Guis?

I tried this out for the hell of it and it's pro. Who would have thought to use daze as an interrupt? I've killed about 5 doing the above and it's not always a surefire thing, since he might sneak in a bay or ultima, but for the most part it works flawlessly. Also, you don't need to have * capped items to get this working but genji gloves are a must. I'm doing this with just * power gloves and freshly minted ultimate weapons (zero upgrading).
Manually dismissing your Eidolon and allowing your 2 other party members build up stagger is more efficient; the more time you have your Eidolon out the more time you're wasting.

He takes the same amount of time to stand back up either way. SYNs are a waste too if your party already has haste (which should be the case if you're farming).

Whether you use Vanille to put up Imperil/Curses manually is up to you, it'll depend on who your other party members are. Fang can't put up every debuff by herserlf IIRC, so you'll be missing Curse if you just go into it spamming Death. Which is, the stupidest thing you could do. You need Curse up, random or not.
[quote name='PrinnyOtaku']Manually dismissing your Eidolon and allowing your 2 other party members build up stagger is more efficient; the more time you have your Eidolon out the more time you're wasting.

He takes the same amount of time to stand back up either way. SYNs are a waste too if your party already has haste (which should be the case if you're farming).

Whether you use Vanille to put up Imperil/Curses manually is up to you, it'll depend on who your other party members are. Fang can't put up every debuff by herserlf IIRC, so you'll be missing Curse if you just go into it spamming Death. Which is, the stupidest thing you could do. You need Curse up, random or not.[/QUOTE]
Well I guess I'd need to see success rates side-by-side to be sold because no matter how I changed up my strat (debuff first, dismiss eidolon, etc), it was always just random for me.
Ofc it's random, but that's like saying since it's not 100% proc rate, I'm just gonna ignore everything I can do to increase my chances for it to land.

Debuffing takes a max of 2 rounds, so you're giving up 2 potential Deaths in order to put all the debuffs up. Not to mention, the debuffs also add to the chain gauge. It's more than worth it.

The vid's strat is good. You can do that if you're up for buffing everyone up in the beginning. Daze isn't needed if you're careful about it, but it does simplify things a lot. That vid... is relying on everyone's gear being really good though. If your weapons arent upgraded it's gonna suck for you lol.
Have Vanille use the Belladonna wand (or upgraded versions), she has a MUCH better rate of sticking debuffs on than Fang. Usually once I get them down I can only get one debuff on with Fang but Vanille has stuck on everything else I need by then.
[quote name='PrinnyOtaku']The vid's strat is good. You can do that if you're up for buffing everyone up in the beginning. Daze isn't needed if you're careful about it, but it does simplify things a lot. That vid... is relying on everyone's gear being really good though. If your weapons arent upgraded it's gonna suck for you lol.[/QUOTE]
Like I said, I'm pulling off that strat with ease using * power gloves and newly minted ultimate weapons. Highwind doesn't hit as hard as he's showing, but it still gets the job done for me. If you have the traps and about 500k lying around, it's doable.
That's an interesting strat. I always try to be the attacker and let the others do buffing/debuffing. In most of that video he has Fang using Daze and letting the others attack... I 've also never used this Highwind thing. Is it just a super attack? I suppose the key there, though, is that you need to use those gloves that remove the 99,999 limit. I don't have those yet. Of course, I don't have SHaolong Guis yet either.

So, for the Adamantoise, Prinny, you think I should at least hit them with Curse before the Death spamming? It seems like nothing ever sticks when I try to debuff though (and I have the Malboro wand). I'll give that a shot tonight anyway.
[quote name='PrinnyOtaku']You can't debuff them if they're standing up. If they're down, manually queue up 5/6 Curses/Imperil and they'll definitely land.[/QUOTE]

Ah, I see. I still don't want to do the Eidolan thing - too much trouble all around for me. But I may change my tune when I need those Traps ;).
I beat 55 and 62 or 63 (whichever is the Adamantortoise). I didn't even realize there was such a thing. He seemed just slightly different than a regular Adamantoise. Of course I got no drop :bomb:.

I used plain Vanille death spamming ;). Ie, no debuffing or Eidolan usage or stagger bar building. It took a few tries on the Neochu but I finally have that freaking Growth Egg. Then I went around and cleaned up a few non-5 star missions from early on. I have a couple of those left, then a couple of the Titan missions. And I had one Steppe mission that seemed impossible - 61 or 62 I think? I know there's one at the very end I haven't seen yet, and then mysterious #51 which I'll get when I finish the Titan stuff. Otherwise it is just farming and upgrading.

It was quite a change to go from the Neochu/Adamantoise missions where I'm equipping everything I can to reduce damage back to the early missions where I needed to beat them in 20-30 seconds to 5-star. I had to ditch all the protective gear (useless anyway on those) and add all the speed stuff.

A couple of questions: do you only get one pair of Sprint Shoes? I see in a FAQ that there is only one Hermes Shoes treasure (and I only had one). The Auto-haste would be nice for all the chars on those speed kills. Also, do you have to buy Adamantite? I don't see anything dropping it and I've never had one. I need it for lots of upgrades.
[quote name='io']Ah, I see. I still don't want to do the Eidolan thing - too much trouble all around for me. But I may change my tune when I need those Traps ;).[/QUOTE]
It's not so bad if you have energy sash and champion's badge equipped. I generally finished off a turtle with two TP already filled again. If you're farming the spot from chapter 12, all you need to do is kill two sets of soldiers in the building and you'll have enough to summon again. It becomes a five minute farming looping if you're lucky on the death spam. If you want to speed up drops over CP, just use the save station immediately next to the turtle spawn and reload if he doesn't give up the goods.[quote name='io']A couple of questions: do you only get one pair of Sprint Shoes? I see in a FAQ that there is only one Hermes Shoes treasure (and I only had one). The Auto-haste would be nice for all the chars on those speed kills. Also, do you have to buy Adamantite? I don't see anything dropping it and I've never had one. I need it for lots of upgrades.[/QUOTE]
Adamantite can only be bought. To save you a ton of money, just farm dude from mission 7 until he drops a tiara and fully upgrade it to * before dismantling. You get some nice loot in addition to the sprint shoes to boot!
Question: I'm at the end of Chapter 9,.. and getting pretty bored with the game. I keep hearing that Chapter 11 is when everything starts getting good.. should I keep going or just sell this.
I'm really enjoying the game now that I beat it, I was getting bored with it around that point. I would beat the game then go back to chapter 11 and explore. I'm having fun doing the missions and exploring some of the side areas.

Finally killed Neochu after about an hour spamming death on him. It was funny I looked down then looked back up...and whoa! he was gone. Score! Then I forgot to equip an attack paradigms. I used Snow as my SEN.
Mission 51 is really hard, but it's really fun. I'd say it's up there with Mission 64.

I'm still debating whether or not I should get those Postcards for the Square members rewards.
I'm gettin back to this now that I've platted GoW3. Titan mode was some hard shit.

Anyways, what was the gil amount I'll need to upgrade everything? Let's say I need to start from scratch, with everything at its lowest level.
[quote name='billyrox']Question: I'm at the end of Chapter 9,.. and getting pretty bored with the game. I keep hearing that Chapter 11 is when everything starts getting good.. should I keep going or just sell this.[/QUOTE]

Yes, definitely play till Chapter 11. It is full of awesomeness.

[quote name='combatrhombus']
Finally killed Neochu after about an hour spamming death on him. It was funny I looked down then looked back up...and whoa! he was gone. Score! Then I forgot to equip an attack paradigms. I used Snow as my SEN.[/QUOTE]

Wow, I feel lucky - probably only took me about 20-30 minutes to spam him last night. But then I had to be really careful because the leftover little jerks almost killed me twice given that Vanille (my lead of course for the Death spamming) just takes damage like nobodies business. That would have really sucked!

I tried using an Eidolan to take out the little ones as Prinny suggested but even after mutliple pre-attacks and several attacks in gestalt mode and a big finish with the triangle attack they were all still there and barely scratched. That just don't work for me.
[quote name='KingBroly']Mission 51 is really hard, but it's really fun. I'd say it's up there with Mission 64.

I'm still debating whether or not I should get those Postcards for the Square members rewards.[/QUOTE]
51 is cake if you stack damage resist (royal/imperial armlets). 64 was a much better fight, because it actually made you think and react to changing situations. Even with damage resist gear, he is still tough.

Also, why wouldn't you redeem your rewards? They just expire if you don't claim them, right?
[quote name='IRHari']Anyways, what was the gil amount I'll need to upgrade everything? Let's say I need to start from scratch, with everything at its lowest level.[/QUOTE]
I'd say roughly 5-6 mil to get the trophy, assuming you farm all the stones that can be dropped yourself. You'll get most of that from ingots while farming the traps, so it's not too bad.
[quote name='billyrox']Question: I'm at the end of Chapter 9,.. and getting pretty bored with the game. I keep hearing that Chapter 11 is when everything starts getting good.. should I keep going or just sell this.[/QUOTE]
Dude, when you get to 11 you will feel so cheated by the rest of the game. It's so refreshing when you get to Gran Pulse, because they're no longer just shoving you down corridors for the most part and the environment is amazing. This is where the major complaint of linearity comes in, because it's such a sharp change of pace you will wonder why the rest of the game wasn't like this.
[quote name='io']Wow, I feel lucky - probably only took me about 20-30 minutes to spam him last night.[/QUOTE]

Then I must be even luckier. I killed him with my first Death cast; it took me a few seconds to even realize that I had actually ended the battle that fast.
Alright got my first trap' and plat' ingot after slaying only three 'toise...much quicker than Neochu. I used a summon every time to take out its legs and spam death usually would take six to seven tries of casting death. Thanks prinny.

Now it's time to upgrade my Healers staff so I can dismantle and receive three trap's...agh this takes a lot of sturdy bones and UC reactors.
[quote name='io']Yes, definitely play till Chapter 11. It is full of awesomeness.

Wow, I feel lucky - probably only took me about 20-30 minutes to spam him last night. But then I had to be really careful because the leftover little jerks almost killed me twice given that Vanille (my lead of course for the Death spamming) just takes damage like nobodies business. That would have really sucked!

I tried using an Eidolan to take out the little ones as Prinny suggested but even after mutliple pre-attacks and several attacks in gestalt mode and a big finish with the triangle attack they were all still there and barely scratched. That just don't work for me.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the response... kept playing.. on Chapter 10 now. The story is getting better atleast. That being said, now that I can choose my party.. should I keep my Lightning Hope, Fang Combo which I've grown accustommed to or should I switch it up? Does it matter?
bread's done