Final Fantasy XIII - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='Indignate']So Mission 45 was pissing me off. Probably went at this guy eight times before saying fuck it and switching over to Sazh equipped with Instant Chain. A few Blitz later, I'm the proud five star champion of this mission.

I'm really considering just doing this for the rest of the game...[/QUOTE]
Another convert!
[quote name='io']Jodou - you were right, I really regret spending 1 million or so upgrading a weapon to dissassemble for the 3 Traps earlier. Why do those FAQs even mention that?? It is way easier to get the Traps than the gil needed for all the upgrades![/QUOTE]I get that a lot. :p
[quote name='Jodou']
I get that a lot. :p[/QUOTE]

Yeah, well, stop being a jackass about it and answer my question about the Connoisseur Catalog ;). You did a lot of Ingot farming - what do you think?
[quote name='io']Yeah, well, stop being a jackass about it and answer my question about the Connoisseur Catalog ;). You did a lot of Ingot farming - what do you think?[/QUOTE]
Haha, I had the same problem with gold nuggets vs dark matter. I thought about taking off a catalog, but never did because I wasn't sure how loot drops work. Thinking about it now, I'd have to say yes since only one thing from his loot table can drop. Considering there's two separate items to increase chance to drop, I can only assume there is no general loot roll (i.e. checking to see if loot will drop or not, then rolling to see what will drop). In either case, it's a matter of do you want to increase chances for something you're not after or not.
[quote name='io']Yeah, well, stop being a jackass about it and answer my question about the Connoisseur Catalog ;). You did a lot of Ingot farming - what do you think?[/QUOTE]

Unequip it.
[quote name='io']As of right now, I have just enough Traps (and that was with dismantling a weapon early on). So here's an interesting question: would it be a good idea to stop using the Connoisseur Catalog? I'm not sure exactly how it works but I figured the "rare" drop would take precedence over the "common" drop and in this case I don't want any more of the "rare" ones (Traps). But I don't want to do that if it increased the odds of both types of drops. Anyone know?[/QUOTE]

Aren't traps worth more than ingots?
I have a question is the farming or grinding necessary to beat the game? I'm about to start ch 10 and it's been pretty easy up to the end of ch 9. I'm about 26 hours in and everyone Ive spoken with has said that it takes close to 60hrs to finish the game are they right? I kinda just want to beat the game and move on to the next game on my list(Dragon Age).
You don't need to grind at all during the main game... But it is 60 hours to beat it so, not really gonna help you there. If you're not enjoying playing the game, don't play it. Forcing yourself to beat it is stupid.
[quote name='io']
As of right now, I have just enough Traps (and that was with dismantling a weapon early on). So here's an interesting question: would it be a good idea to stop using the Connoisseur Catalog? I'm not sure exactly how it works but I figured the "rare" drop would take precedence over the "common" drop and in this case I don't want any more of the "rare" ones (Traps). But I don't want to do that if it increased the odds of both types of drops. Anyone know?[/QUOTE]

From what I understand, drops work like this. The game will check first to see if the rare item will drop, if it doesn't, it then checks if the common item will drop. So yes, if the rare item does drop, it takes precedence.

So if you're just looking for Ignots only, just equip the Collector's Catalog and not the Connoisseur.
[quote name='madbst']Aren't traps worth more than ingots?[/QUOTE]

Traps sell for 10,000, ingots sell for 150,000. Traps cost a ton to buy, but there is absolutely no reason to do so.

[quote name='Indignate']From what I understand, drops work like this. The game will check first to see if the rare item will drop, if it doesn't, it then checks if the common item will drop. So yes, if the rare item does drop, it takes precedence.

So if you're just looking for Ignots only, just equip the Collector's Catalog and not the Connoisseur.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's what I figured but you never know with these things ;).
[quote name='pete5883']I beat the game, and want just enough CP to get the trophies for mastering each single class. Where's the best place to get them?[/QUOTE]

If you can, try to beat the mission that gives you the Growth Egg to get double CP - that would be key. I want to say it is Mission 55, but check a FAQ to be sure. Then, really, it doesn't matter where. You can fight the two monsters that are beating on each other near the path to Oerba, for example, or Death spam Adamantoises.

But I would suggest maybe going through the Faultwarrens (the Titan missions) as you can try knocking out a lot of missions and in the process get a lot of CP as they each tend to give a lot. Plus at some point in the middle of that there are flowering Cactuars that give a lot of CP (though they will flee quickly so go in aggressively).

But I had the Growth Egg equipped for a long time and during my entire Mission completion and a good bit of my Trap farming and I just capped out the character levels recently. It does take a while and if you are going to do that it seems like you might as well at least try for some of the other trophies. The only one that takes much longer, IMO, is Treasure Hunter. But you should be able to knock out all the rest on your way to maxing the characters.
[quote name='PrinnyOtaku']You don't need to grind at all during the main game... But it is 60 hours to beat it so, not really gonna help you there. If you're not enjoying playing the game, don't play it. Forcing yourself to beat it is stupid.[/QUOTE]

It's not that I'm not enjoying it , I was just curious about the length of the game because of how fast the game has been playing at so far.
Dang... Starting with the boss of Chapter 11, this game got hard. I was pretty much cruising through it prior to Chapter 12 (occasional spike notwithstanding), but now I'm dying all over the place. I'm at the part where you have to fight a Juggernaut to advance, and it's pretty demoralizing. Peeking ahead in the strategy guide, it looks like there a lot of grueling fights ahead. Blargh.
I'm not even halfway done with upgrading my weapons and I switched the Toises to Guis. I thought you had to finish all the missions to get the Guis so I foolishly did the circle missions. I can still go back to the Eden Toise right?
FINALLY beat that Gigantaur. Thing was a major PITA, but thanks to that instant stagger ability, I managed to beat it and got 5 stars to boot.

And seriously, why is it even considered a b-class monster? It's easily a a-class just due to its high damage attacks, the debuffing it inflects during those attacks and its insanely fast turns.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Dang... Starting with the boss of Chapter 11, this game got hard. I was pretty much cruising through it prior to Chapter 12 (occasional spike notwithstanding), but now I'm dying all over the place. I'm at the part where you have to fight a Juggernaut to advance, and it's pretty demoralizing. Peeking ahead in the strategy guide, it looks like there a lot of grueling fights ahead. Blargh.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'm on Ch. 11 now (not to the boss yet); I'm doing the side quests now. I got my ass handed to be by those damned fish things in the Chocobo area (second battle, not the first one).

I'm going to try again tonight (if my wife will let me play LOL).
[quote name='madbst']I'm not even halfway done with upgrading my weapons and I switched the Toises to Guis. I thought you had to finish all the missions to get the Guis so I foolishly did the circle missions. I can still go back to the Eden Toise right?[/QUOTE]

Yep, same thing happened to me. You can still go back to Eden to fight the Adamantoise there. In fact, I'm farming there currently for ingots since that's all I have left to do.

As for the spike in difficulty, I guess I'm glad that was there as it keeps you on your toes and made it much more interesting (and puts the lie to the reviews that claim the game "plays itself"). But rest assured, once you level up a bit more pretty much all that stuff that looks hard now becomes pretty easy. There's a Juggernaut on the way from the warp point back to the 'toise on Eden, for example. He is more annoyance, now, than anything (because you can't sneak past him). The only difficult things still around once you max out your chars are the 'toises/'guis, and a couple of the missions. And those would probably be easier with maxed out weapons but I never bothered with that.
It's very, very quiet in here - Shhh!

Anyway, I finally got my platinum tonight. Yay!

It was much easier than I thought. I farmed for 2 more ingots (and got them pretty quickly) The hard part was actually killing the 'toise - had to restart like 4 times in a row because Death never worked. But I killed 3 and got 2 ingots and 1 Trap. It's almost like I've gotten much better drop rates since I maxed everything out - I wonder if the game is more forgiving at that point? Early on, and maybe it was even before I finished the game though I'm not sure about that, it seemed like I only got a drop every 5-10 kills. Toniight and the last couple of times I farmed, I got something nearly every time.

Anyway, it turned out I didn't even really need them. Here's a tip - if you haven't been selling stuff all along, you probably have WAY more stuff than you need. Once you get to a point where you've maxed the characters and 5-starred all the missions you can go for broke and sell off everything and do the upgrades all at once. I wanted to make sure I could do it so I made my cutoff point when I upgraded all the accessories, and then all the regular weapons to Tier 2 (besides the 3 Tier 3's I made a long time ago).

So, basically, I did everything except the Gilgamesh ~200K weapons, and then 3 Trap upgrades for the characters I didn't use very much (Snow, Hope, and Sahz). And it turned out to be much easier than I thought so I probably could have done this at least 3-4 hours back (and done less farming). I didn't even sell everything off and didn't touch any of my upgraded weapons (to sell that is). I pretty much just did it by selling off extra accessories and some big ones like the Growth Egg and an Imperial Armlet or two. My main save (if there is ever a need to come back to it like DLC or something) will be before these last-ditch upgrades. I just wanted to get that last trophy out of the way.

So, anyway, the point is you can probably sell everything off and purchase the rest of the upgrade stuff at a much earlier point and save yourself a lot of time. I'd say give it a try as soon as you get enough Traps to do whatever weapons are left over. Of course, you just have to be thorough and make sure you've done all the upgrades before you sell something off. I made sure to do all the accessories before the weapons so I was safe selling anything from there.
I've finished the game and been trying to go through all of the missions. I cannot for the life of me beat my last circle of stones mission (Raktavija) Any Tips?
[quote name='Jam424']I've finished the game and been trying to go through all of the missions. I cannot for the life of me beat my last circle of stones mission (Raktavija) Any Tips?[/QUOTE]

I had to put that one aside and come back to it when I was more powered up (nearly maxed out the characters). That's the only advise I can give on that one. Keep in mind once you beat that you lose all the Adamantoises in Gran Pulse - they all turn into much tougher Long Guis (and the little ones turn into Shaolong Guis). You can still farm the Adamantoise in Eden, forunately, but I always found that pretty inconvenient when I wanted to farm, then do missions, then farm again to break up the monotony.
[quote name='Jam424']I've finished the game and been trying to go through all of the missions. I cannot for the life of me beat my last circle of stones mission (Raktavija) Any Tips?[/QUOTE]

I haven't played in forever, but the method I used was to grab a ton of Witch's Bracelet... I believe fully upgraded it gave me something like 15% resistance to Magic. I also made sure to throw all the Sols on myself before battle (well, except Deceptisol). Then I basacially abused Lightnings "Army of One" special attack.

There is a video on Youtube which explains it much better than I could.
[quote name='madbst']I'm not even halfway done with upgrading my weapons and I switched the Toises to Guis. I thought you had to finish all the missions to get the Guis so I foolishly did the circle missions. I can still go back to the Eden Toise right?[/QUOTE]

You can still find an Adamantoise in the Archylte Steppe - the one that spawns in the midwest area. I killed this one exclusively, because there is a save point somewhat close by - the one northwest of the path to the Font of Namva. After a kill, I would TP up on the four gorgonopsids near the save point. Save/quit/load to respawn that turtle, because it beat hopping on a chocobo and running for a bit to respawn it. After I no longer needed CP, I would reload if I did not get an ingot. You could make your base at the northwest save point near the exit to Mah'habara, TP up on the gorgs near the mission 54 Cie'th stone, and use the nearby teleport stone to respawn.
[quote name='eddie291']Wow, how many hours did it take you to get the platinum?[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure exactly - I think my save is at somewhere between 120 and 140 hours. But at least 10 hours, probably, were spent in Pause when I went and did other stuff.
[quote name='KingBroly']Pause doesn't affect your time.[/QUOTE]

Um, I believe it keeps counting while I'm doing that. I watched the timer keep going up in any case. But then by "pause" I mean sitting in the Inventory/Character screen. I didn't bother waiting for cutscenes to pause as I usually had to get up in the middle of gameplay and do something else for a while.

And there were other times I simply let the characters sit there (in a non-combat location)...
Yay, finally beat the story! And I got the Superstar achievement on my first try-- killed
just before the end of the first stagger. Now to keep working on those Titan's Trials...
Oh boy, this game is so addicting! Powered my way through the end game, then went back to do the side mission. I could not do #31, 45, and 54+ with my lvl 4 role characters and max tier 2 weaps.
I'm guessing now is the time to go post game huh?
The game does get a lot more addicting after the ending! I'm having a lot of fun just powering up my characters and weapons. I just got a Genji Glove for Fang and I feel like a whole new door has been opened. :) But these hunts are starting to get pretty tough now that I only have a few A-ranks left to do...
[quote name='Ryuukishi']The game does get a lot more addicting after the ending! I'm having a lot of fun just powering up my characters and weapons. I just got a Genji Glove for Fang and I feel like a whole new door has been opened. :) But these hunts are starting to get pretty tough now that I only have a few A-ranks left to do...[/QUOTE]

Which hunts do you still need to do? I just beat the game (even got the Superstar troph). Hopefully I can max out my role 5 characters so I can start upgrading weaps by killing turtles.

A bit confused about the ending
Why did Fang and Vanille turn to crystal & the others didn't?
Granted it's 12 am right now (& the answer is probably locked somewhere in this thread) but it's too late to search that.
I think I have 59-64 still to do, maybe a couple of earlier ones scattered around.

ETA: Just referred to a mark list, my remaining missions are 53, 60, 61, 62, 63, and 64. I think the Zirnitra in Sulyya Springs was the hardest thing I've dealt with so far, I found him a lot trickier than Attacus.
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Which number is Attacus? Don't think I had any issue with him.

I was having trouble with neochu and the other one, but found out you can cheap out and use death and be done with it all.

Cactaur is a huge pita, haven't beat him yet either.
[quote name='io']Um, I believe it keeps counting while I'm doing that. I watched the timer keep going up in any case. But then by "pause" I mean sitting in the Inventory/Character screen. I didn't bother waiting for cutscenes to pause as I usually had to get up in the middle of gameplay and do something else for a while.

And there were other times I simply let the characters sit there (in a non-combat location)...[/QUOTE]

Yea pause mean pressing start, not sitting in the inventory screen - all that time you spend upgrading weapons/tinkering with crystarium/equipment definitely counts toward your play time.

[quote name='guynextshore']
A bit confused about the ending
Why did Fang and Vanille turn to crystal & the others didn't?
Granted it's 12 am right now (& the answer is probably locked somewhere in this thread) but it's too late to search that.[/QUOTE]

Well the answer to that is
Vanille and Fang turned into Ragnarok then crashed Cocoon into Pulse but managed to save all the people on Cocoon by transporting them down to Pulse. Cocoon turns into crystal and so do Vanille and Fang, due to fulfilling their focus. The other characters are unaffected, in fact they all lose their L'Cie brands.
[quote name='daschrier']Cactaur is a huge pita, haven't beat him yet either.[/QUOTE]
I beat Gigantaur by equipping Energy Sash + Speed Sash on Lightning and Fang for the Instant Chain ability. It took a few tries before it worked, but if you can get him staggered early in the fight, he's a pushover.
After not playing for about a week, I played again today, and I still hate farming. I'm probably 15-20 ingots away from getting the Treasure Hunter and with the rate I get the Ingots, it'll be around 3 more hours. Is there any other way to get Adamantites than buying them?
[quote name='freshzen']I just got to chapter 11 yesterday. Should I start the side missions now or wait til I have finished the game?[/QUOTE]

You can do some of the early ones now - that's what I did. It always helps to be a little more powerful when facing some of the later stuff. You will have a fairly hard fight near the beginning of when you go back to the main quest (the robot things on the path to Oerba).

As for the missions, I guess it all depends on who you run with and what equipment you have. I think Attacus was the very last one I did and it took all 3 chars maxed out with pretty powerful weapons for me to do it. Meanwhile, whatever one that was in the Springs I don't even remember fighting and I had done that much earlier.

The only other one I had a huge problem with was one of the stone circle missions - the one with 2 guys up on a mesa. I did that one fairly late too - just being maxed out and then equipping anti-magic stuff helped a lot there. The giant cactuar is a pain if you don't insta-stagger - at the end I could beat him easily, but only getting 2 or 3 stars. Fortunately for me the first time I tried intsa-stagger it worked almost instantly - so quickly, in fact, that I didn't even realize it at first :lol:. What threw me off about insta-stagger though is that it also depends on what weapon Light has equipped. When I went to my Tier 3 weapon it didn't work any more - I had to revert to a previous one.
Wow, I only did up to the Chocobo mission (aside from the mandatory ones) before coming back before the end of Chapter 13. And I saved the Titan's Trials for postgame. I bet Attacus was pretty tough in Chapter 11.
Vercingetorix wasn't as rough as I expected-- I just kept spamming Poison and then going into Tortoise as soon as it took, and did some healing or buffing whenever he went into his invincible mode. 14 minutes to win the fight and I still got 5 stars.

Only two missions left now!
Long Gui... Yikes. I'm trying the strategy where you repeat an elixir-summon-stagger cycle, but even with all possible buffs and debuffs applied and the Gui at 999.9% stagger, Fang and Lightning are only doing around 20,000 damage per strike. Even after two staggers he's still got like 60%+ of his HP.

Am I missing something here or is it just a matter of maxing out the Crystarium?
[quote name='daschrier']I tried that strategy, but can't pull it off. Seems to trigger all the time on regular enemies but not when I acutally need it too![/QUOTE]

Make Sazh your leader, and use Haste, Bravery, and Enfire on him only. Go COM COM COM to get the damage bonus up, and use Blitz non-stop. If you're lucky, the other two will take the Needles hits, and Sazh won't get Dazed.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Long Gui... Yikes. I'm trying the strategy where you repeat an elixir-summon-stagger cycle, but even with all possible buffs and debuffs applied and the Gui at 999.9% stagger, Fang and Lightning are only doing around 20,000 damage per strike. Even after two staggers he's still got like 60%+ of his HP.

Am I missing something here or is it just a matter of maxing out the Crystarium?[/QUOTE]

I dunno - but if you are only doing 20,000 damage at 999.9% stagger then, yeah, something ain't right there. Either you need to beef up those characters or their weapons. It took me a few tries but basically if he didn't triple-whammy me (Quake/Roar/Bay/whatever it is he does - three of those right in a row) I could do it. You should be using Genji Gloves too, I think, to go over 99,999 damage per strike at that stagger level. I'm pretty sure I had those on at least 2 of my chars (Fang/Light) if not all three (Vanille too).
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Long Gui... Yikes. I'm trying the strategy where you repeat an elixir-summon-stagger cycle, but even with all possible buffs and debuffs applied and the Gui at 999.9% stagger, Fang and Lightning are only doing around 20,000 damage per strike. Even after two staggers he's still got like 60%+ of his HP.

Am I missing something here or is it just a matter of maxing out the Crystarium?[/QUOTE]

How far away are you from maxing your roles? (I'm assuming you've at least maxed your primary roles and have a good portion of the secondary). If so, do you have the tier 3 weapons?

On a side note, I farmed adamantoise at Eden for a couple of hours & snagged 3 traps & 2 mil gil. I also realize how amazing daze is & timing Fang's hits when my SAB hit's a staggered toise with daze. Pretty much do 300-500k per hit & down one in 2-3 mins.
I guess it's time to farm Long Gui for some Dark Matter.
Shaolon Gui are the ones you should get Dark Matter from. Although they 6 million less HP, they hit quite a bit harder.
[quote name='KingBroly']Shaolon Gui are the ones you should get Dark Matter from. Although they 6 million less HP, they hit quite a bit harder.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the clarification! I was probably going to go through some unnecessary hurting/hunting hehe. However, I still need to down Long Gui for that trophy.

I'm assuming Long Gui's strategy is similar to a toise (no summon or shroud-stagger legs) - only I would think I'd have to down him twice & have some really high earth/phys based accessories equipped for his nasty attacks? Most of the youtube battles i've witnessed are in japanese utilizing summoning strategy.
[quote name='guynextshore']How far away are you from maxing your roles? (I'm assuming you've at least maxed your primary roles and have a good portion of the secondary). If so, do you have the tier 3 weapons?
Three main roles maxed, and level 0-1 of secondary roles. I have starred tier 2 weapons.
Well, I was able to do it by switching out Hope in favor of Sazh, so I could get a good Cerberus going during the staggers, and still have a SYN on hand for Haste and Enfire. I won by the skin of my teeth though-- needed all three Elixirs, and Fang's highwind killed the Gui at the end of the last stagger I would have been able to pull off.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Well, I was able to do it by switching out Hope in favor of Sazh, so I could get a good Cerberus going during the staggers, and still have a SYN on hand for Haste and Enfire. I won by the skin of my teeth though-- needed all three Elixirs, and Fang's highwind killed the Gui at the end of the last stagger I would have been able to pull off.[/QUOTE]

Ah, see, you needed to swap for a SYN. I was using pretty much all the roles because I hax them maxed out for each char. So I could put Fang/Light/Vanille in a SYN/SYN/SYN paradigm when I first use the Summon to get everyone buffed up, then switch to SAB/SAB/SAB to debuff, then attack away... It gets much easier when you don't have to worry about which character can do which thing (though they are still limited with what spells/abilities they have in each role).
bread's done