Final Fantasy XIII - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='safer_sephiroth']Anyone else despise farming gil in this game? I think a great chunk of my game time was spent doing this.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I feel really underpowered and gil doesn't really go very far when you're trying to upgrade your weapons. I haven't made it out of Cocoon yet (just got Fang), and it's such a pain to find gil and try to upgrade weapons.

I think I've figured out one little trick, which is to use the monster parts (fangs, enigmatic fluid, etc.) to give a weapon a 150% - 300% bonus while upgrading. I still haven't figured out the entire trick, but I know that you have to use at least 3 of them to give a 1.5 bonus.

Also, trying to get CP is kind of hard, but once you get some, the other members outside your party still get them--that's kind of a nice touch.
[quote name='safer_sephiroth']Anyone else despise farming gil in this game? I think a great chunk of my game time was spent doing this.[/QUOTE]
I think they went overboard with nerfing gil drops (surely based on the fact that people complain about 'how does a monster carry cash?') to the point that it's a little too random and time consuming. I'd rather have a steady flow of cash that's balanced over luck of the draw.
[quote name='Jodou']I think they went overboard with nerfing gil drops (surely based on the fact that people complain about 'how does a monster carry cash?') to the point that it's a little too random and time consuming. I'd rather have a steady flow of cash that's balanced over luck of the draw.[/QUOTE]

I'm not very far into the game, and haven't played in a while. however, I wish I would have chilled and grinded a ton more in chapter, I think 9, where you are on the air ship (or any chapter where you fight soldiers). The soldiers all dropped the credit and incentive chips which sell for very decent amounts of gil.
io, who are you using for your tank on Attacus? I used Lightning with a pair of Nimbletoe boots myself, and she was hit maybe 4-5 times the whole fight, leaving the other two to do damage, and rebuff/debuff after his charged slash move.
[quote name='io'] I also just saw that there was a gold trophy for beating the final boss with 5-stars. Now that I am way more upgraded how much easier is that? [/QUOTE]

I got it on my first try, didn't even know there was a trophy for it. (The trophy itself is even in my sig as of this post, got it very recently) It's pretty easy to begin with, and now that you're way stronger you definitely will be able to kill the boss in one stagger which should be enough for 5 stars.
[quote name='jh6269']Yeah, I feel really underpowered and gil doesn't really go very far when you're trying to upgrade your weapons. I haven't made it out of Cocoon yet (just got Fang), and it's such a pain to find gil and try to upgrade weapons.

I think I've figured out one little trick, which is to use the monster parts (fangs, enigmatic fluid, etc.) to give a weapon a 150% - 300% bonus while upgrading. I still haven't figured out the entire trick, but I know that you have to use at least 3 of them to give a 1.5 bonus.

Also, trying to get CP is kind of hard, but once you get some, the other members outside your party still get them--that's kind of a nice touch.[/QUOTE]

Well, the nice thing about this game is that you don't really have to upgrade weapons much till after you complete it (to do some of the missions and gil farming then). It is paced fairly well that you don't need to grind much at all before the end. And in chapter 11 you can get a ton of money by default (from a certain thingie that gives you treasure based on how many steps you take in the place you go in that chapter ;)) that should give you enough to do the few upgrades you may need for the final boss.

[quote name='rpnguyen']I got it on my first try, didn't even know there was a trophy for it. (The trophy itself is even in my sig as of this post, got it very recently) It's pretty easy to begin with, and now that you're way stronger you definitely will be able to kill the boss in one stagger which should be enough for 5 stars.[/QUOTE]

I have no idea how many stars I got on it. I didn't have too much trouble with it but I didn't 5-star it.

[quote name='halfbent']io, who are you using for your tank on Attacus? I used Lightning with a pair of Nimbletoe boots myself, and she was hit maybe 4-5 times the whole fight, leaving the other two to do damage, and rebuff/debuff after his charged slash move.[/QUOTE]

I used Fang/Light/Vanille and did a lot of SEN/SYN/SYN and SEN/SAB/SAB alterating with COM/RAV/RAV. he just has so much HP that it takes forever. And when he starts doing all his super attacks I have to switch quickly to one of the SEN paradigms or Combat Clinic (SEN/MED/MED). But if I don't apply a few debuffs to him I barely make a noticeable dent in his health even with all 3 attacking for 2 rounds (which is usually all I can get in before he does a Meditate/super attack).

But what do you mean "hit only 4 or 5 times?". He attacks relentlessly and I was probably "hit" 50 or 60 times...
Toise farming was so much easier when I stop trying to turtle it. I farmed my 6 trapz then moved on, and got 3 more trapz in a row right after when I was Ingot farming.

I just said screw it and finished the 64 missions. Now I need more gil to upgrade sigh.
Well, it took a few tries but I was able to take down a Long Gui last night. I used the strat mentioned in the trophy guide at This was something I hadn't been doing the whole game: that is, using "pure" paradigms of all the same class. I started off in SEN/SEN/SEN to withstand his initial attack, then switched to SYN/SYN/SYN to buff, then SAB/SAB/SAB to debuff the legs. Then RAV/RAV/RAV to stagger and COM/COM/COM to beat on (and use highwind).

I actually used a Summons to bring him down once. Then I had to bring him down the hard way a second time. The first few tries I got him down to about 5% health after the second knock-down and then invariably he'd double-whammy me (Ultima/Quake or something like that). So I decided to blow the rest of my cash on an upgrade for Fang. I spent over 200,000 gil and go the Kain's Lance from level 40 to 60. Then I did it again and was able to take him down during that second knock-down so I didn't have to do it a third time.

So, finally got that trophy and, what do you know, a Trap! And since I was loaded up on aurora scarf/Sprint Shoes/Genji Glove/Royal Armlets I didn't even have either of the catalogs! I only need one more Trap now.

Then I decided to take on a Shaolong Gui. I had to modify the strategy a little bit and went with SAB/SYN/SYN to work on him up front. Since Fang is the only one that can apply Slow (Vanille can't for some reason - makes her "improved debuffing" weapon kind of useless :bomb:) I had to run with her as my primary. Then it was just a matter of RAV/RAV/RAV and quickly switching to Tortoise if I saw a Bay/Ultima/Quake coming. He was much harder than the big one though, as he seemed to be a little more relentless with his multiple attacks (especially Bay followed by Quake - if I didn't Tortoise on the Bay it usually killed me instantly). I managed to kill 2 and just got a gold nugget. I need to get at least one Dark Matter and then I can be done with those bastards.

I'm wondering, now, if I can go back to the Adamantoise and have a much easier time though.

In any case, I've gotten all the trophies now except for 4: 5 starring all the missions (only 2 to go), 5-starring the final boss (which may be my next task), upgrading all the chars (very close now), and of course treasure hunter (eh, not so close ;)).
[quote name='io']and of course treasure hunter (eh, not so close ;)).[/QUOTE]

treasure hunter is ridiculous...i beat the game last week and i'm playing other games now because i don't feel ready for another 40+ hours to get all the items...maybe later.
I just got 3 left to do.

5 Star last boss(should be easy)
Treasure hunter(I'm about 1M gil off from doing this.)
and Long Gui kill(shouldn't be to bad. I was close last night, but got scerewed with a Ultima when I wasn't ready for it.)
[quote name='Dead of Knight']That isn't really saying very much, TMK.[/QUOTE]

yea there have only been three since X back in 2001, and one was an MMO, so really...two. I'd have to say XII > XIII, although XII's story is even worse than XIII's.
[quote name='io']Then I decided to take on a Shaolong Gui. I had to modify the strategy a little bit and went with SAB/SYN/SYN to work on him up front. Since Fang is the only one that can apply Slow (Vanille can't for some reason - makes her "improved debuffing" weapon kind of useless :bomb:) I had to run with her as my primary. Then it was just a matter of RAV/RAV/RAV and quickly switching to Tortoise if I saw a Bay/Ultima/Quake coming. He was much harder than the big one though, as he seemed to be a little more relentless with his multiple attacks (especially Bay followed by Quake - if I didn't Tortoise on the Bay it usually killed me instantly). I managed to kill 2 and just got a gold nugget. I need to get at least one Dark Matter and then I can be done with those bastards.[/QUOTE]
A couple things to remember: Fang does have a weapon with improved debilitation (for landing slow, imperil, deprotect, and deshell), you can chain daze it to prevent it from casting spells, and commandos do 2x damage when topped off (health meter not flashing at all).

Don't you need 5 dark matter? It's not hard to get anyways, since it's a fairly common drop. I had to start selling the damn things when I was farming gold nuggets because I got more of them over what I needed lol.

Also, somewhat interesting read that does a better job of describing why the game feels hollow to me:
For all the obvious regression to be found in Final Fantasy XIII, the failure to really give its world personality and to truly integrate story with world is a failure that’s out of character for the series. After over 50 hours with the game, I’m not sure if there’s truly a society in Cocoon. All I know of the world is linked to the basic principles of a place controlled by a bunch of gods, but beyond that I barely know if the people in its world even like to eat food, or play sports, or spend time with each other. There’s so little depth and the characters are so self-involved that, for all the beauty and wildlife on show, and for all the emotion-filled, high-octane cut scenes, I feel nothing for anything in the game.
I don't think that's a fair assessment to make about a game merely because it's so different from what's expected of it.

Sure, you can have your own opinion, but to call it a failure merely because it does things differently is a bit extreme. A lot of people like ambiguous plots with information left out -- look at how popular Lost is.

The very beginning of the game you are just thrown into a frantic situation you know very little about, and the story stays that way for much of the game. This is what made the ending so awesome IMO, because everything comes full circle beautifully.

Nothing against the guy who wrote that, I enjoy reading people back up their opinions with a thought out argument and quite frankly I understand where he's coming from and its why I wouldn't recommend this game to a lot of seasoned RPG gamers.

But if you don't mind being left in the dark, always wondering what's going on and being tugged along through a superbly designed linear experience, then I think FFXIII is one of the better RPGs to succeed with this style.
I'm following the story pretty well. I'm about 20 hours or so in, and I don't feel left in the dark at all. If you are really curious to know more about something in the game, there's a huge data log that explains more than anyone would care to know about everything in the FFXIII universe.

It's not a perfect game by any means, but I'm having fun with it. I can't wait to see what Versus is like (if it ever comes out); I hope they give more traditional JRPG and FF game play in that one.
[quote name='jh6269']I'm following the story pretty well. I'm about 20 hours or so in, and I don't feel left in the dark at all. If you are really curious to know more about something in the game, there's a huge data log that explains more than anyone would care to know about everything in the FFXIII universe.

It's not a perfect game by any means, but I'm having fun with it. I can't wait to see what Versus is like (if it ever comes out); I hope they give more traditional JRPG and FF game play in that one.[/QUOTE]

Well, left in the dark as in you only know what the characters know. It's easy to follow, but some people just want to know more.
Question about the Limit Breaker achievement/trophy:

I just arrived on Pulse, and decided to go for Limit Breaker on the first mission, Ectopudding. Over a few tries, the most damage I was able to deal with Fang's eidolon was 99,119 (Ectopudding was at 999.9% stagger). So close! Is there anything I can do to jack up the damage just a little bit, or should I just move on and go for the achievement on a different monster?
Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it at all. If you plan on going for full completion, you'll end up getting it as you work on other tasks. If you're just looking for a low-hanging fruit, it's easy enough to do later on in the game.
Actually, at this point it's just that I got so close, I can't stand to think that I only missed it by a handful of HP. :) If I put a few more points into Fang's strength or magic stats, will that boost the power of the summon?
Honestly I don't know exactly what causes an Eidolon to gain in strength. I usually just went with "as your character gets stronger, the Eidolon gets stronger" and left it at that.

Is the Monster fully debuffed when you're using your Eidolon? Deshell and Deprotect in particular? I know Daze allows the next hit after it to hit for more, but I don't remember Fang having it then.

If you're looking to strengthen up, there's a bunch of wonderful powerlevelling places in Pulse. One in particular is right before the entrance to the next objective.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Actually, at this point it's just that I got so close, I can't stand to think that I only missed it by a handful of HP. :) If I put a few more points into Fang's strength or magic stats, will that boost the power of the summon?[/QUOTE]

Eidolon strength is based on two things - Crystarium level and how many level 5 roles that character has.

A character can normally only do up to 99,999 damage unless they have a Genji Glove accessory equipped, but Eidolons can break this limit...i think an easy way to get the trophy is to find some monster with a high stagger multiplier (behemoth or something works well), then apply deprotect/deshell and perform the gestalt finisher.

I actually got that trophy on accident, so it's not tough to do at all.
Yeah, I got the limit breaker one pretty early with a Summons attack. I don't even remember what I was fighting. But if not, you'll do plenty of 99,999+ attacks later with a Genji Glove equipped.

[quote name='Jodou']A couple things to remember: Fang does have a weapon with improved debilitation (for landing slow, imperil, deprotect, and deshell), you can chain daze it to prevent it from casting spells, and commandos do 2x damage when topped off (health meter not flashing at all).

Don't you need 5 dark matter? It's not hard to get anyways, since it's a fairly common drop. I had to start selling the damn things when I was farming gold nuggets because I got more of them over what I needed lol.[/QUOTE]

Well, I still need an easier way to kill them if I'm going to farm them. I guess I could make that weapon for Fang, but I don't want to waste money upgrading another weapon for her. I wish I had known about that in advance but everyone said to use whatever it is that I used (that I can't remember right now - the one with the Stagger Lock).

I also did not know about the 2x damage - does it really have to be maxed, or just green? I don't remember it flashing at all - just green/yellow/red.

I have a question - what do the "Leadenstrike" and "Ironstrike" of the weapons purchased from Gilgamesh do? I've never heard those talked about as viable options.
I ended up using 2 50+ level Omega Weapons (Fang and Lightning) and a base Nirvana for my farming. They definitely could've been higher in the stats department, but they got the job done 95% of the time.
I got my treasure hunter last night. I barely had enough Gil to do it, I had to sell all my weapons and accessories to get the last of my Gil to upgrade the last set of accessories.

I almost threw my controller on the floor when the achievement didn't unlock for me. I tripled checked my list, then looked online to see if there was a different list that I missed, then saw I had to talk to the silly robot to get the achievement. This was at 4:30am and I didn't want to start over since it took me 2 hours of upgrading to see what I could of missed.
[quote name='io']I also did not know about the 2x damage - does it really have to be maxed, or just green? I don't remember it flashing at all - just green/yellow/red.

I have a question - what do the "Leadenstrike" and "Ironstrike" of the weapons purchased from Gilgamesh do? I've never heard those talked about as viable options.[/QUOTE]
Oh, whoops. Sorry, meant to say that commandos do 2x damage by default and that strength/magic is boosted while they're in the green from adrenaline.

The strike weapons are just slow, but have high stats. It's the same concept as attack speed where a slower weapon hits harder, but in this case isn't really worth it.
Ah, yeah, the key to this game seems to be boosted attack speed, so I'll avoid those "strike" weapons.

Though to defeat the two Shaolong Guis that I did take down I did have to remove my Aurora Scarf/Sprint Shoes and load up on damage protection items. The slower attacks there were more than offset by the increased damage protection. If only you could equip 5 or 6 accessories ;).
[quote name='io']Ah, yeah, the key to this game seems to be boosted attack speed, so I'll avoid those "strike" weapons.

Though to defeat the two Shaolong Guis that I did take down I did have to remove my Aurora Scarf/Sprint Shoes and load up on damage protection items. The slower attacks there were more than offset by the increased damage protection. If only you could equip 5 or 6 accessories ;).[/QUOTE]

to me it was key to get more STR to kill before the Bay + Quake Combo came out, or ultima + quake.

I found it when I had problems with most fights it was because I was too defensive. Tried to do too many Sent/Med/Med.
[quote name='Denbo32']to me it was key to get more STR to kill before the Bay + Quake Combo came out, or ultima + quake.

I found it when I had problems with most fights it was because I was too defensive. Tried to do too many Sent/Med/Med.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I figure I'm going to have to kill them during the first Stagger - once that ends it gets really hard to even stagger them again because they combo so frequently. The problem is they often combo during that first stagger too. Right now I can take out about 1/2-3/4 of their health during that first stagger with Fang and Light equipped with Genji Gloves. I'll have to slap some strength accessories on them as well (though that means removing Royal Armlets) and go more on the offensive.
Go for the + Str, that the only way I felt. If I didn't kill them with the first stagger, the only way I win is with summon.

Of course it possible to get a 2nd stagger, but generally it was quicker to restart because you almost have to turtle after the first stager because any attack was followed with a ultima.
How much are you debuffing the Shaolong Guis? They're vulnerable to quite a lot...of particular interest is Slow and Daze (although you can't downplay imperil/deshell/deprotect). If you can end the debuffing phase with Daze up, that'll give you all the time in the world to get your party fully buffed up. When buffing, make sure you have Fang on Bravera and Faithra (improved versions of Bravery and Faith only Vanille and Fang know, iirc).
Uh, I tried the Daze thing, but it lasts mere seconds, if that. I can do nothing while it is active. But bascially I throw every debuff I have at him first. Slow seems to be more important, and lasts considerably longer.
[quote name='io']Uh, I tried the Daze thing, but it lasts mere seconds, if that. I can do nothing while it is active. But bascially I throw every debuff I have at him first. Slow seems to be more important, and lasts considerably longer.[/QUOTE]
How to farm Gui's like a pro:
Only thing I'd change is cast shellra before protectra because quake lands a split-second after you get it off, which halves the damage and keeps healing to a min. You really don't need to switch paradigms as often as he did either, so just get a flow you're comfortable with. Also, you don't need the high end stuff to start because I sure didn't.
Yeah, I saw that when you posted it before. The problem is that I can't get Daze to stick like he did. It works once out of every 4 or 5 tries for me. And in the mean time I get killed.

As for the start, though, it seems easiest to just start off in Tortoise as the Quake does little damage then. Then you have time to switch and do all kinds of other stuff. I have no problem getting him debuffed and my chars buffed. It's what happens after that that I have trouble with. I'll try it again tonight though.
[quote name='io']Yeah, I saw that when you posted it before. The problem is that I can't get Daze to stick like he did. It works once out of every 4 or 5 tries for me. And in the mean time I get killed.[/QUOTE]

The guy in the video upgraded a Pandoran Spear instead of a Taming Pole. May be the difference.
Yeah, figures... I guess since I have to make one Tier 2 anyway I could try it with that but it won't be nearly as powerful as my current level 60 Omega weapon.
Well, it wasn't as hard as I thought the other night. Highwind isn't even all that necessary.

I did upgrade the Pandoran Spear to Tier 2 for increased debuffing for Fang. At first I just went with all the default debuffs while the other 2 buffed up the party. Then I went to Smart Bomb (SAB/RAV/RAV) and spammed "Daze". I've never really selected things manually in this game so it took some getting used to but I was able to get it down - you have to reselect it very quickly. Then once he's staggered to 999% I go with SAB/COM/COM and keep at it. If he doesn't sneak an Ultima or such in the middle there, I switch to COM/COM/COM and finish him off or come very close.

I got used to doing that on a few but I wasn't getting drops. So I took some accessories off Vanille and put the Connoiseur Catalog. I got a Dark Matter the very next one. I used that to upgrade Fang to the Kaiser Knuckles, which helped in beating on them even more. Then I put in the other catalog.

About half way through I decided I'd rather have Fang at a higher strength so I went back to the Taming Pole that I have at Tier 3/Level 60. The buffs didn't seem to stick much less with that than the Pandoran Spear so I'll just run with that. And she can deal out way more damage such that often when I got him to 1/3 health I could just go COM/COM/COM and attack and even if he started to fire off an Ultima or something either I'd get him just as it went off or I'd survive and get him right after.

All told I killed at least 10, maybe 12. I know it was at least 10 because the other 3 chars I wasn't using (the guys ;)) all had 600,000 CP when I stopped - and each Shaolong Gui is 60,000 without the Growth Egg equipped. I'm on the last Tier of the last class so I figured I didn't need the egg anyway.

I got 2 Dark Matter and 3 Gold Nuggets - I guess that isn't bad for 10-12 kills. I looked through all the accessories and it seems i only need 4 Dark Matter. I have already upgraded the Power Glove -> Kaiser Knuckles, and Weirding Glyph -> Magistral Crest. The other two are Adamant Bangle -> Wurtzite Bangle and Ribbon -> Super Ribbon. I already have an Imperial Armet for some reason even though the FAQs don't seem to indicate it was available anywhere :whistle2:s.
I guess most of you have moved on, eh? I farmed what I thought was all the rest of the Dark Matter I needed last night and even got an extra. I upgraded all the necessary accessories (and am completely done with those now) and had an extra that I used to make another Imperial Armlet that I figured I might need for Attacus.

I then 5 starred the Giant Cactuar. I tried about 10 different strategies, even putting Snow in there as a Sentinel (I never use him normally). Nothing worked until finally I went back to Lightning's instant stagger equipment (which meant changing her weapon - I didn't realize it depended on that too). On my very first attempt with that I didn't even notice at first but he got insta-staggered almost right away. It was easy pickings at that point. So maybe he's more susceptible to that than other monsters? Or maybe I was just lucky.

I also maxed out my characters. So all I have left is to 5-star Attacus, 5-star the final boss, and do Treasure Hunter.

So, as for Treasure Hunter, I was working on more weapons last night and then realized that I needed one more Dark Matter for one of Sahz's weapon - d'oh! They kind of snuck that sucker in there... Oh well, I'll have to farm those Shaolong Guis again.
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I haven't played in a few days been busy with finals, and the constant farming gets old after a while. I'm about to finish my missions so I can start farming dark matter, they don't seem to bad considering it looks like it took io only a few days. Also io I plan on playing again because you did a good job discussing your strategies the last couple of pages of the forum.
Dark Matter farming is not that bad. I got all I needed (though I blew one of them and now need another) after killing about 20 Shaolong Guis - takes a few minutes for each one with the occasional restart. Now, Trap and Ingot farming is another matter...

I'm trying to get as many weapons upgraded to Tier 2 with what I have now and then I may try the "all or nothing" approach: that is, selling everything I can and trying to get all the weapons upgraded at one shot, getting the trophy, and then not saving (so I can go back to having my good equipment). I just don't want to waste a couple hours doing that only to find out I don't have enough to complete it all. So I may try to get all the weapons to Tier 2, then just do that on the final upgrades (getting the 3 Omega weapons for the 3 guys). Problem is, I need like 4-5 more ingots just to buy the Gilgamesh weapons.
[quote name='io']Nothing worked until finally I went back to Lightning's instant stagger equipment (which meant changing her weapon - I didn't realize it depended on that too). On my very first attempt with that I didn't even notice at first but he got insta-staggered almost right away. It was easy pickings at that point.[/QUOTE]
Ahem, told ya so. ;)
[quote name='Jodou']Ahem, told ya so. ;)[/QUOTE]

Granted - that's why I tried it. I was still astounded at how easy it was - I was excpecting to do 5 or 6 retries. I just wish I hadn't tried 10 other strategies first :roll:. What confused me for a while on insta-stagger, though, was that I kept equipping the same stuff and I wasn't getting the insta-chain effect. I had actually tried to do this several days ago but gave up. I guess it only works with one of the weapons and I happened to be using that early on when I had it - but when I got a Trap I upgraded a different weapon and lost that ability.

So, what are the tips on Attacus? I zero-starred him when I finally beat him earlier. Should I load up on Armlets and go "Relentless" or "Cerberus" or use a Sentinel-based paradigm?
[quote name='io']So, what are the tips on Attacus? I zero-starred him when I finally beat him earlier. Should I load up on Armlets and go "Relentless" or "Cerberus" or use a Sentinel-based paradigm?[/QUOTE]
Go in with shrouds on, keep him debuffed and just unload DPS. Only switch to a sentinel each time he powers up in the second and third phase. Gearwise, just stack damage reduction (armlets) til every character is 30-40%. It makes the fight a breeze since you hardly need to heal.
So Mission 45 was pissing me off. Probably went at this guy eight times before saying fuck it and switching over to Sazh equipped with Instant Chain. A few Blitz later, I'm the proud five star champion of this mission.

I'm really considering just doing this for the rest of the game...
5 starred Attacus... On my first attempt I 3-starred him. I was trying to go COM/COM/COM and just beat on him, with the occasional healing. It took too long though. I guess I didn't realize this until recently but you do more damage when the stagger bar is more full, even when the monster isn't staggered. I thought the increased damage only came with stagger condition - but in fighting some of the tougher things (like Shaolong Gui) it is pretty obvious the damage increases with stagger percentage - before and after the stagger condition is met. So I switched Vanille to RAV (thus COM/COM/RAV). Even though you can't stagger Attacus, that made a HUGE different. My time went from 18 minutes to 8 doing that!

I also 5-starred the final boss(es). That was painfully easy at this point.

So my only trophy left over is the Treasure Hunter at this point. I farmed a few more ingots - now I'm getting Traps I don't need. Jodou - you were right, I really regret spending 1 million or so upgrading a weapon to dissassemble for the 3 Traps earlier. Why do those FAQs even mention that?? It is way easier to get the Traps than the gil needed for all the upgrades!
Uhh... we all mentioned that. Multiple times.

Most FAQs/Tips are retarded. Oh, there's an amazing place in Chapter 11 you can farm CP/Gil! You know... cause it's so efficient to max out your CP in C11 given the level cap you're given and how HARD the enemies are that grinding is needed... Yeah, okay there buddy.
I only got it mentioned to me after I did it... Oh well...

I had to get another Dark Matter since I didn't realize a weapon required one. I went back to the 3 Shaolong Gui grouping and got all 3 of them: 2 Dark Matter and 1 Gold Nugget! That's a pretty good drop rate. So with that extra Dark Matter I was able to upgrade another Royal Armlet which helped in fighting Attacus.

Now it's just grind, grind, grind on the Adamantoise in Eden. Sigh... At some point soon, though, I'm just gonna go the "sell everything" route and try to get the last few things done. What I'm saving for the end is the Gilgamesh weapons and the Tier 3 weapons for Sahz, Hope, and Snow. I figure it won't take too long to create all those. So what I'm grinding for now are all the other weapon upgrades. I'm a little over halfway done with those and just got another ingot last night before I quit. It seems I can do about 3-4 weapons per ingot (buying Sturdy Bones, Superconductors, and whatever catalyst is needed).

As of right now, I have just enough Traps (and that was with dismantling a weapon early on). So here's an interesting question: would it be a good idea to stop using the Connoisseur Catalog? I'm not sure exactly how it works but I figured the "rare" drop would take precedence over the "common" drop and in this case I don't want any more of the "rare" ones (Traps). But I don't want to do that if it increased the odds of both types of drops. Anyone know?
bread's done