I'm really starting to dislike what FATE grinding parties have done to this game. It's not the easy mode EXP, because that's whatever, it's that it's created a ton of high-level characters who have virtually no clue how to play their class (or the game really). I'm talking about basic things like moving during combat and avoiding AoE. In addition, they're all undergeared. I'm trying to get through Stone Vigil for my story quest with PUGs, and I'm faced with a constant stream of people who can't grasp the concept of not being able to just faceroll everything.
I know there are always going to be sub-par players, and I can't lay it all on the feet of FATE parties, but I do feel like people would be forced to learn to play the game before attempting the more challenging dungeons if there wasn't such a readily accessible way to easy-mode your way to Level 40+.