Final Fight Double Impact $4.99 on PSN

[quote name='token2k6']i'm not sure what you're on about, not really trolling, just 2 pages of BS is pretty pathetic..PS3/PSN always gets dumped on, I'm a proud supporter![/QUOTE]
That's cuz they gouge out the wazoo on the downloadable shit. Unless there's a sale it seems like a good portion of PSN's downloadable titles are $10 or OVER.

Shit I don't have any resell rights to is worth $5 at most to me and this game REQUIRING you to play while connected to the internet is stuff I'd never buy since what if you're in a place w/o internet access? You're fucked and have a $5 file on your PS3 you can't use.
[quote name='DrMunkee']Well, after all the "DRM" talk, I had a little conversation with myself -

"Well, can I play Final Fight for a couple of awesome nostalgia filled hours for the price of a HD movie rental?"
"Yes, I can."
"Here is your 5 bucks, Capcom."

Simple choice for me. Shit, I probably paid 5 bucks in quarters to play this in the arcade.

If you enjoy old school beat-em-ups (like Streets of Rage), this is a must own. While not as good as the original TMNT: Turtles in Time game, it is certainly a classic.

By the way, Thanks OP! Sorry your thread got turned into a DRM battleground.[/QUOTE]

But what if the apocalypse hits and we never have an Internet connection ever again? THEN YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO PLAY FINAL FIGHT!!! You basically just wasted your five dollars, congratulations.

Or even better, what if you move and you have to change cable/Internet providers? You might not have Internet access for 1-2 days. THAT MEANS YOU CAN'T PLAY FINAL FIGHT FOR 1-2 DAYS!!!!!! fuck Capcom!
[quote name='token2k6']ugh fine, I won't get it and will just look at some of the Summer Sale items..[/QUOTE]

Did you seriously just change your mind about buying this game because of these guys?
Downloading it right now. I don't game share (the details are too confusing for me) and I'm always logged in when I play Guitar Hero or Rock Band (games I play consistently) so this new policy has no negative effects for me.

Anyway, thanks OP.
[quote name='gettinmoney662']But what if the apocalypse hits and we never have an Internet connection ever again? THEN YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO PLAY FINAL FIGHT!!! You basically just wasted your five dollars, congratulations.

Or even better, what if you move and you have to change cable/Internet providers? You might not have Internet access for 1-2 days. THAT MEANS YOU CAN'T PLAY FINAL FIGHT FOR 1-2 DAYS!!!!!! fuck Capcom![/QUOTE]

Oh my god! Screw the couple of hours of entertainment I had playing this game when I bought it. I paid 5 bucks to play it during the apocalypse, not right now. That was just practice fun. Capcom, you are about to get an angry letter.

And on an actual useful note:
Don't leave the game paused for too long. It just gave me the Game Over screen after I paused it to talk on the phone for a couple of minutes. Maybe I hit something?
And whoever came up with the idea of putting the arcade cabinet around the game deserves a raise. I want more of this, people!
[quote name='DrMunkee']Oh my god! Screw the couple of hours of entertainment I had playing this game when I bought it. I paid 5 bucks to play it during the apocalypse, not right now. That was just practice fun. Capcom, you are about to get an angry letter.

And on an actual useful note:
Don't leave the game paused for too long. It just gave me the Game Over screen after I paused it to talk on the phone for a couple of minutes. Maybe I hit something?
And whoever came up with the idea of putting the arcade cabinet around the game deserves a raise. I want more of this, people![/QUOTE]

I think the default settings are you play online and people can join your game whenever like you were playing in an arcade. Therefore, you can't pause it. However, I'm 99% sure you can change this in the settings.
[quote name='gettinmoney662']I think the default settings are you play online and people can join your game whenever like you were playing in an arcade. Therefore, you can't pause it. However, I'm 99% sure you can change this in the settings.[/QUOTE]

Thank you! I might have to look into this.
I'd like to get this game but yeah the DRM is a definite no buy for me. Not because of GS because I really couldn't care less about that but because of the always interneted part. I have a shoddy connection at best that is constantly going out and needing to be reset. Would be awesome to not be able to play the game because of that, yeah! Plus I generally don't like to be logged into PSN when I'm on my console anyways.
[quote name='sadakou']DRM Alert
Do not purchase this game unless you support companies limiting your access to things you purchase for console gaming.


Companies like, for example, Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony?

see what happens to your VC games when you wanna buy a new Wii. then try to call nintendo about it.
The online requirement/DRM for this game prevents me from buying this game. I'm not always in an online-ready environment
Don't most of you guys have double digit if not triple digit backlogs? If you're not in an "Internet ready" environment, play something else. You guys act like you'll be playing this game every day for the next 15 years.
[quote name='gettinmoney662']Don't most of you guys have double digit if not triple digit backlogs? If you're not in an "Internet ready" environment, play something else. You guys act like you'll be playing this game every day for the next 15 years.[/QUOTE]

And that's just it. I have everyone from Capcom to random Internet guys like "getinmoney662" telling me how to play the games I purchased. It's my money, my game, and my time and you don't get a say in any of it. If Capcom would drop the DRM I would gladly drop the cash on their game. Until then, I stand by my principles.
[quote name='fester']And that's just it. I have everyone from Capcom to random Internet guys like "getinmoney662" telling me how to play the games I purchased. It's my money, my game, and my time and you don't get a say in any of it. If Capcom would drop the DRM I would gladly drop the cash on their game. Until then, I stand by my principles.[/QUOTE]

Ooo, a man of principle! The ladies must go wild.
The idea of making a game that is offline require a internet connection is a no go for me. I will not support that in any shape or form. For everyone that thinks that it isn't a big deal to each his own.
Supposed to be a good game for $5. If this were Streets of Rage (Final Fight was slightly ahead of my time), I would bite. DRM (I didnt even know what the hell that meant until a couple pages of this thread) and all. It all comes down to whether or not you really like the game and/or have fond memories of it in the arcade.

Either that or you just like to get angry at a lot of things that arent that important in life.
Initially, I heard you had to be logged into PSN to play the game. Now, I'm hearing you just need to be connected to the internet, which is it? I like to sometimes turn my router off while on games I can play single player.

@ijag233: does not apply to XBL
[quote name='ijag233']Does the online only thing apply to the XBLA version or just the PSN one?[/QUOTE]

PSN version only.

If you have a reliable internet connection and are interested in this game, I suggest going ahead and buying it now. Xbox seems to be going through a "DLC-only on sale" phase. It might be a while.

[quote name='wrencrest']Supposed to be a good game for $5. If this were Streets of Rage (Final Fight was slightly ahead of my time), I would bite. DRM (I didnt even know what the hell that meant until a couple pages of this thread) and all. It all comes down to whether or not you really like the game and/or have fond memories of it in the arcade.

Either that or you just like to get angry at a lot of things that arent that important in life.[/QUOTE]

Finally. Someone I can relate to.
It's unfortunate, but I'll admit I'm the kind of guy to get uppity about things like DRM. So I won't buy this.

I'm also the kind of guy who will probably die at 60 of a heart attack brought on by too much stress in my life.
Just finished playing some of FF and I really like the extras with the concept art and the comic samples (nice touch with the relica arcade machine). Best of all is the new music; makes me forget about the dated sound effects.

One thing that's really bugging me is the trophy messages that appear on the bottom and don't disappear. If I break a barrel or can, it's hard to see if there's anything there to pick up.

If you guys need to play this version of Final Fight that badly and don't mind missing the extras (worth it alone for $5), just go to Goozex and get it for 100 points as part of the Capcom Classics Collection (which ironically is equivalent to $5 or free if you're a new member). It's not on PS3, but you can get it on PSP, PS2, and Xbox.
I love FF, but don't enjoy having to play it by their rules. I don't share games, so I shouldn't get punished for it. Screw you Capcom. I'll spend my $$ elsewhere.
[quote name='bredbu']that makes it a non-purchasable title for me[/QUOTE]

If you're that worried about sharing, you probably haven't purchased a whole lot anyway.
[quote name='argyle']People make WAY too big of a deal about this stuff. The game is $5 - if that's too rich for your blood because you can't steal it with your friends & knock it down to $1 then I'm sure you're breaking Capcom's heart by not buying it.[/QUOTE]

What are you, Glen Beck? Is there only ever one explanation for why someone doesn't like something? I don't game share, but I do have a crappy internet connection that goes down on occasion. So what happens when I'm about to free the beautiful Jessica Haggar from the clutches of the Mad Gear and the SINGLE PLAYER game boots me for not being online? Not only would I like to break Capcom's heart, I'd like to kick open its chest and spit on it too.
if this were a pc game, I'd understand. but it's a console game. Consoles are proprietary by definition. You can't play PS3 games on the 360. You can't share downloaded XBL games. The PS3 lets you use a game on 5 systems only. XBLA only lets you activate one console per year. If you have games on more than one console, you have to sign in to XBL to play full versions of ALL games. The wii doesn't let you redownload anything at all ever except to the one console you originally downloaded it on. The only exception is if the thing breaks and you send it in for Nintendo to do it for you. That's just scratching the surface of what you can't do on account of being on a closed system.

tl;dr: Your whole console experience is DRMed out the ass. Stop acting like you give a shit.
[quote name='gettinmoney662']Don't most of you guys have double digit if not triple digit backlogs? If you're not in an "Internet ready" environment, play something else. You guys act like you'll be playing this game every day for the next 15 years.[/QUOTE]

Actually, i've been playing my SNES copy of Final Fight for almost twenty years now. Not every day, but i do still break out the SNES from time to time, and it's nice to know the game will still run if i want to play it. In that respect, a watered down version of the game that's missing levels, characters, and even simultaneous play(oh, and transvestites) is still preferable to this one.

Haven't done any gamesharing, don't intend on starting, and wouldn't give a damn if publishers implemented some other anti-game sharing measure, provided that was the only consequence of said measure.
This is one game. BUT, what if it starts becoming the same bullcrap for EVERY game?

I definitely don't like the fact that you have to be connected to the internet to play this game. This is one game, but what if it starts becoming the norm for ALL games? What if my internet is out, or I'm out of my house and I don't have internet, and I want to play some games, but find out that none of them WORK?

That may be the future we're heading to. People who say "you are whining about unimportant things" are being completely short-sighted.
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5$ is nothing. And the game has so many unlockables, a episode from the SF cartoon and even a entire other game with it, Magic Sword. For 5$, even with the DRM dilemma , its completely worth it.

Most of you would spend much more than 5$ in the arcade trying to beat it once.
[quote name='dios']Most of you would spend much more than 5$ in the arcade trying to beat it once.[/QUOTE]Not to spur debate further, but the arcade experience is much different and more valuable (to me, at least).

Hey guys. I read some of the responses in this thread and was very pleased by what I was reading. Rest assured we here at Activision are working with Capcom to make sure each and every one of you will have many opportunities to spend "only $5" on DRM-locked games and DLC that should have been on the retail disc in the near future.

In the meantime, don't forget to preorder to Deluxe Elite Ultra Mega edition of First Person War Guitar Music Marine 12, coming this fall. And be sure to pick up the $15 map pack launching the next day. After all, it's "only $15".

While you wait, be sure to burn all your retro consoles. We don't want you playing Bubble Bobble again this year without being on an online-ready console with our upcoming LIVE Arcade and PSN release of Bubble Bobble: DRM Strikes Back edition.

Keep up the good fight against these NERDS who keep trying to boycott our amazing business practices.

Thanks guys!

- Bobby K

[quote name='sadakou']DRM Alert
Do not purchase this game unless you support companies limiting your access to things you purchase for console gaming.


This needs to be posted on each page.
This might be worth picking up for $4.99 for a rainy Saturday - though I'd much rather TMNT: Turtles in Time going down to $4.99 or Flower being reduced to a $5 price tag.
So...what happened to the dude that said some of the disc based games require internet to play? I'm still waiting for that list.
[quote name='sTaTIx']This is one game. BUT, what if it starts becoming the same bullcrap for EVERY game?

I definitely don't like the fact that you have to be connected to the internet to play this game. This is one game, but what if it starts becoming the norm for ALL games? What if my internet is out, or I'm out of my house and I don't have internet, and I want to play some games, but find out that none of them WORK?

That may be the future we're heading to. People who say "you are whining about unimportant things" are being completely short-sighted.[/QUOTE]

What if it does happen for every game? What if they make you pay $0.25 everytime you start it up so it's actually like an arcade? What if they lock everyone's PS3 so that you can only turn it on when you subscribe to PSN+? What if Sony breaks in to everyone's house and demands $100 on the spot?

We can play the What If? all day and at the end of the day, your little bullshit boycott still wouldn't have changed anything.
I enjoyed this and as some have pointed out the unlockables alone can warrant the purchase at this price. I did run into the DRM this past week, when my connection went dead, but it is such a great remix that I still consider it worth it.

Also, to those who loved the inclusion of the Street Fighter episode: You should check out the lowball auction currently going on in the trading forums. BackSeatDog (a highly reputable seller) is auctioning off the second season (with the awesome "Final Fight" episode) and the current bid is only $1.
I am definitely against any game that requires a permanent net connection to play, but man it's only $5 and I spent way more than that when I was in college playing it in the arcade so I have been wanting this game for a while. I am probably going to buy it regardless of the DRM even if it is against my principles this one time.

AFAIK this is the only game on PSN that requires you to be online even when playing solo. The only PS3 disc game I can think of that requires a net connection to play is that Demon Souls game. Passed on that one it was horrible IMO. If your talking games on PC anything Ubisoft has this type of DRM. I am boycotting them completely for all their new games. But I think I wouldn't mind buying them for $5 or less, cause to me that is the maximum amount of money any game that requires a permanent net connection to play in single player is worth regardless of what their development costs were.
[quote name='argyle']And? A lot of disk-based games require you to be connected as well. Does no one else remember the fiasco when PSN was down for a day just after Heavy Rain released & no one could play it?

People make WAY too big of a deal about this stuff. The game is $5 - if that's too rich for your blood because you can't steal it with your friends & knock it down to $1 then I'm sure you're breaking Capcom's heart by not buying it.[/QUOTE]

Errr, can you give me some example of A LOT? I don't think you can come up with one disc-based game :lol:
I guess I won't be buying this. Ever since I got an Android, I canceled my internet. I don't need it. I can go to a friends house to download games. I shouldn't have to be online to play this, and I am not using my phone as a hotspot yet. I already have every version of Final Fight in every format, and out of principle, I'd rather even buy the arcade version for $100.
[quote name='sadakou']

Hey guys. I read some of the responses in this thread and was very pleased by what I was reading. Rest assured we here at Activision are working with Capcom to make sure each and every one of you will have many opportunities to spend "only $5" on DRM-locked games and DLC that should have been on the retail disc in the near future.

In the meantime, don't forget to preorder to Deluxe Elite Ultra Mega edition of First Person War Guitar Music Marine 12, coming this fall. And be sure to pick up the $15 map pack launching the next day. After all, it's "only $15".

While you wait, be sure to burn all your retro consoles. We don't want you playing Bubble Bobble again this year without being on an online-ready console with our upcoming LIVE Arcade and PSN release of Bubble Bobble: DRM Strikes Back edition.

Keep up the good fight against these NERDS who keep trying to boycott our amazing business practices.

Thanks guys!

- Bobby K


Are you still ranting? Geez, give it a rest. Go play a non-DRM'd video game while jerking off to your sense of self-righteousness
Wow, I never realized how many people actually game share. And no, dont hate just because I was ignorant of the fact. Im not judging or anything. But the debate falls under the same catagory as any fanboy argument does. If it bothers you that much, dont buy it. You gave the heads up about no game sharing, so let those that dont care about the required internet just buy it. I personally dont see an issue dropping 5 bucks for final fight which was always a classic so I might have to pick it up.
bread's done